Katrina Alspaugh had a rough day at Las Vegas Airport last weekend after getting into a fight at the security checkpoint and eventually being hauled off her Allegiant Airlines flight screaming, “Let’s go Brandon!”…all because she refused to wear her mask.
Anti-Masker Screams “Let’s Go Brandon” As She Is Pulled Off Allegiant Airlines Flight In Las Vegas
On November 21st, Alspaugh was scheduled to travel on Allegiant Airlines from Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas, but before she even reached her gate, drama ensued.
Alspaugh is an anti-masker and walked into the terminal not wearing a mask. Although the TSA apparently did not remind her to put her mask on, another traveler did at the security checkpoint. She responded by trying to punch him. That should have been the end of her day right there, but the passenger declined to press charges and she was permitted to continue to her gate.
Although she boarded her Allegiant Airlines flight, she was removed prior to takeoff for refusing to wear her mask. Police arrived as Alspaugh was standing in the jet bridge. As she was wheeled up the boarding ramp in a wheelchair, she screamed obscenities as well as “Let’s go Brandon!” The phrase has become a substitute for a vulgar labeling of President Joe Biden.
Alspaugh was taken to the Clark County Detention Center, booked, and released. She faces a steep fine from the Federal Aviation Administration as well as misdemeanor disturbance charges.
Attempting to punch a passenger at the security checkpoint then screaming obscenities as she was wheeled off the flight…quite a day’s work. Whatever your view on masks, Alspaugh’s jejune behavior should be met with scorn. Hopefully a hefty fine will remind her that flying is a privilege, not a right.
> Read More: What Should Happen To Southwest Airlines Pilot Who Said “Let’s Go Brandon” Onboard?

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making it real hard to support a POTUS who is terrible at everything
He’s actually not, it’s just what the screamers from the right would have you believe.
Why can he be inside a store in Nantucket without a mask and photographed next to a sign saying masks are mandatory but mandates we have to wear them on planes. Why is he above the law? Yes, Let’s Go Brandon!!!
“This is an apple, but what about that orange! I don’t understand comparisons and lack basic critical thinking skills!”
@Dan: you are the typical brainwashed stereotype that this Government loves it. Like a friend of mine said the will take a Covid booster everyday if he is told to. Yes, one everyday and he is OK with that. Brandon should be giving the example and wearing a mask even when he is alone in the bathroom. Like him or not, he is the POTUS and thus the first one that should be following his own rules and not breaking them all the time. Apparently his ratings are showing that people are tired of him.
He’s not.
How does any of this matter to keeping your fellow Americans safe during COVID pandemic and how does this matter to the point of the story that particular woman (regardless of her political views) had some extreme bad behavior and should be fined up the wazoo
What does this has to do with a travel blog?
He really is a worthless leader. How can you ever justify his pick for Vice President? Only Harris could make Brandon look good.
Yes, he is. Basically has the reverse Midas touch; everything he touches turns to excrement.
Well, having said this every other days: have to say this again, today:
“… Another day…. Another stupid ignorant Trump supporter…
(…. Yawn….)
Where do you get she’s a Trump supporter? Typical left logic. Makes no sense. There are many of us who can’t stand Biden or Trump. I wish there was a “Let’s Go Brandon” saying for “F them all”.
dave = typical leftist, one year after the man was voted out, Trump still lives in their head rent free.
Don’t you have a Jan 6th MSNBC article you need to be tweeting about?
The really embarrassing part about idiots like this is trying to explain about their indefensible behavior to my friends and family abroad. It’s kind of tough to try to defend your country’s place as leader of the free world when you have insurrections and ridiculously childish slogans like the Brandon thing. If that’s really us, we’d best just cede our spot as world leader to Germany.
Christian- Unfortunately it’s too late. What is even more unfortunate is that we are ceding it to China and not Germany. The Chinese will take over the world without having fired a single shot. What these fools don’t realize is that there is a silent war going on and while these morons think that they are saving our country, they are actually accelerating our demise. Whatever happened to “united we stand and divided we fall”? Sad state of our country
The problem with “United We Stand…” is that both sides think the same way. Both sides think the other must come around to their way of thinking. The other side is why we are not United.
You engaging in name calling of those who don’t share your beliefs then saying whatever happened to “ United we Stand…” is exemplary of the problem.
There cannot be unity without tolerance. I know the left will say, “how can we tolerate behavior like this woman”? We can’t. But she does not represent the values of the right. She’s just another bad actor.
Could you elaborate on the left’s insulting equivalent of Let’s Go Brandon? That’s both childish and beyond the pale. What equivalent has the left done that shows this is both sides? John Wayne would be ashamed of the political right at this time.
I never implied there is a left equivalent. I agree it’s immature and stupid to say that phrase. My only point intended was to say neither side is right if the other side is always wrong. I’m tired of listening to the right and left. So if there is a less offensive way to say F them all I’m immature enough to use it.
One more thing. China can never be world leader for the simple reason the world won’t follow them. The dollar will remain the world currency because of the faith in our flawed government. And the world currency is the world leader.
She looks like she throws a mean left hook.
