A cup of hot chocolate served by a flight attendant spilled on a 10-year-old girl, leading to second-degree burns. Now a mother claims the airline failed to help and refused to even apology. However, the airline suggests the girl...
Bella! Italian Woman Strips, Attacks Crew After Being Denied Free Business Class Upgrade (But She Claims Crew Blocked Her From Using Lavatory)

An Italian woman reportedly stripped half-naked before attacking flight attendants after she was busted for self-upgrading to business class on an overnight flight. Report: Italian Woman Removes Her Clothing, Assaults Flight Attendants In Fit Of Drunken Rage Over Denied...
Man Claims He Found Cockroach In Airline Meal. Airline Says It Was Just Sautéed Ginger.

A Vistara passenger claims his vegetarian meal onboard included an unwanted animal product: a dead cockroach. But the airline claims it was just sautéed ginger. Cockroach Or Ginger In Airline Meal? Airline And Passenger At Odds Nikul Solanki posted...