After a successful trip to Frankfurt last month to obtain a special-edition coronavirus rubber duck from the Lufthansa First Class Terminal, a new special-edition duck is out…and calling my name.
New Special-Edition Porsche Lufthansa Rubber Duck
This month, Lufthansa is offering a special Porsche-edition rubber duck in its First Class Terminal in Frankfurt. It features a flight attendant duck driving a silver Porsche car (I’m not into cars…perhaps someone can tell me the model? Is this a Porsche 911?). Cute, isn’t it?
I’m sure it would look great on my shelf. I also expect the trip would generate a lot of traffic to the blog. But beyond the amusement of adding another duck to my collection and flying Lufthansa First Class again, I really have to ground myself in reality. A trip to Germany every time a new rubber ducks comes out? Talk about the pinnacle of unnecessary travel (and I’ve done a lot of “unnecessary” travel just for the sake of flying).
Truth be told, I have neither budgeted the time or points for another trip to Frankfurt. And as much as I like the duck itself and driving a Porsche, this particular duck does not have nearly the emotional connection that the coronavirus duck did.
> Read More: I’m Flying To Germany For A Lufthansa Rubber Duck…
But that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about making another trip to Frankfurt and from checking flights and award space…a new curse, it seems, every time a new duck comes out.
I appreciate little souvenirs like the Delft Blue houses from KLM and rubber ducks from Lufthansa. It’s not that they are beautiful or valuable, but they are linked to happy memories and those are the sort of trinkets worth hanging on to.
Will I go to Frankfurt? Probably not. But is that new Porsche rubber duck calling my name? Yep.

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I really want this one! Do we know how quickly ducks change in the lounge?
If you don’t go, this can be a teaching moment for your son about the importance of self control, impulse control and thinking of others (example, unnecessary travel or saving money for the family).
As for the blog, it would not quite add as much as there’s a very recent LH review.
Can’t you just steal Ben’s duck?
There 3 days ago. Told by 3 people no ducks available….
They just had black ones?
Friend called yesterday–Porsche ducks already gone. 🙁
I just flew LH First yesterday (October 21) and got three of those ducks.
Oh, for sure you should go. It will cement your legacy in LH Duck lore for decades. If Heidi gets upset just remind her that you are really doing all of this for her and the family in forging the Klint family name as the heir apparent to a Duck Dynasty.
Godspeed, Duck Man.
You can budget the time. You really only lose one day when flying to FRA, and you’ll have free wifi on that flight anyway, though I’d be more driven to get an Audi duck than a Porsche duck.
You keep the duck. I take the Porsche. Haven’t seen the rear of the car but they would not so anything other than the 911.
Have been to the First Class lounge 3 times but must have been before the Duck’s were given out????
Very cute.
I am like this with luxury hotel key cards, I have an irrational urge to collect them.
Speaking of those KLM houses, an American friend grew up in Holland and the entire family would fly back and forth frequently (I think 1st class travel was part of her dad’s compensation package) and they had hundreds of those houses. The mom had a shelf running around the entire perimeter of a kitchen filled with them.
Just flew FRA-LAX LH first yesterday and got three of those ducks in the car. I can sell you one and save you a trip 🙂
I managed to obtain one, but thanks.
@Dimitriy I’m interested! I’m also located in LA area too. Can we connect? Welcome to reach me. Thanks