I witnessed something that made me laugh the other day, but it merits a bit of discussion. When are children old enough to be “ditched” in economy class?
Ditching Children In Economy Class
The airline or flight wasn’t important, but I witnessed a woman arguing loudly with the gate agent about whether she could be separated from her children on the flight. She had apparently upgraded to business class and left her children in economy class. She had two girls, one who appeared to be five and the other seven.
She had her masked pulled down and was visibly upset:
“You can’t expect me to fly in economy class?!”
But the gate agent was firm…she could not leave her children alone.
I then boarded the flight but later saw the woman enter the aircraft with her daughters, yelling at them about how they had messed up her upgrade. The little one was crying.
What a piece of work…
They made their way back to economy class and I didn’t hear from them again during the flight.
But it’s an interesting issue that I wish to explore further. Airlines of course have unaccompanied minor rules, but this case is a little different: here the mother would still have been on the same plane as her daughters.
The key point to me seems to be that the children did not want to sit alone in this particular instance.
Full disclosure: I plan to do this to my children as soon as they are old enough, at least when I am traveling with my wife. I spoil my kids with premium cabins now even though they are far too young to properly appreciate them because daddy is unwilling to fly in economy class when it can be avoided.
Rules aside, I realize that each child matures at a different age and that is an important factor. If alone, the child(ren) must be able to sit without requiring assistance from others. Right now, my five-year-old son is still far too young to be left alone in the back of the plane. But I can certainly see a case on a longhaul flight when he is 10 and his sister is six when we leave them in economy class and fly business class.
Of course I also look forward to taking family trips when we sit together and solo trips with my son or daughter where we will certainly sit next to each other.
But even if I can afford a premium cabin for everyone as the kids get older, I want them to work for it just as I did (I’ve self-supported all my upgrades since I began flying in earnest in 2005). I grew up flying economy class and it makes me appreciate business and first class more today.
A woman tried to upgrade to business class and ditch her daughters in economy class…and was denied. What is the proper age limit when children can be left alone in a cabin? Is it ever proper?
I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on the matter, especially if you have upgraded while leaving your children in economy class.
stock image: Delta (the incident did not take place on Delta)

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This is not a huge issue. Especially when she was probably only a few rows away. We often do that, parents upgrade to DL comfort and kids (now 9, 16) sit three or four rows back. Not really a problem in my opinion. Now age 5 might be a little young….
Bad things can happen on planes to kids even as old as 11. Unless they are occupying all seats, there’s strangers sitting next to them. Go ahead and Google SA on airplanes.
Is it really worth it? Glad I never did this to my children. Further glad my grown sons don’t have to remember that mommy and daddy deserved more comfortable they do…..
I Am 100% with you, there all kinds of emergencies that can happen . I am glad that my hílate husband and I never did that. Great memories from my kids and grandchildren, wherever parent sit that is where the children belong. They got to remember both sides during their growing up and they do the same with their children. So somebody else is babysitting?
I wouldn’t dream of leaving my kids in economy and upgrading to premium class. I think it’s selfish and irresponsible of a mother to do that to little kids. She should have just stayed with them and they’d all enjoy the excitement of where they are going instead of she having a tantrum with the poor kid. Children get afraid sometimes when they don’t have an adult with them no matter how many rows they are away from them. I personally wouldn’t be able to sit easy and relax if my kids of that age were made to go to a different part of the plane. What did she expect from the airline? For one of the crew to babysit them. I don’t think that my kids would have stayed alone for long. They’d be right beside me in 5 minutes at that age. She deserved to be put into economy. She knew exactly what she was doing buying all the tickets for economy and waiting to the last minute to upgrade herself to premium class. We’re kept up to date with the news regarding creeps looking for an easy opportunity to molest a kid. By doing what she did is basically leaving her kids as bait for creeps. All alone and vulnerable. I don’t know what goes on in their dense heads.
When I read their age, and worse, that she guilted them, my ummediate reaction is she should have her kids taken away from them. I feel bad for them, and wonder who they take it out on.
Oh my gosh – you know what …it would NEVER even occur to me to sit in a different row than my children! I don’t care what age they are… I didn’t even know this was a thing…
Why even bother having kids if you don’t want to be a responsible, attentive, loving, caring, compassionate parent until they leave home! Aargh !
Absolutely with you Linda. Would never have even occurred to me to do that.
Well said. My children are grown and when we go on vacation, we still sit together.
She had the kids. Now be a parent. Mine always fly with me. Anytime my kids do something new I like to watch their reaction. I go nowhere without my kids no matter how old they are. I wanted them and still want them.
I absolutely agree. My heart goes out for those little one’s, to think that the little one was crying, and this is supposed to be a wonderful experience for the children. I wouldn’t dream of having my children at that age, sitting by themselves. So sad ☹️
Back in the train era without computer reservations, mom was headed out w 3 little girls, oldest was 6. Our seats were double booked and the other person was going across the country and refused to budge, for fear she’d be moved each time. We sat in the dining car because the conductor thought it would be fine to leave my sisters alone for 8 hrs at 4 and 6. Mid 60s and mom was skeptical of humanity.
These people are really special. Qrapping selfishness and stupidity in with appreciation and values. Planes aren’t vetting who sits next to your children but whatever
I am curious why you believe that planes are “ vetting” the passengers Whose job is it to do run background checks without consent on every passenger. If a person has a valid ID & is not incarcerated, then they can fly anywhere they want to without consenting to background check first. Now mayyyybe they do this for a sex offender registry, but that means Jack bc perhaps someone has never been caught, the unattended child could still get abused.
Think you misread. Lolah said “aren’t” not “are”
These days, there’s no guarantee that you’ll even get to sit with your kids in economy.
I agree that traveling with children is difficult- especially last minute flights. I purchased tickets for my girls 14& 15 in 2019 to travel last minute to NYC. I flew standby, it was a direct flight and I knew I would make it on. I asked to be seated next to them and they did try to accommodate me but we were rows apart. They were together at least.
It’s a struggle to get to sit with your kids. Twice my children under the age of 10 had to sit by themselves. My husband a few seats behind and I a few seats ahead. We were early for the flight but could nt get seats together. I begged and pleaded to no avail. My point is why is this okay but a parent planning to separate from their kids is bad.
I don’t understand…when I book a flight, I choose three seats, all together, for my husband, my young son, and myself. We always sit in the seats that I select when I pay for the tickets. And I would be furious if I got on the plane and one of my seats were not available. Have things changed?
Why would parents not get to sit with their young children? If you buy tickets and select your seats in advance, there’s a possibility you might not get those same seats, once you get on the plane? I just had no idea this is happening! So thankful I’ve not had to deal with this…
Airlines do vet when kids are crying to sit with their parents like in this case.
I think children under 10 should be with the parents I flew from Detroit to Hawaii with my 8 year old daughter THAT could not sit with me- even in economy! She is energetic and talkative— none of the passengers would trade seats and Delta did not care……… I felt bad for the the couple that heard about our entire family, vacation plans, 2nd grade anything else else she wanted to share BUT I did have a cocktail and relaxed! The airlines are NOT responsible for babysitting. Unfortunately, the couple next to my daughter had to and Delta thought they could have switched seats with me once I asked- Delta wouldn’t change their seats and told me to ask!
Delta didn’t honor the seats you chose and paid for so you could sit next to your young daughter? Or you chose not to pay to select your seats and expected someone who may have paid to choose their seat to move?
When you have to book without a lot of notice, the seats you want may already be taken.
I have been in a situation where Delta changed our connecting flight to be earlier than when the prior one landed. When we were rebooked, they would not sit us together even though we would have been on the original flight. 5 adults and 4 kids and the kids were all separated from adults when we got seat assignments despite us saying we need to be my kids. (Kids were 6,7,8 and 10). Luckily we could trade seats and got to at least have 1 adult by the kids.
It really depends which part of the travel ribbon you try to change your seats, Karrie. Obviously, the best time to do that is online check-in 24 hours prior. If that is unsuccessful, you can allow some extra time to see a customer service agent at the front desk, before you go through security. If you were checking a bag, you would have stopped here anyway.
Finally, a gate agent will certainly accommodate seating a young child with a parent. On a completely full flight a family might be split up, but they will not split up a young child and a parent, you just have to be at the gate when they open the flight and have time to move seats around, usually around 1 hour before departure. For most domestic flights, boarding begins around 35 minutes before departure and the agents get busy until they see the flight off.
I’m not sure what happened on your trip. Maybe life got in the way and you and your daughter were the last to board before they closed the door. The flight attendants will not move, or ask passengers to move, unless there is a safety issue. That is because passengers will feel compelled to do what the flight attendant asks. If someone moves so you can be with your child, they need to do that voluntarily.
Passengers are free to work things out among each other, once onboard.
From what you say, it sounds like you didn’t even ask.
I hope this is helpful to someone else who might be new to flying.
Thank you for this
Great response!
I can’t possibly leave my kids alone even if its an airplane. In fact I absolutely have to sit next to them.
You said a mouthful, Toots!
Me too. I Always paid to select seats. If we were flying, we flew together, and if we couldn’t fly together, we didn’t fly..I NEVER did that to my children. EVER.
Too many weirdos out there.
Candy, little girl? Let me sniff your hair. I was elected with the most votes in History
Most airlines have an Unaccompanied minor policy. Kids who meet that threshold are able to fly solo. For many airlines, that age is 7. Some Asian airlines are as low as 5 years old. Note, this almost always only applies to direct flights. Sometimes there is a fee for this service, like on Air Canada.
FAs look after the kids in this case. It’s part of the ticket price.
In short, if the airline allows you to put a kid on a 9 hour solo Trans-Pacific flight… they should allow the kids to sit a few rows back. Just make it clear to the mom that if there are any issues, she’ll have to address them.
These days, you’re not even guaranteed to sit with your kids in ECONOMY as part of the base ticket price, never mind in separate classes.
That being said, 5 years old is probably too young for MOST airline’s policies and would be an exception rather than the rule.
Of course, the alternative would have been to just put the kids into Business with the mom if there was room on the condition that they are well-behaved.
My brother flew as an unaccompanied minor all the time. There is an upcharge and they are assigned an attendant for the entire flight. My parents were poor and my brother is my half brother who would visit his birth mom. That is how children fly “unattended” by their parents. They are literally assigned an attendant from the airport. So if they are too young for the airline policy to sit without an airport attendant they are too young to sit without their parents as per the policies of the airline.
I just hollered over at my mom apparently being an unaccompanied minor is free unless you’re above a certain age. Though it does have to be specially booked ahead of time.
I when my niece was 6 I flew her as an unaccompanied minor to Florida where I was living at the time however on the way back I flew with her, she was no longer an unaccompanied minor. However the airline apparently did not get the memo and they had a quiet conversation with me about talking to and telling another somebody else’s child how to behave. I thought it was hilarious and very comforting at the same time.
Exactly my thoughts
The children should be well behaved no matter what class of seat they have period!!!
Why should the people in economy have to babysit or put up with someone else’s children while the parent’s are sitting in a more expensive seat?
Have you ever had young children found on your seat behind you? I have with my retired 85 year old school teacher mom who taught learning disabled kids. Those parents did not even attempt to handle their kids and became belligerent when we attempted to calm their children after they knew their kids were disruptive. Problem is flight attendant was ready to kick my mom and me off the flight. Fire those female flight attendants!!!!
If your mother tried to kick those disruptive children in the face, she should have gone to jail.
Unaccompanied kids is totally different than the parents to lazy to watch there own kids,they don’t even want to sit with there own kids why should all the other passengers have to babysit them.. those kind of parents should be banned for life.
Hear, hear. I totally agree with you.
Yeah. Without confirmation from the involved airline I am calling bull on this story.
Well said
Can you say Sexual Abuse??? I bet they ditch them other places on this “family” trip too! Ugh
I agree. Like the parents that left there small kids at home and went on a vacation or another couple left a very young baby in there hotel and said it was kidnapped while they were gone.
I agree, adult women are molested all the time…. sickos with opportunity abound. Imagine your school age daughter being sat next to a perv that cant believe his good fortune. No one will interveine on her behaf, just ask the women that are sueing these do nothing airlines What a peice of work selfish parents are no wonder the younger generations hate us so…
Totally agree
I agree with you 100 percent. I just can’t wrap my mind around that mindset as a mother myself. My children come first, in every situation, always. It breaks my heart to hear she was scolding her children because she couldn’t be in business class alone.
My advice; if your flying with your kids, sit with them. They need you, you are the person in charge of their safety, comfort and mental development for years to come. One day you will be able to fly first class alone because they are adults. Enjoy their childhood with them, not watching for first class.
I, whole-heartedly, agree! It makes me so sad for those kids. I was such a sensitive child. If my mom was upset about having to sit with me, it would have made me so sad. Especially if she reprimanded me or gave me the impression of “…great…now I have to sit with you.”
And we wonder why kids have such issues these days with self-confidence, or feeling like they’re never good enough. My parents’ actions showed me that I was worth their time and effort and I am so grateful to them for letting my brothers and I see that we were their number-one priority. It might not seem like a big deal, but I don’t think people realize how much their actions affect their children’. From things like confidence and grades in school, to work ethic and success in long-term relationships, our “small” actions impact our children’s lives more than we realize.
Well said Mary. We think alike. I was so shocked to hear this story and saddened that a mother would guilt their children. This is is supposed to be an experience for the children, I hope they don’t remember this, and how their mother made them feel.
Exactly. To me what she did was disturbing. 5and 6 yrs old c’mon, are you freaking crazy. What kind of mother are you? No way no freaking way.
I have two teenage boys, 17 and 15, and I love sitting with them on the plane. They are forced to interact with me in some way. Trust me, they would love for me to sit in a different location but the thought never even crossed my mind.
I’m done! Why in the world would anyone even consider doing this?! The author wants his kids to “work” for it! Work for the sense of security of sitting with their parents on a plane. Flying is stressful to a lot of people, me included, and I feel more comfortable when someone I know is sitting with me. There is no way I would have wanted to be separated from my daughter like that when she was young. Having your kids work for a gaming console, or their first car is one thing, but having your kids work for your protection is just totally unacceptable. I applaud the airline employee for not catering to that woman’s selfishness. To the author,.. your kids are only young once. Time flies by, so cherish every moment. Once they’re older, you can sit, do, go anywhere you want.
Exactly! Your kids your responsibility! Flight attendants are safety officers not baby sitters. In an emergency their attention should not be diverted to children with parents rows away. Everyone knows once everyone is boarding or deplaning good luck even going 2 rows back for it luggage you left in the only available overhead. Now imagine there is a life threatening emergency, those few rows might as well be a mile apart. I assume those entitled parents that left the kids rows away will be screaming and pushing to get to their children adding to confusion during an emergency At the very least go back and see who your children are sitting near and ask if they mind keeping an extra eye on it offspring! I am happy to help, if approached like this. I am also happy to change seats provided I have not already sanitized my area ( always done ever before COVID) or the seat is less desirable for some reason. I understand full flights and ppl can’t always sit together, but we are talking about parents CHOICE to sit apart from their children. Ppl are too entitled talking about my rights but some things are privilege even if you paid for them. The rest of the passengers paid as well and deserve the same attention from the flight crew esp during and emergency situation. I didn’t even get into the rage incidents that are so common now…and ppl think it OK to have kids even 3 rows apart!?! I def think it’s a sliding scale based on the child’s maturity and behavior but don’t expect anyone to watch your kid for free. I even hate when parents scream across rows to their children! I will not be putting up with such intrusion and rudeness, nor should I have to deal with a child acting in a manner that is disturbing – ie kicking the seat the entire flight while their parent is in an upgraded class. If you do have to travel in separate classes then it should only be one step down. This is more necessary since flights are so booked up. Parents in biz with kids in comfort class is a pretty good compromise if it must be done.
Agreed. If you are going to travel with your kids, Travel WITH your kids. Especially when they are young. Not just that, but expecting them to sit by strangers without parental supervision? Oh and she can forget about mother of the year for blaming her kids for her lack of comfort. Shame on her. I can only imagine what other psychological and emotional abuse she puts them thru.
Why have children, if you do not want to spend time with them, or feel superior to them??
this is garbage airlines force families to sit apart all the time it’s been many years now but on an international flight from Seattle my ex and I with 2 children son 9 and stepdaughter 7 were forced to sit several rows apart my son was placed several rows behind us and stepdaughter 2 rows in front and my ex and I were sat together but I changed with my stepdaughter because my ex was a foreign national and my stepdaughter English was poor so if the airlines can do why not parents this is just a ticket agent with power control issues
I agree. I love my children and would never do this to them.
What a shallow understanding of love…
I total agree. With everything going on today I do understand why this would be a discussion. If something was to happen, these parents that want to “upgrade”themselves would be ready to blame if not sue the airline.
Yeah sure, leave it up to the adults around your kids to babysit them. Most planes are 30 to 40 Rows. Don’t count on him being within earshot. The gate agent made the right decision.
Exactly! I had parents sit away from their child. I am not a babysitter and went to sleep.
To be completely honest, adults are often more trouble than the majority of kids these days. You give the child an entertainment system or an iPad and they’re good for the whole flight. I’d choose to sit next to a kid EACH and EVERY time over most adults in economy, especially one with pent-up anti-mask covid-aggression.
Ask yourself… how many times has a kid been removed from a plane for misbehaving?
Even you must admit the whole covid, vaccine, social distancing and mask wearing narrative is slowly falling apart?
Please read this without thinking I’m arguing or being hateful. That is not my intent.
Ask a nurse if that narrative is falling apart. Both of my kids are nurses. Both are the [redacted by admin] type of humans you’d love to have a beer with. One boy, one girl. Both have been on Covid units in this current pandemic. Both became travelers so they could make enough money to make it worth it because of the abuse they receive from too many patients. My kids are amazing humans that became nurses even after watching my husband fight cancer for 6 years and then die. Please think of these 20-something year olds that are out there working 50+ hours a week in a [redacted by admin] of PPE when you start to say things like that. I promise I’m not arguing or being hateful or mean, just letting you see the other side of things. These last 2 years have been rough for myself and my kids. I didn’t see them for over a year as they took care of Covid patients and kept away from me to protect me. The point of this is to just let you hear what is most definitely going on, and what has gone on, by the mother of two Covid nurses. I love my kids and am so proud but wish they would quit running into the fire every chance they get. But like I said, they’re pretty amazing humans. And they would fight to their detriment to make sure they did all they could to get you well and back home if you were ever admitted to a facility they were working in.
I know this is not what the article is about and I usually don’t reply to anyone that talks about masks and vaccines. For some reason I decided to this time.
Yes definitely agree that it’s exposing narcissistic idiots who think they know better than following guidelines that are designed to put welfare of country, society, humanity ahead of individual pleasure.
You mean the “narrative” that 90% of the people now dying from COVID are unvaccinated?
Saw the instance in a story where a male passenger asked fellow passengers to look after his kid on the flight, then proceeded to down a sleeping tablet.
From recall, he was arrested when the plane landed.
Ear shot? Half the time I can’t hear my boyfriend sitting right next to me. This author wants to ditch his parental responsibilities and let someone else raise his children on a 7 hour flight. 6 and 10 are far too young to be left alone anywhere unsupervised.
