Sara Nelson, often called the world’s most powerful flight attendant, is upset that the top U.S. scientists have reduced COVID-19 isolation from 10 days to five days. What ever happened to trusting in scientists?
Sara Nelson Stokes Fear Over Science
Earlier this week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued updated guidance on isolation and quarantine procedures for those who test positive for COVID-19.
Per updated CDC guidelines, those who test positive for coronavirus but are asymptomatic can return to work after five days (instead of 10) as long as they continue to wear a mask for five more days. Those who are symptomatic but also showing improving symptoms can also leave their homes.
The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after. Therefore, people who test positive should isolate for five days and, if asymptomatic at that time, they may leave isolation if they can continue to mask for five days to minimize the risk of infecting others.
Announcing the move, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky noted:
“CDC’s updated recommendations for isolation and quarantine balance what we know about the spread of the virus and the protection provided by vaccination and booster doses. These updates ensure people can safely continue their daily lives. Prevention is our best option: get vaccinated, get boosted, wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial and high community transmission, and take a test before you gather.”
The move comes in part after Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian, along with Delta’s Chief Medical Officer, wrote to Walensky urging the CDC to reduce the quarantine period:
With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the 10-day isolation for those who are fully vaccinated may significantly impact our workforce and operations.
Delta was hardly the only major U.S. company to make this request, but drew the ire of Nelson, who has condemned the CDC decision as motivated by profits over safety.
On Twitter, Nelson not only condemned the move and proclaimed that workers will die because of it:
Dear CEOs – your “business needs” are not worth the life of a single worker. Cutting isolation time to 5 days will mean more workers will die. Full. Stop.
Don’t. Do. It.
— Sara Nelson (@FlyingWithSara) December 30, 2021
It seems hardly coincidental that Nelson has directed ire at Delta management now after she has done so for years in an effort to convince Delta flight attendants to unionize.
She has also made the media rounds, telling NPR, “The problem is that we are admitting that we’re going to put infectious people back into the workplace or on our planes.”
Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence…
It’s amazing to me that the same government agencies Nelson has praised for making masking mandatory, pushing vaccines and vaccine boosters, and encouraging social distancing is suddenly unable to make a data-based decision on isolation.
I view Nelson’s proclamation that death and disaster will result from this new policy as fear-driven, not fact-driven. Maybe I’m the last one left, but I still have faith that U.S. public health authorities are not so gullible and malleable as to simply kowtow to the wishes of an airline CEO.
We need more people vaccinated and boosted, more widespread access to testing, and a permanent commitment to proper hygiene. But COVID-19 is not going anywhere. There will continue to be variants and we better learn swiftly how to co-exist with this virus.
The omicron variant is ravaging through the United Sates and other nations around the world. But if you are vaccinated or boosted, the symptoms are generally mild if present at all. Think runny nose and cough.
Meanwhile, some want to shut down the economy again based upon case numbers alone, not the severity of the virus itself. Shame on Nelson for stoking fear that is not backed by science.
I’m getting rather sick of this charade. The CDC’s new isolation guidelines were not created out of thin air and as COVID-19 continues to spread, it is proving to be remarkably mild in breakthrough cases. It is time to accelerate our re-integration into society of those who test positive but are asymptomatic.
Nelson should focus on encouraging the flight attendants under her care to provide good service onboard, not fill them with fear over a reasonable move by the very government agency she has heralded throughout the pandemic.
image: flyingwithsara / Instagram

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She chooses LAZINESS over all, as she has done throughout the pandemic. Using the pandemic to justify less work
@Matthew: I am sorry but everything done by the CDC was created based on fear and no science. Tell me how wearing masks on planes will reduce Covid transmission if they allow all passengers to eat and drink freely without masks while on the plane. That defies any science unless they cut a deal with the virus so it doesn’t infect people during meals. Omicron is a joke and they almost shut down the country again. CDC and Lord Fauci make decisions based on anything but science.
