Here’s a funny one: a young man is suing Delta because they forced him to remove his “F*ck Joe Biden” hoodie and banned him from future flights when he initially refused (and also refused to wear his mask). This delusional punk needs to learn both common decency and elementary civics.
Man Plans Lawsuit Against Delta Air Lines After He Was Removed For “F*ck Joe Biden” Hoodie And Refusal To Wear Mask
Just yesterday we had a conversation about a man who want to wear a “Let’s Go Brandon” mask on JetBlue and was removed. I defended him…not because I liked his childish mask, but because I felt he complied with flight attendant instructions and should not have been removed. This situation is quite different.
> Read More: Man Ejected From JetBlue Flight Even After Removing “Let’s Go Brandon” Mask, Blames “Triggered” Flight Attendant
Here, Jauneil Brooks was flying on Delta from Nashville (BNA) to Los Angeles (LAX) and boarded wearing a sweater which you can see below (caution, the video is NSFW).
A man was kicked off a @Delta flight for wearing an F Biden sweater, even though he took it off. They claim it’s “delta policy” and threaten him with the no fly list.
I spoke to Delta and it turns out they don’t have a clothing policy and even told me I can wear an F Trump shirt
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 10, 2022
Flight attendants asked him several times to remove it and he refused. He also wore his mask below his mouth and nose. It was only when it became clear he would be thrown out that he agreed to reverse the hoodie…but by then the captain had already decided Brooks would not travel (his refusal to wear a mask was given as the primary reason).
The exchange is notable for Brook’s fundamental lack of understanding of the constitution.
“No, you’re making this inconvenient, because last time I checked, I live in the United States of America, with the First Amendment freedom of press, freedom of speech, or freedom of religion, do I not?”
“Do I not have the freedom of press, freedom of religion or freedom of speech anymore in this country?”
No Jauneil, you do not. The First Amendment restricts the government from blocking speech, it does not restrict a private corporation like Delta from doing the same.
Here’s the twist. Brooks reached out to Delta chat and received conflicting information, with a representative telling him he could wear an offensive hoodie onboard:
Here’s my conversation with a @Delta representative where she confirms “there are no clothing policies” and “you can wear anything you want”
— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) March 10, 2022
This is really an indictments on Delta’s totally pathetic overseas call centers which handle these sorts of chats. Once again, we see they are more trouble than they are worth. Even so, this misinformation does not give Brooks an actionable case.
While Delta does not have any specific guidance on onboard apparel, its contract of carriage says:
Delta may refuse to transport or may remove passengers from its aircraft in any of the following situations…When the passenger’s conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers.
Now Brooks is suing, telling The Post Millennial:
“Yeah, it’s crazy how just the day before I was sitting in the room with Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Johnson about how our freedoms are being stripped away. And, you know, I guess it’s just the right timing, but I’m gonna fight for our freedom of speech, and companies can’t be taking advantage of American people anymore. Just because their pockets are huge,” said Brooks.
“But, no, we need to have our freedoms back from Republican to Democrat to liberal to, you know, whatever it is. Our freedoms are infringed. And I gotta make sure somebody learns a lesson, if I can make sure that that happens.”
Good luck with that…
Finally, a note on punk. I did not use the term “punk” because of Brook’s skin color…I used it because he is a punk; a young troublemaker. Did he really think it was okay to wear a shirt with such an explicit epithet? The “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan is one thing…this is something else. And is he really that stupid to think this is a First Amendment issue?
I do hope he sues, so that he can be laughed out of even the most conservative court.
