A Boston doctor is in a heap of trouble for pleasuring himself within the sight of a 14-year-old girl on a Hawaiian Airlines flight from Honolulu to Boston.
Claim: Boston Doctor Pleasured Himself On Hawaiian Airlines Longhaul With Teenage Girl Sitting In His Row
33-year-old Dr. Sudipta Mohanty has been charged with lewd, indecent and obscene acts, with the following fact pattern alleged by US Attorneys prosecuting the case:
- Mohanty is an internal medicine and primary care doctor with a practice in Boston
- On May 27, 2022, Mohanty was a passenger aboard a Hawaiian Airlines Flight enroute from Honolulu to Boston with a female companion
- Also in his row was a 14-year-old girl traveling with her grandparents, who were seated across the aisle
- Halfway through the flight, the girl allegedly observed that Mohanty had “covered himself with a blanket up to his neck and that Mohanty’s leg was bouncing up and down”
- “Shortly thereafter, the minor observed that the blanket was on the floor, no longer covering Mohanty, and that Mohanty was masturbating”
- She moved herself to empty seat in a different row for the remainder of the flight
- Law enforcement were notified upon their arrival in Boston
- Mohanty was later arrested and charged
Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy warned:
“Everyone, especially children, has the absolute right to not be exposed to lewd conduct when they are traveling. If you engage in the type of illicit behavior alleged here, you will be caught and held accountable wherever it happens.”
Mohanty faces up to 90 days in prison, up to one year of supervised release, and a fine of up to $5,000.
My Wife Feels Sorry For The Doctor…
I sent this story to my wife Heidi yesterday since she is a nurse and works closely with many doctors. Her response was rather surprising, “I feel bad for him. He just ruined a career that took him eight years to reach over eight minutes of pleasure…with himself and not even a woman.” I thought she was joking, but she was quite serious…he will now be registered as a sex offender, will likely lose his license, and may never work in the medical profession again.
That’s all true. But I reminded her that we didn’t join the mile high club or doing anything else in economy class with a teenager girl seated next to us on a crowded flight. The problem was not primarily the act, but the audience.
And frankly that lack of judgement calls into question Mohanty’s temperament and discernment to be a doctor. There are many instances where I think if someone is offended they should just turn away, but not here. Not on an airplane where you are advised to remain in your assigned seat. This sort of behavior is really quite disgusting.
A Boston area doctor faces a relatively small fine or jail time for alleged lewd contact onboard a Hawaiian Airlines flight, but his employment (he is currently suspended) and license may be the greater casualty.
This story is a good example to exercise self-control, especially on an airplane. And if you cannot…there are lavatories onboard.
Not surprised it’s these people
yes and now they have one of these people as the number 2 for the RNC
Would masturbating on a plane be OK if there wasn’t a 14 year old sitting in the row? Isn’t it illegal to perform a lewd act in public regardless of who can see it?
Yes it is, but apparently doing so in front of a minor is an aggravating factor.
Is this a travel blog or a tabloid?
Sweetheart, if you don’t like what I write, call 555-555-5555 and we will promptly issue you a full refund with our sincere apologies.
I think we have the answer to Mike’s question.
Love this response!!
oooooooh kitty has claws.
It is possible he has a moderate psychiatric problem that could be successfully treated. After all, he did not rape or even touch the girl. Maybe he took an Ambien or other sleeping pill?
People complain that a doctor may move to another state but don’t know that the reality is that all states communicate with each other and someone’s board certification can be taken away. I know because I looked it up for a doctor in Los Angeles that was caught with a prostitute who overdosed in his hotel room (didn’t die).
That’s one quadrant of the johari window.
He shouldn’t have done it but most teens have watched porn and porn shoes much more than a man’s probably small sausage.
The flight is a red eye arriving BOS at 6 am so midway would be about 2 am. Was the girl sleeping or making a video?
The flight was in May 2022 but he was arrested August 2023. That is a long delay. Why?
The linked Justice department press release states…
The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
In Canada, reporters write that nothing has been proven in court.
In the UK, accused rapists are not named until conviction.
In America, we don’t care and smear the guy’s name and ruin his career. American teporters are like Trump… no self control and crude.
I agree. A man is innocent until proven guilty and deserves just as much protection as an alleged sex crime victim until found guilty. Even then, it might be appropriate to protect his (or her) identity until all basic appeals are settled.
When I was 9, a man next to me was pretending to read an in flight magazine but was actually reading Playboy, covered by the airline magazine. He should have been jailed and I should have been compensated $2 million!
2. I’m sure this happens all the time. I try not to think about such things, but–well–270-ish people on a full A330. Long, night flight. Maybe psychotropic medications, plenty of alcohol.. unseemly things happen.
3. I don’t think he’ll lose his license at all. Many physicians have been caught in lewd acts. I can think of one FP physician and one emergency physician who did such things in public and got caught. They faced some form of wrist-slapping, but both are still in practice. He will have a stain on his record (so to speak,) but it won’t destroy him permanently. The fact that it was a 14-year-old does not bode well, but it’s not unusual. (I’m not defending it, just saying it’s fairly common.)
