A United Airlines redeye flight bound for Chicago diverted to Denver after a burly man repeatedly sprang up from his seat, walked to the front of the aircraft, and argued with the crewmembers, eventually demanding that the Mormon passengers onboard be identified.
Odd: Passenger Becomes Violent After Demanding To Know Where Mormon Passengers Were On United Airlines Redeye
On Sunday night, United Airlines flight UA1484 took off from San Francisco (SFO) for Chicago (ORD). But shortly into the flight, a man began acting strangely. He got up frequently and walked to the front of the aircraft. He got in the face of flight attendants. They argued. He raised his voice. He also demanded to know where the Mormons were onboard.
Another passenger, who also shared the image above, shared on reddit:
At some point it escalated into a big physical altercation and several passengers had to rush out of their seats to help the crew pin down this person and get him restrained. He’s still on the floor being pinned down by 4 people, captain just announced we’re diverting to Denver…
It’s not clear, by the way, whether the passenger was a Mormon himself. Many members of the Chruch of Jesus of Latter Day Saints (LDS), colloquially referred to as Mormons, do not drink alcohol (or coffee or tea, per the “Word of Wisdom”…) and I must admit that this passenger appears…sloshed.
Unfortunately, the delay became a real inconvenience. The flight landed in Denver at just after 2:00 am and sat on the ground until after 7:00 am.
Per United:
United flight 1494 from San Francisco to Chicago landed in Denver early Monday morning after one customer became disruptive and aggressive with a flight attendant. Law enforcement met the aircraft at the gate in Denver and the passenger was removed.
It’s nice that these incidents seem to be far more rare these days. It’s also another reminder that humans tend to step up when called on…kudos to the passengers for stepping up and restraining the troubled man onboard.
image: reddit // hat tip: View From The Wing
What he needs is my new app and website, MormonChicks.com. Because why have just one?!
One usually does not need to find Mormons
In my experience they will be knocking at your door. Full disclosure. I have Mormons in my family
The vast majority of missionaries serve the whole two-year (men) or 18-month (women) terms. Out of the three times in twenty years mormons came to my door, the last two times it was minus the Bible.
Yes I understand the missions ( Mormons in my family). My point being that reaching out is part of the mission. I get about three visits a year
Highly unlikely they did not have a “quad” in their backpacks along with the copy of the blue Book of Mormon they probably offered you. The “quad” is our Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, and Pearl of Great Price all bound into one book. Just about everyone has one and it probably has their name engraved on the front too.
“a man began acting strange”. Actually, the man began acting strangely. Just trying to keep the adverb alive.
Irregardless he was a strangely acting man.
( Sorry my inner 7th grader could not help himselves ! )
There is too many people out there that think it is ok to mix sleeping medication (e.g, ambien) with alcohol so they can sleep on a plane. Unfortunately sometimes that doesn’t work out well. No idea about this case but too many of these behavior issues are due to self medication and excessive alcohol.
There are a lot of issues in society that could be improved/fixed but profits get in the way of stopping the behaviors.
I don’t think ‘profits’ made this guy drink too much. People should be responsible for, and accountable for, their choices, instead of blaming someone else.
Agreed. Airports and airlines cause the environment for their problems on board just like sports venues. They have decided that profits are more important than people. Serving alcohol near recovering alcoholics is just mean.
I think airlines should be allowed to convert one of their rest rooms into an ejection device. When a jerk becomes disruptive or dangerous they can be put in the little room, close the door, de pressurize that space and then open the outer door to remove the disruptive passenger while in flight.
William you had the best answer so far
Airlines should be allowed to convert non mormons to mormons too. Just sayin.,..
good idea! then send the disruptive passenger straight up to the moon!!
Best comment I read today!!
Hog-tie these people with zip-ties and duct tape, leave them in the galley until landing. Why divert and ruin it for everyone else? Then have them arrested by state police (Feds are now useless) upon landing.
We Mormons are reading this after spending our lives being anything BUT shy about our religious affiliation. Sir, do you not see me standing here in my modest sister wife dress, eating Jell-O, and talking loudly about the Book of Mormon? Are we invisible to you?!
Should have diverted to SLC
UA1494, not UA1484.
Having been on a similar flight myself, I am enjoying the ejection room comment. Also acceptable for anyone removing their shoes & propping their feet on the armrest, and those who would prevent me from lowering my seat back.
I prefer to look for the positives in Life. Some delights found here:
1) NO one was injured (or worse!).
2) THIS guy will now have some strong financial motivation to NEVER make this mistake again.
3) ANY time a scary bully loses now, it’s a WIN.
4) Other would-be bullies / bigots / nutjobs *may* think twice about committing similar offenses.
5) Certain annoying pests may decide to stop ringing the doorbells of other busy people, just so they can shove their own beliefs down others’ throats. They can still do their mission work from their churches. They don’t need to distract or pester those not interested or who also have strong – but differing- beliefs. Just saying.
At the same time, MUCH sympathy to those who missed connecting flights, as well as the badly-frightened passengers (esp kids & those already battling PTSD) who will long carry the fear resulting from this experience.
And who covers the cost of the diversion??
Hopefully the Mormon hunter…
I love Missionary
Oh wait, that’s a different subject
Fly on.