If you were lamenting the end of passport stamps in the European Union Schengen Area, as I was, we have been granted a reprieve thanks to issues with “border computer systems” in at least three nations. Passport Stamps Will...
European Flight Cancellations – Here’s What You’re Owed

With flights delaying and cancelling everywhere, travelers are owed money from carriers who fail to deliver passengers within a specific window. Here’s what you’re owed. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click...
Will A Fourth Wave Sink Transatlantic Travel Rebound?

Despite vaccination progress, Europe appears headed for a fourth wave of COVID-19, with many countries reporting the highest number of new cases in several months. Will the USA, where cases are currently falling, still open next month as planned?...
Details: U.S. Relaxes European, UK Travel Restrictions

In a long overdue move, the Biden Administration is set to announce today that travelers from the European Union and United Kingdom will once again be allowed to travel directly to the United States starting in November. Biden Administration...
Update: European Union Reinstates Travel Restrictions On Americans

As expected, European travel restrictions are returning as COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the USA. The United States is one of five nations targeted for new travel curbs by the European Union, which includes the suspension of nonessential...
European Summer Travel? It’s Way Too Early To Tell…

Earlier today I wrote about plans to re-open the European Union to American tourists this summer. While that sounds amazing in theory, much of Western Europe is under lockdown again as a third wave has brought a tidal wave...
European Union Hopes To Welcome Vaccinated Americans This Summer

Following the lead of a handful of European countries who have opened or will shortly open to vaccinated Americans, the European Union is gearing up to welcome fully vaccinated tourists this summer from the United States. Report: European Union...
Summer In Europe? Americans Welcomed In Greece, Soon In France

It looks like 2021 will not be another lost summer of travel for U.S. citizens. In addition to widespread domestic re-openings, Iceland and Greece are now open and France has indicated vaccinated Americans will be welcomed this summer. Summer...
Rumor: Europe Will Crack Down Further On American Visitors Starting Next Week

It has been a bit of an open secret, but hundreds of Americans are still traveling freely back and forth between Europe, even without the requisite dual citizenship or family ties. Several European Union nations have made exceptions for...
Europe Considers Travel Ban Exemption For “Lovers”

Trending under the hashtags #LoveIsEssential and #LoveIsNotTourism, Europe is considering rolling back travel restrictions for partners and lovers who may not be in a legally-recognizable relationship but wish to reunite. Does an EU exemption for lovers make sense? EU...
Americans Locked Out Of Europe? Exceptions And Uncertainty Abounds

There’s more to the story about the Americans who chartered a private jet, flew to Italy, then were turned away. Entry exceptions have been made and continue to be made and entering Europe for the determined American traveler is...
U.S. Residents, Not American Citizens, Banned From European Union

As expected, most Americans will be banned from the European Union when borders gradually re-open starting tomorrow. But the key metric will be residence, not passport. That’s a relief for many Americans living outside the USA. Americans Banned From...
Portugal Is Open to (Most) Visitors

Portugal is one of the few countries re-opening to tourists… well, most tourists. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click here. Both support LiveAndLetsFly.com. If you haven’t followed us on Facebook or Instagram, add us today. Largely Unaffected...
Fearing U.S. Tourists, European Union Travel Ban May Extend Until September

If we take French President Emmanuel Macron at face value, it seems clear he views American tourists as more of a liability than a reward. Hence, he’s pushing the idea of keeping European borders shut through September. European Travel...
Moving Flights From Britain Due to Brexit

Britain is still slated to leave the European Economic Region (Brexit) and that could have a big effect on travelers like me, who may want to move their flights away from Britain to maintain EU 261/2004 protection. If you...
The Transatlantic Boom To Eastern Europe

New fuel efficient aircraft and emerging markets are prompting more carriers to serve Eastern Europe directly from North America. That’s a tremendous asset to travelers looking for beautiful and affordable vacations. Earlier this week, American Airlines announced new summer...
Accused Of Being A Child Predator at Park Hyatt Vienna!

I cannot make this stuff up… Ok, first a lesson on European spa etiquette, especially in the Germanic countries. You sit with your clothes off in the sauna. There are no exceptions. It is absolutely sacrosanct. The fastest way...
Live and Let’s Fly Weekend Digest: August 05, 2018

After a lot of domestic travel last week, it has been nice to spend the last two days at home. Another trip, however, is on the horizon. More details on that in the days ahead. Here’s a review of...
EU261 Is No Longer Fair

On a recent mistake fare trip to Manchester our return flight experienced a substantial mechanical delay which resulted in our eligibility for compensation under the EU261/2014 regulation. While we certainly pursued the compensation and will continue to until it...
How to Stopover in Iceland Using United Miles

Earlier this week, United announced it would begin service to Iceland starting next May. The new route creates a great opportunity for an Iceland stopover on your way to Europe or back if using United miles. Last year, United...