In yet another story showcasing disgustingly poor behavior onboard a commercial flight, an unmasked woman got into the face of a Delta flight attendant then decked her. According to one eyewitness, the assault of a Delta flight attendant wasn’t even over masks. Rather, it was because the flight attendant had the audacity to tell the woman’s boyfriend to fasten his seat belt.
A Seat Belt – Mask Incident On Delta Leads To Flight Attendant Assault
The incident occurred onboard Delta flight 1997 on Monday, October 19, 2020 from Miami to Atlanta onboard a Boeing 767-300. A troublesome pair of travelers caused the trouble, according to witnesses onboard. He refused to wear a seat belt and she refused to put on her mask.
Oh, the poor flight attendant.
Here’s what happened on our @delta flight from #Miami to #Atlanta tonight after a passenger refused to wear a mask as per policy and then gets into altercation with flight attendant. Video via @kingcoreythefirst on IG
— Suzanne Kianpour (@KianpourWorld) October 20, 2020
Here’s another angle:
View this post on Instagram
The Instagram user added:
“Ughhhh this literally happens right in my face. All I want to do is get home at this point! How you mad cause your boyfriend caused the WHOLE flight to be turned around & delayed cause he don’t want to put his seat belt on? And they been asking y’all to get off the flight for the past hour.”
I watch a video like that and it does make me angry. How can anyone be so stupid? How can anyone be so disrespectful? The flight attendant had a perfect right to push her away when she got right up into her face, especially without a mask on. Her subsequent punch is simply intolerable.
I hope the woman is charged with assault and battery and faces a harsh sentence and a huge restitution bill.
Delta said:
There is nothing more important than the safety of our people and customers. That’s why two customers who did not comply with crew safety instructions were asked to deplane Flight 1997.
We do not tolerate violence of any kind and this situation is currently under investigation. We apologize to customers for the flight delay this caused.
BBC reporter Katty Kay, also onboard, linked the incident to the upcoming election:
Why get on the plane in the first place if you’re going to refuse to follow the safety rules? Would he also refuse to wear a seatbelt? Or start smoking on board? #DL1997 #campaign2020
— Katty Kay (@KattyKay_) October 20, 2020
Sadly Katty, things aren’t so much better at home.
Sometimes I ask myself why I continue to cover these stories…story after story after story. Each week there is a new incident. But the answer is simple: shaming is a necessary step in combatting poor social behavior.
And there may be more to this story too. Apparently, the woman “fell” on the jet bridge after she was escorted off the plane. Paramedics treated her, further delaying the flight.
As always, play the mask game or stay off the plane. The seat belt issue leaves me shaking my head even further. If this was indeed over seat belts and masks, I can only shake my head in sorrow.
Stay tuned: there’s another mask incident I’ll be covering later today that will also make your head spin.
Folks, we all need a breath.
image: iamlaurynengland / Instagram

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This is just spill off from whats happening in the streets. Hey i can do whatever I want in the streets, so why no on an airplane? Wheres all those 10’s of thousands of air marshals?
They are seeing it on TV. A president getting cover from his subservient mafia colleagues in the Senate.
You get what you sow. This is all on white Republican males.
Are you insane? This is BLM.
The Democrat Kool-Aid is strong with this one. That lady in the picture is a white Republican male? Oh, wait, by Rachel Dolezal rules maybe the lady identifies as a white Republican male?
If you want to see the worst of the worst – flight MIA to ATL and Anywhere to Vegas- I’m not shocked that this fight happened, I’m shocked it happened on Delta – this is a Frontier/Spirit type incident
Corollary: fly Spirit.
Spirit/Frontier pack you in too tight to take a swing at anyone.
In my experience this is pure Delta. I’ve been on two flights in my life with similar incidents- both between Atlanta and Killeen.
I hope she’s fined to the hilt and arrested for assault!
