You may have seen headlines this morning that United will now allow economy class passengers to use first class lavatories onboard. While true, the new United Airlines lavatory policy is temporary and not without limits.
United Airlines Updates Lavatory Usage Policy
Starting November 1, 2020, you’ll hear a slight change to the lavatory announcement when you fly on United:
“Please use the restroom located in your cabin when possible.”
In consultation with the Cleveland Clinic, United notes this will provide “more flexibility by allowing customers to use lavatories in a cabin of service other than their own to reduce lavatory lines and prevent crowding in the aisle.”
But I would not mark this as a permanent. Live and Let’s Fly reviewed the memo flight attendants received, which is entitled, “Temporary update to lavatory usage policy.”
It notes that economy class passengers do not have carte blanche authority to use lavatories in the forward cabin. Instead it notes examples where passengers can use lavatories outside their cabin:
- There’s a line for the lavatory in economy and a lavatory in the premium cabin is open
- The service cart is in the aisle blocking a customer from the lavatory in their cabin
- A customer is sitting close to the lavatory outside of their cabin
- As a reminder, if a customer has a special need (e.g., a disability, medical condition, elderly, a minor or pregnant) they can use any lavatory regardless of the ticketed cabin
Thus, the policy is not intended for passengers in row 48 to go up to row one to take care of business. Practically, though, it is unlikely flight attendants will be in the policing business during the pandemic.
Curtains between cabin have not been in use during the pandemic and this policy is not unreasonable. While access to a lavatory with less foot traffic is (and should remain) a great benefit of premium cabin travel, I certainly think passengers should use the lavatory accessible to them if a drink cart is in the aisle.
What are your thoughts on the United Airlines lavatory policy?

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What about economy passengers moving business class to increase social distancing
Sorry, you cannot take one of the Polaris seats with you upon deplaning.
This is some hard hitting journalism.
Good to have you back Debit!
I am 77 and have diabetes and will go to visit my 82 year old sister who has health issues. My two flights will be 17 + hours. I will pay the extra and wear both a mask and face shield in order to have more space between passenger seats to help not get or carry the virus to my sister.
This is a sensical move during the pandemic.
You better believe I’m going to be the guy in deep coach making the trip up to the front of the plane when I have to go number 2 – crop dusting the first class cabin on my way.
But I thought you only flew up front?
First class ain’t special paying ridiculous prices for what
Cubed cheese and a $2 glass of Merlot. C’mon Jt, get with the program
For the last forty years, I have tried to knock some sense into the airline industry. Going to the bathroom is a human right. Premium cabin passengers should knock off snobbery. Paying more has nothing to do in this matter. Long lines in economy at the end of night flights IS UNFAIR. The change must be permanent and Industry-wide!!!
My opinion parallels that of society as far as wealth. When I am in first or business class, I want my lavatory to be just among fellow first or business passengers. This is MINE! When I am in economy class, I feel like Bernie Sanders. Gimme this free, it is for everyone. Free, Paid for by The Rich. Just tax those SOB’s and make them pay and suffer! Kick them while you’re at it. Or pretend to be nice but slam them with unfunded mandates and requirements.
I once saw a woman police officer at an airport seeing a line of illegally parked cars at the departure level. She wrote only one ticket, for the Mercedes Benz. She scoffed “they can afford it!”. Poor Lives Matters! Rich Lives Don’t Matter.
Note that I almost always fly economy class, even when crossing an ocean.
I disagree with this. There are planes w/ 3 we in economy but they always get canceled. We chose 1st class because my wife is at risk. With extra traffic you are putting her at risk. We pay a high price for those tickets since you do not keep the middle seat free.
Going to the bathroom is a human right. Premium cabin passengers, knock off your Snobbery!!! The ratio of bathrooms to passengers is low!
People pay good money for the perks of premium class, including having access to nicer restrooms that are bigger (depending on the airline & plane) and having more bathrooms per passenger in those cabins. It does matter. In the case of government induced travel declines, I understand United relaxing the policy if planes are not full. However, I hope it doesn’t last when things return to normal.
I agree with you…. if you want it, then pay for it…. if it’s an absolute emergency and there are
Lines in the coach sections I get it, but don’t just waltz into premium class expecting to use the restroom if there is no line in coach section. I had to use the restroom once and was in first class, there was a line in coach and they had people waiting behind the curtain to use first class bathroom….. I was permitted be go before the others… they had to wait…. nobody complained about it either….. I paid 3 times what they paid for my ticket….. I’m not a snob by any means, but I have seen flight attendants ( mostly on Delta, refuse coach passengers from the first class restrooms several times… even if there is a small line.