Why do you think it is a LEFT hook? Why can it not be a RIGHT hook? Such prejudice! Division is obviously everywhere, LOL.
Great, Another trumper to pay an FAA fine.
Matthew –
Well here is a good example of where the comments field to the story you posted as degenerated into a yelling, screaming political diatribe which has NOTHING to do with travel, and where all the posters will NEVER change their differing opinions.
Since you have stated you don’t monitor specific posts, when it reaches this point of uncivility you might as well delete the post and all of the comments.
It’s not even about the incivility at this point. I could deal with that if there was any coherent thought expressed. The rambling on about nothing bothers me a lot more than any possible incivility does. Once it devolves into trolls trolling and others randomly babbling (as the comment sections on all these posts seem to), then it’s completely useless.
There are people here who only post on certain topics and only to spread a certain POV. You rarely see them posting on, say, a lounge review unless they somehow manage to steer the topic towards politics and certain other politically charged topics. Almost like they have an agenda they need to get across…
“Let’s Go Brandon” is just another Southern phrase that feigns politeness but is aggressive. Another is “bless your heart”. Someday, Southerners may have phrases like “I love you” meaning “I’m going to kill you”, “where is the restroom” meaning “I’m going to stab you” and “Do you accept MasterCard?” meaning “You’re family is going to be murdered and hung upside down”.
I don’t know if you’re trying to be serious, or you’re trying to be funny, but bless your heart.
TSA agents not doing their job, again? Thank you Federal workforce.
TSA failed by allowing her to pass security without a facemask.
TSA failed to remove her when she threatened another passenger.
TSA failed, as usual.
I thought Summer Hull only went to Disney but that definitely looks like her. Must have conned a free room and meal to write a favorable review.
Let’s not attack Summer.
I know you love to use words like ‘jejune,” but I don’t think it fits well in this context. I assume you meant something along the lines of “immature.” There are better words. Maybe you should hit up Trump for some tips. He has the best words.
I don’t understand your objection. I meant she was “simple, unsophisticated, and naive.” Isn’t that precisely the definition of jejune? You bring this up every time I use that word, which is at most twice per year. What is your issue with that word? 😉
I think Ms. Alspaugh’s behavior calls for a much more vigorous descriptor. Would you call her behavior “simple, unsophisticated and naive?” Does “simple, unsophisticated and naive” behavior typically get one kicked off a plane and arrested?
I also object to your use of an Oxford comma.
I’m in total agreement here. I’m as simple, unsophisticated and naive as they come, but I’ve never punched someone at the airport or gotten kicked off a flight.
Long live the Oxford comma, it separates the men from the boys.
@cargocult: Oh, I love the Oxford comma. I’ve used it all my life and that won’t change.
As for jejune, I really would call her behavior simple, unsophisticated, and naive. I think she’s stupid. I think probably thinks she is part of a heroic movement of resistance but she really is just an idiot that pushes for “freedom” but not the freedom of a private business to require masks on its planes.
I don’t mean to presuppose, but I think you and I are similar in thinking when it comes to masks – we ridicule the efficacy of cloth masks, see them for the theatre that they are, but we agree that an airline, or even a government, can require them and if we choose to do business with the carrier, then abiding by that carrier’s mask rule is part of the deal.
Just how do you use the serial comma? If you apply it in a “foolishly consistent” manner (to borrow from Emerson), I think you miss the point of the serial comma. I would only use it if it were necessary for clarity. It quite often is not.
The American flag is red, white, and blue.
The American flag is red, white and blue.
What purpose does the comma after white serve in the former case? None. It is superfluous. Parsimony in punctuation is preferred.
“Feigned passion about the Oxford comma, when not performed for comic effect, is mere posturing.”
As for masks, I don’t think government can require something that is, again, superfluous for the stated purpose. As for a private business, I think one should be able to require pretty much whatever it wants that isn’t explicitly illegal. Of course, this is not how businesses are allowed to operate and things that should be legal are not permitted (e.g. EEOC regulations).
I’ve been using Oxford commas all my life…not sure if there is an elementary school teacher with whom I should credit or you should curse. Even if not necessary for clarity, I think a sentence looks incomplete without it.
Already, it is a huge struggle for me to put the punctuation inside the quotation (American style) versus the British style of putting it outside the quotation which seems far cleaner to me. But I did make that change if you look at my earlier writing on the blog versus today, so maybe here is hope for me cargocult!
RE: masks – how board do you think the commerce clause is? (I realize that is quite an open-ended question)
In my parochial school days, I was taught not to use the Oxford comma and to write my sentences in the AP style, which I do till this day.
cargocult for life.
I’m just here to read the lazy comments of mock outrage from conservatives whining that Trump lives “rent free” in the heads of Democrats, but they completely ignore that the YUGE number of their own who believe 45 had the election stolen from him, without a SHRED of evidence, and his own HHS and DOJ declaring that 2020 was the most secure election in US history. Talk about living rent free in one’s head! How’s that Arizona audit and reinstatement going? The irony is delicious!
election was 100% stolen. by progressives. will be proven in time.
Yet another case for summary execution.