A young man was told that he could not wear an explicit hoodie on his Delta flight. He was thrown off the flight for arguing about it and refusing to wear his mask properly. Now the man says he will sue Delta for violating his First Amendment rights. What a joke…

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He is not delusional. Did they boot out people who wear “F*ck Trump”, I don’t think so. He is entitled to his own opinion. M
Yeah. They did and do, u ignorant sloth
I’m sure there were some F Trump signs at protests but there was never the same level of vulgarity expressed for Trump in daily life than what I see everyday seeing pickup trucks with F Biden flags driving the local roads, or the numerous large print yard signs proclaiming F Biden (or LGB) within five miles of my house. I never once saw a F Trump shirt, hoody, sign, or flag in four years of Trump but see them everyday now.
Your attempt at both sidism is graded an F
You’re wrong. Celebrities and plenty of every day joes and janes were figuratively beheading trump in front of the white house and online daily.
Don’t fault Chris, he was in Canada during those years…
You’re delusional.
another facist repsonds to endorse MAGA-t fascism. READ THE CONSTITUTION MORON!
False equivalency. “They both do it.” That is complete bs. Conservatives are RUDE PUNKS after Trump encouraged it and let’s not forget the insurrection on Jan 6th. That GUILTY to Sedition charge has gotten open the eyes of smart GOP members.
Dems and Libs are able to deal with adversity better. It is conservatives that go all balastic and hot headed when they think they are being restricted.
I have seen more VULGAR “F* Biden” bumper stickers, hats, and hoodies than I ever saw with Dems and know more Dems.
A Candeath Owens wannabe.
Is calling you a Kim jong un wannabe acceptable because it appears you look the same? Such hidden racism on the left out here.
Why can’t we all just get along?
Getting along? Laughable coming from you.
Ok to call you a David Duke wannabe?
See Pete, it’s like this, I don’t give a damn what you call me. It’s usually the far left fringe that resorts to this type stuff because it’s all they have left.
Whereas I call out the individual for being a POS if their words or actions make me think that way. But again, why would you really care if I called Joe Biden or any other politician a name?
David Dude by the way, talk about a blast from the past. Wasn’t he semi relevant when he ran for President in 1992?
PERFECT demonstration of a GQPer!
Do not care about civility because they are losing their fascist grip.
I don’t think he looks like Candeath at all. What’s your point?
It’s amazing how quickly you played the race card.
Absolutely, it’s what they do. As soon as Hwong saw what he believes is a black conservative, he brings up Ms Owens.
They make it so easy to call them out for their generalizations of others. Sad but it’s the reality and hatred that spews from the left of today. Luckily so many are seeing the truth about them and are waking up.
Indeed! His behavior is just like Candeath’s. He bears no physical resemblance to her to me, but for some reason he must to Dave.
Candeath? What a racist thing to say. Or did all of this get lost in translation to you? If so, that’s a valid excuse for your behavior, otherwise get back to the counter of your laundry, massage parlor, nail salon or restaurant. You have others to exploit and customers are counting on you!
See how easy it is to stereotype?
Candeath is a pretty popular reference to her behavior of propagating covid conspiracy theories. Why is it racist? Or do you associate “death” with a particular race? That would explain a lot! The entire thread, for example.
Palmolive softens hands while you do dishes!
This is not a first amendment thing, man.
The right talks about freedom of speech and then tries its darndest to kill critical race theory, comes up with dont say gay bill in florida etc. The left is full on cancel culture too. There are no heroes. Both sides are full self centered, hypocritical pricks.
The one common denominator on both sides is that they love money. They use religion, emotions, trickery, politics, lying, history, anything and everything to get their hands on more money. That is all they worship. Everything else is just a prop to be used towards that goal.
People can talk about CRT all they like. The issue is forcing such views upon children. See the difference ?