Right on! All those liberal morons with there fancy PhDs and MDs. I know from my GED learnin that all or nothing thinking is the only way to look at something. There’s no way masks can reduce transmission, they either work 100% or not all, and clearly since it’s not 100% that means they don’t work at all! Yee haw!
Go ahead. Don’t get vaccinated and don’t wear a mask, Honestly, I don’t care if the ignorant die from COVID, maybe it’s nature weeding out the useless, it’s just that the these idiots are infecting people faster than they die. That’s the real tragedy.
I see what you did there…
As an individual with both of the fancy degrees you’ve referenced, I can tell you that there are significant politics driving the policies that we are seeing and not in particular to the science. Of recent, many treat science as black and white, though this is not reality. The suppression of opposing medical opinion and research is quite frightening. To who believe the CDC is apolitical: you are very naive.
As someone with only an MD who spent way too long in military medicine, I concur-most people who are successful in government institutions are so because they do NOT question the current party line nor challenge convention, which is so necessary in science.
Which country? You’ve alluded to being a citizen/resident of half a dozen so far…
Sara Nelson is a cancer.
But it doesn’t matter. 2x, 3x, 4x vaxxed and boostered, double masking, social distancing, doesn’t matter. Omicron WILL get all of us, as the case numbers suggest.
I agree.
Exactly. My brother and his wife are triple vaccinated and both were tested positive for Covid. 5 days of quarantine (as our friends from CDC recommend), tested negative for 4 days in a row after quarantine and life goes on. Panic is for the weak and brainwashed.
ditto I agree
Uh, newsflash…FEAR is what’s been used since virtually day one. All these vaccine cultists are now realizing that no matter how many jabs they take they WILL catch Covid. Realizing that the jab does NOT keep them from catching it. Realizing that the jab will NOT keep them from spreading it. Yet continuing to push the fear that you just need one, two, three, fifty more jabs to keep you safe. GTFO with this nonsense. WAKE UP. Natural immunity is the only TRUE vaccine that’s effective.
lol yea natural immunity, until you get Covid the second time. Enjoy your loss of taste and smell, again.
It is apparent you’ve missed some critical takeaways from immunology during your formal medical studies.
The problem here is that vested Democratic constituencies, starting with large labor unions such as air hostesses and teachers, want to maintain “old science” situation of lockdowns and lengthy isolation for those showing covid symptoms. Now that the “new science” on safety protocols has changed, union leaders do not have the CDC to help maintain command and control. Plus we have jokers such as Gain of Function Fauci, who is on TV as much as Peppermint Patty in the WH, making variant statements almost everyday. No one trusts the CDC, especially that annoying brunette woman doctor who is supposed to be in charge and always looks like she is sitting on a pin. All of this is on the puppet masters controlling poor old Brandon in the WH. Sad.
Totally Agree with you. Right On!!
F donald trump, and F you too Richard. But I agree that 5 days is logical and eventually, zero days, because it is already become a mild cold for the vaccinated, and the unvaxxed can simply roll the dice, less of them leaves more resources for the rest of us. Tired of all the bullshit border closures and “lockdowns” let’s rip the ban aid cuz 2 years was enough already. Just stop talking about COVID already, F***!
@ss_flyer, Your elegant prose left me breathless. Your use of the ‘F’ word really enhances the meaning of your writing. How can you not be taken seriously after such brilliance displayed? I hope you comment more. Your use of the ‘F’ work is inspiring.
Unfortunately this is likely to descend into a childish attack on unions by those with an agenda. Don’t get me wrong, I think Nelson exemplifies everything wrong with unions in America. I just think that criticism should be confined to her rather than making some silly overreaching statements.
Agreed. We shouldn’t let the corruption, greed and laziness of 90% of unions ruin the reputation of the remaining ten.
While I appreciate your proving my point, I have to admit I was hoping for a bit more subtlety. Thanks though.
Are you boosted, Matthew?
