As part of my personal evolution as a travel blogger, this is an early post from where I joined Matthew and other talented writers (including my husband) which would then merge with Travel Codex, another Boarding Area blog. Finally, we found our home here at Live and Let’s Fly with Matthew. As this is an early post, references have not been updated and may no longer remain accurate. Please enjoy this time capsule blog post.
We’re Pregnant!
“Congratulations on your pregnancy! Now I hope you got all that traveling out of your system!”
We definitely have not (did not, will not).
“Who’s going to watch the baby while you guys travel?”
We are, we take her everywhere. If and when we don’t – unless you’re volunteering – it’s probably our issue to worry about.
Once the baby arrives we plan to travel with her.
“Good luck with that, children are terrible fliers!”
Hmmm… that hasn’t been our experience but I appreciate the heads up.
“That’s just cruel, it’s so much harder on them.”
I am not so sure about that. In the first few months, Lucy got to sleep as much as she wanted and seemed pretty content. She looks forward to trips now and asks to go on them so wouldn’t it be cruel to deny her?
“Saying it and actually doing it are two different things, it’s not going to be as easy as you think.”
Perhaps, but it seems presumptive to say so.
At two months old, the baby will have her passport.
“Wow! That’s a big expense for a new baby.”
You might be new to babies but pretty much everything is a big expense.
“You know she will never remember those trips right?”
Only in time we would find this to be largely false. Lucy constantly references things we have done on trips, food we have eaten, even recognizes foreign languages though she doesn’t speak them.
We can’t wait to take her on her first trip!
“Yuck! Planes are filled with germs!”
Yes they are. But so are barstools, movie theaters, and anything you have ever touched in a hotel room.
“What will you do if she gets sick?”
We had this happen twice actually. We stayed calm, followed our doctor’s advice and everything was fine. If we needed to see a medical professional, we would have. We have been fortunate not to have needed one as of yet.
We are so excited to take Lucy to Asia and show her where we used to live!
“Aren’t you afraid of foreign doctors and hospitals?”
Not any more so than we would be if we went ourselves. We haven’t had to yet, but when we personally sought care for ourselves abroad there hasn’t been any noticeable deficiencies from US doctors.
“Well good luck! You guys are crazy!”
Sure we are – we’ll send you a postcard. What comments do people make about you traveling with your own baby?
-XO Carly and Lucy

is the baby a midget? It looks like it has a big head and short limbs.
@The Dude- You know how these baby geniuses are… All head, no legs. Thanks for reading Another Baby Maybe!
Lucy Lu, you beautiful child! You’ll be turning more than customs agent’s heads your whole life!
@The Dutchess- thank you for the sweet message and thanks for reading!
What an absolutely cutie!
I could write a book about the “ass-vice” we received about traveling with our son and another book about the wonderful experiences we had! I enjoyed your previous posts (especially about the passport photo, I can relate!) and look forward to more in the future.
There is no way my husband would have ever left our son behind when we travelled. His first plane trip was at 3.5 months and he had his first passport and international trip at 4.5 months. He doesn’t remember those trips but we do.
With one exception over many, many trips, I think airline employees, customs and immigration went out of their way to treat us better because we had a baby/toddler/child.
In addition to hearing variations of everything you mentioned –
You know you don’t have to buy a seat until he is 2yo? (Thanks but I prefer my comfort and he sleeps well in his carseat.)
He is kicking my seat! (from the lady in front of us in Envoy on a A330)
It is a waste of money to fly with a baby in first/business. (Not for me it isn’t!)
What will he eat? (when he was a breast fed infant)
@Heather- Thanks for the comment and for reading the blog! I love that you said “He doesn’t remember those trips, but we do.” That is exactly how we feel too!
I think you are exactly right about most employees and workers going out of their way to treat you better. I especially love in most foreign countries when they have a special line at security and immigration for elderly and people with children. Brilliant!
I love the comments you added too… we could start a book!
P.S. It is never a waste of money for anyone to fly in First/Business if you ask me! 🙂