Republicans are for freedom of speech. But not indoctrination Or teaching racial division. Crt is nothing but trying to divide this country by race. Racism exists and always will. Probably less than 1% of our population. Crt, amongst other thing will just fuel hatred and increase Racism. I am not racist, spanish actually. And to be honest, after watching cities ablaze. Over a drug addict, resisting arrest punk dying by the hands of a white cop, Brooks being paralyzed resisting arrest and reaching for a knife, Taylor’s boyfriend firing at cops and her being killed, the Wendy’s guy resisting arrest, haymakering a cop, disarming his tazer and firing at him before he met his maker etc… the list goes on. Question is, all resisted arrest and all cried Racism. Burned cities to the ground. You do know the odds of a black man being killed by a white person is around 4%, killed by a black person 95% and killed by a white cop less than 1%. That is fact. But democrats just can’t resist fueling division. They need to paint Republicans as racists to win votes, have cities burn and allow lawlessness too appeal to their voters. The criminals. Day by day I am. Becoming more and more bitter towards 0ther races, and I thought looking at people as individuals and not judging them by the statistics of their race was the right way to look at people. As time moves forward, maybe looking at one’s individuality is wrong, that’s what crt is, white people are racist, devils, oppressors and black and minorities are slaves, victims, oppressed due to the evil white race. So saying Republicans support free speech but not crt is not hypocritical, fueling hate, indoctrination has no place in school. Niether does teaching kids anything but heterosexual acts. The reason being, is not that the world is homophobic. We teach man female sex cause no matter what the left wants to believe, it takes MAN/FEMALE to reproduce teaching sexual transmitted diseases could be taught without pointing out any sexual preference pleasuring someone orally, anally,, vaginally could be taught also without pointing out who is doing it. But, as per heterosexual teaching in school, it’s ment to teach reproduction, so unless 2 of the same sex could do this, than what needs to be taught about preference. It’s school, it’s teaching. Their is absolutely no benefit to teaching anything other than heterosexual. Example.
To arouse a man to cause and erection, know as foreplay. The person or spouse may rub, jerk or glide up and down in the man’s shift. Their spouse may also lack and even insert the penis into their mouth for further arousal. Example made. Not within in sentence did I mention heterosexual, why would school need to teach about anything but heterosexual for reproductive reason.
The left are twisted f’s. My father who was
Rican, was murdered by white guards in 1976 in a Pennsylvania prison. When racism was real. I don’t hate all cops, and promise you, Racism is pretty little in today’s day and age
In the end, it’s all tiresome clout-chasing click bait. All sides make money off of this dopey stunt queen. @debit I would disagree about the left’s cancel culture. What are the best examples? Otherwise, you are right about follow the money.
That sweatshirt should prove ideal attire for the eventual court case
He would have 58-63% of the jury on his side based on recent polls.
Why does this keep happening after they board? Why can’t the gate agent or another employee stop this before it disrupts the whole flight?
If both Trump and Biden didn’t suck there wouldn’t be masks or sweatshirts about them. They both suck pretty bad. People said and wore whatever they wanted to criticize and offend Tump when he was president and the left laughed about it. Now that the left president is criticized and offended the snowflakes start falling from the sky.
I wonder which reich-wing donor is going to pay for his lawsuit that will be tossed out of court?
Here we go again…
I didn’t even read this delusional post. I looked at the title and already know the political slant for this one.
What political slant is that? You mean legal slant? Surely, you are not arguing that the 1st Amendment protect this punk from wearing his “F*ck Biden” sweatshirt on an airplane, are you?
Can’t wait for your next post.
I’m not going to argue anything. I’m going to say this- I’m happy he wore the shirt.
I find it hilarious that conservatives tout capitalism and free enterprise, but start the whining and pearl clutching as soon as a PRIVATE company acts like one. Why aren’t they EVER protesting “no shirt, no shoes, no service” anywhere? Because they’re too busy trying to convince others that they are victims. I would bet BIG bucks that most of them don’t even know what the 1st Amendment protexts, and what it does not…just like this dumb kid. Your bitter tears are DELICIOUS!
That would be a good point if we’d been talking about a private company that has to stand on its own feet, not one that enjoys government protection from competition (regulated frequencies on a lot of international routes) and generous handouts.
