A United Airlines flight attendant purportedly shamed a business class passenger on a transpacific flight for ordering coffee incorrectly. What would motivate a flight attendant to act so unprofessionally?
United Airlines 1K Scolded By Flight Attendant For Ordering Coffee Incorrectly In Transpascifc Business Class
A Premier 1K (United’s top elite tier in MileagePlus) was traveling from Taipei (TPE) to San Francisco (SFO) in Polaris Business Class. He ordered coffee…here is how he describes the encounter:
I was on my way to Taipei from SFO sitting in 4L. The whole first meal service felt a bit off as my FA had no smile at all. And absolutely no greeting of any sorts. After the meal, I asked for a cup of coffee with cream no sugar, just like how I asked for coffee on over a thousand+ flights I took over the years. She stared at me for a second and didn’t speak a word and left. When she brought the coffee over, she used the tone like a teacher shaming her pupil:”This is not coffee with cream. We don’t say it this way. It’s white coffee. White Coffee!! Do you not know?”
WTH????? I was shocked and didn’t know how to respond. I am Asian American but I am an American. Never been to Taiwan my life! She should be able to tell by my accent. I have never heard of white coffee. And a US airline FA is expecting an American to know how to speak Taiwanese??
For 20 years I’ve said that the only thing consistent on United is that service is consistently inconsistent.
I’ve had many good flights this year, some I have written about like San Francisco – Tahiti or Seoul – San Franscisco and several more that I have not written about yet.
But recently I had a very bad flight on United…I’ll share details about that soon. It seems like you either have a really great crew or a bad one…and I know that can be true with any carrier, but the coffee story is really pathetic and something that should never happen.
Here, it appears that a flight attendant made several assumptions about an Asian-American passenger. So pointless…all so unnecessary. If a man asks for coffee with cream, you bring him coffee with cream. There’s nothing professional or cheeky about correcting him for using the “wrong” terminology.
Yes, the term “white coffee” is rather prevalent in much of the world. But not in the United States. We don’t use that word and to assume that because a person looks Asian he must know that term and use that term is offensive, even if coming from another Asian American.
Sure, United still has a long way to go when it comes to its in-flight menus, but food is always a matter of taste…but sloppy and unprofessional service is not a matter of taste. There simply is no excuse for it.
Of course, there are going to be bad apples in a company with over 25,000 flight attendants. I maintain that most are decent people who try their best and offer good service. But there are still far too many who do not…and this whole “milk coffee” incident is a perfect example that United still has a ways to go in offering consistently good service.
I hope the passenger receives an apology, but more importantly, I hope the flight attendant is identified and retrained.
Not surprised by the arrogance of this FA. It reminds me many years ago in the old NWA when I was in business class and the FA started walking the aisles handing out bottles of water. For some reason she had bottles of Dasani and Evian waters. She gave me a Dasani and I politely asked if she could switch to a Evian. You don’t need to be an expert in water to know they taste very different. She made this mad face and told me: “Why do you need to switch? Water is water..” I smiled back and asked her if she would drink the water of the Mississippi river. She was so mad. She gave me the bottle of Evian and left. Aren’t FAs only there for your safety? Shut up and give the guy the coffee ge asked for without lecturing him.
@Santastico … “Brown coffee” is 90% black coffee with a little cream . “White coffee” is 90% cream with a little black coffee . “Black coffee” is more hot than the first two . “Marshmallow coffee” is coffee with marshmallows on top .
Actually…brown coffee is a medium roast and has a moderate level of acidity and flavor. Black coffee is the darkest roast and has the strongest flavor.
Many flight attendants are mentally ill. Just another example.
@GetReal … Anyone who watches television is vulnerable to delusions . When I meet a person with a screw loose , I ask if he or she has a television ? Usually they go a little more “ape” , and refuse to answer the question . I say , “I thought so” , and depart .
They really are. It’s like security guards being failed police and so also go off on mindless power trips.
@emercycrite … +1 . They also watch television , which causes the problem .
Your point?
I always thought that white coffee was coffee made from those white coffee beans. My mistake.
@Christian … My home coffee is Kona , from imported Guatemala coffee trees . “White coffee” is 90% cream .
White coffee can refer to any of a number of different kinds of coffees or coffee substitutes worldwide.
When you have that many employees who really face no serious consequences for behavior like what’s mentioned you will never achieve consistent high level service. Even Delta Airlines which has no union to protect their FA’s if this situation were to happen on Delta the FA’s wouldn’t face any disciplinary action either.
Terrible. How difficult is it to curb your tongue?
This pax was a tad too sensitive about nothing . He could have engaged her in an interesting conversation , no ?