So United doesn’t block middle seats so if you want more space during the pandemic you need to buy a first class seat to avoid traffic and crowding. Now United takes that away? What a boneheaded move. I have a low opinion of Kirby but even he should have seen the glaring problem here when this came across his desk.
On some flights I have been on, the FAs have not exactly enforced the rule that economy passengers must use the restroom in their ticketed cabin.
I can understand premium plus passengers on the 787-10 and the high J 763 using the rear restrooms in Polaris as they are practically in the PP cabin AND PP has no lav. But for economy on a short haul using the F lav, as one who pays for F when he flies, this devalues F a bit (although, the restriction has not been enforced well as it is, so this may mean no change in F lav usage)
What a snob, Derek is!
Whatever Derek is, ok, but I am derek. Not Derek.
So you put the snobbish comment about the first class bathroom being yours. Shame on you! Going to the bathroom is a human right. Long lines in economy are unfair. Paying higher fares has nothing to do in this matter.
There are two Derek’s posting. Lower case “derek” is not me.
And yes, those paying for F deserve better service. Shorter wait times for the restrooms is one of the perks
Just flew the 787-10 long haul, have to agree. Was 2ft from the rear Polaris restroom, 2 cabins from the nearest restroom in economy. Makes no sense to have to walk halfway across the plane when a restroom is right there, especially when we had to change diapers every few hours.
Were you allowed to use the rear polaris restroom? I’ve read conflicting reviews about that
Assuming Brad was in PP – I know those seats/restroom well, usually the FAs put the curtain up and scold you if you go through it to use them (so yes, you have to go to a BR 50 feet away vs. 5). But that was all pre-COVID so hopefully fair game now.
Because people want you changing the diaper every few hours in a cabin they paid more for right?
We’re all human here I hope. I don’t care how much you paid for sitting up there, when you got to go ya gotta go. Just remember if you ever need to go to the back of the plane don’t forget to bring your quarters.
This isn’t much of a change. I’ve seen people from economy use the business/first class lavatory on many flights. I’ve also checked out the line for the economy lavatory after the person wanders by, and often, no line back there. Of all the times I’ve flown on UA, I’ve only witnessed a FA asking the person to use the lavatory in their cabin one time. I know when I’m in economy, even PE, I use the lavatory in economy, and it’s irritating to see others who don’t follow the rules and act entitled. If you want the privilege, pay for it. Same feeling when people in economy put their carryon in the overhead bins at the front of the plane, not over their seat.
This is a terrible change, one that will make it harder for FA’s to get people to stick to their own cabin. United should reverse this change.
As if we need another reason not to fly F. The extra foot traffic alone from this will be annoying. I pay for a quiet cabin
Calm down, Fred. We get your point, it doesn’t need to be repeated a dozen times.
Yes, this is a “temporary” measure, just like wearing masks is temporary …
Baggage fees too were temporary
I can see it with ways. My husband who is high risk purchases first class due to the risk. That having been said, I don’t think I have ever been in a first class cabin where other passengers were actually sent back if they tried to use the first class lav. They use them all the time. (On another airline when I was in the bulkhead in coach, I tried to use the first class lav due to the line and was sent back to my cabin…) That said, I think it would be fine to permit use of the lav as long as they don’t permit lines.
Have rarely seen the “use the lavatory in your class of cabin” rule enforced, even before COVID and certainly not since. This is a ‘meh’ announcement. Doubt enforcement will change after COVID. Not a big deal either way, imo.
Y’all need Jesus.
First time reading this forum and I’m shocked to see that only 1 of you so far acknowledges that this puts those in 1st class at more risk of COVID transmission. This is a pandemic! No…if I’m in 1st class its not about “snobbery” its that I don’t want a bunch of people walking past me with their possible COVID droplets reigning on me……..This is the wrong approach for UA and thankfully most of my flying is done for this year.
Hate to burst your bubble, but people in first class could have Covid too…. just saying…… it’s not a coach class illness…so could the hundreds of people you pass by in the airport…if you don’t want to get Covid I think a big plastic bubble might be a good choice…. ANYONE can get this, and spread it easily, sometimes without any signs of being ill…. most of us will live, some will die, but this is the way life is…. nobody has a guarantee of life…. everyone has a number on their back, and when it’s up, it’s up…. me included…. we are not immortal.
I fly first class often and it doesn’t really bug me if people in coach use the bathroom unless….. they have to [redacted by admin]……crapping on a plane is just gross and rude, evacuate those damn bowels before you fly people….. all it does it stink up the plane…..Plus…. who the hell [redacted by admin] on a plane?? I mean really????
Flew american airlines in the beginning of October 2020. At the end of the flight the pilot thank everyone for flying and be safe and practice social distancing. Meanwhile the plane was packed, no empty seats. No spacing as other airlines do. Never fly american again