The parent wanted a babysitter
Lamce, I fully agree. None of the posters who are hliariously “up in arms” over this woman “abandoning” herctwovkids in economy class know the maturityvlevels of her kids bettercthan she does. Folks should save their outrage for truly serious bad behavior, such as the Chinese atrocity against the Uiigers, or thevJan 6th events at the Capitol or Saudia Arabia’s attack on Yemen and it’s people, or worldwide starvation such as in Afghanistan, or just Donald Trump for every piece of vile shit that comes out of his mouth. When my daughter, now 31, was 7, and my son, now 28, was almost 5, they were definitely old enough to have sat together in economy while I or my wife was in business class. The fact that I never did that is irrelevant, but the idiocy of the nannies is infuriating.
Let’s stay on topic……yes. Everything in the world is terrible. We get it.
The author specifically requested feedback about the readers opinions and experiences in a similar situation. Nobody is reading this article to opine on Donald the Clown, the mess in Syria, or how the Chinese gov’t treats the Uiigers, the Capitol riots or Yemen. The article was very specifically relaying a story, and giving their thoughts on parents sitting in Biz Class and {5 & 7yr olds} sitting elsewhere on the plane next to actual strangers.
They may be great strangers, or they may be creepy strangers. Kids under 14 require an attendant on a flight (there’s a whole set of rules for that on most airlines).
So, let’s break this down: kids aged 5 & 7 cannot be left home alone. These same children can not be on an aircraft, with strangers expected to watch them, and be annoyed by them, listen to them sing or argue over snacks — like really, thats what kids do. They’re your kids – your responsibility.
My husband and I fly with our daughter (shes now 10) all the time. I do look forward to the day where she can sit elsewhere but we’re not there yet.
In my opinion – you sit with your kids if they’re too young to walk across a busy intersection without dying. If the plane were to crash, do you think that stranger near your kids would give a shit if they get their life vests on? They sure wouldn’t care as much as I would, that’s for damn sure.
Spot on Sara regarding point of opinion. My opinion is legit experience as I am a flight attendant flying for over 32 years on multiple airplanes & routes. Most people want to try & sit next to their children as stated they are their responsibility NOT others & do you really want to trust another person to get your child out safely in an emergency & sitting next to perverts are valid! I keep my eye out for abuse & misconduct & sadly it even happens in own families. I am very put off by parents that purposely do not sit by their younger children (dads you are responsible too) as have seen poor mom left to fend w/the crying children while other half is sleeping away). You cannot be responsible 3 rows away. Yes it depends on the child’s maturity but this example of a mom shaming her children for not being able to sit in her premium seat without them was awful! Shame on her & this entitled mentality has got to stop. She was being selfish, a bad parent & rude to the staff which is also unacceptable. From my experience, there are many disturbing behaviors, dysfunctions & unnecessary distractions caused by adults which these poor children are learning or affected by. No, the passenger next to your child is not their babysitter & the flight attendants are not either. Be responsible for own behavior & your family please!! Society is begging this of you as we all are on an airplane for different reasons whether to enjoy a vacation, visit a relative healthy or sick, attend to business or a funeral. Respect each other & do not be rude or selfishly impose on other, but be kind & compassionate. Please.
Nice guy.
Yeah, but that isn’t why people to visit this, to discuss current world events (as much as some people try to shoehorn them into the discussion).
Nothing to with the maturity of her kids, it just seems like mommy was a bit of the selfish side more than anything else. Which isn’t a good look for parents in general.
You are very clueless
Completly agree, Throwing stones I glass houses Comes to mind. I let my son walk home from school, let himself in, help himself to a snack and play his games until I get home from work. He’s 9, but I’ve taught him to be independent. Same as if a parent thinks their child is mature enough to sit away from them for a few hours. I think it all depends of the mentality of the member if staff at the time.
As for Trump I totally disagree. Do you think Russia would be threatening to invade Ukraine? North Korea firing missiles everywhere? People in Afghanistan dying from the farce that was the evacuation of armed forces. Coming from a neutral Brit, Biden is not fit for purpose.
Coming from another neutral Brit, your views on Trump are laughable.
In answer to your questions, yes all of those things would have happened under Trump.
Who was it that released 3000 Taliban prior to the US withdrawal?
So, do you just randomly post to various stories in the hope of letting out a little bit of your TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. You should really see a doctor.
Because this discussion is about a woman pawning her kids off on the rest of the passengers. And your an MD the smartest people have no common sense hence the sites name liveandletsfly
I can tell you are both nice men that don’t realize how often sexual assault happens on planes.
Friends of mine that are flight attendants can tell you horror stories though. There is a reason that airlines charge for unaccompanied minors and because someone has to keep an eye on them, take them to the bathroom, help them with their food. Airlines vary some but 12 is generally the age you can put your child in a different section from yourself.
What hope do you have for a normal life if your parents ditch you every chance they get?
Totally agree
Probably a lot more successful than the helicopter parent who never lets the kids become independent. My kids, on the other hand, will learn to navigate life on their own, solve problems they encounter, and take responsibility for their success or failure. Yes, I will support them, but it’s ok to fall and skin your knees too.
I wouldn’t ever leave my child , we walk on a flight together , we walk off of a flight same as we did getting on .
Well said
What a selfish, entitled person and a horrible parent. To ditch your kids who are too young to be expected to behave well and may be scared is awful. I also resent parents who don’t monitor their children in public. If you make the decision to have kids then you should take care of them. I do not like getting put in the position of monitoring someone else’s children’s behavior. Children often act out or behave poorly if they don’t have someone monitoring them or setting boundaries. I also don’t want to comfort someone else’s child if they are scared or afraid. It is not a strangers responsibility to raise your children. I also can’t comprehend a parent not being concerned about a stranger having unmonitored access to your child. How long does it take for a stranger to do something to a child that will have last repercussions on your childs psyche. Totally inappropriate parental behavior. What a $@*$#.
What a jerk!
Totally agree no respect for the other passengers
I have always traveled with my kids, business class or economy but always together, I spend enough time at the office without them so a trip with them is always welcomed.
Don’t be an ass. Sit with your kids. Even when they’re 35. It’s called being decent.
Totally agree
Basically, you should not have had children. Lots of people should not have children. Gina
What a dick.
Sit with your children…or go ahead and teach them your comfort is more important than theirs.
What a tool.
Totally agree
I fly at least at much as the author and blog owner and I never see or experience nearly as many crises on aircraft or in terminals as he does. I suspect Matthew creates these scenarios to provoke reactions from readers which are measured and then converted into personal income. Advertisers love that Matthew has lots of readers and readers that engage in dialog are more likely to see their ads. That explains why each blog entry ends with a solicitation to comment. Like, who actually cares what a stranger thinks about the chicken entree served on Lufthansa?
So in this article, mom and her little urchins existed only in Matthew’s mind. But the 20+ reader reactions made Matthew a few bucks. That’s how he gets paid for this blog, folks. And now I’ve fallen for it too!
David, the incident truly did happy. I held off other details (like the mother’s extensive plastic surgery) because I did not want to sidetrack the discussion. Thanks for reading.
6 is not old enough for a girl to be able to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy or even perverse behaviour / conversations directed at/about them in such close spaces. ‘Little games’ or vulgar actions need to be clos4ly monitored by the parent…children can be separated in a plane when they’re certain about acceptable stranger boundaries and behaviors…and are up to the task of speaking/screeching out for assistance or just getting help from a flight attendant to get to a safer area. There are just too many predators and malevolent people in every social senarios…plane train bus…party ball game etc… yes they need to learn all this before middle school but depending on the maturity level of the child in question… shy @15 or 16 watchful and a natural self defender 12 or 13. I have 3 grown children and was appalled at what people did when they thought a parent wasn’t around or looking. Teach them how to think, defend themsrlves & give them clear guidelines about the differences between right and wrong.
When flying with my family we always sit together. Mostly in business but if we book late and business is too expensive then economy is fine. I don’t understand why someone would choose to be separated from their children even if only by a few rows.
I have not read all the comments. But, no one has asked the question Why separate from your children. if not sufficient seats in upgrade, insufficient funds for upgrading or just being a selfish jerk of a parent
Flight attendants aren’t your personal babysitters, easy concept for most to grasp.
Maybe the two issues to consider are: 1) is each of them old enough that you would leave them home along overnight while you go on a trip? (And no, you can’t say one is 16 and one is 3. BOTH have to be old enough to be left home alone overnight.). And 2) What is the message you send your kids—who as more than one person has pointed out don’t know the difference—when you clog business class and first class with your kids? If we are really trying to move to a world that is more aware of the imbalances of money and power and privilege, letting them fly coach—along with the parents—is a different message than accustoming them to first class. Not saying they shouldn’t be there—but be conscious of the expectations and message you might be sending…
I find this strange and possibly harmful to a child’s self esteem. Why should they be told that they don’t deserve to sit in a premium cabin?
As others have stated there is a real possibility that a child could be harmed by a predator. I also find it unfair to the passengers seated around unaccommpanied children. Talk about absent parenting…
To the author: I really don’t care about your affluenza issues. If your kids sit next to me and misbehave, I will be more than happy to report them to the airline staff AND put your sorry face on social media.
Nonetheless, thanks for exposing to the world how much you care about your kids. Also congratulations! You are making the job of a future shrink very secure, by booking them up for dozens of hours of daddy-issue analysis. That way, your kids can give some of their inheritance back to the society. Good luck!
The authors comment that he wanted his kids to earn it like he did is the height of selfishness. Do your kids work full time? How old are they? They are supposed to earn their own money to sit a better class seat? Way to try and justify your arrogance and selfishness.
I also found that little tid bit from the author a bit odd. Sure, once your children are grown and have the ability to “earn” it, that’s fine. But children without the ability to earn income, have credit cards (not to even mention that they are freaking CHILDREN)….until they have the ability to “earn it like you did” or are old enough to protect themselves from potential predators… It just makes no sense, in my opinion, to leave them to fend for themselves.
The “predators” trope strikes me as the same fear-driven hyperbole that causes some people to drive in their cars with masks on.
And trust me, if either one of my kids are ever harassed on an airplane, the assailant will wish s/he was never born. My children are not my “friends” but I have a very open dialogue with them and my son, five years old, is already comfortable enough to come to me over any issue. I intend to keep it that way.
I take a different approach to parenting than others – that is clear. But the idea is not to let them fend for themselves, but prepare them to be responsible adults who are self-sufficient and develop the sort of character traits like the ability to be independent that will guide and serve them throughout their lives.
There’s a family I used to work for that did it this way. Seven children. Wonderful children. Yes, some were younger than I’m sure many of you would be comfortable with in leaving alone in economy class, but they were taught well and were not a burden to anyone in economy class. Nor did they constantly go up to business class to visit their mother.
My children are loved so much that I want to them to experience the joy of hard work and how empowering it is to realize that you don’t have to cling to mommy and daddy. I will send my son out on solo trips around the world when he is a teenager and I am fully confident he will be prepared for them and mature enough for them (and if not, I won’t send him).
You may disagree with my approach, but simply dismissing it as selfishness demonstrates both pride and ignorance. I hope my children will accomplish great things. I invest a great deal of time and money in them and it is my pleasure, honor, and duty to do so.
But I want to teach my kids to travel the world on their own and that will start as young as I deem it responsible. This isn’t about me enjoying business or first class as much as it is preparing them to be the sort of citizens that can thrive and make a difference.
Fun fun. Mathew are you also sitting there checking who is ridiculing you with their comments
Sad..this is the world we live in now…and we wonder why some kids have no time for parents, friends or family when they’ve grown up.
As a.mom, I would never in a million years have ditched my kids for “a better seat”. Your kids are young once. Turbulence happens, fights arise on random flights. I wanted my kids to know I had their backs. I don’t think flights are the place for kids to discover independence. I also now travel with my grandkids and I can tolerate a few hours of discomfort for them. Anything over 4 hours, we’re all getting bumped up together. I need the leg room as my body hurts and I want them near me so we can spend time together and they know I have their backs too.
I cannot imagine this. I would not want to be separated from my dogs even. Now if the kids were older and insisted on it, I would get a seat further away. Why should parents get furst class and kids economy boggles my mind!
As a former flight attendant of 40+ yrs it always amazed me to see parents willing to separate from their children on planes. We also had those who were concerned that they sit with them,which the latter I agree with for many reasons.
In an emergency you will NOT not be near your children and the evacuation flow could be a different direction. Will you think you need to get to your children NOW, and disrupt the flow of emergency because they are back there??? That is how people die , because you are impeding the flow . 90 seconds to evac is all you get before flash over. I can see the parent blocking the flow easily to get to their kids. It has been shown to happen before. Not good. Emotionally. They are sitting with strangers and Who is talking to them? You can’t see them. Perverts do exist and have caused trouble before. You need to be able to be next to your children or within eyesight of your children.
Safety is number one . Flying on an airplane and is not typical experience . Do you make your kids take another car for your convenience? No. and people react accordingly in stressful situations. Even something as simple as turbulence can be scary for children if it becomes light level.( Where the flt attendant had to sit down and strap in. ) Please if you want to go first class , don’t bring your kids. Or sit with them on the plane. Do you think it’s right to let a stranger watch your kids in stressful situations? Stuff happens.
If you don’t care enough about your children to sit next to them on a flight, then you should not have them. Putting your child in a seat next to a stranger is crazy.
A kid old enough to be left in economy alone is old enough to understand that his or her parents ‘ physical comfort is more important than his or her safety.
I don’t care what age. It’s wrong. It’s your children. Can’t justify. People saying it’s okay will also leave their kids home alone with pizza money, while they go on vacation for a week to the islands. What bubble do you live in where you are no longer a parent and your child is responsible for themselves. Few seats back.
Unless you’re the one who gets stuck sitting next to the little darlings.
My brother and I were happy to sit by ourselves. 5 is way too young but 10 and up certainly. Of we were Boomers and much more independent than modern children. (Also Economy in those days was similar to what passes for First on US airlines today).
It’s only a problem if you get offended by how others parent your minor when your in a different class. If someone’s kid sits next to me (at the parents discretion) and I have to parent them. I will. I’m firm, with high expectations, and at times a bit direct/harsh. My kids are awesome. Yours will be too if you leave them with me. Don’t like it. Then you’ll realize your being selfish to both your kids and other parents.
Of course if your sure your kid won’t need help and won’t miss behave….then no worries.
Oh the comments about SA should be taken very seriously as well. It’s real, it’s scary and 11 year old won’t know how to handle it matter how mature.
I think the article author is as much of an a55 as the mother he is writing about Family should travel together no matter and what kind of message does that send to your kid separating them on a plane?
Any parent who flies first class while their children are in economy is a total jerk.
Well as long as you are ok being treated the same way when you get old ie your kids family travelling in first class and you travelling in economy class when he is paying for the family vacation that u are no longer able to afford then its all good! But if u are going to crib and judge your kids when you get old and say how well u treated them and see how they are treating you, well remember you are the one who taught them how to be selective in treating family once they are capable of earnjng their money.
Let me be very clear. The airlines in this case was being holier than thou. I have had instances when the airlines separated me and my little kids and they sat all the way back alone in the plane even separated from their siblings. Because the flight was full and the front row seats were sold for money. So please spare me this BS. When it suits them the airline does this all the time leaving us no choice.
I never leave my family. I have been upgraded and my husband and kids were not and I had them move me back to economy.
This mother was beyond irresponsible. But I’m most Family Courts she would get custody of these children with few questions asked. My ex took our two oldest daughters, 18 & 16, on a day at the Jersey shore with her man-friend. The girls were shocked, in tears, as they came over the dunes to Sandy Hook, the only nicest beach on the Northeast US.
I think you’re both crappy parents in this respect. Strangers will more than likely be sitting next to your kids on a crowded plane. HELLO?! With the increase in child trafficking, molestation, etc. these days, have you even given a thought to what could happen to a 6-, 11-, or 15-year-old who is too scared to speak up or fight back?! For God’s sake, grown women on planes have been sexually assaulted by someone sitting next to them! And yes, what if there is an emergency and those oxygen masks are needed — you can’t make sure your kids are able to correctly put them on if you’re in the front of the plane and they’re in back, now can you? Or do you just assume the flight attendants are there to take care of that? You chose to have kids, and yes, they entail a lot of responsibility, but that’s what you signed up for. I don’t get your mentality — I LIKE being around my kids. Grow up and accept responsibility for your own kids, not to mention their well-being.
I feel the same way about parents who order an expensive meal and feed the kids the crap on the kid’s menu. I am not rich by any means but I have never limited my children to the kids menu. If they wanted something like a burger fine but if they wanted the same meal as I was having at any restaurant they could have it. The only rule was if order it you better eat it. Of course portion size was taken into account. As a result bother my children are adults with children now. They enjoy food of all types can tell what is prepared well and what is not at every price point and my oldest grandchild not yet four is already learning to cook. If you want your children to enjoy the better things in life they need to be exposed to it. To afford it as adults they need to have a good career so it’s a good investment in their future. That woman should take the bus next time and enjoy a p&j sandwich on store brand white bread. Grape jelly nothing else. PIG AND A FOOL
Just think there is an emergency on the planes, lost of pressure in the cabin, fire in an engine, heavy turbulence, something is wrong and the captain announces have you return, there are people craing praying, and your kids are enduring it alone, you can’t leave your seat, think of your children, was it worth it? just because you wanted more space for your ass.
Wow. Unbelievable. I can’t even imagine your thought process of what you think your kids will be like with that kind behaviour towards your very own children . Wow. That explains some things from behavior I have observed, I have to credit you with that.
Kids in my family flew as unaccompanied minors around age 6, so being separated from my parent on the same plane would seem pretty tame. But when we were in different sections, we were the complete opposite of this. When my dad found himself with a free upgrade available while on a family trip, we rotated which kid got to take it, and the parents stayed in the back. But this was before economy class existed, it was just regular and first class on domestic travel way back in the 90s, when a decent-ish meal and checked bags were all included.
Selfish. I’d never disrespect a traveling commodious like that. Yes, I’ve faced the situation many times. IF I can’t upgrade THEM THEN I SIT with them. 0-80 my kids are my kids .
Stay with your kids. Period. Turbulence and other scary stuff can happen on a plane. A good parent would want to be there for his/her children. I cannot believe this is a thing.
As you said, children mature at different ages. However 5 is way too young. 7 is skechy.
However, if the flight is full, and this day and age the usually are, I can see how it could happen. My children flew separated by me a few times. However I was within arms reach to get to them, and they could see me.(1 row in front or back). We were airline employees, traveling space available. They were well behaved, having the fear of repercussions,instilled prior to the trip.
My son has been through a lot of treatment for a rare immune deficiency and bone infections since he was 5 Yrs old., he’s 30 now and has new infections
I’m a single mum always have been. Not alot of support around us except the hospital and staff.
I always gathered miles and as much cash as I could to enable him to fly business or first. His comfort is more important than mine. I usually take the economy. We are usually only a few rows from each other except he’s comfortable so when we arrive home he’s as comfortable as possible.
I’ve been attacked on numerous occasions asking why? It’s not nessesary! It is actually….