@Matthew: Are you too much the coward to answer this question? I take it that you didn’t, then. What you should do then is shut up. Your viewpoint, if you’re not boosted, matters nothing. Get your jab, and then maybe I’ll listen to you (though honestly I’m not sure I will anymore)
You can ask without being demeaning. Otherwise you just alienate people like me that understand that science indicates how critical booster shots are, unlike the deniers. Thing is, I imagine that Matthew is boosted since his wife is a nurse but I don’t think that being nasty is likely to elicit a response.
Why do you care if he is boosted? Boosted people get Covid the same way as non boosted. Or you think you are imune to the virus because you are boosted?
That’s not what I care about. What I care about is the science. The science says that to get boosted is the best protection possible. Last time we asked, he hadn’t had the shot yet, so I asked because if he didn’t, then he himself is not following the science, which discredits his claim.
Protection against what? I got Covid when there was no vaccine and had absolutely zero symptoms (got tested because my son was exposed). Got totally trashed by the Pfizer vaccine. My sister in law is boosted and go trashed. Many people died and many didn’t. It really varies so getting boosted means absolutely nothing.
That is false information. Getting a 3rd dose reduces the chance of getting Covid-19. True, some people still get it but it is not a given. If you get Covid-19, you could become seriously ill, have long term problem, or die. Not everyone dies but do you want to risk it when you can reduce the risk?
Sara is clearly behind the times. Despite the past two years of fighting between anti this and pro that, we are, for the most part, finding the middle together. I hated the arguing and anger, but at least we can now for the most part agree on a lot of points.
Most are now accepting that vaccines help, not prevent, but help. Boosting is even better. That 10 days isolation is ridiculous in terms of Omicron. That masks may or may not work but are a person’s choice – and when mandated are not a big deal anyway whether theater or not. Given all we have learned no one is hiding from Omicron that I can see. Even in DC life now is vastly different than the previous winter. People are out, people are doing things, shops are busy, life is still progressing even in the wake of the highest number of infections we have ever seen. I know a LOT of people here with Covid right now. They are home for two days in bed than up and doing things around the house and perfectly fine for another few days upon where they return to normal. I do believe that we can credit vaccinations with a great deal of this acceptance and not becoming “Asia Zero Covid” panicked.
Two data points that people may find interesting. I was out with a friend at a restaurant for dinner on the 22nd. She was home the next few days off work and didn’t go anywhere. She started to get mild symptoms on Christmas Day and tested positive. I did not. I am boosted. She was not. Another group of friends went out on the 23rd as a party of six for dinner. Five of them got Covid, the one who didn’t had been boosted. Hardly scientific but still interesting.
Interesting anecdotal information about your experience, Stuart. I am one of those who came late to the vax party, having had my second Moderna jab in early November (as a condition of my continued employment). Now of course the issue is should the previous six month waiting period for the booster be shortened? Also the notion of booster mandates is very much alive. You should see the lines for covid testing here in central FL, endless. What we all need is a shot of confidence.
Testing lines are crazy everywhere it seems. Funny thing is that three weeks ago I purchased 100 home tests for Covid (before they started limiting orders). Everyone laughed at me but I thought it a wise investment given my travel schedule and ability to test regularly on the road and so as to be courteous to my clients I meet with, Now the people who laughed at me are all calling and asking to “borrow” a test. Of course, no problem, for friends I’m happy to.
The ones I ordered are from iHealth Labs. I checked for a few people yesterday and they seem to have them in stock but are now limited to 10 per person. I think it’s a great addition for those of us traveling so much to carry these.
You fool! If you don’t test you wont have covid… duh! If all these sheep would just stop testing cases would be low!
P.S. thanks for the tip
That’s funny, people keep asking me, ‘What is the accuracy of the home tests you got?” I always reply, “I’m not looking for accuracy, I’m looking for negative.” 🙂
This is an unfortunate and sad piece. There is zero science behind revision to guidelines and articles like this trying to whitewash a dynamic with little data are not helping anyone. Why five days? Complete fabrication. This is a new policy driven by economic and political expediency. Only the most politicized voices can draw any other conclusion. May be it is the right policy but it has precisely zero to do with “science”. Any policy that does not include testing negative as release criteria (this one does not) has zero scientific credibility. Sad to see this blog turn into another Biden apologist. This President (like the last) has been a complete disaster on COVID policies. Biden should resign.
