It really goes beyond the issue of masks and goes to human decency: is your life so pathetic that you have to lie about being unable to wear a mask and in doing so, create an environment of discomfort for your fellow passengers? Is being a little extra cautious during a time of a public health emergency an act of surrender tantamount to laying down your arms or being denied the right to vote?
Another Mask Incident On American Airlines
I actually hate that I have to bring this up again, as if the hundreds of comments last week did not beat the horse to death. This isn’t the forum to debate about whether masks work. It is also not the forum to debate the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. I’m so over it and we’re still 100 days away…
But you see, there was an incident on American Airlines over the weekend we need to discuss. Some guy refused to put on a mask, claiming a medical exemption. When asked to elaborate, he refused, saying it violated his right to privacy. The captain ended up giving anyone who was uncomfortable the right to exit the aircraft. No one did. The flight took off. He and his wife remained onboard. You can watch his selectively-edited video below:
Presumably, this guy will not be allowed to travel on American Airline after July 29th.
Ok, I’ll get political here. The folks who would otherwise say “businesses should have the right to refuse service to anyone” are suddenly whistling for regulation when it comes to this. That violates my HIPAA rights! That violates my ADA rights! (No and no…) They’re all for privacy…when it suits them.
I am becoming increasingly irritated by the topic because we are pathetic basket case to the world here in the good old USA. It’s not about Trump, as if one man can be responsible for the problem. It’s about our selfish refusal to look a problem in the eye, learn from our neighbors, and take steps to eliminate it.
How did much of the developed world tame the pandemic? They used the strange moment in time in which we live to embrace the common cause of defeating a lethal but invisible enemy. It did not become a political issue. They thought big picture, not just the next election. By sacrificing their freedom of movement on a short-term basis, they now have it back and no longer have to wear masks or find their favorite restaurants and coffee shops closed.
I’m not going to play the stats game here. I know the risk of death from COVID-19 is low. I know some initial projects were way off.
So what…that makes this whole thing just a scam? You really think that?
Go check out a hospital morgue and come back. I’m not really interested in whether the man who had cancer and COVID-19 died of cancer or COVID-19. I am interested in telling the story of the many who are placed on a ventilator never to wake up again.
There’s much we still don’t know about COVID-19…its long-term effects, its ability to mutate, and its unexpected impact on children being three big ones.
When people claim that being asked to wear a mask is like giving up their right of free exercise or the right to bear arms, I just don’t get it. I never will. Wear the mask for the sake of your neighbor, not your own. So what if it doesn’t work? Judging by the millions of opinions on this matter, we need more time to figure that question out. So in the meantime, keep wearing the mask…they are really not that uncomfortable.
I don’t know. I’m rambling and am just going to leave this and move on with my morning. Maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
But this guy on American Airlines has a picture on Instagram of himself wearing a mask….seriously.

So much for the “I can’t wear a mask” argument. Hypocrite.
People, don’t lie about your health when your actions could harm others (even if there is only a remote chance). It’s not reasonable. And with so much division and so much mistrust, can we not just work together on this?
What an idiot. A trump supporter of course.
@doublejade: If you don’t hold a graduate degree (Masters, PhD) in Statistics with a dissertation of “All Trump supporters are idiots”, then please do not make statement like that. I am not his supporter; but our citizens voted for him. Last, show some respect. You can hate/dislike him, but at least capital the first letter of his last name, because he is a person.
So actually our citizens voted for Clinton. Due to the 200 year old process, the electoral college, that has not aged well, and is not used in any other democracy or first-world nation, Trump sneaked in.
Multiple analyses by esteemed publications such as Foreign Policy, The Economist, the NY Times, and Pacific Standard reference studies that find, if Trump supporters are not dumber, they are at least significantly less informed on factual information. A study a few years ago by the University of Michigan found that Fox News watchers (i.e. Republicans) are actually less informed than even people who watch no news.
There is a Republican attack on intellectualism and science at every level, and this time around, its not damaging the county, its LITERALLY killing people.