Since we have to fly from the UK TO THE USA the flight can get long at times. I want my son even at 5 Yrs old not to experience even more pain with infection in his bones. He looks normal acts normal but has a life threatening disease and experiences pain. To me it’s worth it! Knowing he’s in comfort.
Now we live in the USA the flight times are somewhat less. I still struggle to get him the comfortable seat financially as he now has a brain tumour as of sept 2 2021 and we’ve been homeless on and off due to the cost of medications, transport etc etc.
I spend hours on the computer trying to find deals that enable him a smooth ride while I still sit in economy. Just saying..
Done thing I think folks are missing is the safety issue. As a retired flight attendant, I can tell you that the biggest concern for me would be the highly unfortunate event of an evacuation. Those children aren’t anyone’s responsibility but the parents and occasionally the FA’s if it’s an unaccompanied minor. However in that instance the children would be up front and only 2-3 rows max away from the FA in charge. We all know this mother is a jerk. Nonetheless, think about it… If there were a mechanical failure or whatever and the passengers had to evacuate or worse dutch from the plane, parents are suddenly going to be panicked about their children. If a parent is sitting forward of their children they will not be able to move against the flow or with the flow of exciting passengers to get to their kiddos!! Evacuation could be a state of life and death for obvious reasons. It’s just not worth it to put the parent or the children in that state of chaos and utter fear. I am not certain of this but I would bet that the FAA has weighed in on this. Their guidelines are to make sure travel safe for everyone, not to split parents up from their kids. I realize that if it isn’t disclosed they may not catch it but if they know I can write you that they would not allow it.
If there is an emergency landing or crash(God forbid), do you really want the lives of your children at the mercy and kindness of strangers? Like another stated earlier, what if someone tries to touch them inappropriately? Stay with and protect your own children!!!!
It’s never okay, there is a very good reason why airlines place unaccompanied minors in the last row….molestation!!!!!!! The dirty little secret that airlines won’t tell you, happens a lot more than you know.
My first question would be if there is an airline rule around this? Airlines are very happy during the seat assignment process to separate young children from their parents and often take the attitude that it’s the parents problem to solve onboard. If the airline in question doesn’t have a rule that a parent must always be physically next to a child under a certain age I can’t see how they could refuse the parents desire to take the upgrade and leave the kiddos in coach. This works both ways. If the parent can’t at their discretion take the upgrade and leave the kids behind then the airline must no matter what ensure that parents can sit with their children.
Secondly I’m in the same place you are. When my kids are old enough to sit solo I will have zero hesitation about upgrading mom and I while sending them to the back.
All that being said it takes a certain kind of sick low life to yell at a small child as if something like this was their fault.
Parents are responsible for their children and should not ditch them in economy so they can pamper themselves in the premium cabin. I would never be in favour of this but suspect it is legal if the children are at an age where they can be left alone in their own home without a baby sitter. That probably makes it legal but not necessarily right.
Most airlines have an Unaccompanied Minor policy. The age I see most of the time is 7 for direct flights… including long-haul. So… if you can send a 7-year solo to Asia to see grandma… a few rows back with the parents on board… shouldn’t be a problem.
As I write this…. my kids are on a whole different floor than me. I don’t worry for their safety.
Are you the moral police? Who are you to decide what is right or not? If its legal, it should be acceptable no?? Some children are brought up to be independent and wouldn’t even batter an eyelid about sitting on their own, and might actually enjoy the independence, who are we to judge?
I am not arguing with you or judging you in any way, but I do want to address something you said. You said, “if something is legal it should be acceptable, no?” Actually, just because something is legal does not make it acceptable. Let me give you an example.
Some /children/ have taken their own lives due to being bullied. Some have been bullied severely, at school. Not illegal. Some have been bullied by people, online, who were pretending to be someone else. Also, not illegal. In one case a girl’s friend’s mother pretended to be a boy the child’s age and established a close, personal online relationship with the girl, until she developed a crush on him and then the mother tormented her relentlessly until she took her own life. The parents were devastated and tried to take action but law enforcement could never intervene because nothing “illegal” was done. It’s not illegal to pretend to be someone else online. It’s not illegal to bully someone. It’s not illegal to lie. Although none of these things ever lead to something good.
I’m sorry to go to such a dark place, but I’m trying to illustrate that something being legal doesn’t make it “right.” My point is that “legal” is very different from “ethical” and “moral.”
While in business school, we had to take an ethics follow-up course, after nearly every standard business class, just to clarify the ethical practices of each course, because standard business practices are unfortunately so often unethical, albeit “legal.”
So please let us be ever-cognizant of this and, please, let us be a nation that strives for “ethical,” “moral,” and “just” and not just “legal.”
Excellent point, Kristina.
Yes, there is a rule with most airlines, depending on the age. In this instance, you don’t leave a five and a seven-year-old unaccompanied.
That was my thought as well. Airline policy should be clear and let the gate agent say “Okay, children under 12 not seated with a guardian are considered unaccompanied minors. The fee for that service will be $235. The next flight on your itinerary with an opening for more unaccompanied minors is next Tuesday. Would you like to rebook?”
But that would have a lot more punch if airlines weren’t knowingly choosing to separate children from the adults on their reservations because the parents booked basic economy.
They are 5 and 7 , way to young to fly alone . what if there is turbulence that scares the young ones and they start screaming who do you think they’re going to scream for?
You pointed out the same questions I have. I’m a flight attendant and I can’t find the answers anywhere in my manual. Some of the other readers are getting unaccompanied minors, who are supervised by crew members and for whom specific ages requirements are listed, confused with small children whose parents are onboard and who are not supervised by crew.
What about giving your teenage kid your elite upgrade and staying in economy (maybe with other family members)?
I remember once in College hosting a prospective student who said his Dad traveled a lot (I remember he had the Star Alliance elite priority tags on his luggage) and said his Dad let him sit in his upgraded seat in first class, after his upgrade cleared, with his Dad staying back in economy.
I was going to comment this very thing. Someone should enjoy the upgrade as long as the kid is old enough to be solo (IDK maybe 13 or so). This whole kids get less than the parents thing feels very wrong to me.
Totally agree!!
Old enough at 13! I was out the house all day long at the age of 8, getting up to all sorts, most with one little mistake I could of been dead. I’d be quite happy to leave my 8 year old on a flight, I know exactly where they are and are perfectly safe!
I agree wholeheartedly you f-tard parents who want to ditch your kids in Econ while you sit in Business. If you can afford to sit in business take them with you otherwise quit bitching about it. It’s called being a responsible adult for a reason you entitled assholes. The world we live in to even discuss the morality of this. It’s either y’all sit in first or y’all sit in coach not one and another.
What?? I can’t even believe this. One woman said her daughter is 10 and she can hardly wait to sit away from her??? That’s disgusting. Why wouldn’t you want to sit next to your own daughter? That’s part of the fun of the trip. How selfish are you that you want to stick your kids in the back, while you ride in the front? Other people and flight attendants don’t want to babysit your kids. What if there is an emergency? What about pervs? Are you nuts?? This would never even occur to me or my husband to do that.
“All that being said it takes a certain kind of sick low life to yell at a small child as if something like this was their fault.”
I agree 100% I would have had a hard time keeping my mouth shut had I witnessed that. Just imagine how horrible she is at home without people watching……
However, I have a different opinion on sticking kids in economy. A family trip is a family trip. I wouldn’t make him eat lower quality food or sleep on the hotel room floor instead of a bed just because he hasn’t earned those treats yet.
That’s a bit different. What’s happening here is an UPGRADE. What you’re speaking of is a DOWNGRADE.
Not many ppl would DOWNGRADE their children just to prove a point.
I think 10 and 6 is way too young for a long haul loll. What if 6 year old wakes up disorientated? Plus youll be going back and forth through the curtain which is pretty annoying for all. Like day flight sure (but not huge need to be in biz class for those.
Too many perverts out there for me to take a chance on this.
Totally agree with Steve, I would sit with the kids in Coach. One time my daughter sat next to a creep and I had to change seats with her.
You have hit the nail on the head right here. Period. End of discussion.
So, who put you in charge of deciding when discussion ends?
I was 11 and my dad sent me back so he could sit close to my 2 younger brothers and protect them. I never forgot the message that they were worth protecting. I was molested on that flight and other passengers saw and did nothing. I didn’t know how to handle it. Think for a minute, would you choose to sit for hours elbow to elbow with a rapist or child molester? Do you really think a child should be made to. All of you parent who think this is about independence wake up. You have to consider the What If the person in the next set is dangerous? And there is also this quality time with children is precious and few. How you treat them today is how they will treat you when you are old and roles are reversed.
In 1993, a British Airways FA asked me to move so they could place me next to two female preteens traveling unaccompanied instead of having them next to a male. Even back nearly 30 years people were concerned about what could happen to youngsters who didn’t have a voice to advocate for themselves.
I agree to this statement. Plus flight attendants and other passengers are not your babysitter.
That is exactly what I was thinking there are many instances that kids have been groped while on planes.
That is really sad she treated her children like that. To me that is really the only issue that matters.
I find this situation problematic in so many ways. I have been flying by myself since I was 11, and since then, I have been in countless situations where men seated in my vicinity have made me feel uncomfortable. I did not feel confident enough to speak up until my late teens, and I feel that young children would not even realize that they are in dangerous situations when unsupervised. Additionally, this is a lot of trust to put into strangers seated near the child in the event of an emergency. I do not purchase my seat with the understanding that I might have to act as a babysitter for a child whose parents ditched them in economy.
Exactly! I am not a free babysitter. I am childfree by choice and I don’t even like sitting near children on planes.
I feel like there is a pretty clear litmus test that should apply: If there is an emergency, are you sure your child would be physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of taking care of herself under those circumstances without adult assistance? If the answer is no, then you shouldn’t be sitting more than a row or so away. While every child is different, I think it would take a rare level of maturity for anyone younger than a teenager to meet this test.
A separate test should probably apply to the parents: If there is an emergency, would you be capable of following instructions and NOT try to get to your child.
YES!!!! This was my first thought!! It could be literally ANYTHING!! Your child chokes, feels ill, someone nearby makes them uncomfortable or starts talking and pumping them for info, they feel insecure, there’s an emergency with the plane, turbulence, ….do you understand yet??!!! I wouldn’t want to be separated from loved ones but then again, most people don’t care about others the way I do deeply do!! Good luck with that.
Just to mention this, too…..did you stop to think the message you’re sending?? Daddy is privileged, special and worth all this extra money but you are not. YOU are only worthy of being in the back with the pauper’s, not good enough or important enough to sit up with the elite, special, important people. Wow, just wow. My parents treated me like you treat your kids now and I can tell you, I’m STILL living with those scars today. I’m in my mid 50’s. Good luck with that. So very sad, smh.
Oh my goodness! It must be soooooo exhausting being you. Feeling so much in every situation and getting all worked up about what strangers are doing.
Gee… don’t ever let your child walk to school on their own. They may get hit by a car… and certainly don’t let them walk to the playground and play on the monkey bars on their own… they could fall and die.
In Japan, kids routinely take the train to school… from Kindergarten on. About 6 years old. If you train your kids well, they’d be fine. You can’t live your life in fear of every little thing. One day, you need to stop being a helicopter parent…
It’s about risk management. Statistically, driving your kids to school puts their life in FAR more danger (car accidents are real) than having them sit a few rows back.
Heaven forbid you need to go to the bathroom… they could die while you poop.
Let’s have some compassion.
Maybe she was raped twice and then forced to have kids she didn’t want by white Republican males, who are nowhere to be found to take care of the kids.
Wait, that’s not the law yet, but that’s what they want.
I know Debit is a stupid troll but let’s just say White Republican males aren’t the biggest demographic that routinely abandons/doesn’t support its progeny!!! Just saying!!
No. They abandon other people’s progeny after forcing them have it.
In many states in midwest they are working on laws to force teaching standards to include religious teaching. There isn’t much difference between the brown Taliban in Afghanistan and the white Taliban in the midwest.
I don’t know if this entire discussion between you and Batchcaloupe is out of bounds for Matt’s discussion rules, but I want to make a general comment here to educate and amuse, if that’s ok.
I’m a white Republican right-wing male and… I’m perfectly ok with the left aborting as many of their children as their hearts desire. It’s not my problem. In Polish we say “Not my circus, not my monkey”. I have no interest in protecting my political opponents’ children from themselves.
Regarding the Taliban, well, with all the complaints about white male Patriarchy and imperialism, if you think there’s no difference between us feel free to move to Afghanistan or if you wait, you’ll have it brought to you. Visit Malmo, Sweden for a preview. That’s the great thing about travel: It’s interesting to see how someone’s teenage ideology survives after being exposed to various cultures rather than experimenting on one’s own. I respect other cultures even if I disagree with them and sometimes, I even grow a little and realize they have a point.
That is a disgusting comment! No wonder this country is in the toilet with people like you!
Sorry, life’s to short. I always say with my kids, love every and cherish every moment I had with them. They grow up to fast. Plus to many sickos in this world. I wouldn’t of kept my mouth shut either.
Seriously, what’s the problem with staying together. If I’m first class, my children would be too. Economy, coach, business.. the same.
Privilege rears it’s ugly head here. SMH
My sons are men now and I still wouldn’t do this. Family is more important than upgrading my seat.
I assume you home school, then.
I once flew next to an upgraded Texas state senator who said that his wife was in economy class. I thought politicians were always campaigning and wouldn’t mention that.
(his party starts with D, his ethnicity starts with h, his gender starts with m, his last name starts with g) I know, insufficient clues.
I had a chance to upgrade from Munich to DFW but my wife would still be in coach. It was never a decision I had to ponder more than a second. I would have been a deadman walking…or sitting in this case.
I might have taken it. But my wife would have been the one up front. Brownie points or sure and certain death…. Hmmmm….
My friend had a position where he always got upgraded regardless of whether he was flying for work or not and didn’t want to pay to upgrade his wife or kids from economy class. She was ok with it. She didn’t want to see the seat going to waste and she didn’t mind economy.
I know it may be absolute heresy for me to say this here, I love Matt and all, BUT although I enjoyed business class when I had it, I can survive in economy class quite well. No big deal. My wife is the same way although she’s also experienced first class.
Some of us aren’t so easily offended and that goes for our spouses too.
Eh, everyone knows you’re telling a fake story.
The woman should try to find someone who can be a loving parent to her children and arrange for an adoption. She is manifestly unfit for adulting.
Can you send your kids as unaccompanied minors (airlines have clear age guidelines for this). Drop them off before the flight and pick them up at arrival? Wouldn’t that solve the issue
Maybe if you had them on a separate reservation and paid the unaccompanied minor fee. Or possibly just the latter?
Tying this unfit for motherhood loser’s fallopian tubes would have been the better solution.
This woman should not attempt to fly anywhere with her or anyone else’s children.
To hell with what you need or want as an adult, if you have children, are the only adult they are traveling with. YOU are the parent. YOU ARE ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE, AND NO ONE ELSE, FOR EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR CHILDRENS BEHAVIOR, PHYSICAL SAFETY, AND EMOTIONAL WELL BEING ON THAT FLIGHT.
HEY YOU, MISERABLE EXCUSE FOR A PARENT, Get a pet rabbit, and complain to IT about your life. Take your kids to the park.
I have a very simple approach to this:
Is my child old/mature enough not to be a bother or burden on the passenger sitting next to him/her?
Is my child old enough to physically support/take care of himself/herself in normal boarding procedures and in an emergency?
If either one is no, then the answer is the parent needs to sit next to him/her.
Basically, the child needs to be self sufficient beyond just knowing how to sit down, be quiet and not bother other people. The child needs to be able to put away and carry out carry-on luggage, reach for an oxygen mask and know how to firmly affix it to their face, put on a life preserver, evacuate in case of emergency without anyone else helping… because I don’t believe some stranger should bear the burden of caring for my child; especially in an emergency.
So I would probably peg the kid to be in preteen or early teens to be able to comprehend and execute those tasks.
This is pretty much where I land on it too. Sure a 10-year-old can probably watch over a 6-year-old on a flight as long as everything goes perfectly and there are no problems. But what happens if there is a problem with the flight? Or the 6-year-old drops their drink in their lap and can’t stop crying over it? Or they are just generally scared or lonely?
So basically if the kids aren’t old enough to be left at home alone overnight then they aren’t old enough to be left alone on a flight either.
Good for her! There is nothing worse than people who bring little kids into business/first class.
Do you know what’s worse than bringing your two kids into J?
Putting your two kids in Y unsupervised when you’re on the same flight.
Sometimes, necessity requires that children have to fly unaccompanied. It’s not ideal, but that’s life. But no one wants to sit next to your unsupervised kids on a long-haul (or, really, any) flight. Now, one might think, “it’s fine, my children are well behaved”—but everyone thinks that about their own kid.
You, yourself, clearly know that children can be annoying because you say there is “nothing worse than people who bring little kids into business/first class.” Leaving those same little kids unsupervised in Y doesn’t solve that—it just dumps the annoyance on someone else while making the problem even worse (as they’re unsupervised).
Really?? That’s your takeaway? That there’s nothing worse than bringing children into first class??
Are you able to see past your entitlement? Geez, some people are just so tragic….
My concern would be two-fold. First who is sitting next to your child? Child molesters are everywhere and once they inappropriately touch your child the damage is done. Second, if there is an emergency, who will make sure your child has an oxygen mask or is properly evacuated from the aircraft?
A family trip should be a family trip. I do it now but my kids are 40 and 35. Never did it when they were truly children.
I never flew apart from my kids. If I had gotten that domestic upgrade, I would have traded it to sit in economy with my kids and spouse, which I did many times (admittedly, premium economy usually, as a UA 1K or AA Plat). Never had a problem giving away my F seat. I might have sat apart if the kids were teens or something, but not 5 and 7. And berating that little one just makes me mad. (Incidentally, I did sometimes keep an upgrade when flying domestic with just my spouse. She always said it made her feel a little guilty to be in F, and she wasn’t going to eat or drink anything anyway. And we can be apart for two hours.)
Now, for any longhaul, we’d have all been in business class, probably on miles if my kids were along. I didn’t worry too much about spoiling them – they were a little older before we flew them internationally, and from me they learned that business class was not full of rich people who purchased their tickets for lots of money, but mostly full of people who learned the system and had bought the tickets for a much smaller amount, used miles they got from credit cards or promotions, or upgraded with miles they got the same way. And they now do the same thing.
The proper age limit should be as the airlines stipulate – I believe age 15 or older ? ….. The problem with wanting to leave younger children officially “unattended” is open for problems such as handing during an emergency, annoying (unrelated) seatmates or worse misbehavior against an unsuspecting young child or young teen who has no defense or any idea what to do during an emergency or against another passenger bothering them. It’s not you as a responsible parent that may have taught your children good manners and even safety rules, etc., but the thought of your children at the mercy of nearby strangers or not is a very bad guilty conscience waiting to happen. On the other hand, I’m sure there are many “parents” who don’t have a conscience and could care less what happens to their kid when out of sight.
Usually, for most airlines that have an UM policy, the age is 12 to fly solo, 7 to fly as an unaccompanied minor.
Airlines do have rules on this.
On UA or AC, I believe an adult has to be in the same cabin as a child unless unaccompanied minor service is purchased.