Lol you do know that people could test positive more than 30 days after they get infected right? Hence using negative test as a release criteria is not also correct. There have been studies where samples are placed in culture media to assess presence of live viruses, I recall Singapore did that, and they noticed that by Day 10, most were no longer viable even if testing positive. The PCR test detects presence of genetic material not necessarily live virus. If there is evidence showing that most transmission happens from day -2 to day 5 of symptoms, then we should update our guidelines. Chances are there would still be a small percentage that would remain infectious after day 5 but everything has to be balanced with other aspects of human life. If people truly isolated for 7 days, I’m sure you will reduce transmission by 70-80% which is great
Concur 100%. While I would normally agree with Matt’s sentiments on the union boss, she has every reason to distrust the “science” which seems to turn on a dime and where no factual data is ever cited to support the original rule much less the change.
Personally I think it’s time to dispense with the quarantines – the Omicron variant is spreading like the common cold throughout the world and the vax is ineffective to inhibit transmission. So stop the quarantines and the travel bans. People who vax will survive, those who don’t can roll the dice. The quarantines no longer make sense when 1 in 8 petiole are infected and asymptotic (per San Francisco health officer)
Everything this lady says is a disaster. She uses covid to justify flight attendants not doing anything. Good thing she is not one of the CEOs making the decisions!
Objection overruled. Fauci literally went on CNN and said that the reason for the change was “with the sheer volume of new cases that we are having and that we expect to continue with omicron, one of the things we want to be careful of is that we don’t have so many people out.” Later adding “we want to get people back to jobs”. Walensky said that 90% of transmissions happen before 5 days and when asked what about the rest that occur after 5 days, she said that it was used because it was the amount of time “we thought people would be able to tolerate”.
I don’t see any other way to read that except that it is admitting that we are going to be putting infectious people back into the workplace.
Spot on.
Also the US has no true data for the CDC to base their decisions on, since Walensky still hasn’t prioritized implementing a central tracking system, so the data they get isn’t timely – which matters when you are trying to get a sense of severity, incubation time, etc.
Plus folks aren’t reporting the results of their home tests to the CDC, and that’s for folks who can get their hands on a test.
Meanwhile hospital pediatric wards are filling up with kids with the omicron variant, but folks are determined to ignore the fact that things are in far worse shape than they were even at the beginning of the pandemic, but everything is just staying open because the ones who are tired of wearing masks or taking precautions can just blame any reasonable measures as succumbing to “fear”.
Primarily there for your safety. I think @Richard meant “Air Waitress” in that rant 🙂 It’s all guesswork and risk appetite instead of risk threshold.
I’m not sure if 5 days is sufficient or not. I don’t call it science if no data is given. What’s the claim?
“ The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness,”
Where’s the data? What does majority mean? 51%? That could make it a true statement but not make many feel comfortable this is the right “science based” decision.
I really hate what people call science today and you blindly tout here. Crazy stuff.
The reduction will be very helpful to put people back to work but the result will be some new infections. The 5 days is really cutting it close. I might add that this woman is militant and stupid.
Hang on everyone. This 5 days things is not meant to be a totality. Per my comment above and my own experiences talking to friends who have come down with Covid the past week…
The friend who I had dinner with on the 22nd and who got symptoms on the 25th (testing positive) works for Cleveland Clinic. By Tuesday morning she was good and displayed no symptoms. Cleveland Clinic told her that the “five days” would then start that day and she should report back to work next Monday. I think this is more than adequate and a reasonable balance. it seems like people are assuming this means 5 days from testing positive. I interpret it as five days from the subsiding of symptoms.
And Ms. Nelson has the “science” behind this statement? On Twitter, Nelson not only condemned the move and proclaimed that workers will die because of it:
Can we please see the data on all these workers who are dying Ms. Nelson?
The sooner everyone stops listening to all these people who want to control our lives the better off this country will be, IMO.