Hahahahaha. Respect is earned. Drumpf has shown no respect to people. Why should he be respected?
Actually, our citizens didn’t vote for him – 46.1% to Clinton’s 48.2%. The Electoral College voted for him 304 to 227; so while he may be the legal president of the US under the Constitution, his legitimacy has the elected leader of the nation is dubious at best.
@ Matthew — What happened to BA-resident anti-masker “I fly every week” George?
I am mystified that someone with the education level such as Matthew has fallen for the dominant doctrine without question. For me this has become a world wide iron fisted seizure of power by malevolent actors using a virus as a convenient conduit allowing zero dissent. The author just stops short of endorsing the horrible house arrest and devaststing economic shutdowns. Then uses the word compassion and care. I could not be more disappointed in this narrow, myopic and if I may suggest stratified view. For someone as accomplished as the author I expect more.
And yes there are those that do indeed have issues with muzzles and not just thd psycological effects.
Dude, you’re not supposed to drink the bleach.
You are so hung up on classroom education that you think that is the only way show you intelligence and common sense. I have a degree too. But, I also realize there are other ways to show your intelligence also. Oh, and by the way learn how to to spell and proof read you writings before you push submit.
“…learn how to to spell and proof read you writings before you push submit.”
He did not state that all trump supporters are idiots, just that this idiot is a trump supporter. And he is clearly an idiot, and a trump supporter
Your citizens did not elect trump, the electoral college did. Clinton won the popular vote 😉
I do not get why people make dramas when they are asked to wear a mask on a plane. It’s kinda as if they were trying to make a useless statement.
I don’t know if doublejade and you are the same person, but I apologize for coming on too strong. I hope doublejade is not mad at me 🙂
Agree with you 100% Matthew. Wearing a mask has nothing to do with politics and doesn’t impinge of anyone’s freedoms or rights. Perhaps protesters should focus on the requirement to buy car insurance next. 🙂
… Or seat belts, Or motorcycle helmets… or take your pick of any number of safety laws. But hey… what do I know.
Whenever I see something like this, I’m reminded of the virus denier in Texas who reportedly turned to his nurse just before dying from COVID complications and uttered, “Guess I didn’t take this seriously enough.”
These “rugged individualists” need to brush up on HIPAA, the ADA –and current science.
Good luck, Mr. Harris, to you and your bride. Here’s hoping your smug, selfish, misinformed refusal serves you well going forward. My guess is your future travel plans won’t involve American.
I don’t even understand why anyone afraid of the cooties would even be out of their house in the first place… the only way that they can 100% prevent the spread is by self isolating. So, clearly everyone on the plane was not concerned because they were out and about, not hiding at home from cooties.
Lorie, I think there are shades of grey that you miss. You don’t have to ignore science, and you don’t have to lock yourself in a room – there is middle ground. Europe, parts of Asia, and pretty much every civilized country in the world has proven that with basic precautions and a little bit of personal responsibility and empathy, you can travel and be out AND keep yourself and others safe. But the key word is “with the proper precautions”. Too significant a part of our population in this country, starting with the idiot in the White House, has really no basic understanding of science, thinks they somehow know better, and has put the entire nation’s health and economy in danger through sheer ignorance and malice.
We had one of these types in Australia yesterday: tried to enter a big store without a mask ( masks are mandated in Melbourne in all public areas). Tried to argue that this was discrimination against her “ as a living woman”, citing UN human rights statutes.
These crazies are coming out of the woodwork. I say: Round ‘em up and lock ‘em up until this situation resolves.
@T Sure his name is “Keep America Great Again”. All CAPITALs. How great America is these days?
Lorie Jamieson – it is obvious that you are not elderly, have a preexisting condition or have ever been in an ICU. Your dismissal of COVID-19 as cooties is unwarranted. There is no 100% prevention of the spread of the disease as nobody lives entirely in a virus proof bubble. Perhaps you need a week long trip to an ICU for an acute asthma attack, or a 2 month bout with a severe flu or a two month case of walking pneumonia to wake you up. COVID-19 is not some imaginary bug, like cooties, as tens of thousands of dead bodies are quite real. The reason the disease is roaring back is because people are not taking it serious enough, have a political agenda to suppress the economy by calling people to the streets for never ending protests, or refuse to properly wear a mask or socially distance. Many of such people are younger and think themselves immortal right up until the day they discover they are not.