On Iberia, minors below a certain age (13 or 15 if I recall correctly) must be in the same cabin as a parent. However, we stealthily got a 9 year old seated in a bulkhead Y window.
We never made contact on the flight besides a few nods after we were airborne. From reading reports online we knew he had to put his own carry on in the overhead, etc. The entire flight, the FA thought he was seated next to family members. Successful flight: airline didn’t get an extra $2000, and our son got a Nintendo Switch as a bribe…. err… gift. He was very happy to show his independence (and after 1000 flights by age 9 he knew the drill).
However next time he wants a LH F upgrade while we sit in J.
Would it have been worth $2000 if someone had assaulted him or if there was an emergency and he was scared? Poor kid. He doesn’t know what can happen but you should.
You know Patrick… it’s all about risks… and few understand what that means. For example… statistically, it’s more dangerous to drive to the grocery store with your kids than to leave them at home… driving is a dangerous activity with a lot of unpredictability built in.
I assume you don’t let your kids walk to school without holding their hand.. I mean… that’s probably more dangerous than a single 8-hour flight.
That’s Awesome, Paul.
And I agree. UM policy for AC is 7 and up for a direct flight. 11 or 12 to fly without it. That being said, they don’t enforce it and you can book without issues if you call in.
I just booked a Transpacific with two kids, 11 and 8. They’re in PY on a 2-4-2 layout and I’m in J. It’s really not an issue. I had them booked on a JL flight in Y (2-4-2) while my wife and I were in F. Called the airline and they said it wasn’t an issue… as long as I was prepared to help out if there any issues.
In the end, common sense prevails. And most kids are better behaved that most of the adults these days.
I had the similar flight when a lady was sitting in my assigned coach seat. She asked if I would mine taking her seat as she wanted to sit next to her kids. I said sure and she handed me her first class boarding pass.
I’m a gate agent, and at my airline, any child 14 or under would have to be enrolled as an unaccompanied minor (UMNR) if the parent/guardian is in a different cabin (for this purpose, the extra-legroom economy and standard main cabin are considered together). UMNR involves paying a fee, completing an envelope, and getting a wristband, special procedures that have to be initiated at the check-in counter At the gate is too late to enroll a child as UMNR – we don’t stock those envelopes or wristbands there. So, if this were my airline, the gate agent was correct to not allow the woman to upgrade to first class without her young ones. Theoretically she could have if she enrolled the child as UMNR in advance and paid the fee before it was too late, but barring that, it’s not allowed.
Most airlines have an age range for unaccompanied minors. For example AA passengers 5-14 travelling alone must pay $150 fee. This is similar with other airlines.
This should be the set guideline.
I think someone purposely ditching a child under 12, as in this situation is bs.
You have the immense privilege of a family. You can fly them places. You have an opportunity to encourage and motivate their ambition by showing them an augmented lifestyle. You choose not to. WTF?
When they downgraded the Mom how far apart were they? In todays typically crowded cabins was a seat available to the Mom that didn’t result in a big split between the family members.
Way prepandemic I was on a packed US Air flight from EWR-CLT . A family of 4 including 2 girls aged about 11 and 7 had missed their flight to Mexico for vacation. The 2 girls were seated next to me, the Mom in the row in front of us and the Dad about 3 rows back. I realize it’s not the same as this woman but it was a snowy departure from EWR, if a problem had occurred on departure and we went off the runway how would things have played out?
Flight not full. They were together.
Those are her kids if she doesn’t want to sit by them why should I have too and anything could happen on the plane with those girls. People are crazy and sick keep your kids close to you and raise them right and she wouldn’t have a problem with them
Curious. Why should your son be responsible for watching your daughter in economy class? If he is old enough to sit by himself, let him sit by himself when the time comes. Until she is old enough to sit by herself, too, she should have to sit with you. She is your responsibility. Not his. Just my thoughts.
I am amazed that the author believes that allowing his 10-year old (at any maturity level) oversee a six-year old (at any maturity level) on a long-haul fight is acceptable. The risk profile is amazing and the “worst case” scenario is well… let’s take a look at that.
What happens if the children are in row 30, the parent/s are in row 4 and an aggressive passenger scenario develops in Row 16? Now we have someone who is physically combative and struggling with crew members in the aisle. What happens if that physical altercation pushes back to Row 18…19… . Matthew Clint, would you endanger the safety of the crew to climb over the melee and re-connect with your kids? Or do you think a 10-year old (at any maturity) level would be able to adapt and overcome in this situation?
I am sure Matthew Clint is an outstanding and caring parent, but I think overall, the extra seat room, warm towel and the ability to get a drink before takeoff pales in comparison to the potential risk.
Given the new low standards of air travel behavior in the US, chances are that two kids separated from their whinny mother are probably the least of the cabin crew’s concern.
Usually I do the opposite. I am have a Delta Diamond Medallion status so when I get upgrade, usually my wife of one of the kids take my seat in First. They are not 5 and 7 so they can go by themselves and behave and it has never been an issue. Once, when checking boarding passes by the gate at LHR on a flight to MSP, my family of 4 was in coach and when the agent scanned my boarding pass he said he had been looking for me since they needed space in coach and had to upgrade someone to Delta One and I was the first on the list. I politely told him I was traveling with my family and did not want to go to business and leave them alone in coach. He apologized and said he couldn’t upgrade all of us since there was no space. He then asked if one of my kids wanted to take my place in business. Well, my 12 yo looked at me and I told him to go. He was treated like a king!!!!
Typical Delta passengers
What do you fly? Greyhound?
I love this comment. Bravo
I certainly hope you are not serious in considering leaving your children alone.
What if there was an accident? Cherish your kids.
The mother sounds like a self-absorbed [redacted by admin]. Real nice. Make a little girl cry because you’re so put out that you have to sit by her. Be grateful that you can fly at all. Be grateful that you have healthy children. This whole discussion makes me ill.
The relationship I have with my kids is such that I wouldn’t ever leave them by themselves like that – regardless of their age. I know not everyone feels the same or has that type of relationship with their kids but I do:)
I read three comments above who mentioned “perverts” on the planes. After a career in law enforcement here is my take: Never let your children stay alone with adults without knowing the people involved. Perverts are everywhere. There are all sorts of reports of young adult females getting molested on the airlines. I cannot imagine how a “parent” would leave their children alone on a plane. I personally was involved in the investigation of perverts and their molesting sexual assaults in the skies. Happens much more often than you would think.
I see nothing wrong with the kids being left in economy while the parent is in business class. In fact my parents did this to my sister and me all the time in the 80’s and early 90’s. My dad did this as a way to still get miles (off my sister and me), and upgrade to first class with my mom. My dad was a 1k member, so not sure if that made a difference in nobody caring. But every year for summer vacation all 4 of us would fly first class. So I personally see nothing wrong with what the mom did. I think the airline is over reacting.
What a first world problem. And the idea of “sitting up front has to be earned” as an excuse to ditch your kids seems so ego centric. Those who comment on the “what happens in an emergency”are correct. For a parent to abdicate their responsibility to the staff or stranger seatmates or a slightly older sibling seems wrong. Teens, sure. They likely will like being on their own. Younger? Nope. But that’s just me. I’ve been blessed with a son who is IDD and who always requires supervision so I’m just really aware of the situation. Life happens, and if the kids are young you need to be there for the surprises.
This is simple…
You fly Economy…kids fly economy…
You fly Business…kids fly business…
You wanted kids…you look after kids..
It takes a very selfish person to upgrade and leave the kids.
Bloody woman needs a slap to wake her up and reporting to Child Protective Services.
This being said I’m from the UK and it wouldn’t happen..Airlines here in the real world try and accommodate families not split them.
I’ll never understand the American mentality, it’s alien to me I’m afraid.
It could have been worse. I can see an airline boarding the mother and then refusing the two unaccompanied minors.
This is the same type of parent that probably throws a fit when her children’s school has a snow day and she has to actually spend time watching her children.
I work for an handling company in EU serving major airlines. This case happens from time to time and if the kids are not old enough by company rules to travel alone most airlines set ages between 11 and 13. they must take a paying unaccompanied minor service otherwise yes downgrade for the adult. Even if you are in the same plane you can’t always go check on your kids during the flight example take off and landing tourbolences and especually in the case of emergency landing. PS: I am pretty sure that this pax would have made a scandal if while flying in economy with her kids got separated.
Airlines have rules about this parent in one class and children in other. And its not about safety and if the child will feel comfortable being alone. Its about the fact that most of them upgrade one in order to get a free upgrade for the rest: “so you wanna tell me that my child will have to seat all alone? No you have to upgrade all of us!” Its the most common phrase I heard in 15 years on ground services, in this cases. How about I downgrade you all? I remember a cheap idiot, that bough a Business ticket for the child(because was only 75% from a normal ticket) and pushed the child in economy. He done this several times, until he got banned for getting in an argument with the crew.
At BA the parent signed an handover paper at gate and crew took care of child during the flight, but now is not possible anymore because they cut the UM service. AF had something similar.
My first thought was is this guy joking? When the plane goes down will he be causing problems trying to get to economy because his child is there or will it be, oh well, someone will take care of the kids. What about the sweaty predator sitting next to the kid? At least if you’re a seat or so away you can keep an eye on the situation. Oh, I guess that will never happen to your child. Think people. There are more than enough opportunities for kids to get into not so good situations. Economy won’t kill you.
In general, I don’t see an issue as long as they are old enough. As for this case – seems a bit young.
From an airline perspective though, how is it any different than flying basic economy where as a family they (at least UA will) happily split you up all over the plane unless you pay for a seat assignment.
Here’s a perspective. When I happen to be flying in Comfort Plus and witness parents ignore their child kicking the back of the seat in front on them. Is this privileged parent(s) expecting those seated around their children to babysit them whilst they sip cocktails in first class? You’re responsible for them not the other passengers. Others shouldn’t have to deal with a child being unsupervised while they play a drum solo on a seat back, spill their drink or fight with each other. It’s not the flight attendants job either. Sit with your minor aged children and be the parent.
The author was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has no idea how to teach his kids to appreciate what they have, so he has to manufacture ways that he thinks will encourage them to work hard to obtain what they want in life. Oh, the problems that elitists face. He isn’t concerned at all for the people in economy. You can tell by the way he writes that it is their fault for flying economy.
I don’t even have kids but if I did I wouldn’t leave them behind, especially not a 5 year old. I know I would be right there to keep watch. When my brother and me flew with my dad he would switch seats just so we’d be near each other. A 5 year old has only been alive for 60 months, that’s not really long enough for them to be deposited somewhere else for her convenience and luxury. If she didn’t want the responsibility and everything that comes with it of having children, there were plenty of people who cant have kids who would have loved to adopt hers. Granted once they’re teens they probably would enjoy being “on their own” in the back pretending to be grown ups.
So I see an issue with this you have no idea what is going on back there with your children. People are really questionable now days. If they can not defend themselves then they should not be sent to the back of the plane alone
There should be decency requirements to be a parent. If there were such qualifications, this sad excuse for a parent would not be one.
As soon as a child is old enough to fly unaccompanied, they should get a bump/upgrade traveling with parents. Parents stay in the back and let the kid have a “grown up experience”. Parents have had/will have plenty of opportunities when flying apart from the kids. Bless your kids, show your love and trust.
You’re quite generous.
You are quite a piece of garbage.
Honestly, I would’ve put the mom in the cargo hold with the rest of the animals and put the kids in the cockpit with the pilots. They would’ve likely seen firsthand how real adults behave; the mom gets to share space with her peer group. Unbelievable.
There is a recent law enacted in Canada that dictates seating, its dependent on the children’s ages. It was enacted to prohibit the airline from splitting children from caregivers. I believe toddlers must be adjacent. Youth must be in the same row. Teens must be within 2 rows. This is up to age 16. Some travelers dont have a choice to ditch their kids.
In the case of a downgrade, however, If the passengers agree to a downgrade in the class of service, the airline must refund the price difference between the two services.
Also, the parent does have a choice in the end to sit apart:
“If the passenger does not want to be downgraded, the airline must try to seat the two passengers in the same row by asking at the boarding gate and on board the aircraft before take-off for volunteers to change seats in Business Class.
If no one in Business Class volunteers, the passenger and child may choose to be seated apart, or to be seated together in Economy Class, if seats are still available.”
Hell no. I do not want to babysit your kids. They are an unaccompanied minor if a parent is not there to supervise and discipline them. I question their parenting skills; if you think your kids are safe left alone just because it it on a plane you are wrong.
Hell’s Bells. When I was an airline brat and my Mom and I travelled we took what was open. Sometimes she got first, sometimes I did. But I knew the ropes and “Yes, Ma”am and Please and Thank You” were part of my routine. I knew that I was lucky to be travelling for next to nothing and my Mom had no qualms about us being in separate cabins. Today’s pampered little preciouses could learn a thing or two about how it used to be.
I would never leave my children in economy by themselves until they are about 16. To be so vocal about them
Spoiling her upgrade ! Really . She should be ashamed. The fun is traveling with them as a family.
There is no way I would be out of immediate access to children that young. If I’m flying business so are they. Plus family is family no matter how old they are. If they still live in my house under my care we all travel the same class.
Lots of people fly economy with no problem. You’re an elitist prick.
Airlines don’t even make it free to let families sit together so why would it matter if she left them in economy? She can just as easily walk back and check on them from first as if she was separated from them in economy. Full disclosure though I hate economy and I also don’t like children
No way should they be left one surrounded by stangers who might do – god knows what!! or have an inappropriate conversation with them. This is a horrible mother..
I am disgusted by seeing uppity snot kids in business. The look of superiority in their eyes makes me want to puke….on their parents
This is ironic because in the last few years I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked by a parent to switch seats so that they can sit with their child(ren). I’ve given up my preferred seats sometimes so these parents can sit with their kids.
So far in the last year (as recent as this past monday), I’ve made 5 trips across the Atlantic and I’m always asked to switch seats by a parent. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
My point is: most airlines have no problem with splitting up families who didn’t pay extra for choosing their seats so I’m surprised that this gate agent downgraded the mom to have her sit with her kids.
With so much evil in this world how on earth can you even think to leave your small children to fend for themselves in a plane full of strangers. It’s not other people’s responsibility to look after them it’s the parents. Wow, this is crazy. I can see if a child absolutely had to fly on their own but if the parent is on the plane but not choosing to sit with them …that’s beyond me.
My 12 yr. old niece was molested traveling as an unaccompanied minor on a 4 1/2 hr. flight
Matthew has deemed this an acceptable risk, he needs his legroom.
I think the more important question here is, why did you HAVE children if you can’t stand to be around them? I would never ever dream of seating my child or children with strangers. My boys are 24, 17 and 15 and I had a babysitter ONCE and that was a few hours with a grandmother when my husband (their dad) was getting a major industry award at an adult only banquet. I enjoy my kids and look forward to every second with them.
Perhaps rethink parenthood.
Speaking just for myself, but the “can’t stand them” trope is a red herring. I love my children. It is precisely because I love them and don’t want to spoil them that I want them to fly in economy class as soon as they are old enough. It will be good for them.
Matthew Klint, you’re opting for a position which publicly makes you a bad father. If either of your kids wants you to sit with them, will you also use this poor logic to turn them down? Did your “daddy” also treat you this way, you creep?
You’ve had enough time with your kids already, huh? Just think about it, you can’t take one stance without absolutely taking others. You can’t “travel together” and then not be with them. You travel with them, you know nothing will happen to them and they will do nothing to someone else. You don’t travel with them, and the chance anything could happen automatically increases. Some parents wouldn’t increase the risk to their children by 1%. You’re admitting you’re comfortable in the 8%-17% range. Hey, a B+ “daddy” is still OK. Nothing to write home about. At least the fridge is full. And when “daddy” passes, only faint memories and a bunch of sky miles. You probably don’t even fly your own plane, nerd. (Sarcasm. Just FYI, since you missed it.)
A lot of false equivalencies and logical fallacies in one comment!
Words yet you provide no example. You give no substance. Your debating style is similar to your parenting style; there but not there.
(What I did there was cleverly weave my first comment into this snarky second comment. You have so far demonstrated the ability to type.)
“Good for them” implies so much about the class of service in economy, whilst ignoring the folks who don’t have a choice. Children are your responsibility, children are not adults. It is incredibly rude to put other passengers in that situation.
Are you taking a trip by yourself or are you taking a family trip? I would never have my children not with me I didn’t have children to have other people take care of them even as teenagers. I’m gonna go with a statement that you suck as a father
Matthew, they are so lucky to have you. When my son outgrew his crib, we moved him right into the backyard with a straw mattress in the shed to show him how much we loved him. I even remember when we gave him his first taste (at 6 months, after he had earned it if course) of milk instead of water. Good times.
What will be good is don’t teach them that you are better than they are. That’s not how to teach kids responsibility and appreciation for monetary value. Take a road trip and show your kids that you can have fun without spending a ton of money. That’s how you teach kids that lesson. What you are going to teach your kids is how to resent you and choose to put you in the cheapest senior living home they can find when the time comes.
Oh my goodness! It must be soooooo exhausting being you. Feeling so much in every situation and getting all worked up about what strangers are doing.
As a former flight attendant, I can tell you that 8 is the cutoff for unaccompanied minors. While she may be in the same plane, it is still the mother’s responsibility to ensure the children are safe as well as providing an example of socially acceptable behavior. Am emergency can arise at any time. You are not in your living room, you are flying in a metal tube. This kind of entitled behavior is appalling to me. What if turbulence is severe? What if there is a sunbeam drop in compression? The children well be frightened and the mother can’t leave her business class seat.
My airline, the cut off for UM’s is 15.
Wow! Two real pieces of work. Number 1 piece of work is the lady who would part with her 5 and 7 years old daughters for a few hours of “luxury.” And the number 2 piece of work is the author who displays his vanity with the line “… daddy is unwilling to fly in the economy class… “
Well, if you are a regular reader you know that daddy must sometimes fly coach.
Daddy needs to fly in whatever class the rest of the family flies. Period. Can’t afford to upgrade everyone? Be appreciative that you have the money and time available to take the trip at all.
I also noticed this! What’s wrong with economy? That is the most narcissistic comment, “Daddy (ew) doesn’t fly economy”. Well la de da good for you.
Not even no. Hell no! That’s like driving to school because you work there but making your kids walk. What kind of parent does this? A bad one.
I would be really po’d if I had an unaccompanied 6yo next to me, even with a big brother. They’re your kids, you stay with them on a plane. What if there’s an emergency landing? Then you have to trust the people near them to help them out. What if they’re sitting next to someone who’s drunk? Or if they get assaulted? No.
No. No and No. She is a bad mother end of story. Being abandoned on a plane in economy class is probably the least of these kids problems. Now another aside is the male spouse or significant other who flies in first class while putting the girlfriend/fiancé in economy (including the young mr handsome in the Harvard vest) Total jerk. Writing on the wall. I have seen it twice over the holidays. Ladies if this happens to you RUN don’t walk to the break up conversation you deserve so much more.
The child should sit by the parent. Period. Even teenagers should be nearby in the case of a flight emergency. If you don’t want the responsibility of parenting, don’t have children.