Ms. Nelson should be on one of those commercials for National Airlines. “I’m Sara, Fly me to Florida.” Lol
This is a bad take and you should feel bad for writing it. People over corporate profits you stooge. Go shill more credit cards.
Remember, she has to be elected every year. She read what her constituency wanted, and acted upon it. She knew she didn’t have the power to change it, but she had to act. i disagree with her, but i understand her position.
Don’t Look Up
She’s a fraud, not like her opinion matters much anyways.
The FA are being beaten and bloodied. They are subjected to one of the most confined daily workplaces with some who falsify documents of their covid status. The best you can offer is for them to learn to serve the passengers better. What they need is a better safety protocol for covid, druggies, drunks and more. You may fly many miles but when some 250 pound drunk is on a rampage, you can stay in your window seat leaning back. Meanwhile a 130 pound FA is getting bloodied. With all the falsehoods or protocols that our government has issued over two years, you are telling FA’s to just trust, smile and serve the drinks.
You appear not to have an unbiased opinion, but one slanted to the corporations. How many upper executives in the business have family in the worker level.
I’ve loved your site, the wonderful information and writing. With great regret, You’ve lost a lot of me.
I deal directly with a large local government employee union. And I’ve been following the large local teacher union since the start of the pandemic. Unions have a lot of great aspects; benefited me when I was a member. But I’ve soured on unions during COVID. I could really get into the weeds with a bunch of examples, but I’ll just state that these unions have NEVER brought any solutions to the table during COVID. In the case of the local government, the union could care less about actually serving the taxpayers; in fact the union president is not even an employee – a paid hack that the employees fund his salary. In the case of the teachers union, the ‘I care about the kids’, it all good until teachers need to show some innovation to teach these kids they supposedly care about. It seems all of this applies to the flight attendants union also.
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear mongering in Sara.
David – nobody is forced to be a flight attendant and the government has laws that protect them from violence and has the ability to enforce those laws if they so choose. Unfortunately, we are only allowed to enforce laws when the perpetrator is a white man so this isn’t really about corporations or unions when it comes to protecting people from violence.
Regarding COVID – the biggest joke of our time – some earlier comments pointed to the political & economics aspects of it. Well, COVID is entirely about corporate profits and politicians using it to hold power and avoid addressing their failure in every other aspect of their jobs. Look, the democrats, outside of winning solely on the ‘we’re not Trump’s partly’ line they blamed the republicans for COVID’s rise and Biden promised to end COVID this year. He failed on every conceivable level and finally says there is no federal solution. The democrats must feel just as embarrassed that Biden is president as many republicans were about Trump. Given the president says there is no federal solution, he next comment should have been that the federal government is getting out of the way. Let people make their own damn decisions – there is no public health emergency. Nobody is dying (more so than your risk of dying just by getting up in the morning), the high risk groups are very clearly defined and the constant restrictions based on nothing are doing way more damage than having large groups of people with runny noses.
I wish the travel sites, instead of simply reporting on regulations would actually take a stand and say publicly that all this madness must end. Why are we still afraid of this? Can someone please explain to me what they are afraid of if every restriction, mandate and requirement were lifted tomorrow? Before you answer, just ask yourself, if you are afraid of something, why don’t you just stay home or not get on a plane or not go into a restaurant…? This is all so absurd, it needs to end now. If someone is that concerned about a sore throat or runny nose, they can stay home, but the rest of us should be allowed to live our lives how we choose.
The overwhelming majority of Trump supporters in 2016 were also Trump supporters in 2020. And they still are today. Embarrassed by Trump? Don’t make me laugh. Trump fans bury their head in the sand and remain fundamentally uncritical of their own “side” in a way that just can’t be matched by Biden voters since the latter tend to be a more realistic crowd and not ideological hardliners as much as Trump voters remain. And it shows in how the Republican Party is ruled by Trump to this day while the Democrats are way more fragmented.
