Literally minutes after posting yesterday about purchasing SWISS First Class tickets, I received an email from the legal department of Aimia, parent company of Aeroplan.
I do not believe that post and this response are at all related. I’ve spoken to others involved in this controversy who received similar notes. This is merely a receipt indicating my demand letter was received.
Here’s the letter in full, with only the name redacted.
Dear Mr Klint:
We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 14, 2017.
Due to the Holiday Season and since your letter was forwarded to a different address than the one where Aimia’s legal department is located, we were just provided with it.
We are about to forward your letter to the department in charge of retrieving and analyzing your file.
Please take note that our full staff will be back on January the 8th and we should be able to provide you with an answer shortly after that date.
Best regards
[name redacted]
While I would love Aimia to say, “Oh sorry Mr. Klint, how much shall we make the cheque out for?” let’s be real: the more likely reaction will be a mix of amusement and annoyance. I am not expecting a swift resolution.
Once again, I extend the olive branch to Aeroplan. Any solution will begin with dialogue and it is my hope to resolve this amicably (and publicly). But Aeroplan must take responsibility for confirming and issuing tickets in SWISS First, failing to notify me for over a week that it cancelled the tickets, and not offering a comparable alternate itinerary. Actually, we already agree on that. The devil will be in the details.
To be continued…

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Hoping you put the boot in…and as far as possible!
Yeah, Aeroplan. I’m really proud of you. You guys are clearly so capable and intelligent that you can perform the extremely difficult and time-consuming task known as “typing an email of receipt” in the incredibly short time of three weeks. Should I send them a check as a reward for their incredible accomplishment? Or should I threaten lawsuit instead? What a truly pathetic email, and I wholeheartedly believe that. Its a sad thing that those people are so incompetent that they can’t take five minutes to let you know that they got your email. If they were truly taking you seriously, they’d have responded two weeks ago, and you’d have solved the case. My response to this is simple: I am eternally grateful that Aeroplan is leaving Air Canada soon, the airline industry will be better without it.
Aeroplan is not leaving Air Canada; Air Canada is leaving Aeroplan. My prediction is that Aeroplan files for bankruptcy protection before 2019. If you have points use them before then.
@Aztec: Thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected. Just know that with Aeroplan, they’re children, and don’t understand basic business etiquette. The concept of punctuality makes no sense to those folks.
We can hope you don’t sell out. Get some money and sign an NDA and don’t talk about it again.
If you get a check make sure talk about it etc etc.
I don’t plan on it…