Think! What about an emergency, who is responsible for you children? I flew with my 3 grandchildren when we flew through the worst turbulence I’ve ever experienced. They were terrified and it was my job to keep them calm. I’m not sure what kind of person puts themselves before a child. I fly first class when not flying with children.
If parents don’t want to sit with their kids, then leave them at home. And if they feel this way about their kids, then why did they have any to begin with? Kids didn’t ask to be born, so don’t treat them like they’re an inconvenience. It was the parents’ decision to have kids, so give children the love and respect they deserve and treat them the way you would like to be treated. I love my kid and would never, ever make him sit in a section that is less than mine – not at any age – ever!
I experienced this on a transatlantic flight. Mom not only left 3 kids, all under 12, in economy – she gave them each xanax and then offered one to me! I felt obligated to keep an eye on them in case of an emergency. Unacceptable.
What about an emergency where the oxygen masks need to be put on? Would they expect an adult sitting next to their child or kids, to be responsible to put the masks on them? Or their child gets sick, starts choking that adult is responsible to call a flight attendant?
Honestly wild to me that you’re planning on leaving your kids behind while you sit comfortably in the front. Glad you’re not my dad because that would’ve stung a lot.
I think this is child abuse. Who would leave their 5 year old alone with strangers. People need to make better decisions and stop being selfish. And appreciate your children. Noone wants to be treated this way.
You and this woman are both selfish individuals. SA happens to adults on planes and you have no issues leaving your kids in the back while you enjoy your comfort upfront. Why people have children then treat them as if they’re commodities with no feelings is beyond me.
If you give birth or father the brats, then sit with them. They are your responsibilty. How inconsiderate to sit awaY from them, where they might be scared, or cause a scene or worse yet, be abused by a creep. This goes for the author too. How pathetic.
You’re an ass Matthew, and you know it.
We saw this happen on Qantas LAX – SYD in 2014.
We’re on the plane (2 kids wife and me) front row economy.
4 children alone in second row. Crew hauls mother down who has changed I to her pajamas before take off. Very unpleasant sight.
The crew told her they were unaccompanied minors and all hell broke loose. They relented but made then appoint the eldest as the supervisor and fill out the UM paperwork. Several people remarked what a cow the mother was!
That’s a 14 hour flight! Self entitled Mom!
Her kids won’t forget that when they choose her aged care facility 🙂
She will be forced into coach while they live in luxury class. Sorry mom. We can’t afford to upgrade you.
As many have mentioned, the airlines have rules about parents flying in a different cabin than kids. One time, we were all supposed to be in business class for a two-leg flight. But the travel agent screwed up and one of us (3 kids, 1 adult) ended up in coach on the shorter leg. Full flight. But the coach seat was literally the first row of coach and the rest of us were the last row of business. They made a huge deal out of it. But my oldest (was probably 12) ended up in the coach seat for the 3.5 hour flight. I don’t think I would have ever done it on purpose until the kids were more like 15-16. Maybe not even then. I’ve not had the opportunity to seriously consider it.
I’d consider the kids old enough when they can mutter “thanks axxhole” under their breath and begin realizing what self-serving jerks they have for parents. See, easy!
So I am a gate agent. Unless your kids are all over 15 years old, you will all be sitting in the same cabin. If you want to sit in business class and leave your kids in economy and they are under 15, I would be charging you the unaccompanied minor fee since they are basically then flying stone. Then they are under the care of the flight attendant.
I’ve had parents try to ditch their little kids and take the upgrade to first class. And I have told them no. They got mad and said the flight attendant would take care of them. I again said no. I asked if they wanted to put the kids in the unaccompanied minor program and pay the fees, and they said no.
100 — all the right points. Plus small kids going to the lavs alone, getting on an O2 mask alone in an emergency or worse yet, deboarding in an emergency.
I think it’s pretty simple. Parent’s are responsible for their children. If the parent believes their child is mature enough to be a few rows back on their own, then I don’t see the issue. Like you say, every child matures at a different rate. I’ve sat next to some very young children before who are mature enough to just sleep, read a book, etc and don’t cause any issues. At the same time, some adults don’t seem to be mature enough.
Also, I seem to recall years ago, part of Southwest’s advertisement of their lack of seating assignments was the the kids could sit in the back away from the parents. I can’t find the exact reference anymore.
Sicko, self-entitled mother (though she doesn’t deserve that title after trying to dump her kids in coach while later berating them for losing out on her “luxury seat) and worse self-justifying author who sees no wrong with this. Try being a parent; you can fly first class when you are by yourself.
Having been on a flight where the parents were in First or Business and the left their kids with us in Coach, I disagree that the parents should be allowed to do that. The kids acted like hooligans, and it wasn’t until Mommy came to check on them, that I realized that they were effectively unaccompanied on a transatlantic flight. They were rude to the flight attendants and disturbed the other passengers. They only straightened up when Mommy appeared. Just because you THINK you know how your kids would behave, doesn’t mean that you really KNOW how they would behave. It’s selfish and inconsiderate to others on the flight.
What a bunch of self-righteous pricks
I’ve let my wife or older kids upgrade, or my wife and younger one and I’m in economy
I’m in a premium cabin 95% of the time, I can sacrifice it every now and then for a family trip
Some of you have some really screwed up priorities
Today I got upgrades to First at the gate.
Plenty of C+ open. Asked if we could pull my friend up to C+ with me and give 3A to next in line.
We both got adult beverages in the exit row and conversation and someone else enjoyed first.
People first.
For real. The actions pf this woman and the way the guy wrote the article, it has me wondering, “Why did you decide to have kids, if it’s such an inconvenience?” I have my first child on the way. When I eventually take trips and have more kids, I will want to be with them during the flight no matter how old they are. It’s not a matter of control or protection. For me it’s the fact that I love kids, so I know I will constantly want to be around my own.
This article seems like an onion story…when to ditch kid in economy so you can enjoy first class.
I respect every family, but for me if we’re traveling as a family and they are under 16/17- I’m not leaving my kid. I would enjoy the upgrade, but if I can afford for everyone- then I’m not doing it.
The author’s point of view that the kids need to earn first class, is a joke. Maybe you shouldn’t have kids if you’re not will to always put another human needs above your wants. Kids need to feel belonged, wanted, and loved.
It’s sad that adults don’t like their children enough to want to sit with them. Maybe the children act too much like their parents?
I think as long as the parents have custody of the child they should be responsible for them and not dump them off on strangers.
Agreed 10000%. How dare you leave your kids for someone else to look after when you’re within reach. The age where you could leave them alone 16- 18 years. NO LESS! If people can’t deal with sitting next to their children on a plane, stay home or pay someone to watch them while you travel.
My three grandkids, ages 10, 8 and 6, and I flew to Disney World and back. I wanted them to sit in the row right in front of me so I could reach them if needed. The airline (Allegiant) denied this, and said they had to be in the same row I was in but on the other side of the aisle. No way would they have allowed me to be rows away from them, nor would I want to be. How could I assist them (say the oxygen masks deployed for some reason), if I’m in first class and they’re in coach? Also, they were great on the way down, but rowdy on the way back ( kept trying to unbuckle their seat belts). It is not the flight attendants’ or other passengers’ responsibility to watch over my grandkids!
I can’t imagine leaving children at any age to fly separately from their parent with so much going on. You have adults fighting, disrespecting each other and the crew, harassing flight attendants, and add on the perverts that fly. Some are bold enough to touch sleeping women. Plus, children sometimes are afraid of turbulence, ears popping, etc. Often, as a parent, you really have to sacrifice for your children.
I wonder what your kids would think of you if your comfort was more important than their safety and security. There is a reason we make laws that protect people under the age of 18. Even a teen might feel slighted their parents won’t sit with them because of class. I find it selfish and very cold. Maybe you will be one of those old people around here who haven’t heard from their kids for years.
Or maybe they will appreciate me even more because I did not spoil them!
Then sit in economy with them and fly premium when you fly alone. This isn’t about spoiling them. This is about spoiling yourself.
Or here, if the truth is you don’t want to spoil them, hire a caregiver to fly with them to provide the guardianship you don’t want to provide and stop trying to rationalize your disdain for parenting.
If you don’t want to spoil your kids with premium travel, then you either need to go and sit with them until they are old enough to take care of themselves or book a chaperone for the flight. In no way should a 6-year-old be travelling without an adult, or a ten-year-old be expected be responsible for themselves and a sibling in an emergency situation.
If your comfort is more important than your child’s safety please don’t have anymore kids. Good lord. How ridiculous to think a few more inches and free booze is more important than your child . I can easily afford first class but there is no way in hell I am separated from my kids
Your children didn’t choose to get drafted into your wacky life. It is your responsibility to treat them as well as yourself, if not better. But then again, you are German (kraut), the people who eat poop..
So there…..
Matthew is obviously pretty much tuned out and focused on living a good life with his children as little more than an accessory. However, being a funny racist isn’t justified Jorge.
Are you joking? My thoughts are that you sound like an awful human being. Probably also an awful parent but I don’t have the authority to determine that. I was expecting this article to criticize the person seriously asking for a 5 and 7 year old child to sit unattended on a flight. Shame on you.
So in the unlikely event of cabin DE pressurization, your 11 year old will put their mask on then help your 6 year old.
Let me know how that one works out in another blog post.
One word…
I’ve worked for three different airlines for the past 32 years, and all three of these airlines have the same rule, that being, if you are not seated in the same cabin as your children, then you must enroll them as unaccompanied minors , fill out the paperwork, and pay the fee. The age may be different for different airlines, but generally the cutoff age is 15, although, I know of one airline the age is 12. This is the age a child can travel unaccompanied as an adult and not be enrolled in the unaccompanied service. They are basically on their own. Minimum age is 5 years old to be enrolled in umnr service. Age limits apply to all children in the party. A seven year old cannot travel with a 17 year old unless they are enrolled in the umnr service. That being said, children need to be seated in the same cabin for all the obvious reasons that everyone has commented on. If you are so entitled that an upgrade is more important to you than being seated with your children and making sure they are safe, then pay the fee for the umnr service, which in turn, alerts the flight attendants that there is not an adult in the same cabin watching over the children. I’m sure you believe “nothing” could possibly happen or anything go wrong on your flight while you are in first or business class and your children in coach, but, obviously, the airlines know different. They know what can happen, and what does happen, which is why they have these rules in place. You, Matthew, remind me of the people who let their kids run wild on cruise ships, while the parents are eating at the fine dining restaurant, or dancing the night away. After all, “We’re on a ship. It’s not like someone could run off with the kids.” I’m sorry, but some people should not have children. Life is too short, and your children will be grown in what seems like a blink of an eye. I hope someday this woman on the flight and you, the author, will look back and realize how insignificant an upgrade is when it comes to not spending precious time with the ones you are supposed to love, not to mention, not being where you should be, if something were to actually go wrong. Being with and protecting your children should be the entitlement that beats out an upgrade on every opportunity.
Was this a family trip? WTF, sit with your FAMILY! What is wrong with you?
I’m first thought is, I want my children, no matter how old they are to be safe!!! Second, I’d rather sit next to someone I know. Then I don’t. Third, I really really don’t want to sit next your kid. I don’t want to be responsible for or have to attend to them for their needs. I have very serious stranger danger. I make my husband sit next to the person in the “third” seat. Keep “families” with families. Period. I don’t need your baggage you feel you need to unload.
I’m not totally with you on this. It’s the part about your “Full Disclosure” where when of age he should travel in Economy while you and your wife in F or J that I’m not ok with. Are those the spoils that make or brake a growing child? I doubt it. You’d just ruin a vacation for everyone. As a child, if my parents would have done that to me, I would have been very resentful . Glad my father never did that, but it’s rather when traveling alone in Economy later in life that I realized what a great gift it was.
I didn’t grow up spoiled so I’ll do the same with my son. If we go on vacation, we’re all together, and if I (me) can’t afford to get everyone to travel in premium class, then we all go Economy. End of story. It’s a family trip, not a life lesson class.
The first thing that came to mind is, are the the kids old enough, mature enough to assist themselves when the oxygen mask is needed? Can they buckle themselves in and out for trips to the bathroom? Minors are minors. That burden should not be put on flight attendants which is what the mom was doing.
Can’t imagine being separated from my kids on a flight and actually enjoying that flight. I am too worried about all the things that could go wrong, from severe turbulence, to emergency landing, abuse… I just want to make sure my kids are safe and comfortable… I think that’s just normal parenting, but maybe it’s just me… Also, as a basic courtesy, I want to make sure my kids are not inconveniencing other passengers… So yes, it’s selfish and unreasonable to dump small kids in economy, while getting drunk in first….
Two words…Entitled Kevin
5 and 7? HECK NO, I would not even think about leaving them alone on a flight, even if I were only a few rows up. Too many unthinkable scenarios could happen to these precious babies. My daughter is 14 and I wouldn’t do what this lady tried to do.
On the other hand, the kids probably couldn’t care less where they sit, but probably would be upset and anxious because their “mom”, if you could even call her that, wasn’t with them.
I think you’re a sociopathic asshole. MAGA, probably.
L(oser) Keith Gordon, Donald Trump was a fine president, supported by fine people. It’s funny that he’s still in your mind. You shouldn’t have a problem with these kids being unaccompanied, if something bad happens to them it was obviously Matt just bring pro choice. You love late term abortions, probably.
Yeah that’s a big no. As young as those kids were shes trying to force strangers to babysit and deal with them so she doesn’t have to. And her yelling at them that THEY ruined her upgrade is verbally and emotionally abusive. The kids had zero say in the matter.
I would never leave my child’s side while traveling in an airplane.
There are too many things that can happen in an aircraft. Can children that young take care of themselves in an unplanned emergency. The adult probably won’t be able to get back to them and help. You can’t always trust adults to behave themselves either. How will that affect the children. Flight attendants are not your baby sitters.
“Full disclosure: I plan to do this to my children as soon as they are old enough, at least when I am traveling with my wife.”
Well, if that doesn’t get you nominated for husband and father of the year, I don’t know what will!
The mother needs to have her head examined. Considering the amount of problems in planes these days (pervs groping women and anti-maskers) it is just irresponsible. Upgrade the kids or sit in Economy.
I did this was when I purchased two tickets in Economy on American. Though they intentionally separated the seats of me and my 16 year old daughter purchased in one transaction.
I was forced to upgrade to “Premium Economy” just to sit together. They then put us in front of an exit row where our seats wouldn’t recline. $120 for 4 inches of non-existent leg room and a non-reclining seat to ensure my daughter wasn’t stuck sitting next to some creep.
Never again American Airlines.
What a snob!
There are a bunch of helicopter parents on this thread..or more likely they aren’t even parents. My kids were mature and self-sufficient enough at age 7 or 8 to be allowed quite a bit of independence. They would have had no problem sitting separately from me on a flight. They wandered the neighborhoods and the woods around our house and not only survived, but thrived. They understood “stranger danger” but also didn’t see every stranger as a threat. If a “pervert” tried to be a pervert around them they would have kicked them in the shin and asked for help from one of the dozens of adults around who aren’t perverts. Listening to the content and tone of many of the comments on here there is no doubt we are raising a generation of wimps and weaklings. If your kid isn’t mature enough by age 7 to sit a few rows away from you on an airplane, without being a pest to other adults, then you have failed as a parent.
Two reasons not to sit where you can’t see your kids: 1.) Sexual predators, and 2.) In-flight emergencies.
Growm women are groped on airlines far more than you think. It is unreasonable to expect children to know how to handle a predator.
And the child must be capable of handling their 9wn oxygen mask 8n a decompression situation or position themselves safely during a pending ha4d landing or unpredictable CAT. No matter how well you practice with them, when a real emergency occurs, the fight or flight instinct kicks in and they will be terrified.
The question would be: would you be comfortable with yourself if something bad happens to your children?
For example: what is cabin pressure drops and they don’t know what to do and they die. OR what if a pervert get his/her hands on your children. For example by “just helping them out when they need to use the toilet”.
All children under 18 should not be separated from their parents if they fly on the same plane. If the parents don’t fly on the same plane, there are services offered by the airline to keep children safe.
Also, I hope you have chosen to have children. With that you accept all responsibilities that come with it. If you think children are annoying and you don’t want them near you then you should not have taken kids from the beginning.
The story about learning them to work for luxury is just a lame excuse. You can teach them that in many other ways. Or even by flying economy together and then if they worked for it by being a good kids “upgrade” everyone together to business. And show them they have earned it for the full family. That will be a better educational moment, which they will not forget.
Dear Matthew Klint,
1st sorry for my bad english it is not my mother tongue. I read your reviews and I like most of them.
But in this case I am scared like hell if you say you would leave your kids alone in Eco once they are somewhat older.
I am flying often too and I already had an emergency landing in the late 1980ties. I am totally sure your Kids would behave well. But as far as I know the US Law system you would bring an noble average man or woman into hell fire because that person sitting next to your childs has already lost. If he/she does not help your children he/she can be sued not for helping them, if he/she is helping them they may get sued for touching your child without permission. Don´t rely on FA they have other worries in an emergency. Do you put a sign around their necks “in case of emergency you are allowed to help them” ? Wait till your son is around 14 so he can handle most situations on his own due to his experience. You are Americans and have a different point of view on many aspects but no parents should bring their kids willingly into danger.
Greetings Steve
Anyone can be sued for anything but it would be hard to make a case for not helping as you didn’t agree to take the child into your care. You can absolutely be sued for helping “incorrectly” in some fashion which is why it’s best to do nothing.
I really think some people are crazy enough to sue you even if you do nothing because the safety instructions clearly show after using your own oxy mask help the children around you. And I am quite sure there is no message that it only affects our own children. In a country where people can sue someone for burning on hot coffee everything is possible. Here the judge would come to the one who burned himself, tap on his shoulder saying use your brain next time case dismissed. But America is America…
Can’t say I disagree in principle, but you should learn more about the coffee lawsuit. It was not frivolous. McDonald’s was found at fault for keeping the coffee at a ridiculously hot temperature that burned a woman to the bone. But, they spent a lot of money on making sure everyone thought it was the other way around.
Without a nanny or similar travelling with them the children were/are too young and the Mother should have been kicked of the flight with them for yelling at them about it – and possibly barred by the airline. And the authorities notified. Unaccompanied Minors is a different thing and should be supervised and there be a minimum age. My child flew short haul this way ay 11.
Only a lowlife piece of garbage would prioritize comfort on a mode of transportation over being with one’s children to make sure that they remain comfortable. The fact that you make note of this woman blaming her young children for ruining her flight experience and don’t see this as one of the important aspects of the story shows how you are every bit the same type of garbage.
You had all the opportunity in the world to write your article about what a terrible example of parenting this is while traveling. Instead, you sympathize with the crappy mother and find ways to justify doing as she did, if only the children are a little older. If you don’t want to travel with your children, don’t take them on the trip.
This piece of trash mother is emotionally abusing and traumatizing her children, but you think the issue is to discuss airline policy and age appropriateness. I hate–yes, HATE is exactly the word I mean–people like you because you give excuse for horrible parenting and then find ways to show how you would do the same, only you have a modification on the theme to make it sound perfectly acceptable.
Makes me absolutely sick the more I think about it. Don’t reply to my comment because I will respond back and tell you exactly about yourself in ways you don’t want to read.