It is not the passenger’s job to correct , or engage. It is the FA’s job not to make the paying customer uncomfortable.
Please read his complaint again : The pax goes on about how he is not expected “to know how to speak Taiwanese” .
This pax is offended over nothing : whether or not it is called “white coffee” doesn’t matter to anyone else .
I have been called a “number 10 cheap charlie” , and I was not offended in the least .
You’re seriously arguing for the FA to be in the right here? As Maryland said, the FA is not supposed to be making the passenger uncomfortable.
Alert, please understand this is not about how you feel. It is about the man that was made uncomfortable.
@Alert and @Maryland … To each his own . Personally , I would have thanked her for bringing the coffee and explaining the meaning , followed by my saying “thank you again” .
@Alert, I seriously wonder if you have read the same story as everyone else here? Did you read the what the FA said to the FA to scold him? If you did and still felt the way you did, you must come from a parallel universe where perception and understanding of interpersonal discourse is completely different from earth.
@Alert, please go back and read the article. Did you read the part… ”This is not coffee with cream. We don’t say it this way. It’s white coffee. White Coffee!! Do you not know?” Really? You think that was the courteous and professional manner expected of a FA towards a pax?
@Reallyman … My “parallel universe” tells me that this is likely the most insignificant issue ever addressed . So someone says it is “white coffee” ? So what ? People make federal cases over nothing .
This is a union problem. This is why you don’t have unions. People like this are protected and the reason customer service is such garbage much of the time anymore.
No, it’s not a union problem. As with all things in life, some unions are better than others.
@Aaron … +1 . I agree it is not a union problem . When a FA is a little grouchy , it never bothers me . I try to be positive and cheerful . Once my flight from HK to SIN was delayed 2 or 3 hours , and the Cathay Pacific FAs were a little grouchy , but so what ? This pax may be too sensitive . The FA did not slight him , she engaged him . Thank her .
She can engage him without berating him in a rude way.
@Aaron … He was not “berated in a rude way” . This was not a Dr. Dao case .
Actually, he was. From the post, her tone and wording was extremely rude. If that is ok with you, then you really have low expectations from your FAs.
In all my international flights, have never encountered an FA berating me for ordering a coffee the wrong way. The worst I have ever encountered was perhaps an FA not smiling when talking that’s it. That I will excuse but being rude is totally unacceptable. That being said, when flying to Asia from the mainland, I try to select Asian carriers first and only choose American carriers. The Asian FA is just more customer service oriented plus they are much younger than the grizzled veterans on board the American legacy airlines. Perhaps after having be on the job for as long ss they have this veterab FAs , are not just enthusiastic anymore about the job.
Little Aaron, give it up, you’ll never taste my sack, much as you want to.
Ew, gross. You really seem to be projecting your fantasies onto me, which, what does that say about you, other than you being a hateful, bigoted troll?
she shouldnt be retrained
She should be terminated with cause. NO compensation. If that you know what Sarah Nelson complains, tell her any union members who show any dissent will also be fired
Maybe it is time for Frank Lorenzo to do one more union purge
United flight attendants, surprisingly those working mostly Polaris on Intl flights, are truly dismal any more. You might get a decent crew once every ten flights at this point. Intl flying and serving premium cabins is about the best gig you can get for that level of a j0b. On a nine hour flight you work maybe 3-4 hours tops, get rest intervals, and spend the majority of the time reading, playing games, or complaining with your co-workers. A Starbucks shift is ten times harder, lol. Really, U.S. airlines, especially UA and AA seriously need to restructure hiring and training. There are just no standards anymore and they clearly hate their job, their passengers, and their company.
He shouldn’t have requested a service item from the flight attendant AFTER the meal service, regardless of what terminology he used. No wonder she was displeased. Flight attendants are there for your safety. Service is provided at designated meal times only.
Hello Sean … No one has ever told me that I cannot order a beverage or something between meals . My preferred carrier , JAL , has no such restriction .
Right. They are busy chasing human trafficking, patrolling fires, and performing medical interventions. And of course following the recommend rest periods. Yes being a flight attendant is a very stressful job! ; )
Thank you for the information . I had no idea . My experience with JAL and SQ is they bring me whatever I need : alcohol , rice crackers , snacks , green tea , hot towels . They even bow to me . Frequently they make small talk . Perhaps I made the correct choice of airline companies .
I mostly use EVA or ANA . And I would say I’ve had more attention than I deserve. But this is not about Asian carriers is it??
total and utter Bulls**t
I am assuming this is Sean’s attempt at being humorously sarcastic.
@emercycrite … +1 . Perhaps Sean asks for something outside meal times , no ?
