A woman has been arrested for allegedly drowning her dog in a Florida airport bathroom after LATAM informed her that she could not take her dog onboard. The details here are really grisly.
Florida Woman Arrested After Allegedly Drowning Dog In Orlando Airport Toilet
Let’s review the chain of events that first unfolded on December 16, 2024, at Orlando Airport:
- Alison Agatha Lawrence, 57, was scheduled to fly from Orlando (MCO) to Bogota (BOG) on LATAM
- While checking in, her dog, a nine-year-old miniature schnauzer named Tywinn, was denied boarding because she did not have the correct paperwork to transport the dog to Colombia
- Lawrence walked away from the counter to an airport restroom with her dog
- There, she was observed in a stall for an extended period cleaning up “a lot of water and a lot of dog food”
- When the bathroom cleaner entered the restroom about 20 minutes later, she found the trash can to be much heavier than normal
- Inside the trash can she found the dog, with a collar around its neck, still warm…but dead
- An investigation revealed the dog died by being drowned
- It took the police some time to put the puzzle pieces together and locate Lawrence, but she was arrested on March 18, 2025, and placed in a Lake County jail, but will be extradited to Orange County (both counties are in the greater Orlando area)
- Lawrence has been arrested and charged with third-degree animal cruelty (punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a $5,000 fine)
I’m not going to embed any photos of the bathroom or deceased dog, but police investigatory photos are quite dismaying…
The Orlando Police Department later revealed in an affidavit:
After Alison Agatha Lawrence was denied boarding of the dog due to improper paperwork, [she] is believed to have taken extreme and tragic action by killing the dog.
Lawrence posted a $5,000 bond and has been released.
This Is A Tragic Story…
I write often about how much I dislike travelers who put fake service vests on dogs to avoid pet fees or travel with their oversized canines. Some people have misinterpreted that to mean that I hate dogs. That could not be further from the truth.
This story genuinely outrages me and I am reminded once again that humans are a messed up race of people…what could possibly cause someone to kill their dog in order to make a flight?
I don’t put the value of a dog’s life on par with the value of a human life…so I’m not calling for Lawrence to be drowned in the same way that she drowned her dog…but I hope she spends at least a couple of years in jail for her selfish, cruel, and unethical actions.
A Florida woman faces up to five years in jail for murdering her dog by drowning it in an Orlando Airport restroom. I hope prosecutors throw the book at her and a judge or jury of her peers holds her accountable for her actions. Such behavior is disgusting. Period.
image: Orlando Police Department // hat tip: The Bulkhead Seat
Florida has a reputation for being tough on crime, now is the time to show it. The fact that bail was only $5000 is an embarrassment, she should be rotting in jail until trial and then found guilty and sentenced to the max.
And unlike you Matt, I also would be fine with dropping her off deep in the Everglades and letting her try and find her way out. Spoiler Alert…..she wouldn’t make it.
Murder 1. Minimum life without parole.
Her life is less valuable that that of the dog as shown by her sctions
I am derek, not Derek
For the murder law, the dog is not a person
I met a person who murdered his wife in California and got 35 years. His wife was having an affair with her professor and had his baby. He found out, shot her in the chest, then turned himself over to the police.
and make her serve her sentence either as a slave or send her to Bukele
Do not spend our tax dollars on this piece of filth
Unfortunately, some people think of pets as disposable items. I know people who will spend hundreds of $ on a fancy pet, then not take it to the vet for care because “it’s too expensive”. When the pet dies, they just get another one.
Callous and cruel. Surely there are other options ( kennel the dog, call animal control to abandon the dog into custody ) anything but what she did. Bail was too low and she deserves jail time.
Kristi Noem has a job waiting for this lady
Nah…. better yet, dunk both their heads in a toilet ‘to clean things up a bit’ ….
Fox Orlando said she also used multiple names which they had to go through before tracking her down. Maybe more charges are coming.
I wish I never heard of this disturbing story. What a revolting outcome. You would think in total desperation she would instead convince someone to take the dog.
I have to defend Matthew on this one…..i think its the proliferation of the “working pet” grift that has some contributing factors to this sad story.
People have been accustom of flouting the rules and trying to take animals as if they are like any other peice of luggage….when costs and hassle arrive that they didnt forsee…they just abandon stuff….much to this sad woman did in Florida. I hope they give her the max jail time for this crime…..
Dogs and pets have needs…..and you have responsibility for them. That means extra cost. coordination and perhaps staying home when they are in need of your attention.
Pets have become an emotional crutch that people think they can take with them like a pearl necklace….an accessory. If you cant travel with out a pet and pay for the appropraite carriage fees or get them formally trained (legit)…..you should probably stay home.
Florida: The gift that keeps on giving
Such a despicable act. Pets give us so much unconditional love.