I had a chatty Uber driver in Pittsburgh who got political fast in a ride that I was very thankful to complete. It was also a reminder for me about the importance of avoiding the overtly political, especially on this blog.
My Chatty Uber Driver
The guy started chatting with the usual stuff. Where you from? How long you here for? When he heard I was from California, he began attacking Governor Newsom (“that leftist fool”) and proclaimed the fires would never have occurred had Trump been in charge.
I was tired and not in the mood to chat politics.
But he went on, pivoting to how Trump was going to “drain the swamp” and how inflation would soon be over and other nations were going to “pay their fair share” and the war in Ukraine “with that crackpot un-elected TV star” would soon be over.
And so I turned the tables and shifted the conversation to Jesus Christ…which usually silences people very quickly!
But not him…
A devout Roman Catholic (at least in terms of mass attendance), he was happy to engage…but even then it was more about him talking (attacking Pope Francis as being a “leftist” too) instead of a conversation.
So I just sat quietly, nodding occasionally just to be polite, but tuned out.
I mean, it wasn’t a Daddio situation, but sometimes I wish drivers would just take the hint.
And I recognize just like the country itself is highly divided, so is this blog. For politcal junkies like me, it is hard not to talk about the news…there is so much going on and yes, I do have an opnion, and yes, I do care and find it more importnat and worthy of discussion than lounges or upgrades or credit cards.
But maybe this just isn’t the right place…I recognize that. Even so, when the potical matter touchers on travel we may still talk about it, but I’ll try to reserve my editorials on the state of the nation for those who ask me first.
image: Uber
What’s a Daddio situation?
If you want to write about politics start a political blog. It would likely be very interesting. But please keep politics out of your otherwise excellent travel blog.
+1. Ben’s blog is a good example.
Are you sure??? Ben uses very gay terms like gorgeous
I know you are opposed to moderating comments, but I think you should consider it. There is a blog equivalent to Gresham’s Law – bad comments drive out good. Not doing so might lead to more clicks in the short run, but in the long run might could hurt the status of the blog among the travel community. It’s not that hard for a thoughtful editor to be fair and just strike the ones that are offensive whichever side they are on. Just removing the ones that call people names would be a good start.
” … among the travel community … ” ? Ha-Ha .
Do you mean the airline or hotel executives who pay the FAs or housekeeping employees bottom wages ?
Do you mean the selfish travelers who Demand space for big suitcase carry-ons ?
Do you mean the airlines and hotels who add onto the fare many extras , such as check-in bag and “resort fees” ?
Do you mean the “Progressive Dems” who melt into a puddle of tears when anyone mocks DEI-tyranny ?
If speech is censored or “moderated” , then you will lose permission to speak … duh .