Whether real or not, cooking a steak over an open flame in an aircraft lavatory is no laughing matter. That said, the thought has certainly crossed my mind too…
Man Grills Steak In Delta Lavatory
In a now-deleted video on Tik Tok, Marcus Monroe live-streamed himself going into a lavatory onboard a Delta regional jet, lighting a Sterno (flammable hydrocarbon jelly supplied in cans for use as fuel for cooking stoves or keeping buffets hot), then proceeding to cook a steak over the toilet. He then emerges from the lavatory and walks down the aisle with a beautifully grilled steak.
This so damn MUSTY!!!!!! Cooking a steak on an airplane toilet during a panny?????? pic.twitter.com/GDXNbdcSK6
— chelsea boot stan account (@TheBrunchBoot) November 27, 2020
At the end of the video, he added, “Tap to see if I got banned from the airline.”
Southwest, for reasons that elude me, re-tweeted the video with the caption:
“We- We have no words. Other than please don’t even think about cooking a steak on one of our flights.”
Southwest has since (wisely) deleted the tweet, which led to outrage among travelers saying it would encourage copycat behavior.
Monroe, apparently a serial-prankster, now claims the video was fake. So does he have a prop Delta lavatory just sitting around? Maybe he had two steaks…one raw, one cooked. But he still lit a fire in a toilet on an airplane. One Mile at a Time and Johnny Jet think he should go to jail…I do think he should be banned from Delta and other airlines for this foolish prank.
Not that he can be blamed for wanting to enjoy a hot steak on a regional jet…
I sincerely regret the confusion and difficulty caused by the original bathroom video, which I’ve removed. As a comedian, I intended only to make people laugh, but I recognize that I went about it the wrong way. As this video shows, the illusion was created by a lighting effect. pic.twitter.com/ck5Uxc3zZS
— Marcus Monroe (@marcusmonroe) November 28, 2020
A Personal Confession
Ok, confession time. True story. When United Airlines introduced sandwiches to its first class menu, it instructed flight attendants not to heat them (it has since changed policy and the sandwiches are now served warm). I have a mini toaster oven that easily fits in my carry-on bag.
During my last trip to Chicago, I pulled it off the shelf and was prepared to bring it along. While I don’t use Tik Tok, I also thought it might stir some amusement…and clicks…if I used my toaster oven in my first class seat to warm up the sandwiches for myself and anyone else who wanted them warmed.
Good thing I decided to consult the carry-on limitations beforehand. The following items are prohibited (among a long list of others):
- heating devices, such as blow dryers, bottle warmers and curling irons
In retrospect, that could have caused a diversion and perhaps a forfeiture of my lifetime MillionMiler status. So glad I just left it at home!
Now, a toaster oven onboard may be dangerous, but I’d say lighting an open flame in the lavatory toilet is far more dangerous.
I know publicly is exactly what this guy craves, but I cannot help but to give it to him. What an amusing but stupid stunt! But folks, please: leave your open-flames at home.
Interesting that the lavatory smoke detector did not go off.
What I was thinking as well.
I flew SFO-JFK on Wed 11/25 and the crew was discussing it, and maintenance ops was testing all of the lavatory detectors as a result of this scenario. Apparently people copy other stupid people. Mind boggling.
The lavatory “smoke detectors” also have cameras post 9/11. Thus the severe warning not to tamper with them repeated prior to every flight.
How did the sterno get through security
Ever here of sink suction? George carlin talked about it. In the 80’s you could smoke on planes. Your went to the restroom to use the one hitter.
Back in the day you could actually take your matches cigarettes lighters and cigars I’m bored airplanes and smoke in them. This was done on jets that are still flying today and even airplanes that use aviation gasoline instead of Jedi which is a lot more flammable and I have never heard of any of those planes exploding in flight because someone was smoking the cigarette or lighting a cigarette. Now it was nasty as hell for me because at times the outflow valves for the pressurization system would get stuck from all the nicotine residue that clogged up the machinery and I had to clean them which was beyond nasty. So what am I trying to say well although I don’t think it’s a good idea to let people grill in an airplane I think you should all get over yourself. You are all worried about open flames and terrorists but you have absolutely no problems getting on an airplane from Miami to Bogota for $250 which is half the price of what it used to cost back in 1980. Why are things so cheap because aviation professionals like pilots and myself get paid crap with no benefits and quite honestly the maintenance is a joke compared to what it used to be a lot of corners get cut. I think you should all be worried about that more than some idiot grilling a steak on top of a toilet in the airplane bathroom while at 40,000 ft
At least he had his mask on. We were all safe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usually, smoke detectors work by optically registering smoke particles passing between a light source and a sensor.
Given its typical use case, Sterno (which is mostly some kind of jellied alcohol) should not produce a lot of particles when burning. Who would want a sooty fondue pot?
But smoky or not, having an open flame in an airplane is definitely not the brightest idea…
Does that say you can’t have a hair dryer or curling iron in your carry on bag? Or you can’t use them onboard? I know a lot of folks who have those items in their bags as they travel.
I took my flat iron last summer thru TSA they didn’t say one word.
I’m so gona copy this idiot so i can be an idiot too and become a famous idiot and the media can post about how much of an idiot I can be. I can hardly wait to be an idiot
Don’t be an idiot…
I don’t care who you are… Now this is FUNNY !! Dude, you’re funnier them the real idiot !! Lol
Would be hard to prove anything against him without witnesses in a normal functioning country.
But this is the US, so he should have to prove he is not guilty. Just as all white republican should have to prove they are not terrorists and national security threat and should not be thrown in prison immediately. Just as trump wants biden to prove that he did not commit election fraud in his win.
