United Airlines is quietly removing complimentary CLEAR Plus membership for Premier 1K members later this spring, further eroding the value of top-tier status in MileagePlus.
United Premier 1K Members Will No Longer Receive Complimentary CLEAR Plus Membership
CLEAR Plus is a membership-based airport security program that leverages biometric technology—like fingerprint and eye scans—to streamline your airport experience. Available at dozens of airports and stadiums across the USA, CLEAR Plus often offers shorter lines than the standard TSA checkpoints (though not always TSA PreCheck checkpoints). It does work alongside TSA PreCheck, meaning you can still enjoy both CLEAR and PReCheck benefits (no ID, shoes stay on, electronics stay in the bag). While CLEAR isn’t a government-run program like TSA PreCheck or Global Entry, it still generally delivers a similar time-saving edge.
Starting May 1, 2025, Premier 1K members will no longer receive an annual CLEAR Plus membership at no cost. Instead, 1Ks will be able to renew their membership at a discounted cost of 129 USD per year (the standard price is 199 USD per year).
No formal announcement was transmitted (yet) to members, but a banner now appears at the top of United’s CLEAR Plus page:

I actually use CLEAR quite often…I fly most often at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and for whatever reason, have not been receiving TSA Touchless ID lately. But CLEAR Plus allows me to use my fingerprint (I don’t like the eye scan) to avoid opening my wallet and pulling out my ID.
As a 1K, this change will negatively impact me…and further reinforces my decision to be a full “free agent” this year (I travel based on schedule, price, and product, not just carrier).
I Still Suspect The End Of CLEAR Is Near
I still believe TSA Touchles ID will put CLEAR out of business if it becomes more widespread because it is so much more efficient than having your eyes scanned or fingerprints taken, then boarding pass scanned, then having to show it to an airport TSA officer.
Without United paying for tens of thousands of memberships each year, I suspect the number of Clear Plus members will sink (which o course will be good for those who continue to pay for this service).
I won’t. I like not having to pull out my ID, but it’s a few seconds…I’ll deal with it.
> Read More: TSA Touchless ID Will Put CLEAR Out Of Business
> Read More: I Got “Felt Up” By The TSA After Body Scanner Detects Suspicious Package
Will United’s removal of CLEAR Plus for 1K members impact your loyalty to United?
image: United // hat tip: Christian
I always get a good laugh when I see people lined up for clear and the regular precheck line is empty
Something we can agree on, I also see it often. No way clear lasts much longer.
EWR on the daily. No shortage of fools there using Clear and waiting instead of Pre w/out a line.
Ditto – Often times there is no time savings with CLEAR. It’s nice having the choice of CLEAR or TSA Pre. But I wouldn’t pay, even the reduced rate, for the CLEAR option.
That is the case at IAD about half the time.
@Billy Bob That is why I cancelled my membership last summer. Totally useless in DEN.
Clear is increasingly worthless. Now I have to undergo the Clear check and then still get my picture taken by TSA. What’s the point? I’d rather just do it once.
I agree on the value and future of Clear. It’s always “something” when I use it – needing to update information, lack of staffing, etc. that seems to make it longer than just regular Pre-check.
Went through a new CLEAR system in BNA a couple of weeks ago. No scans needed, you walk up and facial recognition quickly locates you. Then I was walked straight up to the TSA agent… who then wanted my ID and took their own scan. The more CLEAR catches up, the more TSA has other plans. This can’t last long.
Does UAL have data suggest that most American frequent traveller’s already enrolled in TSA-Pre or Global-Entry, making CLEAR membership redundant?
Here in Canada, many frequent flyers have NEXUS membership, which allow them to access dedicated security lanes in both domestic, US-border, and international airport terminals.
It’s really amazing how many 1k’s United has . And now they need to spend like 25k a year not including taxes . On my flight today I am number 14 on the upgrade list and I am a 1k with 1.9 million miles on United .
What fare bucket are you traveling on?
I use touchless ID quite a bit now–saves some times at places like ORD.