The FA is using her white privilege to bully these passengers of color. Shameful that you would take the FA’s side without knowing all the facts. This is exactly why systemic racism continues to thrive in our society.
That comment is exactly why we never get anywhere in this society. Instead of combatting *real* racism, some on the left just scream ‘racism’ at any situation regardless of whether or not it applies.
If you think this is racism, you are ignorant as hell as to what “racism” actually is.
Your comment is offensive.
Matt, Agreed. Joe Chivas is an idiot Democrat.
Educate yourself if you’re even real!
Your IGNORANCE is showing and it isn’t becoming!
The Democrat Kool-Aid is strong with this one, too. At the risk of sounding racist (by Democrat standards) Passenger Lives Matter. The first duty of a flight attendant is toward passenger safety. The attendant is doing her job by enforcing the safety rules.
Way to bring race into it. All I saw was a passenger assault another person, and there is no excuse for that. If anyone else wonders why airline customer service has gone down in the last few years, it’s because we have had to deal with passengers who feel it acceptable to verbally and physically assault us for any reason.
You need to get a life. Same rhetoric, different story. You seem to be hung up on your own mental institution and not reality, “Joe”….. Ho-hum, yawn. Go find another venue.
You guys need to get a grip. The scary thing is that statements of the wokerati are hard to differentiate from trolling now.
The passenger is yelling without a mask on endangering the lives of others then hits the flight attendant and you are going to use the race card !?!? Ok girl who cried wolf. So if It’s a minority they can do no wrong. Got it. It’s people like you who actually devalue real racism when it exists yet it is not believed because of manufactured racism like this. You hurt the chances of people getting justice when actual racism occurs.
She was doing her job, idiot!
You, are a very ignorant person. You must be BLM or antifa.
I love that guy’s jacket. Billionaire Boys Club!
Are these rare events? They seem to be coming ‘thick and fast’. I hope a long term ban is the upshot for both of them, in addition to a bill from the airline to cover the cost of the delay.
It is noted that the aggressive woman keeps saying “you disrespected me”, presumably apropos her decision to punch the FA in the face. This phrase is uniquely American; it is not used anywhere else, at least in my observation. Perhaps it reflects the deep anger of some segments of the community regarding perceived bias/discrimination; on the other hand it seems to be used by nutters to justify their own psycho-meltdowns.
Clickbait. “Decks?” Do better.
I wonder why flight attendants are continuing to work in this hostile environment.
If this FA was my wife or daughter I would insist she find another job.
@Joe Chivas – PLEASE tell me you are trolling or saying it with tongue in cheek or being facetious. Please? No can can possible feel this way about someone just trying to do their job can they?
And if you ARE serious, how would YOU suggest someone handle tis situation?
Yes, it (for lack of a better pronoun based off the androgynous picture and no other intel) is. If you read its posts, they’re full of this sort of drivel. I’m a self-identified bleeding heart liberal and this sort of nonsense is so cringeworthy. This is not what Democrats think; this is the Dem version of a Qdiot.
I’m not so sure that promoting these stories to “shame” actually does as you say, that is help to stop it.
In many ways it just encourages it. People who would act in such a manner read these stories and see some sort of badge of honor in doing the same…they don’t think about the consequences…only their sick joy in creating drama and sensationalist behavior. Giving them attention just makes them folk heroes within a community of like minded people that imagine the physical challenging of a reasonable authority (in this case a F/A asking a man to wear a seat belt) is justifiable and almost fun. And promotes others to do the same.
Finally, in this case, while I believe Joe was being tongue in cheek with that comment above, it is exactly how many will perceive it and create a call for more. Yes, there is systemic racism. No, I highly doubt that this was that.
I disagree, shaming often times does work and I appreciate Matthews well written articles. I’ve heard people stop doing something stupid at the last minute when they realize everyone is walking around with a video camera in their pocket or purse and business have cameras everywhere too. Adding these videos on top of that for the world to see forever (friends, family, employer etc…) and yes it will deter some. Not all, but some is better than nothing!
