When we think about “no-fly lists” we have to also think about how much humans, companies, and governments are prone to error. In the case of Ryanair, the Irish carrier has apologized for banning a man for being disruptive...
Nine Hours In United Airlines Polaris 767-300ER Business Class…

Let’s take a look at the current state of affairs in longhaul business class on United Airlines. I just flew on a 767-300ER in Polaris from London to Chicago. United Airlines Polaris Business Class 2024: What To Expect Stepping...
American Airlines Says It Should Not Be Held Responsible For Actions Of Pervert Flight Attendant

In a court filing, American Airlines argues that it should not be held legally liable for the conduct of its flight attendant who surreptitiously filmed underage girls in aircraft lavatories. Does AA actually have a point? American Airlines: Don’t...
Yuck: Chihuahua Relieves Himself On United Airlines Flight…All Over Seat

A little dog made a big stink… After a woman flagrantly violated the rules by letting her chihuahua dog out of his pet carrier on a United Airlines flight, the dog relieved himself by defecating all over the woman...