So you think that’s some great insight that ‘an overwhelming number of republicans stay that way? Like the overwhelming majority of democrats don’t and they are all open to voting across lines. Funny thing is that it looks like they were right not to cross lines given the constant failures of the current leadership. Another victim of media bias here…yes, all supporters of one party are exactly the same while others are the rational ones. Don’t you realize only a small percentage of actual voters will look at election objectively while about 97% (rough number) of them will only vote on party lines regardless of how incompetent their party is? I probably should have clarified that anyone who voted for Boden based on promises or a sense of competence should be embarrassed. As much of an embarrassment that Trump ended up being, at least he was a world leader, not someone Putin and Xi can walk all over. The policies of the far left are way more detrimental and irreversible to the country than those of the far right. This will all be proven when the democrats lose worse in the midterms than they did this past November.
To say that democrats are more realistic is laughable…yes, defunding the police turned out to be a great ‘realistic policy’ – that’s just one of my favorites. Biden’s claim to get COVID under control – yes, very realistic. As far as critical of their own side, the NYT, WashPost, CNN…they are just as bad as Fox News. Find me one headline from any of those organizations that are critical of Biden. Even after getting killed in 2021 elections, the line was that the losses were due to republican lies. Lol, talk about keeping your heads in the sand.
The longest time a person has remained infectious is 12 days so 5 days will result in some infections.
The new recommendation is 5 days PLUS 5 additional days of indoor and outdoor mask wearing, which is not being widely reported.
To all who trust in science that can’t be questioned…
‘It’s not science anymore – it’s propaganda’
Union power & influence is at it’s lowest in over 100 years. Y’all need to stop complaining about unions.
Matthew hates (!!!) Sara Nelson who has the job of repenting, and trying her best, to keep 50,000 flight attendants safe. Ms. Nelson has more science behind her than the CDC chief who w/o any evidence to support her changed the quarantine rules from 10 days to 5 days. CDC appears to be doing what the Airlines and the NBA demand more than following science.
This thread’s comments establish that Matt’s audience is even crazier than he is. Covid is a hoax! Masks, any mask, don’t work! Vaccines are against my personal liberty, and if I happen to kill the cancer patient next to me, well that’s my God given right! Bunch of self-absorbed, ignorant, selfish children.
CDC claims this is based on science but had yet to release the data backing their claim, doing so would give doubters the confidence that this is indeed based on science rather than to benefit the economy at the expense of lives. Matthew, I’d encourage you to trust but verify…
And still…..More people will blow their hand off this weekend than will die from omicron.
What’s the count for Americans who blow off their hand with fireworks/firearms this weekend?
What’s the Covid-19 death count for this weekend?
And where will you get those numbers from? Trump’s rump?
On her MSNBC appearance, she was straightfoward about why ten days was necessary: BECAUSE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS ARE TIRED, PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY. After a bout with COVID, they want the sick leave that they contract entitles them to, so that they don’t have to return to work until they are rested and recovered.
If I was stupid enough to fly now, I would want healthy and rested cabin personnel, which is the only way they should fly. I support and back flight attendants 100% these days, and the main reason I won’t fly is because of all of the entitled superspreaders who think that they have the right to infect everyone.
If they put all the anti-masking troublemakers on a permanent no fly list I might consider flying again. THEY are the real problem. Without them, we could have beaten this virus by now.
But that would be a symptom then, and they would not be required to come back to work after five days. I don’t understand: if a flight attendant is feeling sick, s/he can call in sick and has nothing to worry about.
@Matthew, why do you think there are so many cancellations lately? Crew members calling in sick. By the way, Flight Attendants can and do get in trouble for calling in sick during the holidays. We have been fighting this unfair punishment…we EARN our sick hours every month.
Regarding Sara Nelson, she was at the forefront, along with Bernie Sanders, to save 1000’s of jobs thru the creation of the Payroll Support Program and its second extension. This Airline “Bailout” Helped the employees unlike past bailouts of other industries that mostly helped shareholders (Bank and Auto industry to name two).
What seems to escape you that unlike any other job, a crew member has fly and be away from home on different time zones and SCIENCE has proven time and time again that one’s circadian clock affect your overall health. This was proven easy before this pandemic..a little homework on your part might make you more credible and thorough.
