I had a chatty Uber driver in Pittsburgh who got political fast in a ride that I was very thankful to complete. It was also a reminder for me about the importance of avoiding the overtly political, especially on this blog.
My Chatty Uber Driver
The guy started chatting with the usual stuff. Where you from? How long you here for? When he heard I was from California, he began attacking Governor Newsom (“that leftist fool”) and proclaimed the fires would never have occurred had Trump been in charge.
I was tired and not in the mood to chat politics.
But he went on, pivoting to how Trump was going to “drain the swamp” and how inflation would soon be over and other nations were going to “pay their fair share” and the war in Ukraine “with that crackpot un-elected TV star” would soon be over.
And so I turned the tables and shifted the conversation to Jesus Christ…which usually silences people very quickly!
But not him…
A devout Roman Catholic (at least in terms of mass attendance), he was happy to engage…but even then it was more about him talking (attacking Pope Francis as being a “leftist” too) instead of a conversation.
So I just sat quietly, nodding occasionally just to be polite, but tuned out.
I mean, it wasn’t a Daddio situation, but sometimes I wish drivers would just take the hint.
And I recognize just like the country itself is highly divided, so is this blog. For politcal junkies like me, it is hard not to talk about the news…there is so much going on and yes, I do have an opnion, and yes, I do care and find it more important and worthy of discussion than lounges or upgrades or credit cards.
But maybe this just isn’t the right place…I recognize that. Even so, when the potical matter touches on travel we may still talk about it, but I’ll try to reserve my editorials on the state of the nation for those who ask me first.
image: Uber
What’s a Daddio situation?
Did you see the movie?
Interesting experience! It’s always tricky when casual conversations take a sudden political turn, especially when you’re just trying to get from point A to point B. It’s a reminder of how polarized discussions have become, even in unexpected places like an Uber ride. Your approach of shifting the conversation to something entirely different—Jesus Christ, of all topics!—was an amusing and strategic way to navigate the situation. Sometimes, deflecting is the best way to keep the peace. Have you found this tactic works often in similar situations?
Interesting encounter! It’s tough when casual chats turn political unexpectedly. Smart move shifting the topic—did it work as a conversation ender?
If you want to write about politics start a political blog. It would likely be very interesting. But please keep politics out of your otherwise excellent travel blog.
+1. Ben’s blog is a good example.
Are you sure??? Ben uses very gay terms like gorgeous
How is that political?
I know you are opposed to moderating comments, but I think you should consider it. There is a blog equivalent to Gresham’s Law – bad comments drive out good. Not doing so might lead to more clicks in the short run, but in the long run might could hurt the status of the blog among the travel community. It’s not that hard for a thoughtful editor to be fair and just strike the ones that are offensive whichever side they are on. Just removing the ones that call people names would be a good start.
” … among the travel community … ” ? Ha-Ha .
Do you mean the airline or hotel executives who pay the FAs or housekeeping employees bottom wages ?
Do you mean the selfish travelers who Demand space for big suitcase carry-ons ?
Do you mean the airlines and hotels who add onto the fare many extras , such as check-in bag and “resort fees” ?
Do you mean the “Progressive Dems” who melt into a puddle of tears when anyone mocks DEI-tyranny ?
If speech is censored or “moderated” , then you will lose permission to speak … duh .
YMMV blog on boardingarea.com is really bad about censorship. They alter comments or don’t even let them appear. Not much better than N̈orth Korea
Their blog, their rules. The First Amendment prevents the government from policing speech. A travel blog, an employer, even your golf club can have speech restrictions in their code or conduct and it’s perfectly legal. If you want to participate, you follow the rules, or you get thrown out.
Of course it’s legal. That doesn’t mean it isn’t shit.
If he claims to be Roman Catholic, shouldn’t he trust the grace of JesusChrist will provide under any circumstances?
His lord and savior gets spray on tans.
I’ve had a couple of weird cab drivers discussions. One was coming home from Europe and getting a Pakistani cab driver who had to talk about Pakistan testing a nuclear device back around 1998. He just kept going on and I just sort of nodded. It was a long 1 hr drive home.
Another type I was in Belgium and got an Iranian driver whose family had some connections to the former Iranian leader before he was overthrown. He kept talking about how unfair it was that the only job he could have was a taxi driver and how the Belgians discriminated against him. He actually was a bit scary at times. I did my best to minimize conversation.
In the late 1990s I was in the BMI lounge at Heathrow. An elderly Frenchman, employed to bus tables, harangued me, an American, on USA intervention against British-French control of Suez in the 1950s. Inappropriate but charming that someone held a political grudge that long.
You weren’t in the mood because your political party lost bigly lmao
First, don’t make assumptions.
Second, left or right, I have no time for people to be branded with trite and thoughtless labels.
Respectfully, Matthew, you say this, and you seem to decry the political division in the country in this post, but then you respond with a spiteful comment denigrating Trump and Trump supporters in reply to JoeMart. I will point out, it’s not the first time I’ve observed you respond in an uncivil manner, whether it’s pushing back on pro-Hamas commenters or expressing anti-Trump sentiments. So I have to ask, which is it?
Your blog, your rules, so if you want to express political opinions, that’s your call, and who am I to stop you. But you also can’t have it both ways. Perhaps take the time to reflect whether what you post sets the right example for what you hope to achieve. Goodness knows I haven’t walked the walk as much as I should, either.