Flash news! You guys knows the word “[redacted by admin]”? Take a wild guess what does it mean…..
Clean it up, James.
737-800 must be undergoing scheduled maintenance today.
LOL. I am here and reading everyones opinions. I was going to send my thoughts to Matthew privately. But since you brought me up, my biggest issue is that masks are the gateway to mandatory vaccines. Pretty soon it will be that you need a mandatory vaccine to travel, instead of the mask. It’s a very slippery slope, despite Matthew refusing to admit that in his coverage.
Doctors testify in Washington for hydrochloroquine. Only two minutes:
US Frontline Doctors Hold Presser in Washington DC to Dispel Misinformation on COVID-19 – Including Attacks on Life-Saving HCQ Treatments
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
US Frontline Doctors Hold Presser in Washington DC to Dispel Misinformation on COVID-19 – Including Attacks on Life-Saving HCQ Treatments
Anthony Joseph
7:07 PM (8 minutes ago)
to Liz, Anthony
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
There are mandatory vaccines for travel. A Yellow Fever vaccine is required for travel to numerous countries, and even more require it for travelers coming from countries where Yellow Fever is endemic.
There are side effects, and even some risk in this vaccination, but overall we’re safer for it, and there is no religious exemption for Americans.
US Frontline Doctors Hold Presser in Washington DC to Dispel Misinformation on COVID-19 – Including Attacks on Life-Saving HCQ Treatments
Frontline doctors from across the US held a “White Coat Summit” on Monday in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus.
The doctors are very concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today.
From their website: “If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.”
well said matthew
Yes, I know I’m screaming. You need to be screamed at like a spoiled 4 year old.
I don’t dismiss your point, but I also think there is value in calling out these people because most people are getting tired of such charades and the more such abuse is exposed, the fewer people will tolerate it.
What do you mean “these people” when you talk about Mr. Harris? Do you have a problem that a man of color is sitting in first class? He’s just asserting his rights.
Um, he was in coach…
He got what he wanted – notoriety and far too much of it for my tastes.
And we all never heard him before today and will forget his name tomorrow…
Doctors testify in Washington for hydrochloroquine. Only two minutes:
Go troll away somewhere else
@Matthew – you go on an impassioned post about hoaxers, anti-maskers…and yet you continue to let this troll spew nonsense on your site. Come on man.
I block all trolls unless I am feeling particularly generous. You should see the comments I block…
I don’t think 737-800 is one, though I do think he is misinformed and his eschatological theories are dangerously misplaced (though intriguing to me at the same time). He’s sort of the anti-debit, who I did not block and do miss.
Thank you Matthew. I am not a troll. I care deeply about the world your children are growing up in.
How am I a troll? We had actual MDs that have been on the frontlines today, on Capitol Hill, explaining that we are being lied to. Why do you attempt to silence a different perspective??? Wtf.
Above comment is for UA ^
However, I do love Ladle and Leaf in San Fran. We agree on something, perhaps?
Professor at Yale.
Today Show did a very short piece on this hot garbage, misinformation campaign yesterday.
Seriously, take your anti-science conspiracy garbage somewhere else, and leave this site to those of us who actually travel.
UA, I actually travel.. and also have many friends in the airline industry, specifically at United, hence why I follow this blog. Please, stop with the attitude and everything else. We disagree, fine, but there is NO reason to comment on every single one of my posts. I already understand your perspective and viewpoint, so you are not adding anything to the conversation. I believe in medical freedom, not medical tyranny. Thank you.
LOL, so says the troll who multi-quotes them self over and over again, spams every thread with the same nonsense.
Let’s not go and make some “many fine people on both sides” equivalency too…you’re clearly in a distinct minority with a lot of other anti-truth conspiracy theorists. Be proud of yourself.