Lastly. Left, right, blue, red…it’s a pandemic…err on the side of caution so we can finally get to a somewhat normal life.
It seem it is you that is stoking something, and it is far from factual. Shame on you
Thanks for your comment. This isn’t a post about payroll support, but Nelson’s “red meat” response intended to incite her constituency when CDC guidelines simply state that those without symptoms workers are welcome to return to work after five days instead of 10. Simple solution if you don’t want to work: report symptoms. Your use of the word “science” is unconvincing, as CDC officials justified the new rules on “science” and Nelson decided that “science” did not suit her. That’s difficult to justify when at the same time she cites “science” to justify vaccine mandates and mandatory masking. It’s really a problem with the term in general.
You seem to think I am anti-crew. Trust me, I am not. I understand the unique job flight attendants have and how difficult it is to traverse several time zones. I don’t fly as much as flight attendants, but I did fly about 200,000 miles in 2021 and I recognize this difficulty. That does not mean we cannot implement reasonable policy changes based upon our observations of contagiousness and recovery time that better reflects risk.
Finally, I’ll add that we have erred on the side of caution for two years. Enough is enough. Omicrons demonstrates it is time to get back to our lives, not continue to hide behind a pandemic that causes mild cold symptoms in fully vaccinated and boosted patients.
I fully understand this is not about PSP, it was simply pointed out for those who don’t fully understand Sara Nelson’s position and the great work she has done, and not just for flight attendants. That comment was made to those under who seem to think Mrs. Nelson, along with 100 of thousands of flight attendants are lazy and we don’t want to work. There are exceptions of course but let it be clear, the least thing we want to do is come to work sick, flu or with “mild”symptoms and/or get someone else sick.
Your opinion of my use of “”science” is, in MY opinion, irrelevant. Yes, it does involve flying, is you are not a crew member, a million miler is nota crew member. Point being is that, even though we are win the same “ship” you can get proper rest, sleep, sit, lay down any time during the flight. Sara was a flight attendant approximately 20 years so she my have a little more perspective on how the body reacts to a common cold (think sinusitis) let alone a pandemics whose THIRD variant whose wave has yet to peak in the United States. Minimize the traveling public isolate as little or as long as the CDC decides but let’s be smart about it.Bottom line…This is TWO obvious things: Money and Politics. I look forward too the day when all passengers are required by the Government to get vaccinated.
I still love this job and and my passengers with dignity, respect, sympathy and empathy but when people lose their marbles over a mask, we must be firm,
Lastly, you’re right, enough IS enough. Let’s chat about those mild symptoms when you are inside a pressurized aircraft, on 1 14 hour flight, over night and exchange our two different experiences.
I don’t think you are anti crew and I do follow your posts, they aren;’t pro-crew either,
I’d say the mask forever crowd, like yourself, Nunya, is the problem.
How about we permanently take away your voting privileges?
Picking fear over science? No, seems more like she was picking “abundance of caution” to try to more extensively protect her fellow union members and other industry employees from facing an increased risk of disruptions in their personal lives from getting infected “due to work” even if on or off the clock.
But since when have the US in-flight airline personnel not been about being cheerleaders for “abundance of caution” stuff when dealing with the general public? Certainly not since 9/11. But nowadays some of the “abundance of caution” cheerleading attitude is directed at the employer and colleagues too. Shouldn’t be a surprise that the “abundance of caution” attitude doesn’t stay limited.
Try Palmolive, it softens hands while you do dishes
Other countries are also reducing their quarantine time based on the science. Does that mean most of Europe and the US are somehow all wrong at the same time? I don’t think so. It’s the scientists being scientists and learning more about the new variant, and making decisions based on that.
Sara Nelson has no business degree, never was in management at United, and has no medical degree. So why do people think she’s experienced enough to have AFA attempt to run an airline or provide quarantine protocol advice?! She has no qualifications to do so. Her aspirations early in life were to be an actress. Based on her fear mongering and theatrics…it shows.