A scary story from an American Airlines flight attendant, who claims a woman tried to run her off the road after noticing she was wearing a flight attendant uniform. But one thing strikes me as odd about a pair of videos chronicling the purported road rage incident.
Road Rage? American Airlines Flight Attendant Claims Woman Tried To Run Her Off Road Because She Was In Uniform
As flagged by View From The Wing, flight attendant Elizabeth Braley took to TikTok to share about an incident she claims occurred on her way home from an international trip.
A red sedan pulled in front of her Jeep, cutting her off.
Braley did not think much of it at the time except that this was a crazy driver. She moved over a couple of lanes to keep her distance from the woman driving the sedan.
But the woman followed her over, and cut her off again!
And then it happened a third time.
All of this happened on a busy interstate while both cars were traveling at 80 miles per hour. What could possibly be going on?
Afraid now, Braley pulled into the far left lane and floored it, trying to get away from the woman in the sedan.
But the woman kept up. She pulled up next to Braley, rolled down her window, and screamed, “F*ck your airline!” She then began throwing objects from her car at Braley.
Braley slammed on her brakes and stopped, allowing the woman to pass. She stopped. She cried. But she did not call the police.
Braley says, “Flight attendants should not have to worry about their life trying to just get home,” and she is right.
Flight attendants should never be blamed for matters beyond their control.
@elizabethbraley4 flight attendants should not have to worry about their life trying to just get home #flightattendant
Braley later posted a follow-up video, explaining that she did not call the police because she did not think the woman in the red car did anything wrong until the verbal exchange occurred. By that point, she was too shell-shocked to note the license plate.
My Question About This Incident
I want to believe Braley and for her sake and the sake of her colleagues at American Airlines, I sincerely hope her account is true and not fabricated or exaggerated.
While this may have happened, in this day and age it is also plausible to wonder if did not. Or perhaps not exactly as she said. We only have her word and she never called authorities or documented any details. What bothers me is that in the two videos posted she ends up talking about not being paid for boarding and not having a contract. A rather odd way to finish off the narrative not once, but twice.
Beyond her own account, I see two additional possible scenarios:
- Her story is partially true. She did get chased. But it had nothing to do with her “uniform” and was related to something else on the road. Perhaps the woman only made the airline comment after other heated words, much like a person might resort to calling someone fat or old in the heat of the moment. Braley did mention she was traveling 80mph and that she was very tired and had a long drive after returning from an international journey. Maybe she inadvertently cut the woman off?
- Her story is fabricated in order to get attention for flight attendants and sympathy regarding contract negotiations (it does not appear that flight attendants are not receiving much sympathy these days for many of their demands). Both videos dwell heavily on how flight attendants are paid for their time.
The bottom line is that I struggle to take people at their word these days, especially on TikTok. I sincerely hope she is telling the truth and think the violator should be punished, but I am admittedly suspicious.
A flight attendant, presumably using her real name, has taken to TikTok to post about a scary road rage incident that she says occurred because she was wearing an American Airlines uniform. I am admittedly skeptical but wish she had noted the license plate number of the driver who purportedly cut her off at least three times so that driver could be held accountable.
I fully agree with Braley’s sentiment that we should never blame flight attendants for problems that they did not create. Instead, we should treat them the way we want to be treated.
What are your thoughts on this incident?
image: @elizabethbraley4 / TikTok
There is no reason she can’t call and file a report on this after the fact. She should. The fact she won’t will lead to suspicions. Including mine. Especially given that she used both posts to remind people that they don’t get paid for boarding and are working without a contract.
I imagine some of it may have happened. But she embellished it from there.
Elizabeth Braley gives great headache.
A police report? the police won’t respond if your car is stolen or worse. They would tele her to suck it up, buttercup.
Of course they couldn’t care. But she has it on record. And if you’re going to blast it across TikTok and use it as a chance to also plug union demands you might want to make sure you can say you filed a police report. As well, because now that person, if they exist, might easily learn her identity from a viral post.
She encountered Loretta Jackson.
Sadly, no. And it’s much funnier to ruin her life without committing criminal acts.