I am not in a minority. I am in a silent majority and not afraid of people who harass others like you. The silent majority will win in November. Most can’t speak up now for fear of losing their jobs and so on. But we will win. I can’t wait to see your comments after the election. Perhaps you won’t be so rude then.
LOLOL all makes sense now. Can’t argue with stupid.
Bookmarked – polls open in 98 days! Even earlier for absentee balloting – since you believe in vast conspiracies not backed by science or data, I look forward to the millions of illegal ballots submitted for Biden by the caravan coming up from Mexico.
The fact of the matter is, time and time again, you do not argue with the actual facts, but just preach your talking points.. so the loss will truly be yours.
Since you spammed everywhere just asking for 2 minutes of everyone’s time – here’s another 2 minute video (from Republicans no less) that maybe you should consider
I’ve seen this.. still voting for Trump and not the dementia patient..
The video you are spamming with claims there is already a cure for Covid. So you’re saying one exists then? Put up or shut up for good.
All those Asian countries that are being touted as models of pandemic success and mask wearing prowess, closed borders and shutdown economies?
They are all experiencing new outbreaks (some like HK reporting new records) as they reopen. Everyone is going to get this eventually, it’s not going away. Like the Flu, like the Common Cold, like Pneumonia, Shingles, etc etc etc. You cannot stay locked down forever, and regardless of what you see on the “news”, masks are not the new normal.
Wearing a mask has medical implications that are very dangerous for the wearer. There exists a protocol describing the procedures necessary to use a mask safely. Very few people are aware that such a protocol exists, let alone what it requires.
There is no universal definition of a mask that ‘must be worn.’ Can they be made out of nylon stockings? Or fish nets? How must they be attached to the head?
Go ahead and obey mandates that have been promulgated for the sake of appearance only…
Even if true (and that is the way I view the TSA), what harm is it? Show me. I’m open to learning…peer-reviewed sources preferred.
> Wearing a mask has medical implications that are very dangerous for the wearer.
Let’s check in with actual medical professionals on this….
Wow – if there EVER was mind control and conditioning this COVID bullshit takes it all. Let’s all gang up on those who truly cannot wear a mask – I have asthma – and a zillion people will light me up like flies on shit. If anytime I wish I could have worn and mask AND gloves was when I was a flight attendant during the 1980s with smoke-filled cabins and flying in remote areas of Alaska where communicable disease were prevalent.
Get a grip people. You’re ready to take me out – threaten me – because I cannot wear a mask anywhere? Who the hell do you think you are? The mask police? You have NO idea why you’re doing this. Here – go to this cliff and jump off – cell phone in hand – with all the other lemmings.
Man the ignorance and stupidly burn. Next thing you know, you’ll be lining like lemmings to get your Bill Gates’ vaccine. Oh, by the way, India is suing the hell out of him for paralyzing and bringing death (for tens of thousands – including children) for his ‘miracle’ oral polio vaccine. But you didn’t know THAT did you? That’s because you choose to live in ignorance and follow the hive. Idiots.
And guess what happened to smoking on planes? The same ones that you claimed affected your health? We learn and live…like with masks now. You are perfectly capable of wearing a mask. You just don’t want to.
If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. I do. I have no problem wearing a KN95 for 5 hours. However, some people do. Some people fell they can’t breath with a surgical mask. Some people can’t keep it on for a 1 hour cab ride, 2 hours at the airport, and 4 hours on a plane. If you want to wear a KN95 do so. It might protect you from catching coronavirus if worn correctly. But it is impractical to require 100% of people on a plane to keep it on the majority of the time given the discomfort it causes. It’s also stupid because 98% of people who get coronavirus have mild symptoms. We don’t wear masks because of colds. The media hype around coronavirus is outrageous.
If you feel unsafe around people during coronavirus, stay home. That way you can’t catch it. Stop trying to force others to give up their quality of travel because you are buying the hype.
If you feel annoyed wearing a mask in public during coronavirus, stay home. That way you can’t be annoyed. Stop trying to force others to give up their quality of life because you are denying reality.