Oh boy. 74 million people in prison on terrorism charges until they can prove they are innocent. Loving this trump logic, stupid but funny.
Its fake..why its repeated here…tells alot
Matt. Please read June 3, 1983. Cincinnati Ohio. Twenty-three people were killed tonight when an Air Canada DC-9 caught fire in flight and made an emergency landing while still in flames, the authorities said.
The pilot landed the plane even though the cockpit was filled with smoke and he could not see, a rescue official said. Flight 797, carrying 41 passengers and five crew members, was on the way from Dallas-Fort Worth to Toronto when the fire began.
Every year at Recurrent Emergency Training, a yearly requirement for Flight Attendents and Pilots we would study every aircraft accident anywhere on the World and what we could learn should we have an emergency evacuation.
What You will learn is the flight attendant discovered smoke in the aft lavatory. On final approach the entire aft section of the airplane was on fire.
You have a unique platform to write beyond the story and tell the reasons Airlines, Pilots and Flight Attendents are hypervigilant and in a state of increased alertness. We are always extremely sensitive to our surroundings and alert to any hidden dangers, whether from other people or the Aircraft Environment.
Retired United Airlines International Flight Attendent 36 years 1979-2015
Good reply and just the facts. Johnnie Wood DCASW ret. 2004
Seems debit likes his steak with a red whine. We actually found one of the “Blues Brothers” in Broward trying to register dead Democrats (www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/elections/fl-ne-voter-id-fraud-broward-florida-20201030-rfwqzhgfq5fypl4632dspgla7i-story.html). It used to be a popular past time in South Texas (landslide Lyndon didn’t get his name from a rock fall). Whether there was enough of this misbehavior to change an election depends on how sophisticated the member of the party of the jackass was. I’m sure there are quite sophisticated jackasses over in Silicon Valley, but whether they intervened is questionable and telltale audit trails seem to be lacking. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi has inspired 4 years investigating Democrat interference in the election and an impeachment trial in 2 years if the Democrats continue to loose Representatives in the House? I’ll bring the popcorn, you bring the president.
Hey, how those lawsuits going? 0 for 38 (and counting) or so, so far? Yeah I thought so.
6.2MM popular vote differential, keeps going up and up and…
It’s to be expected that an innumerate like UA-TDS would crow about absolute numbers when proportional ones would be more illuminating. Biden’s victory margin in the popular vote might not even surpass Obama’s over Romney. Where is the mandate? What happened to the blue wave?
This has what exactly to do with the sterno idiot? Rather than apples and oranges you’re going apples and applied thermodynamics.
According to most news reports I’ve read concerning homegrown terrorists and mass shooters, they’re Democrats or have Democrat leanings.
LOL. Good one. Those Democrat gun hating mass shooters are everywhere these days. They must interact with the pedophile cannibalistic sex traffickers in their spare time. Maybe you should choose a news source that has actual facts.
Jeez, you’re liking it!
U must be a legend in your own mind..no one is reading your stuff
Bet you thought it was wonderful, hub
You want white people to prove what? You racist POS.
And that is why the US is #1…..we have the freedom to do whatever we want wherever we want.
I do not mind prankster becoming careless well toasted human steak.
Exposing innocent others should deserve him at least psychiatric incarceration.
I’m considering making Martinis in the rear lav and offering them for sale on board. Given I flew from DC to DFW this week on AA and the F/A announced they will not offer any beverage service whatsoever, I feel capitalizing on their refusal to provide ANYTHING anymore, “due to Covid,” sounds like an invitation to entrepreneurs.
Now, If I can just figure out how to get a food truck on board and sell my Korean Bulgogi Tacos.
US airlines are the weirdest about not offering service. By this point a lot of European airlines have brought there service back or in case of Iberia improved (By moved to Do&Co)
So….there are cameras in airplane bathrooms…ok.
It’s called a mobile phone…
When the dumb copycat person use the real thing. Then we will know if the chemicals in the toilet are flammable. Which will cause a explosion and possibly bring down thevplane.
Nah, Annie Leibovitz has smoked in enough of them to prove otherwise.
This is completely fake. 1st hand knowledge that Delta was on it within minutes of the video being posted. They found out who he was, investigated, and tracked him down. Hence the apology and recant. Delta is pissed but TSA and FAA is also on it …so he’s got more problems than Delta right now.
I mean he said its fake and even showed us how he faked it, and ofcourse delta is going to know who did it since he posted it directly to his own account… Idk what youre on but you may want to read the entire article next time.
What an absolute idiot…besides being an absolutely dirty and unsanitary individual!
Mile-high club steak!
STD special
Matthew, just so you know, the outlets on a plane don’t have enough watts to operate a toaster or hair dryer. Thanks.
I don’t know about that. My toaster oven is not 220 volt…
I dont buy into it. Staged. You cant bring a can of sterno in a plane period. There are smoke detectors in the lavs and very sensitive. If this did happen, planes are dirtier than one thinks. Air pocket and someone looses their body functions.. Those seat pads are wiped down and not replaced till the next maintenance.. Plus if anyone has seen under the toilet cover you would never want to use an aircraft bathroom again.. .
Toaster Oven indeed! What a total fabrication, the inverters that take the aircraft’s power rail to each seat bank, and then in most Airraft are limited to 90 watts maximum, a far cry from the typical 1200 watts a toaster oven needs. Plugging this in would result in a tripped breaker. Don’t fabricate bs for a story
As you can see in the picture plane was empty. Plane was on a gate and empty. Fake
Plane didn’t look empty to me…
Really late to comment, as I just saw this in you “Top 10” post.
I was cabin crew for almost 20 years with a carrier that flew the US military around the globe. We
had to remind them NOT to use the heating elements in the MREs as it was a flight hazard and melted the tray tables.