The really hilarious bit is that those defenders of liberty etc etc don’t even bother with using that argument, as most of them do support a big state- their difference with the left being that they just want a less generous welfare state and more money being spent on the police, armed forces and the like.
Come on Matthew, I thought you were better than this… SMH
You were definitely and decidedly more harsh on this young Black man for his actions than you were on the “let’s go brandon” caucasian person .
You looked for any possible way that you could spin this so you could take free shots at a black man. I disagree completely with his attire but he has a right to wear it. The company themselves admitted to not having an actual attire policy but because there is some verbiage about offensive smells and such you decided to let your true racist colors show.
You’re a bigot and your cat is out of the bag.
Don’t mind these people – some are always bound to bring race into it. And, for the record, I’m politically neutral.
This whole issue will die if the next President is a Republican. The moral ‘rules’ that people currently espouse will be forgotten as if they had never happened.
Labeling him Delusional can get you sued and I would find for him if on a jury. That editorialization is inappropriate.
Commercial airlines are government regulated interstate carriers. That means free speech protections do apply in my book. By being commercial carriers and not charters, these airlines need to abide by free speech and expression protections.
Good thing for the rest of us “your book” isn’t the law.
Very eloquent and wrong answer. ALL air carriers are considered private corporations, AND in the small print when you buy a ticket they ALL have an attire & conduct code. Beyond of First Amendment or not, you agreed to follow some rules, its a LEGAL BINDING CONTRACT
I’m not a legal expert but the article cites the Delta verbiage as “unreasonable risk of offense” to someone. If this individual isn’t standing up “preaching” his political views to everyone else on the plane why is it a concern to others. If you are a Pepsi fan (me being a Coke person) and I wore similar attire against Pepsi would you care?
It will all come down to his contract, ie the agreement he signed when purchasing the ticket.
Since the hoodie did not violate policy or FAA regs, can a flight attendant/pilot kick someone off for something that does not violate company/FAA policy? Basically, can the attendant/pilot kick someone off for purely personal reasons?
If not then the attendant/pilot themselves violated company policy (and likely FAA regs) which does open them up to a lawsuit.
I did fine one policy that Delta will likely use as a defense.
Contract of Carriage: U.S.
….E) Passenger’s Conduct or Condition
….By way of example, and without limitation, Delta may refuse to transport or may remove passengers
….from its aircraft in any of the following situations:
……8) When the passenger’s conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers.
The key here will be what the court determines “unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance” to be, specifically the “unreasonable” part.
Deja Vu?
Here is a thought:
If schools that receive federal funds have to abide by the 1st amendment, then whould that same policy apply to airlines?
Private schools, even those that receive government funds are not bound by the first amendment.
Public schools because they are government schools are bound by the first amendment.
Now that your misconception has been cleared up, does that answer your question of why it doesn’t apply to airlines?
If what you state is correct and there is a court precedent defining “unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance”, then the airline has a strong case in court.
That guys not punk. I’m more punk than him.
I’m a frequent flyer of Delta. I fly them because they are the most professional airline in the country. I had to fly during the start of the pandemic and Delta had zero tolerance for bullshit on their aircraft. This IS a punk and happy Delta kicked him off and hope he’s banned for life. I’m a African American and the behavior he displaced is downright stupid. Good riddance.
Nice try Vic. Do you even know what CRT is? CRT is a highly intellectual exercise. It was never included in any school curriculum and was certainly not forced on anyone. Save your right wing rhetoric for your cronies.
Just another uneducated moron from the south
Vulgarities, masked or otherwise, don’t fly well when a private company decides it doesn’t.
The provocative clown is paying the price for his unwelcome provocation as far as the company is concerned. And his misunderstanding about what the First Amendment protects also cost him his space on the booked flight. He got his due, unless and until people are allowed into his home to advertise whatever they want about him regardless of his wishes.
It’s just another example of how young black males are treated. Had this been a liberal white male wearing a screw Trump shirt nothing would have been said or done. It’s the woke culture in full display.
