The situation in Venezuela is not getting any better. With violence increasing as the economy further descends into chaos, United Airlines now fears for the safety of its crews. Rather than suspend service completely, it has taken a novel to...
Why Egypt Postponed Tourism Suicide

After another game of Russian roulette, Egypt has wisely decided that its bright idea to raise the price of tourist visas by more than 140% should be shelved. At least until July… Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail announced that plans...
United Beefs Up Domestic Network with New Routes

In December, I mentioned that United Airlines is refocusing on domestic flying. The plan is win back the road warriors and leisure travelers alienated during the Smisek era by focusing on operational reliability. United CEO Oscar Munoz recently told employees that United suffered...
New United Service from San Francisco to Munich

United Airlines will add daily summer service between San Francisco and Munich, running from late May through early September. Adding to flights to London, Frankfurt, and Paris, the new service to Munich will utilize a Boeing 787-8 and run...
Hollywood Throws Out Bob Hope from Burbank Airport

As my home airport, I watched with great dismay as service to Burbank greatly shrunk during the Great Recession. Now with great delight I watch service returning to pre-recession levels. In a bid to draw even more travelers (and...
Emirates Swanky New A380 Bar (Pictures + Video)

Profits may be plunging as oil prices remain low and the competition catches up, but Emirates made a U-turn today in its cost-cutting direction with the announcement of a newly redesigned bar onboard its Airbus A380 aircraft. Color me...
Airline Accused of Banning “Old, Fat and Ugly” Flight Attendants

Such a proud day for Aeroflot yesterday with news that it had been named World’s Most Powerful Airline Brand. But today, allegations have emerged from a disgruntled group of FAs that the Russian carrier is banning flight attendants deemed...
The World’s Most Powerful Airline Brand

In what is nothing short of miraculous, one of the world’s most loathed airlines has been named the world’s most powerful airline brand. Brand Finance, a well-respected “branded business valuation and strategy consultancy” has named Aeroflot Russian Airlines the...
TSA Scandal: Passengers Bypass Screenings at JFK

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” The TSA has been tasked with a simple yet fundamental mission: keep American...
Turkish and Air Namibia Join Forces

Turkish Airlines and Air Namibia have announced a codeshare agreement (effective 01 March 2017) on a limited number of routes with hopes of further collaboration. Air Namibia has only one longhaul international route — to its former colonial overlord in...
United Airlines Issues Statement On In-Flight Calls

While in-flight calls using cellular networks remain off-limits, carriers may set their own policy concerning Wi-Fi enabled calls through mediums like Skype or FaceTime. The DOT is considering whether airlines must disclose at time of purchase whether or not these types of calls are allowed, similar...
Why Delta is Expanding Complimentary Meal Service on Domestic Flights

Delta announced plans yesterday to offer complimentary meals in economy class on many of its transcon flights. Curiously, competition is limited on some of these flight. So what is Delta really thinking in adding this perk? Free Meals in...
Dallas Cowboys Star DESERVED to be Kicked Off AA Flight

Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Tyrone Crawford deserved to be thrown off his American Airlines flight on Thursday. Rule #1 when you fly: obey reasonable FA instructions. When you do not or give the perception you will not, you’ll find yourself making...
United Mainline Returns to Burbank!

After an eight year hiatus, United mainline is returning to Burbank with upguaged service to Denver and San Francisco beginning this week. As a frequent Burbank customer, this great news hits very close to home. I vividly recall the last...
The Most Annoying Type of Passenger Is…

Expedia commissioned GfK, an independent market research company, to poll travelers on who annoyed them most when they traveled by air. Passengers were not limited to one answer. The results are in and the rear seat kicker “wins” with inattentive...
Air Canada Restarts Tel Aviv Service from Montreal

Air Canada’s international expansion in Montreal continues, with news of a new seasonal route between Montreal and Tel Aviv starting in June. The carrier also announced plans to make its daily Toronto – Tel Aviv service year-around. The new Montreal...
Video Emerges of Erratic United Pilot

Leadoff question: how could a crew or any passenger agree to fly under the command of someone like this? Lucky makes this point and I cannot help but to also make it. Video finally emerged today of the frazzled United pilot who...
Woman Claims United Airlines Killed Her Dog

When it rains, it pours. As if the viral story of the disgruntled United pilot removed from her flight was not enough, now United has more bad press to contend with: a woman who claims United is responsible for the death...
United Pilot Removed for Odd Onboard Rant

A pilot was removed from a United Airlines flight from Austin to San Francisco on Saturday after using the plane’s PA system to vent about her recent divorce, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton. The A319 captain boarded United 455 late and...
Interest in Traveling to the USA is Plummeting

Is the U.S. on the verge of a “tourism shock”? One digital travel agency is claiming the answer is YES. Its analytics reveal the interest in traveling to the USA in 94 countries has fallen sharply since the Trump inauguration...