My question is always, “could you not WAIT?” Seriously. The flight is not that long. Can’t you hold on until you are at home or at a hotel? Maybe it was some exhibitionist instinct. I can’t relate to that, can’t defend it, but it isn’t totally unusual. He will probably get an expensive “evaluation” and counselling mandated by the Medical Board. I doubt it will yield much other than a lurid narrative on the Medical Board website.
When I was in school, I watched a pediatrician act in a shockingly unprofessional manner with the mother right there in the room. I watched an internist behave in a chilling and creepy fashion with a patient–with the patient’s spouse and me both present. That was far more disturbing, and they faced no consequences to my knowledge. Both were undoubtedly power trips. I was brand new, and I remember thinking, “I would never dream of acting like that with a patient.” To me, those incidents were far more upsetting than redeye flight antics.
My feeling is if there is a conviction or plea deal, t his doc’s career is over as per Heidi. If no conviction, he could be forced into psychiatric treatment. That’s what they do in Russia and sometimes in America.
The 15 month delay until arrest is very strange
Was he a Swiftie listening to “Shake it off” while shaking it off? What does his female companion say?
Unload before flying and enjoy the flight. Horrible feeling flying fully loaded on a long haul.
Anymore, I question the validity of most accusations, especially when it’s a he said/she said. The media has permanently damaged their reputation of factual, fair reporting and prosecutors over react, over charge to appease the loudest, most ignorant groups. What the truth is in this case we’ll never know.
You think DOJ just made this up?
I don’t think DOJ made it up. The teen could have made it up or embellished the story. Or not at all. According to the DOJ, he got up and went to the lavatory after exposing himself. Maybe he woke up and realized what happened?
Why are you making such a valiant effort to run cover for this doctor?
Why do you not call out the American companies like Westinghouse still doing business in and with Russia.
Not cover but there are too many unanswered questions. Since this has become a legal issue, the truth will become increasingly hard to find.
There are also so many complex angles. For example, Heidi commenting on the guy’s career being over.
Another angle is by a reader below. What if the blanket fell by accident? Other possible angles include if the guy was planning to rape the teen or kill her, was under the effects of medication, did not do it, did even worse than reported, did it but under the blanket and the story was embellished, did not do it but was the victim of anti-Indian hatred, did do it but was only charged because the prosecutor wanted to pick on a Harvard doctor, etc. Unexplained is why the guy got up to go to the lavatory which is why the teen escaped. Did he go in an aroused state or had ejaculated already? Or realized what happened and became a wet noodle? So many unexplained questions.
Um, there was probably some evidence that will stick? Or was sticky. Ugh.
I am not defending this person but I wonder if the blanket inadvertently fell off. It doesn’t sound like this lewd act was directed at the 14 year old. However, as an adult female I would have been disgusted and reported him. Keep you pants zipped while flying.
Did I understand this correctly? He did this while sitting next to his ‘female companion’?
Regardless…if you can’t control your urges on plane full of hundreds of people, where can you control yourself? He’s made his bed, and if not on this flight he would somewhere else so he deserves whatever happens.
I don’t like ththe de stories. If tried he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But did the airline enable him through alcohol? I have a real problem with airlines getting passengers drunk and then passengers being held responsible bf or what an airline enabled. I flew Delta earlier in the year. The older FA working business-class got me drunk. She always poured a double and kept insisting that I drink. I finally passed out. I woke up confused and forgetting where I was. I asked a FA to get me off the plane. Thankfully, the FA didn’t report me or have me arrested. I’m sure I could have been charged with something.
I read the court documents.
The FBI interviewed the teen, her grandparents who were in the next row, a woman sitting behind and nobody saw anything. The teen told her brother, cousin and grandmother, all of whom were interviewed by the FBI. The teen initially minimized what happened to her mother.
The man’s girlfriend was sleeping on his shoulder during the time and many passengers were sleeping. The cabin was dark. The man was covered most of the time until near the end when the blanket was on the floor. The man ejaculated on himself then zipped up his zipper and went to the lavatory according to the teen.
There were huge delays in reporting it. The red eye flight was in late May 2022. The mother called Hawaiian Airlines in early July 2022 and wrote an email in mid July 2022. The FBI went to the man’s home in May 2023 and arrested him in August 2023.
There is no mention of whether the only evidence is the teen’s claim or whether there is sperm evidence on the carpet. The standard of proof is “beyond a reasonable doubt”.
“There is no mention of whether the only evidence is the teen’s claim or whether there is sperm evidence on the carpet.”
I’m chuckling to myself about the carpet. Presumably, there’s enough DNA on that section of unshampooed carpet to repopulate the planet.
Ugh. IPhone typos. I don’t like these stories. If true he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
It’s completely possible he was asleep. Sexual acts while sleeping is a known parasomnia. Especially if he took ambien
Extra nice of you to post his photo.
Trial completed. Verdict: Not Guilty.
News story quote
Lawyers for Dr. Sudipta Mohanty, 33, said more than a dozen passengers sitting in seats near Mohanty and flight attendants charged with serving the passengers said they didn’t see anything consistent with the accusation while on the flight.