I respectfully disagree with separating family during any flights. Air travel can be quite chaotic and keeping everyone together is important. Gates change, flights delayed, passengers are bumped. By the way, who is going help your 10 & 7 year old with lifting and taking out their carry-on? Plus, expect the hassle of trying to retrieve lost or forgotten items after they disembark. Remember they’re just kids.
Well, I would use a very European approach:
Is my kid old enough to go to the city center by public transport?
Is he allowed to spent his freetime after dark outside?
If yes then he can sit alone in a plane…
My pregnant sister was on the plane that had to make an emergency landing due to someone trying to open the door during midflight. There was an announcement for all able bodied men to rush to the front. Yeaj, your 10 and 6 uear old wpuld handle that so well. SELFISH, ENTITLED ASS! Follow the airline rules, don’t make others babysit YOUR children for free and without choice, and don’t put your children at risk of so many things, you asshole. What a terrible father you are!!!
This is such pretentious drivel, especially with the author acting agreeing that they too will dump their children in a different part of the plane “so they can appreciate it more later.” People who do this just don’t want to be with their children and it’s so transparent. You chose to have them, spend your time with your damn kids.
“Full disclosure: I plan to do this to my children as soon as they are old enough.”
Really? Then what is the point of the article? Douche.
Because these kids were not old enough.
If its that much of an issue for you, maybe you should question not whether you should or should not upgrade — but rather, whether or not you should be taking your kids with you on vacation at all.
Wow, I never realized how many parents see their children as a burden while traveling, and have to wonder if they place there children in the trunk of their car on road trips to enjoy the trip more? We only have our children for a short time, and theyvgrowup so fast, besides I enjoy every moment with my child, sharing experiences, talking and just listening to there views, which can offer new a insight at times. I never not wanted my child’s company. However, as theybgetbolder and more independent, they may wish to be separate with a friend or sibling(s), but itvwill be their choice. Until then, I enjoy the little time I have with them, to me it is priceless. This is just my personal values, and wishes, and may not be others.
Wow, I never realized how many parents see their children as a burden while traveling, and have to wonder if they place their children in the trunk of their car on road trips, to enjoy the trip more? We only have our children for a short time, and they growup so fast, besides I enjoy every moment with my child, sharing experiences, talking and just listening to there views, which can offer new a insight at times. I never not wanted my child’s company. However, as they get older and more independent, they may wish to be separate with a friend or sibling(s), but it will be their choice. Until then, I enjoy the little time I have with them, to me it is priceless. This is just my personal values, and wishes, and may not be others
Children must be seated next to their guardians because in case of an emergency, someone needs to tend for them. When the little ones have their seat assigned away from the family, the cabin crew must make arrangements before takeoff for at least one adult of their party to sit with them. For instance, in case of a decompression, the kids won’t be able to put the mask on without assistance and the time of useful consciousness (before passing out) is very short. Kids under 12 mustn’t seat more that 1 row away from their guardians.
My kids are now 25, 27 and 29. Trips were frequent. We were and are a family and we flew together and sat together in coach/economy and later business or 1st class until all were equipped to do so. It’s not a matter of cost. It’s a matter of love. This nation is filled with bad parents who make poor decisions, What you saw was an example of a selfish parent, the object of having children is to understand what it means to be selfless.
I’m not seeing how it is selfish to sit apart from your kids.
Matt, say Guten Tag to your wife from me. As a fellow parent who read 4 books on parenting during my wife’s pregnancy as I strived to be the best parent I could be, the message of all 4 books was “It’s ok, you got this.” By reading the books, and making an effort, the books themselves largely advised parents to not over-helicopter things.
Story: My 5 year old came to me and said “I got you a new shirt daddy!” (It was my shirt from my closet) “I want you to be happy so please wear it!” (which I did.) I tell my daughter to please help me. She WANTS to contribute and feel that she’s helping. And by helping, it’s ok for us sometimes to want what we want. She needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her. To not be spoiled. To hear the word “no”. That daddy and mommy can sometimes do fun things that she can’t participate in.
Because that’s LIFE and they have to get that experience YOUNG. When they become teenagers, it’s like trying to get a stain out of a shirt that’s been washed and dried 10 times.
The books said it’s ok to be (responsibly) selfish. If the kids are fed and taken care of, fine. If it’s legal to let them sit in the cabin on their own, and they can handle it, it’s “character” building.
Don’t feel guilty. I give you permission, for what that’s worth.
When they give the pre-flight instructions the message is: Put YOUR mask on first, then theirs because if you’re not taken care of, you can’t take care of them. You deserve some happiness of your own and it’s ok.
Agree! Thanks PolishKnight.
Separate classes were why they forgot Kevin on Home Alone.
As a frequent flyer, a mom and s teacher of 30+years…every parent thinks their children are mature or well behaved according to their standards. Their child can do no wrong…this plays out on airplanes but the difference is it is an enclosed space and they getvto witness first hand their child’s behavior…they can’t walk away and they get to see how strangers react to those behaviors. Any parent that separates themselves from their child on purpose in a small venue such as an airplane is totally doing it to get away from their child and feels entitled by having paid for the seat thinking babysitting is included. As middle /high school teacher as well, the older kids get the more creative they can be when not being monitored whether they are your “good’ kid with great grades or not…left alone without anyone to account to…is not right for the other passengers to endure.
Okay this article made me angry. One, what kind of selfish and aloof mother leaves a 7 and 5 year old to fend for themselves on a flight? Those are very young children! I have two daughters that age and I know how vulnerable and afraid they would be without me or their father next to them. Second, she yells at her kids for ruining her chance for an upgraded seat? What an absolute horror of a mom! What did the poor child do? Exist? Damn mommy dearest, maybe you shouldn’t have had kids if you prefer your own comfort over their safety and well-being. As a mom, can’t understand or relate to this narcissist bitch. I would want to be right next to my girls so they can rest on me, talk to me, ask me for whatever they need. My kids come before anything.
For one, I wouldn’t want my young kids sitting away from me (maybe 14 and older if there’s a valid reason). But I also wouldn’t be treating my own kid like a second-class citizen while I go lounge in higher class. That’s just such a dick move, it screams ‘narcissistic parent’. Travel all together or don’t bother going if you can’t handle being around your own family.
I will give my opinion as an airline worker. Every airline deals with things like this differently but the airline I work for has the rule that minors need to be accompanied until they are 12 years old. We make a habit of pre assigning seats to families so as to not have the problem of having to move other passengers at the time of boarding. Children need to be supervised by someone older than 18 during the flight, and if the parent is travelling in a different cabin and the child is younger than 12 they need to travel as unccompanied minors and pay the fee.
As others have mentioned here, you never know who will be sitting next to your child during the flight and we’ve had cases in which children travelling alone have reported being touched or having someone talk to them inappropriately.
Parenting is tough, we know, and it comes with a lot of sacrifice and responsibilities, but why should other passengers have to take care of your children because you want to forget you are a parent for the duration of the flight.
I bet her name was Karen.
The rules for children travelling alone are pretty simple: minors from ages 5 to 11 must (ages vary a bit depending on the airline) be accompanied by a parent or a responsible guardian travelling in the *same* class. If they are not they can travel as unaccompanied minors – for a fee and on prior request that the airline need to confirm because of the limitations (max number of infants, children and passengers needing assistance can only be lower than able-bodied passengers; limited number of unaccompanied children per standard number of flight crew members). Gate agent did everything by the book. If the mother wishes to fly in a different class she should arrange UM status for her kids so they have crew paying special attention to them and so they are seated correctly. I will not comment on the mother’s behaviour, poor kids tho.
On my last transatlantic flight, some clown who failed to plan ahead tried to get me to switch my aisle seat for her middle seat so that she could sit next to her child, who had also been assigned a middle seat. I declined, as did the window seat passenger. Boy, was she unhappy! She then launched into a list of all the things we would “have to” do for her child and tried to hand us some kind of bag full of whatever, snacks and games, who knows because I didn’t take it and just told her “no thank you.” I put my noise cancelling headphones on and ignored. She got up so many times the FA had to tell her to sit down. It was very amusing. If only she had opened the old pocketbook for assigned seats, like I did.
Different matter, but what a jerk of a mother.
My son is 17 and flies all over the states alone, as we have family and friends in different states. However, I personally wouldn’t want to be separated from anyone I’m traveling with, much less my kids even though he flies alone. But that’s just me. However, I do feel that if your child is old enough to be left at home alone all day, then I would say it’s fine. I believe Airlines need to guarantee seating together for minors/guardians in general. Also they need to find a way to allow booking group reservations when some are using points and others are not. And not allow unassigned seating when booking a group ticket where there is a minor on the itinerary. Booking systems should automatically require seat selection. This contributes to having seperate reservations and families not being automatically seated together. I work the gates and see this far too often and when flights are completely full and the open seats are randomly scattered, it is extremely time consuming to rearrange an entire plane full of people to accommodate a group. So while I personally ensure that any children on my flights aren’t seated without their parents because of my personal feelings about not sitting with whomever I’m traveling with, we are understaffed and overworked, I can understand why an airline employee would say to sort it out yourself with the other passengers.
You are a selfish jerk and so is the the woman you observed. You are their parents. If there is bad turbulance or God for bid worse it is not anybody but their parent who should be there to help and comfort them.
I used to walk alone to school when I was 5. Children 4 and 5 ride the metro / public transit to school alone in Japan.
One reason is, protection of the child. Parent should be at least a few rows from the child, in case they need assistance or become unruly. Another reason is in emergency situations they younger the child is, the more they would be (most parents) would want to go to the child instead of evacuate the aircraft. That would block people from getting out (just think of people grabbing their belongings in an evacuation instead of following the crews announcements).
Read thru all comments. I think if kids can’t handle an emergency then they shouldn’t be left alone. Airlines not enforcing this concept when it’s convenient for them is irrelevant.
Regarding teaching values: I believe kids will learn more if everyone stays together, showing them that economy is perfectly ok, which is how most people fly.
Wow. Just wow. So, for many, economy is just fine for your children but not for you. Huh. I hope your kids remember this when choosing your assisted living facility.
We took a family trip a few years back and my wife and I were in first class and put the kids in coach. They whined, my daughter even cried a little as she got in her seat. They both told the flight attendant about us but she really supported us. One if our nicer flights. Oh, and they were 21 and 23 at the time so……
Can’t find a place to make a general comment so I’ll just reply directly to you. You sound like a condescending, snobby, entitled d*ck. Your kids won’t even be old enough for paper routes yet and you won’t let them upgrade until they start earning it themselves? Get the hell over yourself Mr. “Daddy doesn’t fly economy” give me a break. I also certainly hope you’ll be paying unaccompanied minor fees because flight attendants are not your babysitters. I love how you try to cover it with “sometimes we’ll ride together but sometimes not” like that somehow keeps you from looking like the jerk of a father you are. You ride together all the time at all ages until they are 18. That’s the answer. You aren’t teaching your children anything with this, well, nothing good anyway. They’ll either realize the small minded snob you are or, god forbid, become a jerk like you. So glad most in the comments see it too.
If I cannot afford first/business for my daughter, we both ride in coach. Since more of our flights are on Southwest, the whole plane is first class, at least that is what a flight attendant told me.
Another story of parents not wanting to be accountable for their kids. It is nobody’s job to enetertain other people’s kids. However, personally I rather have a kid next to me than an adult going on about their imposing faith belief systems. That was my last experience and thank goodness for headphones that assisted in ignoring that guest. Not interested!
To be honest I think it’s pretty selfish for two reasons. First de facto you are leaving the rest of the plane to watch out for and help your children. They will be running up and down the aisle constantly trying to figure out what the how things work. You can’t expect them to sit there like mommy’s quietly and never ever even look in the direction of another passenger. Your actions have an impact on the comfort of other passengers who will always be keeping an eye out on the kids who are left alone. The idea that kids can be left alone for several hours unattended just doesn’t play out in real life, especially under 12.
Second you’re on a trip together and the trip is about quality time with each other. The message you are sending to your children is that quality time is defined by the appropriate class you are in. If you can’t afford business class for everyone then don’t do it. There are plenty of ways to find good deals so that the whole family can travel together. The vacation starts from the moment you leave your home to go to the airport.
I have kids and I’ll be honest I miss business class but premium economy works just as well, early booking and sometimes economy.
The idea that your children have to earn their own business class upgrades is pretty flawed. The question I asked in my family is what is the best vacation we can get with the available money we have and I try to teach my children that regardless of the class we sit in, the hotel we overnight in, and the activities we do the most important part of the vacation is to have fun together and to have the best possible enjoyment whatever that may be. I never make my children feel that it’s not okay to have a treat once in awhile in business class otherwise we would have to rethink everything and look at all the luxuries we already have in our own lives. An enclosing to be honest my son is 10 has been in business class three times has enjoyed it immensely and when he sits in economy he definitely understands the difference and appreciates the attention he received. I think it’s a great learning experience for kids to experience different classes and reflect on why there are different classes and who sits in them. Thanks!
Such a sensible, and sensitive, approach. Thank you for your comment. Your children are lucky to have you.
I was a F/A for two of the largest airlines in the US ( think merger) for 39 years. The simple answer for someone, who wants a first class experience, is hire a companion to fly with them (teenage cousin or neighbor?). S/he sits with the kids and entertains them, for the cost of a round trip trip economy ticket and their time. If you’re too cheap, or it’s not in your budget to do this, then you and your poor kids, who have someone like you for a parent, will have to sit together. F/A’s don’t have time to take your kids to the bathroom, or talk to them for more than a few minutes during a flight. If you’ve paid for Unaccompanied Minor tickets your kids are seated in a row nearest F/A jumpseats, where they can be monitored, if there’s time for a planned emergency then an “able-bodied” passenger is assigned to them, the F/A’s will have other pressing duties. Please, for your sake and theirs, try to be more loving towards them. One day, you’ll want their adult emotional support and compassion.
Also are your kids going to be willing and able to sit alone? Because when the FA’s are doing their service they don’t have time or patience to be moving their cart (up to 200lbs) up and down the aisle so you can chat with your kid and see if they are doing okay. Clearly this women was going to leave her kids and never look back with her attitude, but some parents are up and down the aisle during boarding(busiest time of the flight) service(most inconvenient time) and deplaning.
“Right now, my five-year-old son is still far too young to be left alone in the back of the plane. But I can certainly see a case on a longhaul flight when he is 10 and his sister is six when we leave them in economy class and fly business class.”
No. A ten-year-old shouldn’t be expected to shoulder your parental responsibilities on a long-haul flight. There are so many dangers, as other posters have pointed out, that could happen to young children on a flight. I don’t care how mature your or anyone else’s ten-year-old children are, they are not prepared to handle emergencies or ill-intentioned adults while you sip your cocktail in business class. Also, you’re expecting the adults around them to be responsible for their safety. Bottom line, this isn’t fair to your children or your fellow passengers or even sensible.
When nice families split up in this way, the kids are at the back with the nanny, while Mum and Dad are up front.
The mother is a piece of sh!t, the author is a piece of sh!t. They’re your kids for Christ’s sake, sit next to them.
I have one word for you: Evacuation. The odds are slim but if a situation arises where an evacuation is commanded you will instantly regret not having your children right by your side. The panic you will feel not knowing if they made it off the plane or not will be immeasurable. If your unlucky enough to end up in a raft, they may or may not be in the same raft as you. Me, I’ll hedge my bets and keep them by my side until they’re old enough to fend for themselves.
Wow. If mommy dearest makes these kinds of scenes on a plane, can you imagine what living with her at home must be for the two kids, Christina and Christopher? Book and movie are in development, but they will take a couple of decades.
Parents, while properly minding the kids you also have to properly mind yourself. The kids will almost always have the last word about how you are perceived as a person and a parent.
I’ve actually done this twice. But, my husband was with us and he too went to economy class. As a mother I needed the break! It was a headache planning the trip, packing and preparing for the three and a half week family vacation.
The very first time was complete enjoyable and I reveled in my elegance. The second time however they sat my husband and my children directly behind me in business class. They harassed me the entire flight!
If you are able PLEASE PLEASE ditch them, it’s your only solace until the flight lands.
I’m pretty disgusted at all the parents saying they deserve first/business class but their children don’t. How extremely selfish and vile of you. You and you alone are responsible for the safety and care of your child until they are an adult. These people saying they worked hard for that status. Do they expect their 6 year old to have an income to pay for the upgrade?? They’re saying that the coach area is beneath them but it’ll do for their children?? Any parent that happily sits their child with a stranger in the “lesser” section so they can enjoy luxury without having to take care of their child is a disgusting person.
The real question here is far more complex and speaks to the selfishness of the parents. Why would any parent WANT to sit away from their kids? I have flown with my children many times and pushed to be near them every time. What breaks my heart as a father is that the woman in the story valued her upgrade more than the emotional wellbeing of her own children and made it obvious by yelling at them. Ever viewing your children as an inconvenience should make any parent ashamed. I think most children see airline travel as a magical experience and want their parents to share that with. Choosing to have children should come with a contract that you promise to always put their interest above your own and do your very best to show them everyday and every way that you love them unconditionally. Unfortunately we see too often that this is not the case and many of those children grow up to repeat the mistakes of their parents.
Well said! You are my dream pax & parent! Bravo
Are we going to disregard the fact she blaming her kids for not being able to fly in a different class… geesh they are 5 and 7 this mother sounds like a piece of work …
Age 13 and higher. Not an unaccompanied minor anymore by airline rules.
This just makes me sad. I want to adopt these girls.
I cannot imagine leaving my daughter in the same age group alone with a plane full of strangers so that I could have free cocktails.
I am a multi million mile (“real” miles in the seat, not total miles on a statement) flier over a number of decades. And my philosophy traveling with my wife and daughters has always been “we’re all in the front or we’re all in the back”. I’ve “burnt” 7M or 8M frequent flier miles following that belief.
This mother is selfish. Disgusting. Pathetic. Why would get upset at the kids. Disgusting.
Hopefully her kids will downgrade her to the cheapest aged nursing home they can find when given a chance. And leave het alone.
My opinion is legit experience as I am a flight attendant flying for over 32 years on multiple airplanes & routes. Most people want to try & sit next to their children — they are their responsibility NOT others & do you really want to trust another person to get your child out safely in an emergency & sitting next to perverts are valid! I keep my eye out for abuse & misconduct & sadly it even happens in own families. I am very put off by parents that purposely do not sit by their younger children (dads you are responsible too) as have seen poor mom left to fend w/the crying children while other half is sleeping away). You cannot be responsible 3 rows away. Yes it depends on the child’s maturity but this example of a mom shaming her children for not being able to sit in her premium seat without them was awful! Shame on her & this entitled mentality has got to stop. She was being selfish, a bad parent & rude to the staff which is also unacceptable. From my experience, there are many disturbing behaviors, dysfunctions & unnecessary distractions caused by adults which these poor children are learning or affected by. No, the passenger next to your child is not their babysitter & the flight attendants are not either. Be responsible for own behavior & your family please!! Society is begging this of you as we all are on an airplane for different reasons whether to enjoy a vacation, visit a relative healthy or sick, attend to business or a funeral. Respect each other & do not be rude or selfishly impose on other, but be kind & compassionate. Please.