But don’t worry, it didn’t happen. She just needs to get laid.
In the competitive category of bad acting on Tiktok, the award goes to…Elizabeth Braley
I’m calling BS on this one. I’m surprised she didn’t include a link to her OF account at the end of the vids.
Wondering how easy is for someone going 80mph on a busy road to be able to identify the other driver inside another car by her uniform and clearly know she worked for AA. I mean, it is just a navy and red clothing so nothing that stands out at a distance at 80mph.
1. Traveling at 80+mph in the fast lane and the person in the next lane rolls their window down and you can hear what they said?
2. Traveling at 80+mph in the fast lane and she slams on her brakes… and nothing happened? Was there no one else on the road?
And regarding posting to TikTok or Instagram in general… is that the first thing people think of doing when they are distraught?
That wasn’t the first thing she did. The first thing she did was call her mom…crying hysterically and very shaken up by the whole ordeal which happened very quickly and tell me she was Ok..but very scared by what just happened. Your adrenaline in those situations rises and she was focused on driving, trying to avoid this crazy lady….and yes, I told her she should have called 911 and got her license plate # to file a complaint for reckless driving and endangering others ljves on that hwy. ….but she wasn’t thinking in the moment. She was thankful to be alive.
This one has a bit of a Jussie Smollet smell hanging around it. Her story seems pretty sketchy, yet jumps to an extremely unlikely – yet self-serving – conclusion. I second MFK’s calling of BS on this one.
Reminds me of a union drive at an airline where I was a manager… during this, had a gate agent assaulted by a passenger (apparently PTSD from Afghanistan was to blame for getting drunk, missing connecting flight, going to a random gate, and throwing a 5 foot tall 95 lb woman up over the gate podium breaking her arm – at least that’s what was listed as to why he didn’t do time). In cast and sling, she was suddenly the face of the campaign. “This is why we need a union.” I posited in a town hall meeting: How exactly could a union have prevented a passenger’s behavior?
And boarding pay will stop flight attendants being run off the road.
If the road raging driver brought up her being a flight attendant, then it’s probably the sort of road raging driver who would probably have done much the same thing but with different words even if not an airline employee. For example, if she happened to be wearing a sweatshirt with a Canadian maple leaf, maybe this flight attendant would be hearing “**** your hockey teams and players”.
People seeking attention — and isn’t that what these kind of TikTok videos open to the world are — really have made some people more hysterical and likely to engage in histrionics.
Maybe a Union move to garner support for American Airlines FA? But naw.. you cant hear people yelling at you while driving 80mph. I would make a report to Base Manager or at least let them know what happened. But she did post on Tick Tok lol.
Any aggression on the road should not be tolerated…whether a fight attendant or anyone.
This bothers me because this young woman self promotes on many social media venues. It may have been a road rage situation but I highly doubt it had anything to do with the profession, airline, her uniform or union issues.
I am in the same profession and industry. I am doubting the histrionic display on Tik Tok.
It may be time for her to consider a psych evaluation and I mean that in a kind way.
Tik Tok is not the venue and using her real name is not smart at all on her part.
This didn’t happen so much other things unhappened,
Can someone find this hysterical girl a man? She clearly needs someone to set some boundaries for her delusion. Or maybe it’s time she goes on OnlyFans.
Should you read this, thot: nobody believes you. Nobody. Sorry your tampax got stuck.
Oh, and the irony. “It’s really not hard to be kind”, lazybones here says. She can talk to her friend Shagongalasha woring the other aisle. She how that works out for you. And wipe your chin, dear, you have something sticky there.
I doubt she even works for AA as it’s about 12 ways against company rules for her to make a video like this in her uniform.
I cartainly wouldn’t want her working a flight I was on.
Should have skipped TikTok and spent the time with her phone calling the cops.
I see no reason to believe that she isn’t telling the truth. That shirt is easily recognizable and identifiable driving next to someone.
Gives great headache…her tampon got stuck….wow,women are so cruel to the prettier ones,they are likely the same angry lesbian types,or can’t get a desirable man type,who whine about mysogny,LOL
Jussie Smollett would be proud of her.