Hahaha! Not true. 38 years of flying under my belt, and I assure you that while on duty on the aircraft, we are available at all times for special requests outside of the designated meal and beverage times.
@Tammy … +1 . Bravo .
Man, your attempt at humor just pole vaulted over quite a few heads.
Not truest designate times only?!!sheesh Louise.
I’ve never heard the term “white coffee” in Taiwan, and I’ve spent considerable time there.
@Chi … +1 . I also never heard the term anywhere . If someone informed us of the term , we might simply say “ok , thank you ” . No need for the pax to complain about nothing .
Alert, no need to correct a passenger either , right? Unless you want to cause conflict.
Even if she corrects my term for coffee … so what ?
It’s about how she corrected him. Are you that obtuse that you don’t see that?
@Aaron … Gosh , I must be “obtuse” to never worry about the smallest things , like how to name his coffee . He would be very offended in Starbucks , with their vocabulary of cup sizes , no ? Now , that is a comedy .
Again, it’s about the delivery as much as the words used. But you seem to want to be contrarian just to be contrarian.
Still don’t get manners I see.
Perhaps the pax doesn’t get “nothing to see here” ? United ought to send him a form apology only .
Not surprised. I work for the airline and on my birthday I scored a first class seat to come back from Japan. I was treated so badly I was embarrassed with my friend that was traveling with me and decided not to eat after being called out loud in front of all passengers for asking what food option was available. Sometimes real senior flight attendants are incredibly rude and condescending towards passenger and it’s a shame. Some should go back to service training.
@Evan … ought to take JAL .
White coffee is a term used in parts of the UK. It’s definitely not used in the US, or Taiwan. The flight attendant might not have been the most professional, but I doubt this interaction would have ruined my flight. If she really did overstep and make me that uncomfortable, I would have written about her it in my post-flight survey, mentioning her name.
Could a “motherly” (and educational) tone have been misinterpreted?
He wanted a coffee with milk. Not a motherly education.
@bluepanda … +1 . Not only that … it is possibly the most insignificant complaint about which to worry oneself .
Australians would never ask for “coffee with cream” because cream is never available to tea or coffee drinkers. It’s always “white tea/coffee” and it means milk. “Black tea/coffee” means “no milk”.
I hope UA FAs on international routes have interacted with numerous nationalies.
That really sucks that no cream is available in Australia. Even third world countries have UHT pure Cream.
In Boston area at ANY Dunkin Donuts if you order a “Regular” coffee it comes with cream and 2 sugars. Everyone in the Boston area knows this and may sneer at those that don’t know but I am 61 years old and have NEVER heard of a “White” coffee. Not a thing in the U.S.. Also, if the person asks for a coffee with cream why create an argument?
Just speaking out loud….but, have we reach a threshold for an all male cabin crew.
A guy would have just nodded, brought out a cup of coffee with cream on the side and sugar just in case. No attitude, no intimidation, no drama, no nothing!!
I usually order the coffee just by raising the shirt and showing the abs. Means ” Flat White”.
That’s wild. I’m Indian American and have never heard this term.
Oh dear! The Americans are losing it. Everywhere you go..everyone is so sensitive over ethnic reletad issues. The Americans need a reset.
You blame the passenger for this?
White coffee refers to lightly roasted beans with a unique flavor profile, the idea of it being “90% cream” usually stems from specific preparation methods that heavily use milk, cream, or sweeteners, rather than the coffee itself. Different Regions Different meanings but the true white coffee is called that because if the lightly roasted beans.
For the record, as a white person who has lived in America my whole life, I have never heard the term “white coffee” before. I too would call it “coffee with cream,” and so would just about every one I know
So happy I enjoy unencumbered coffee. The years of conflict that have been avoided. ( okay maybe a cappuccino here and there ) But most good people do not like conflict before coffee!
I got asked by a flight attendant on Spirit if I wanted mine “Puerto Rican” with about 14 Equals and 9 creamers. But they were Puerto Rican and knew me before…
You hit the nail on the head when you said “inconsistent service” A recent UAL flight from SFO-MNL. Not friendly crew and screwed up my breakfast order (how hard can that be) and failed to even service me a drink with the breakfast. At the arrival gate, I was first to the door. The FA said, “Oh its like your a GS and you can depart first”. I said, “I am not GS but I have almost 1.9 million miles on UAL and that is a huge accomplishment for me anyway”. He then said he had 1.6 million miles on UAL and made some disparaging comment about a GS’s spouse. I didn’t even know FAs could use miles on Mileage Plus since they have non-rev privileges anyway.
From now on, I am going straight to the purser to complain when they put this stuff. Just ridiculous.
Disgusting FA behavior.