Unless unaccompanied minor fees have been paid, your child is your responsibility. Even the best behaved child travelers can have issues arise. I speak from experience as a Flight Attendant for 24 years. You never know who your child is sitting next to. I travel often with my parents. If an upgrade is available, it’s me paying to upgrade them. Their comfort at age 86 is more important to me than my own.
My kids have been traveling without parents, but an extra charge of about $150 bucks for an unescorted minor, all over the country since about age 9. Had to pay the fee up until my son was 15. It was a long time coming until they turned 17 and I could boot them back to economy. See you when we get there!
I’m with the airline. Putting a 5 and 7 year old in the back by themselves is simply making the flight attendants their babysitters. I’ve seen airlines go out of their way to accommodate the opposite situation, when parents are assigned seats separate from their kids and want to be together. Same thing. It’s for the mental health and well being of all. Once they are old enough to fly solo they’re old enough to be separated.
Omg. The notion that you are pre meditating the soonest opportunity to abandon your children on a flight and subject the other passengers and staff on plan to be free baby sitters is appalling. People who think like you are embarrassing.
Kudos to the boarding agent. From my initial reading sounds like this Karen needed to be reminded about reality. Also by the same time. Darren you come across as an arrogant person with no regard for others.
How about instead of taking a flight you drive all together? Enjoy the time with your family. How about you don’t travel and just stay at home? How about you grow the f up!! Until those kids are 18 or over you made them they are your responsibility.
I fear your children are learning a horrible example that daddy is the most important and they will always feel they have to put you on a pedestal. Considering YOU DESERVE first or business class because you worked for it? What a joke.
Your kids didn’t ask to he made or created. Instead that feeling of projecting your lineage Dictated making them. I am fairly certain there is a very big but TINY issue in your pants creating this over endulgence and sense of entitlement.
My husband and I flew 12+ hour flights with our 5 children (ages 12 and down)once yearly, when we went to spend holidays with family. It was fairly stressful, and there were years that we had worked out the custody agreement within an hour of landing, but sitting with them was our responsibility as parents. We staggered 2 hour sleeping shifts, and as they got a bit bigger, my husband, who is a terrible flyer, would sit in business class, sleep for 6-8 hours, and then switch off with me for a bit. Our children, our responsibility. And our privilege.
Why would anyone not want to share the joy of travel and flying with their children? Together. Oh well, I guess. Seems odd. It’s one of the greatest pleasures for me. In any class.
Some aliens require you to enroll child as UM, but don’t charge fee in these cases. Knowing airline would help a lot.
I have 5 children (oldest age 27) and have been flying for work and pleasure thousands of times over the last few decades. Over 1 million miles.
The issue is almost always the opposite of this article. I have had my seats reassigned and changed many times. And when flying with children we are almost always separated. I have had to fight with the airlines many times to have my 2 or 3 years old children in the seat next to me. Back of the plane or front they don’t seam to care They often would say just trade people on the plane. That rarely works out well and is very upsetting for “normal parents”. I always give up my seat for a families with small children to be together and thank those that helped me over the years as well. I really wished the airlines did the same.
No, I don’t think you want to hear from me. Will I upgrade to business or first whenever possible yes! Will I fly first or business with my children in the back? Never. Not even as adults.
Plain and simple. If I’m flying with them, we are traveling together. Every time I’ve had an upgrade I’ve sent my kids up front. Better hotel rooms, better beds… These things are logistics but separating my children by class is not the spirit of family travel.
Sorry. We parent differently. No right, no wrong. Just different.
Typical comment: “So, for many, economy is just fine for your children but not for you.”
And this attitude is exactly why American kids are generally spoilt and obnoxious.
Kids get premium cabin when they work for it.
All abstracting of course from the risk of sexual abuse.
This woman clearly should not have had children. Period.
There is no age limit .. For me, if you want upgrade, you should include your kids too or any other companion of yours… For kids, there’s no age limit.. It is a parent or guardian’s responsibility to take care of their children . They should be with them..
The author just sounds like an entitled, selfish pr*ck to me. I understand the frustration of traveling with children (I have 3, all adults now), but if you’re paying for the tickets, but all flyers equal access. As a parent, you should want better for your children than you have for yourself, so unless they are all independently wealthy and and can make and pay for that choice for themselves, just suck it up and treat them as equal.
Plain and simple this so called mother is a POS
I traveled on a flight where the paremts were in first class and the children were in coach. Both parents continously left first class to bring the children ice cream desserts, cookies, snacks etc. They continued to interfere with the first class and coach service. They were obnoxiously in the way of the flight attendent’carts and service.
Leave your 10 years old and 6 years old in economy and fly first yourself?
I think you and that lady both are absolute piece of sh*t and don’t deserve to have your precious children!
Get yourself neutered so you don’t ruin any child’s life!
Parent your children. It is not on others to entertain them, to help them in an emergency, to protect them from the perv who gets seated next to them and sees an opportunity. And that can happen at sixteen as easily as six.
Parent your children. If you don’t want to do that, don’t have them. Yes, you belong in econ if they are. No, that’s not their fault. You made choices.
Parent your frickin’ children. It’s a noun and a verb for a reason.
On the flip side apparently it’s ok if the airlines do it. On several occasions they tried to sit my now 9 years old alone. We were getting for a Disney trip and they tried to sit all 3 of us sperately. They said it was ok since it was just a couple of rows. That was unacceptable.
What a lovely message to your kids. Mommy and Daddy are better than you. We get to nice seats and you don’t. If you don’t want to fly seated with your kids don’t bring them along. The rest of us don’t want to see or hear how upset your kids are because you’re not there.
How interesting. I fly a lot with my kids. We don’t always fly first class. Mostly coach or business but we always sit together. We have had 2 -3 flights this year in which we could not sit together. One flight I sat in first class and my kids in coach. They would not allow my child to sit in first although technically it was his ticket. So I don’t quiet understand why this instance it was okay and Hers was not.
Now I didn’t chastise my children and that mom is a POS.
We always traveled as a family. Sometimes in first class and sometimes in eeconomy. You’re supposed to want to give your children a better life than you had. You’re also supposed to make sure they know you love them as much as you love your extra wide seat amd free booze.
My kids are no longer little but I would rather sit next to them during a flight. It is an experience that I would have loved. To enjoy each others company to have little conversations. They grow up fast and you might miss it.
I see a lot of people in the comments saying that they will treat their kids as literally lower class and that’s fine because they can address their kids in case of emergency. Let me just say, that’s messed up.
If you can’t bring your literal kids with you to a higher class cabin, you shouldn’t be sitting there either. And yes, if I meet you on a plane, I will call you a bad parent to your face.
Wow – this is an article about entitlement if ever there was one. Firstly, your unnecessary addition of carbon to our atmosphere so you can waste space to fuel your entitlement. Secondly, your assumption that others should look after your progeny so you can take up your entitlement.
Let it be known – irrespective of the haggling over unaccompanied and minor at who and how airlines differ in practice – a minor in most jurisdictions is under the age of 18, yes 18. Until they are that age you, yes you, are directly responsible as their guardian unless you have agreed with the airline (and paid them appropriately, if required) to accept that responsibility on your behalf.
There is no parental control if children are separated across classes – if there are “issues” how will you be informed – there’s no provision or obligation in your ticket of carriage that holds the airline to act as intermediary in travelling communications back an forth.
For not dump your unmided (and uncredited for) minor kids next me on any flight – irrespective of which class I might be in – I’m not your contracted/paid babysitter. Take responsibility for your own at all times as the onus of parenthood requires.
You can’t be serious.
So you deserve comfort but your kids not? AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A PARENT?! you don’t deserve kids.
It should be the children who decide. One row back or four between parent and their children not to mention the partition between economy and first/business class. No way would I export my children’s welfare to the cabin crew just to a have a more comfortable flight unless they really thought it was some sort of adventure for them and I considered them old enough. 10 and 6 – definitely not.
Typical first world problems and entailing discussion. Sorry, from where I see, nothing important for a serious discussion and a blog.
What a narcissistic, self-centered and irresponsible attitude to have. If parents bring their minor children on a flight, then they are responsible for their care during it. There should be rules against leaving them alone. Anything could happen to them; sickness, fear, molestation, needing to use the air mask or plane problems. No child should be seated separately from their parents period and those that think this is ok… shame on you!
Agent made correct decision. I would never leave my child under 17 not by my side especially a girl on airplane. Agent was looking out for children best security interest. I have moved on airplane in a less discomfort seat to accommodate other families. It doesn’t happen that often. Under 17 children need to be with their parent on airplane.
We’ve been traveling with our two kids since they were very small. I’m 5’10 and my husband is 6’4. We flew economy with them until they turned 12 and 15 and knew how to behave on a flight. After that, they flew economy and we flew premium economy so we could be comfortable. We never had any issues. They complained (as teens sometimes do), but we told them we couldn’t afford to upgrade everyone and as soon as they started working, we’d welcome them the chance to upgrade their own tickets. At least we were traveling, which is more than a lot of people are able to do with kids.
Flew home with the family (wife and kids who were teenagers)…all on the same PNR. I took an exit row seat assignment while the wife and kids were in the row behind me and AA tried to disqualify me saying that in the event of an emergency my family would serve as a distraction. Funny…I didn’t see that listed in the Exit row criteria.
It is listed. Next time you’re on a plane, please take a look at the safety information card. AND please don’t take it out on the flight attendants doing their job. Not saying that you did, but as a flight attendant, we are often times stuck in the middle. We don’t get paid until the door closes, so helping with bags, seats and any other request is not included in our hourly wage
So is the plan to turn the flight attendants into unpaid babysitters while you recline in business class? If you want to “teach” them about earning their way to luxury do it at home. Next point, it’s unsafe- predators look for unaccompanied children. A young girl was assaulted while traveling from one divorced parent to the other. If something goes wrong, I suppose you’ll want to sue. My family is not easy to travel with but we all STICK TOGETHER AND SIT TOGETHER. Maybe that’s the lesson that needs to be learned.
The news is flooded with instances where bad things happened to kids when they were left alone where parents thought would do fine.. question I guess is not what society or airlines or neighbours think what is right .. but whether YOU are comfortable leaving then alone.l. Some are, some arent, and should be a personal choice. Blaming the kids, atrocious, and very wrong. Speaking for myself and myself only, I would not feel comfortable leaving them alone, atleast not until they are 18, i am probably too much protective, but I would not let anything to chance in this modern times, where values have dwindled, the flight is what.. like 5..6 hrs max.. I can sit with them for so much time.
I can’t imagine leaving a child to fend for themselves in an airplane. While the chance for an emergency is low, it’s hard for me to comprehend a parent that is not concerned for their child’s well being. In the event of an evacuation, those children are on their own. It’s not like you can get back to assist. Being a parent is difficult. At times, having some space to relax is warranted. Unfortunately an airplane is not a place you can let your parenting guard down.
I do not want to sit next to your unaccompanied kid or next to you and your kid when you chose to ignore him/her. If you can’t take care of your kids you shouldn’t have bothered to have the kids.
I spent not just the money to fly with my kids but also spent TIME with them (and actually enjoy their company).
Too many parents should have remained childless
The mother is obviously narcissistic and shouldve had her tubes tied when she turned 18.
To the Author.. People like you are why people hate America.. Spend time with your kids man.. Even if I can afford it I will sit them back there until they earn it?? What a chump.. I get earning gifts and prizes but comfort??
You sound so self entitled it’s almost unbelievable that this is even an article to write about.. As for that woman yelling at her kids fore ruining it iss no surprise since so many woman BLAME there kids for there weight right to there face..
I would never in a million years treat my kids any less then me or like a second class person.. Its a weak mentality, if you don’t want your kids growing up feeling self entitled this isn’t the way I can promise you that.. It’s a mindset brought on my a lot more then just not flying economy.. Watching you leave them behind is gonna make them want to get more money so they to can leave loved ones behind if it means they can look better..
Think about that Mr. Educated Smart guy..
Any parent who ditches the kids in economy and lies back in first class is trash and doesn’t deserve children at all.
This disinterested parents thing is why kids are the monsters they become.
You want them to earn to be able to sit in business or first class so are you going to divide the family and make them sit in the back while you sit up front little break from your kids what’s messed up dude is that you think that it’s normal just baffles me wow
So let me ask you this mister what bothers you so much in economy class are you above me? do you look down upon me?…. yes you do…. am I supposed to worship you? YOU SOLEY DO IT TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER…. YOU GOT A PROBLEM THEN… IT AINT ME.. I AINT THE PROBLEM… YOU ARE!!…get that out of here
In this day and age, the childish way passengers are fighting each other and attendants on aircraft, leaving two children on their own in any section of the plane is irresponsible. This woman’s first responsibility is her children and not her personal comfort. The children are not the responsibility of the passengers that are sitting near her children nor are they the responsibility of the flight attendant.
One flight someone’s two little kids were beside me. I put some headphones on and dozed off. Later, the guy behind me angrily woke me because I wasn’t looking after my kids. The sourounding few seats were scowling at me, so I guess they had been antsy and loud for a while. I stood up and asked if there were parents around to come look after their kids. (I didn’t want the sourounding people thinking I was a negligent parent. I don’t have kids for a reason, being I don’t want to be responsible for them.) They were about 20 rows forward having a great time with drinks and food not paying one ounce of attention to their kids. The mother rushed back to give them something to eat and check on them, and snapped at me, “Parents are allowed a vacation too, you know.”
The entitlement was shocking. I had to actually remind her that I was not responsible for her kids. Finally mom switched seats so that one kid was with dad upfront and she was up with me and the other little one.
The age a child may sit alone on a flight that the parent us also on is directly related to the selfishness of the parent. In our family that age is never. If I am traveling on the same flight as my adult children I pick up the tab and fly everyone the same way. When they have their own families I might take a separate flight so they can be together with their own family during travel, but probably not, if I’m traveling with my grandbabies why wouldn’t I want them with me. This article made me very sad for how some kids are treated. I grew up with divorced parents. One parent we always all traveled together in the same class seats, stayed in the same villa took meals together (kids could order real food not kids menu junk) on vacation. The other was an adults who had a kids in economy and adults in first class attitude. I bet you can guess which parent I have a better relationship with and who gets to travel with me and my kids now.
Shame on you! I would never separate from my children no matter what age they were. We travel first class/business class on many occasions when we travel on our own, but would never be so selfish or feel so entitled that I’d have my children, or any of my family for that matter, in a lesser class just to enjoy the comforts and “pampering.” of an upper class! The memories we’ve made and conversations we’ve shared over the years on flights with our now grown children are priceless and so worth giving up first class for. I guess it depends on what kind of parent you want to be and what memories you want to leave with your children. I also don’t think it is fair to any of the other passengers or flight attendants to have to care for “your” children when they are your responsibility. As others have said, there are a lot of things that can happen on a flight and I promise you children would much prefer their parents beside them than a stranger. Why don’t you just ask them yourself if you really want an answer? We just traveled with our daughter, her husband and their 3 children on a 7 hour flight in economy class, and I wouldn’t have traded a minute of that time on the plane with them for anything!
Never under age 10. It’s not simply about a comfy seat: however unlikely, imagine if the plane experiences an emergency. Any parent who ditches a child under age 10 should be charged with abuse (whether of he child, or the other passengers and crew, can be up for debate). Realistically, no parent should be upgraded while a child under age 14 is left in the back without an accompanying adult. But as a firm rule, never under age 10. Stay seated in the back with them. Only the most selfish of parents would do otherwise.
Why should flight attendants or perfect strangers have to babysit your children when you don’t even want to sit by them? Also, God forbid there’s an accident, again someone else is going to be responsible for your children. Then there’s the creepers possibly preying on your children. “Unaccompanied minors” are 15 and under. If your children are those ages you should be near them… PERIOD!
If you don’t want to sit by your child, what makes you think someone else does? How selfish and trifling to literally leave your child with a stranger! Flight attendants aren’t babysitters nor are other travelers. Pedophiles travel too!
As a mental health professional, I’m horrified. The comments that this mother made to her children (you messed up my upgrade) are emotional abuse. Not to say that one comment in isolation is necessarily going to cause lasting damage, but if it is indicative of an overall attitude that her children are subjected to (that they are a burden and nuisance to their mother), it will certainly be traumatic. I’m crying for those poor kids.
Me too. Those poor babies. If the “mother” spoke to them like that on a plane full of strangers it makes my heart break to think of what she says to her children at home in private.
If you don’t want children, don’t have them. What a horrible mother. These poor unfortunate children, they would probably be better cared for by strangers. It boggles my mind that anyone would want to be separated from their children while in transit and the children totally dependent on a parent. Same applies to the author
I hate to say this but there are predators out there and why would you let your child be a target?
As much travel experience the author seems to have, what he doesn’t seem to realize is that at times there are child predators traveling on the same aircraft with you and your children. Those kids were too young to sit by themselves. God forbid there’s an inflight or ground emergency, they simple wouldn’t have the mental aptitude to react and would be looking for their mother. I having worked for an airline long ago, completely agree with the decision to downgrade the mother. They’ll pay her back the difference in fare. When it comes to the right age for kids to sit alone I would say 12-14 is a decent start. At least they are intelligent enough to process events around them should an emergency ever arise and being separated from their parents by cabin class.
One time my sister was separated from her 6 year old and no one would switch seats. My sister told her daughter it would be okay and if she needed to throw up just call out loudly and Mom would be right there…My niece’s seatmate offered to switch seats.
Got upgraded to first class on an international flight once but gave it to grandma travellimg with me instead and stayed on economy. I still smile about that years after she was gone.
I feel of you do want to separate from the children while flying than you should not have them in the first place. Kids get scared at all ages and if they announced there was a bad person on board stay in your seat or bad weather we are going down and you are seated at the other end of plane from your children what then? You should be there to calm them, hold them, be a parent. These children are they ones who won’t be around to visit you either when you wish they would, because like they have been taught by you they will want their drink and time alone.
Thank you. Amen. What the hell is wrong with these people who think leaving your kids in another part of the plane with strangers is in any way, shape or form OK? What it the person sitting next to them is a child predator? Why have kids if you are going to “dump” them in economy class because you are too good for economy. This world is full of selfish, entitled assholes and it breaks my heart for the kids.
I’m a mom of three kids, 9, 7 and 4 who have flown internationally 9 times each.
For me it comes down to airline policy. If they would assign my 9 year old or 7 year old to a seat away from me if I booked us together in economy (has happened three times, with my kids being deemed old enough by the airline to fly alone, across the plane 9 rows away) then I think it should also be fine for me to sit in plus or business and them in economy.
If the airline makes sure I sit next to my kids without extra costs, then I think they can insist on not allowing the split.
But airlines can’t have it both ways- insist on her sitting with her kids, but also intentionally book families in random middle seats leaving the problem to them on the plane.
I was once seated away from my still in a carseat 5 year old by 4 rows. She was upset and crying but none of the agents cared. Finally a totally random couple somewhere else came to me and offered to switch to our two unrelated seats.
It’s hard out there for families!
Parents if you don’t want to sit next your kid, what makes you think I do? God forbid there is an emergency,, you would trust a stranger to help your child. Such bs, be a parent and sit with your kid. I was on a flight from L.A. to Dallas and these parents parked their 8 year old next to me and went to the sit in the very back next to each other. The kid was a brat and I complained till the flight attendant made one of the parents switch. I am not and will not be your babysitter.