But “screw” ≠ “f*ck” in terms of profanity. Not even close. I use the f word all the time, but I would understand any business not wanting the specific word on display, especially a place likely to have reading-aged kids there. I use the word casually with friends without thinking, but I’m not going up to a cafe counter and asking for a “f*cking iced coffee, please” or asking a store employee “Where the f*ck is the bathroom?” To me, it’s less about the political message than the actual wording.
Typical entitlement. I don’t understand how some people think the rules don’t apply to them. Breaking rules and laws seems to be the norm for this guy. Then he pulls the race card.
As a long-time airline employee I do know that we have policies that stop obscene, profane or offensive clothing from being worn aboard the aircraft. I hope Delta sues him for court costs (which I know they will because they do not suffer fools gladly).
I guess looking like a garden gnome means you get to call POC slurs in the headline? Calm down, boy, your insecurity is showing.
I agree with his shirt but I’ve got no problem with Delta tossing him over it. It’s like the lady a couple years ago who got tossed for arguing with a Captain over her hat which said “[redacted by admin]” on it.
Now I will say the throwing people off for wearing “Let’s go Brandon” masks is flight attendants just being jerks over politics but this guys shirt did have that four letter word on it so he’s got no real case there. Especially since he was arguing about it. Just like the lady with the hat.
Shocking. A “journalist” from the most pathetic state in the union calls someone a slur. Literally the same thing the young man did with his hoodie. Its Hilarious to think that a young black man wearing a hoodie only matters when it fits your narrative. See Trayvon Martin. Just face the facts and admit you were wrong for voting for an incompetent buffoon and a “lady” who constantly makes herself the fool on any stage she opens her mouth. Admit it, tell everyone you’re the reason we’re living in this shit show. Then apologize.
I never commented on who I voted for…
Stay pissed, stay so mad, unhappy, angry, and volatile. It is so satisfying to see “conservatives” losing their minds. By the way, former trump is a populist, not a conservative. He couldn’t care less about anything you care about except not paying taxes.
Say what you will, this current moron mush mouth in the white is pure evil, and NO ONE is taking this crap anymore. The so called rules are a lie on the airline. Good for the young man.
This kid might have a case if he argues that the airline is regulated by the government and therefore (defacto) is having his free speech suppressed by the government. You should consult a lawyer before taking sides if you’re THAT ignorant on the Constitution.
Damg does this author blow Joe Biden much.
I guess I’m just an old fogey, but what happened to decorum? I can’t stand Joe Biden, but I wouldn’t wear that hoodie on an airplane (or anywhere, for that matter). Our country has become so crass. It’s sad.
Reading the comments it should be mandated everyone wears an “America is Fucked Up” hoodie. What a shitshow the place has become.
If airlines were truly a private company then the president could not mandate mask wearing on planes. Would not have federal TSA workers screening passengers, would not have to obtain federal permission to fly and operate a plane.
The flight attendants are the real nazi. Triggered over a fabric lol. Their job of pushing a drink cart and getting on speaker every 5 minutes telling you to wear a mask isn’t hard enough?
Our job is actually save your life in a medial emergency or an aircraft’s accident. We serve drinks because the airlines will not pay us to sit pretty during all flights waiting for something to happen. If it wasn’t for OUR MAIN RESPONSIBILITY IS YOUR SAFETY, there would be noone to serve you your soda….
The better question is “What would your mother say?” I suspect the young man’s mom would tell him to take that shirt off and throw it in the trash. Would she travel with the young man wearing such a shirt? Come on people.
We know what and who you voted for.
Its amazing they still let people like you write long winded articles on how righteous liberals are and ignore other opinion
America has a long way to go before we get back to civil society
And all it took was for people to shout in 2016 “Not My President “
Shame on you Matthew to continue your hate
I am intolerant of all bad language and a failure to understand the constitution. I always thought that was a conservative position …