They confused the flight with what the media refer to as a “peaceful protest” where you can slug whomever you want and get a free pass (if you’re on the right side). If you think I’m joking, I am not. Certain people have become used to behaving this way without criticism, and what you see here is this manifesting itself on a Delta flight.
Entitlement mentality at its finest.s
Yeah, but I think the guy knew he can’t hit a white FA on a plane (on the street at a peaceful protest for sure, but not quite yet on a plane). But a black woman can get away with it no problem. You can already see from the “fall” in the ramp that she (the black lady) will end up with millions of your $’s. Am I too cynical?? for sure, but even the most absurd position I can envision these days falls short of the reality of our woke society.
Cannot disagree with you.
What this woman charged with battery? Intimidation? She and the BF banned?
Just being honest, I do notice a lot of black women being extremely entitled and demanding on airplanes these days. Matthew, I think you had one or two more stories in the past months of such things. I guess this is the effect of BLM protests?
Nope. Not sure why you are even trying to link it to BLM, unless you are somehow trying to discredit that movement?
BLM. Eventually there will be blowback from this behavior. Push or touch my wife and see where that gets you!
I am sure this will lead to absolutely no consequences to the perp. DAL will offer her free miles for her being inconvenienced and the FA will have to go to white privilege deprogramming. DAL would never offend the demographic of their base in ATL metro area. DAL may even terminate the FA for not deescalating the aggrieved BLM customer.
Please follow up on this and let us all know what happens.
What does this have to do with BLM?
Bring on the racist comments… but there wrong.. just an observation from these posted videos on this Blog site.. why are these outbursts and incidences of outlandish and threatening behavior seem in the majority to be caused by Black citizens? Is it due to the BLM movement? Is it a East coast thing? I have yet to see postings of this behavior on West coast Long or short haul flights.
Again, what does this have to with BLM? Spoiler alert, Black people who live on the West Coast, many involved with BLM, also fly.
It seems like a bunch of right wing troll bots remembered they need to meet their montly anti-BLM comment quotas.
They are ranting and raving as they are about to lose their Dear Leader in 13 days, so sad
Flying today is not pleasant for passengers or employees. It is high stress and some individuals with fewer neurons firing will not be able to cope and contain their impulses. And here we go. The airplane is a classic BF Skinner rat box experiment.
Has there been an update on this story? I can’t find any information about what happened after she was escorted off the plane and fell. Was she arrested? Has delta banned the woman from future flights? Delta claimed to be “investigating” the incident on Twitter.
No updates yet.
Business travelers have vanished and aren’t coming back in large numbers any time soon. To fill the void, the big 4 airlines have lowered fares and attracted a traveler profile that was historically limited to Frontier and Spirit.
This is why you see ghetto trash causing incidents in larger numbers. I have friends who work for American and United and tell me that the terminal is full of people like this on every flight. They are dying for the better-behaved business travelers to return.
The last flight I took from Phoenix to Los Angeles was probably 70% black passengers. Had never seen anything like that before.
If they can afford to fly, they can afford manners. Clearly, they can only afford one.
Lying animal. That FA did not “touch” her. This is the way some people in society handle things – get violently loud, angry and start hitting because they simply have no manners, no ability to stay calm or reason something out. Shoot first, ask questions later. No training was given from infancy, just a “slap upside the head” as their vernacular goes. No wonder they are violent and outraged through all their lives for the simplest of commands or laws that need to be obeyed. The reaction is literally animalistic. Unfortunately she was probably put on the next available flight by Delta, not arrested and just sent on her way to shut her up. Disgusting no matter how you slice it. …. and this is what society is supposed to embrace, tolerate and see as equal to civilized people ???
This was assault. Why were the police not called?
They were. Then she “tripped” while being escorted off.
Throw the book at her and make her compensate the airline and all pax for the delay.
That idiot should be black-listed (no pun intended).