Wow writer, you are just as selfish and a terrible parent as the subject of this story. Do you not worry about what creepy person might be seated next to your young kids? What if there’s an emergency? How would you care for your kids? Why would it be another nearby adult’s responsibility to secure their masks? What if they are sick, scared or upset? Are you basically looking for free babysitting from flight attendants and other passengers while you sip champagne in the premium cabin? There is not a place or a time when this is ok. It’s just horrible parenting. If they are a minor they should be with you! You chose to procreate!
Parents of unaccompanied minors are charged a fee and then the airline makes adjustments to pick up the child from an adult at the gate, check on the child frequently during the flight, then turn over the child to an adult. So the age you can leave your children in another area which is physically separated by curtains and economy can’t cross into would be the age that you are willing to pay the fee or they can fly alone. That being said, the judgment around this particular incident is gender biased and no one is questioning YOUR right to have children because you also plan to “dump the kids” in your own words.
I have seen this many times and it is annoying when the dumped kids come up to Biz or First to see the parents and disrupt the quietude of the rest of the cabin. I commend the agent for making the parent sit with the kids in Economy.
We did this starting in 4th grade. It was a good experience for everyone. We knew the kids were good travelers. The kids felt independent and were ready to fly independently to family in Europe in their early teens.
Personally my kids will always travel with me together. I see it no differently, then travelling somewhere in the car. I wouldn’t send my kids into another vehicle while I drive my sports car, so then why should it be any different in a plane. I would think that once my kids are teenagers, they might prefer to not have to sit with their parents. At that time, ok, they can ride in economy and my wife and I will ride first class. If they want to ride first class and not sit with us, then I would suggest they pay the difference in fare. That’s my two cents.
I wonder what would that agent do if they had a basic exonomy and were kind a forced to sit separate…
My parents would take turns in the First Class seat and the seat beside my 3 sisters and I, it allowed each of them to rest and relax while knowing that the children were well cared for by the other parent.
Even adults struggle to speak up when someone is harming them. There are too many weirdos these days to trust your child’s safety to an unknown seat mate or older sibling that would not notice anything was wrong, not understand the full extent of the situation or also not be able to vocalize.
It’s only acceptable if the children are old enough and mature enough to be left unattended for the duration of the flight. If not the mother is responsible for watching her own children or making alternative arrangements like purchasing unaccompanied minor faires for her children. Standard faire does not include child care and fellow passengers should not be burdened with something the mother clearly thinks is too much trouble for herself i.e. sitting in coach with her children.
I was really glad to hear thr airline did that to the mother. I had a personal experience with a similar situation years ago. I flew out of germany and my connecting flight to Los Angeles was in Atlanta. I sat in my seat and little did i know that these two little girls were being left to sit next to me. One was about 2 years old and the other 4 years old. Both parents were in the same flight but they had chosen to ditch their childten and sleep the whole flight. The whole flight from atlanta to lax the little gitls kept bothering me in order to help them when they wsntedsnacks or go to the bathroom. Not once did the parents get up to check on them. There was turbulence that night and we were instructed to fasten our seat belts… twice i had to unfasten my seatbelt and go after the child.on one of those occasions i hit another seat as the girl ran down the aisle while the airplsne was already going down to land and had to make a quick movement as there was so much fog that they tried to avoid hitting another airplane. The parents did not even try to come check on their children after that since they slept the whole time while i didnt have a moment of rest. Anything could have happened to their children and they were lucky nothing did. But for that same reason is why the passenggers and flight attendant requested that i be the first person to get off the airplane once we landed.
My husband and I were on a very long haul international flight in first class celebrating our anniversary. Before departing the gate a girl under the age of 10 came zooming up the aisle talked to someone and ran back. Approximately two minutes later she did it again. Apparently she and her sibling were fighting already. The flight attendants approached the individuals in first class and found it to be parents with two small children way in the back in economy. The only reason I know the details is because the conversation became very heated and the pilot was called out. He made the call that the parents had to move out of first and accompany their children. He told them they were fortunate that there were seats available as otherwise he would have to deplane them. Mom and Dad were not happy, however the rest of the cabin burst into applause.
If a parent wants to ditch his kid, maybe they shouldn’t have kids in the first place.
Till age 14 I believe kids shouldn’t travel alone or seat alone with strangers on the plane. Each airline has own minor policy. But its about responsibility as a parent to take care of own kid anywhere, anytime, especially on the flight, where any emergency may arise and parent should be there to solve it.
I had no idea any parents did that. What a douche thing to do, regardless of your kid’s age.
Agree with you, regardless of the age what I missed in my comment, but that’s what I mean. If parent don’t want to care after kids, till kid is legal age , I would question patenting ability . Mine till 18 always travelled together with me, at 16 they they could seat in different seat but always in same section, different class was out of the question. Even when they grew up, on family trips always staying together, even if someone can get an upgrade- we all together.
Selfish Mom hoping to get kids upgraded and not pay. World is full of horrible people. She should grow up and be a responsible parent
Imagine being so snooty that you can’t lower yourself to sit in economy with your kids. If you want to save a buck that bad, then sit at the back of the plane. If you insist on being in business class, then the whole family comes with you. The guy who leaves his kids in the back to enjoy the perks of business class is the guy who eventually wonders why they don’t visit him in the nursing home.
Personally I think the girls were still too you. Maybe not much too young, but still.
But her blaming the kids about it makes me want to slap her. That is entitled and stupid af.
Why would any parent want to travel on the same flight and intentionally make their children feel degraded by putting them in economy and the parent in business?
Then don’t fly with them, keep them at home. Better yet, don’t have children at all.
I have been travelling with my son since he was 9 months old and would never travel without being by his side. He’s 16 now and more than used to travelling longhaul or short trips. The thought of travelling in separate classes never entered my head.
On occasion I have turned down an upgrade or paid the extra so as we will always be together in the same class. He is more than capable of coping alone but the whole point of travelling together is to be together and sharing a mutual bond. How anyone can possibly knowingly and willingly sit separate from their child/ren is beyond my comprehension.
Would the so called parent in question leave the children outside near the boarding gate while they went to the VIP lounge???
And one other thing. Maybe the little girl was crying on boarding the plane because she knew she had to sit beside her ‘parent’ for so long.
Imagine being able to fly outside of economy class AND be able to argue about it.
As a business traveler. Do not so me next to your young kids unsupervised. Anyone under 11 is to young to be left with strangers. And even then you should avoid it. The number of times I have sat next to an annoying kis asking questions kicking seats singing. Watching videos without headphones staring at me touching my stuff is too many. Unaccompanied minors are prepped for it usually, the flight attendant is checking on them, and they are well behaved. But the kid who’s parent is in first class rows away should not be a thing.
Why not send one of the kids upfront?
It doesn’t change the situation a lot but at least she would have come off as a little gracious.
I am sure the gate agent would have tried to help her.
1. Rich people problems.
2. Sit with your kids. In the event of an emergency you should be close.
I bet your kid’s will really appreciate your lesson. NOT. How about having them do some volunteering to offset the privilege of upgraded travel? What lesson do you really want to teach them?
If it’s that you’re all powerful and they better remember who’s boss, then do it your way.
If you want to teach them that privilege isn’t free, invest in them. Show them the difference by taking your right to the best of the best out of the equation.
When they are older and traveling alone, sure… put them in steerage.
Better yet, all of you sit in steerage and upgrade a family that is on a way to a funeral.
As a flight attendant for over 46 years, my solution would be to upgrade the kids and put that self-serving poor excuse of a b*tch mother in economy. I feel sorry for the kids. My guess is that when these kids grow up, mommie will be left standing in the dust and wondering what happened.
I don’t have kids BUT WHEN I do
I’m 6 8.
My wife 5’2″
I’m on a serious budget and won’t be able to afford to fly 4 of us upfront. That’s 14,000.
I’m flying upfront and my wife and kids in coach. That’s $6500
I’ll take em all to a wonderful experience before and after landing, so they’ll still love me.
That’s just reality.
So in an emergency, who’s going to put that o2 mask on your kid? Whose going to tell them to stop kicking the seat back? Playing with the trays? Keep their seat belt on? Not her, apparently and not the author. You have kids, you are responsible for them. Don’t want to on a plane? Then pay for a nanny to come along. I feel bad for your and her kids. And for those that accidentally get stuck with them
Those people should not have children , they are to selfish , as a nurse l always wondered why people in this country dump their parents in a nursing home or adult facility as soon as they can..their parents taught them that..
Wow I am so glad so many people feel the same as I. Shame on you. What a schmuck you are.
If they are of the age to fly on accompanied, it doesn’t matter if the parent is on board or not. They’re old enough to fly unaccompanied. Therefore they should fly in the seats that their parent purchased for them. What happened to this person truly sucks! Some kids are just too young to appreciate the perks of flying in different classes. Just let the kids have their stupid electronics, videos, and whatever else they need to be entertained, and they’ll be fine in those lower costing seats. Also, BTW, it does matter which airline is enforcing this. I would never want to fly with an airline that f**ks with their customers like this.
Four years ago, me and family were going for a 16 hour flight. Our kids were 1, 2 and 4 years old at the time. The woman at the check in counter actually asked if I wanted to pay extra for the family to be seated together.
Me andy wife had a big laugh and declined the offer. “By all means, try seating us apart”.
The counter clerk woman then put on an act to save face and told us that she would seat us together for free as a personal favour.
I have raised 3 children (youngest now 30) and we traveled by air a fair amount since the youngest was 5 (other 7 and 9)
My personal rule was that if under 12, there was always a parent with a child. And this was before some if the sick stuff you hear about these days. It’s a Safety issue. If the plane has an emergency are you really going to rely on strangers to take care of your kids?
And yes, I have been on a plane that dropped 5k feet in a matter of seconds (injured passengers and flight attendants) and another plane that made an emergency landing.
So when young and we got only 2 upgraded seats? My wife and 1 child sat up front and I sat in coach with 2 kids. Chivalry exists in our family.
When they were older (12 was my line) then we started sitting in business or first with the kids in coach. But by then they all had over 100k of true air miles and were more experienced travelers than most of the adults on the plane.
We’re the kids ok with that? No, but as my dad said to my son before a flight to London where my wife and I were in first and the kids (13, 15, and 17) were back in coach – “I’m 60 and ive never flown in 1st class. So if you want to fly in style, you have to earn it yourself “.
On most US based Legacy carriers Coach passengers are not allowed to ‘visit’ FC. Policy is FC passengers visit friends/family in Coach. That insures all FC passengers receive a bit more peace plus it eliminates Coach passengers ending-up taking FC food to their Coach seats. Guidelines are in-place for a reason. Trying to circumvent policies seems quite tacky. Your children = your responsibility.
This isn’t “Home Alone”. This isn’t 1990. This isn’t a movie. Get real.
I flew with my 85 year old mom and sT in front of children who constantly punced the seats ewe were in we asked them kindly to stop. They continued. The mother and flight attendant ignored us. Any suggestions on how to handle distepectfil flight attendants anparents and children.
There are many ways to teach kids to want to earn things. Flying first class while leaving kids in economy is not the best one. Sit together and use the time to bond and build up memories. Don’t punish them because you got rich. Let them know they won’t be receiving an inheritance and donate all your money to charity if you really care to teach them self-reliance.
One selfish self-obsessed individual who treats her children as an accessory not as her greatest gift!
If they are self sufficient and have stuff to do…Great! But if they are normal 5-10 year olds asking a TON of questions and still clearly needing reassurance of their parent…no!
Now add in the CREEP factor…
Why on earth would you do that to your child
If I’m sitting in business class my kids are sitting in this class mother was basically saying her kids aren’t worth the extra cost.
There are other reasonable perspectives, not that I am remotely attempting to defend the behavior of this reckless woman I witnessed.
I personally feel this mother is a piece of garbage (and thats being kind)]. Regardless of “how far away” these children are – it’s a matter of it being a traumatic experience, even for some adults, let alone a 5 year old child. (And we are assuming her age). There is a time and place for allowing your children to experience the thrills of growing up. 30k feet in the air isn’t that place. Unfortunately, seating in an air plane doesn’t seem to be these children’s only problem given the insults resulting in tears over a plane seat.
I have never seen so many Little House on the prairie Karens in my life that no absolutely nothing about air travel for people’s finances.
1) most of these women on here must have separation and anxiety from their babies. I totally get it not leaving a 5-year-old behind but at some point it’s fine. Unlike all these unemployed Rich housewives who have unlimited money and unlimited upgrades most people might get one or two upgrades a year if they’re lucky and as she said the kids really want appreciate it. If money is in an object absolutely upgrade everybody but unfortunately not all of us have the money of these Little House on the prairie Karen housewives.
3) it’s perfectly safe for parents to send their kids by paying the unaccompanied minor fee and having the flight attendants be responsible for the children but what these karens don’t understand is that …. And by Karen’s I mean the women that don’t travel but maybe once a year with their family and they feel that you shouldn’t separate from the kids. When you pay on a company minor fee the flight attendants take care of your kids but they don’t sit next to them and stare at them and make love to them the entire flight. They see them and make sure they have a drink and a meal. Or a snack. And then they continue servicing the aircraft and they just keep checking on the kids from time to time. But the kids are totally fine because they’re not going anywhere and people are watching them every few minutes every 10-20 minutes.
One option would be for the lady upgrading to pay two on a company minor fees and put the responsibility on the flight attendant. She could still go back and sit with her kids and read them a book and do all that kind of stuff but then the flight attendants will give them complimentary food and drink which is part of an unaccompanied minor fee.
It kills me how many people are not serious travelers and don’t understand how any of this works. In fact he had probably never sat in first class in their life or doled out money to pay for it. If you are making $200,000 a year I totally get it.
If you are super wealthy and you’re traveling with your Nanny that’s fine then and you can sit with the kids in back.
When you are going out to lunch with your husband and your kids are at school you don’t run over and take your kids out of school so they miss that lunch. You go out to a nice lunch with your husband while the kids are in school. You don’t have to freak out that they’re going to miss an experience every moment. There will be plenty of times to upgrade the kids if you actually have the money or the upgrade certificates. Most high level programs only give you maybe two one way certificates for the year some a little bit more.
These Karen’s really need to leave there WOKE responses and just go back to sitting in coach and mind their own business.
As long as the situation is safe which it is it’s up to the parent to make that decision. Not the rest of the monkeys in the choir.
Too late to take care of your children in the event of an emergency.
That the author of this article seems to share the same mindset is telling.
Matt, THIS is how you will keep from spoiling your kids? I hope you rethink this when the time comes. You will keep from spoiling your children by modeling gratitude and kind, thoughtful behavior and by showing appreciation for what you have. Articulated for them back there in economy class, together, as a family. Express how lucky you are to have a job that allows you to take a vacation with your family, to have a family to travel with, to be able to travel in relative comfort in a plane instead of taking hours and hours to get to your destination in a car or a boat. How lucky you are to have their smiling faces next to you on this adventure.. Give them age-appropriate glimpses of your own hard work, and give them age appropriate opportunities to make contributions to the family and to the greater good of the community and the world. And you can make them earn a special toy or gadget or outing that you are not otherwise inclined to pay for. Do they have to earn their ticket in economy? Or their bed at the hotel? Or their meal at the restaurant or food from the grocery store? No? You are taking them on a family vacation. Certainly there are many ways that you can give them lessons that life’s luxuries come at a cost, but requiring them to earn the privilege of sitting with you and Mom when you choose to sit in first or business class on a family vacation, while they are still children, is a different lesson all together.
Appreciate your comment. Seriously, you’ve really made a good argument for me to consider.
Anita, above, is massively correct.
Clinical social worker checking in here. While I sort of appreciate the job security parents like this woman guarantee the behavioral health field by traumatizing their kids … upsetting them initially, then leaving them available to predators in the back of the plane, finally by ensuring they will be scared for their personal safety for hours without their main protector and attachment object within visible distance (massive sarcasm hopefully noted), I also absolutely agree with the comment above about raising good global citizens and modeling basic family values. The US is pretty much doomed as a culture and society, that’s patently obvious. This kind of obnoxious behavior is hastening its demise.
I often wonder why some parents can’t seem to wait to be separated from their kids at any opportunity. Having kids isn’t compulsory.
Adult women have been molested on flights so why would it be okay to not fly with my kids? You want your kids to earn an upgrade beyond Economy? Give them up for adoption to a poor family. They also shouldn’t live in your luxurious home and shouldn’t be driven in your nice car.
What the heck? I don’t understand the mindset at all. There is a reason why children need adult supervision till they’re adults. Love your children or don’t have them.
What a horrible woman. She should not have kids in the first place if she doesn’t want to be near them. As a family you travel together and not downgrade your kids to something like this. How should a kid feel regardless of age? It’s not worth it. It does deserve to be treated the same way. So either you upgrade your kids, too, and if you’re not Willing to do that, maybe just don’t fly at all if you can’t afford upgrades for all. Poor girls. What trauma they must have gone through. And the ln the immature mother mKes it the kids’ fault although this was bad planing on her side. I would not even do that to my friends, why would you do this to your own kids???
Well this was clearly meant to trigger. Bet the author doesn’t even ditch them in the back just wanted to get this ball rolling. Probably doesn’t even actually fly first or business class… I meant how much does he get paid for writing this junk? Still I’m down here replying just like the other 480+ people so I guess mission accomplished.
I do enjoy flying with my family–
But I still don’t see the problem with separating onboard PROVIDED the kids can take of themselves.
So if there’s an emergency evacuation, you’re cool with your kids (of whatever age) “taking care of themselves?” K. Because if you think you’re gonna be able to rush back to where they are, you’re not.
My daughter is 12 but it wouldn’t matter to me if she was 21 I would never leave her in another part of a plane while travelling. If I went first class then so would she. Why would you want to be apart from your kids? Parents don’t get breaks…if you wanted a break don’t have kids ….pretty simple. This is clearly my opinion only and to me, selfish, especially when they are so young!
With the world we live in today, I cannot fathom how any responsible, loving, caring, concerned parent would “abandon” his or her child or children for a few hours of more comfort and convenience. As has been stated multiple times already, anything can happen. Flight attendants and other passengers are not responsible for your children. These are the very parents who will be trying to sue an entire airline over something that comes up with their children they weren’t even watching. As a parent of a now adult child and a public school educator, I am appalled that this question is even being posed. But again, given the current climate and lack of quality parenting, it really shouldn’t surprise me.
And this is the mother that would be screaming if the airline separated her from her children if they all flew in coach.
I work for child protection and I will give you this analogy. Nys has no age at which children can be left alone… But if there is a report or doubt it needs to be shown that they are capable of being safe and no what to do in an emergency… I Would use the same metrics here… If there is an emergency, would your 10 year old be able to put on his oxygen mask and then help his sibling with theirs? How about donning a life jacket and then helping? If the answer is not YES.. you need to be sitting within sight.
As I read the comments, I am amazed by the number of people who haven’t raised their kids to function independently and/or don’t trust them to behave when left without close supervision. This is nearly as serious a failure of parenting as the shaming highlighted in the article.