It enrages me the way so many Christians–my tribe, whatever their color, race, creed, sexual orientation, or political registration–worship a man. Any man. But the man in the White House now certianly requires bootlickers who kiss his ring. There is no dissent. There is no team of rivals. And the Church has failed in choosing to forge an alliance on utilitarian grounds when such great moral compromise has been required to regain power in placating a narcissistic dotard.
That was a theological observation and comment, not a political one. I’ve seen it, I’ve witnessed it, and I’m disgusted by it. It has nothing to do with the specifics of Trump’s policies, but the cult of personality built and being fortified around him made all the more harrowing by the mindless Christians who lap up his every word like the Church in Germany did during the rise of Adolf Hitler instead of assuming its role as a voice of conscience to protect biblical values that transcend any left-right divide.
If someone asks me a theological question, I will respond…it’s not like I did a post on this. And I’m not talking to you, a Trump supporter, because you don’t simultaneously claim to be doing the work of Jesus Christ, a blasphemy I find reprehensible.
It’s pretty ineffective for a fascist to aggressively reduce the size of the organization over which he wields power. Get a grip.
Matthew worked for the G.W. Bush administration. His political party ain’t the Democrats it’s Republican, only his party has lost its’ way and that’s what makes him (and me) angry and sad.
You mean the same Repubs who sank $4-6 Trillion in Afghanistan and Iraq for no good reason and endorsed Kamala and modern day D’s because orange man bad? -Those- Repubs?
My expectations were low, but holy shit.
The only group worse than today’s Dems are yesterday’s Republicans.
yet another reason i prefer Waymo (which is in phoenix) to Uber….the AI driving the car is far less annoying then the average Uber driver.
I care about the Uber driver’s opinion on politics about as much as I care about a travel blogger’s opinion on the Israel-Palestinian conflict:) (i’m sorry, it was just too easy!)
As a driver , I never start unwanted conversations with my passengers. Tacky. It’s up to them. “How was your flight ?” Is as far as I take it. Politics is risky. If I’m 99% sure they are MAGA I’ll shoot the wind with them , turn on Fox News radio , and get a $20-$30 tip .
Make sure you report that driver. They will receive a feedback email from Uber explaining that not all passengers are interested in conversation. It is auto generated and in no way risks the driver of losing their job .
You have my email Matthew if you ever want a ride to or from IAH it’s on the house. Only thing I ask is that it is a quiet ride.
Yes sir!
Some ppl (perhaps most?) are just crazy. Just give him a 1 star review and move on. It’s always shocked me that people who rely on tips can be so obtuse!
Lovely, a supporter of Criminal Trump. I’d have stopped the ride.
During the last period of the US having Trump Disease, I was sitting near a foursome of supporters in a restaurant in Lisbon who tried to involve me in their conversation in praise of Criminal Trump. I asked to move tables to as far away as I could from them and the restaurant staff happily moved me leaving those infected with Trump Disease alone in a far corner.
I won’t be setting foot in the US at any time in the next four years.
Cue a Criminal Trump supporter telling me I’m not welcome anyway.
Not going to get that from me, you are certainly welcome to visit one of our sh#tty big liberal cities and while you are here…..Slip and Fall in a puddle of AIDS.
The big liveral cities where all the economic activity happens. Enjoy watching the tumbleweed roll by in your backwater
You sound extremely dependent.
“It was also a reminder for me about the importance of avoiding the overtly political, especially on this blog.”
But of course, you could not resist posting an article about RFK Jr putting a mysteroius blue whatever in a drink while flying First Class. The right hand says one policy, while the left is busy posting what the right denies it would do… Hmm…
There wasn’t anything political about the RFK post.
Please. The fact that it was RFK made it political. Would you have written about any other unknown passenger doing this to their drink?
Sure. The act that a celebrity did it made it all the more interesting, but had I seen anyone do this, I would have written about it.
THE DRIVERS ARE GETTING ONLY 40 %-35% OF WHAT YOU PAY. DONT BE TOO ARROGANT. SOON IT WOULD BE ALL AUTONOMOUS CAR and there will be no one you can talk to. So isolated and only your informations are fed by TV and Internet. Be glad to be able to share opinions. Total control is near future.
Pittsburgh has its own personality. Historian and native David McCullough had thought it was from its settlers. Best to stay on sports for conversation.
I might prefer political blather (on either side) to Steelers fans. 😀
It’s funny to me that mere mention of California can be so upsetting to so many people.
Waymo please!
I’ve faced this too. Even if you’re quiet, some people can’t take a hint.
This is where saying, “I’m Australian, I don’t know anything about local politics here” usually works, although once or twice it’s made it worse.
This is why I always rent cars. Who wants to talk politics with some lowlife in their 20 year old Nissan altima?
Definitely calls for a one star rating on the driver.
Nice try on redirecting the conversation to a subject that normally shuts people up or gets them into a topic you prefer. I’ll have to figure some version of that for myself to turn off conversation in a hurry. Perhaps pretend to be a Jehova’s Witness?
Pope Francis is pretty left of the left sad to say!!!
In some ride share apps there’s actually a setting where you can set a preference to have a “quiet ride” meaning you don’t want to speak to the driver more than the common courtesies which I usually have checked. That didn’t stop my husband from striking up a conversation with the very friendly driver who was studying to become a nurse and leaving him a generous tip for his studies. It was a super nice ride and without any politics involved.
Cool. Some drivers are amazing people.