Two bratty children A pilot and a flight attendant got into a kerfuffle on an American Airlines flight over an empty pizza box, with the flight attendant refusing to take it, the pilot leaving it in the aisle, then the flight attendant and his colleagues kicking it down the aisle and steadfastly refusing to pick it up over the next two hours. And these are the people we rely on to safely transport us?
American Airlines Flight Attendants Are Not Interested In Disposing Of Your Personal Garbage
An off-duty pilot (flying as a “paying passenger”) in the main cabin between Miami (MIA) and Chicago (ORD) shared his story on a pilot’s forum:
AA service is horrible. Last week as a paying passenger I brought a pizza onboard from the terminal in MIA. I finished the pizza and tried to give the empty box to a very femine acting male flight attendant as he walked by before departure. He said, “We don’t throw away your garbage.” I was a bit shocked at this new policy he had enacted.
So I set the box down in the aisle (yes, I know, a bit childish). On the 2.3 hour flight from MIA to ORD not only did none of the flight attendants pick up the empty pizza box…..they continued to kick it out of the way as they walked by it. It was still in the aisle when I got off. AA service really is just as bad as Spirit. Not even in the same league as Delta……or even United these days.
I’m glad the pilot admitted to being childish. I also wonder what he meant by describing the male flight attendant as “feminine acting” and hope that he’s not implying the flight attendant was bad because he was gay.
View From The Wing right notes, “There’s not enough room in many coach seats to work with the meal tray still there,” and that’s certainly true if you have a big box of pizza. Considering that economy class passengers on this flight receive a small packet of pretzels or Biscoff cookies, I also cannot blame the pilot for bringing his own meal onboard.
And yes, the flight attendant should have taken it…for goodness sake, how lazy can you get? And how lazy was the entire crew if they just kept walking over it and kicking it to the side during the flight?
But of course, this pilot is a passive-aggressive tool and could have gotten up and set it on the counter of the rear galley or at least tried to stuff it down the trash receptacle in the lavatory.
Immature behavior all-around here…

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And, why is this story being retold here?
In hopes that there will not be any repeat-performances…
@Matthew … A word to the wise : avoid such low quality gossip regardless of the source , and avoid repeating such stories to your mature audience .
There are many pilot forums where such a low quality gossip would not appear , for example PPRUNE ( “Professional Pilots Rumour Network” in the UK )
You have dignity and classy quality , and this gossip is neither . I don’t blame you … I blame the original source .
If he avoided the gossip, where would he get click bait?
Spot on….
How he expects to be taken seriously as an industry analyst when posting crap like this is amazing to me….but if clicks pay, that becomes his only impetus….
Clicks do pay. Keep that in perspective. Don’t like the story? Don’t read it. There’s plenty to read each day.
He means the guys a twink for lords sake! What do you think……! So what
Yes, I know what he meant.
I imagine this is not news to you, Matt. I’ve worked and socialized with thousands of feminine demeanor men who are married to a woman, have children and follow sports.
Me too. Anyway, I just thought the pilot was speaking in code that he hates gay people. Maybe I’m wrong…
Stop trying to play victim. Hate isn’t the word. They are a cancer to the industry. They are more dramatic than any females. They are constantly in the middle of turmoil and drama. They cause problems between crew members. The majority of pilots hate flying with several gays.
We’re EVERYWHERE Joe Fly Boy…and we handle your food!
You’re wrong about the “majority of pilots”…just bigoted, insecure asss-wipes like yourself don’t like gay flight attendants. If we bother you so much, you are in the wrong industry. We’re here…and not going anywhere. AND BTW, the gay FAs I know, are some of the most professional, hard working and funniest coworkers that I’ve ever met in my nearly 40 years here. It’s YOU, FLY BOY (perfect name) YOU and your arrogance and cowardice are the problem. And the original pizza pilot is ignorant jerk too…he’d be glad I wasn’t working that flight. He’d be meeting with the Chief pilot for BS like that…..
Thanks for the knowledge that you petty c#ck suckers are willing to spit in customers drinks and food with your c#m covered mouths. At least you are easy to spot with your actions and mannerisms, along with the usual rainbow garbage pins you wear.
I’d like to think most bone smugglers aren’t like you, but that’s wishful thinking since they all hate themselves for what they did to their families with their life choices. I’ll be safe and not order a drink next flight and make your job easier. But maybe I’ll take a sh#t on the floor of the restroom early in the flight to give you a taste of what you enjoy.
I think the biggest crime here is bringing a pizza on board and consuming it during boarding.
@JK … Yep . For his return flight he will bring a large bucket of fried chicken , and then throw the empty bucket into the aisle .
@Mathew — your blog is better than this.
Go back and re-read your New Years post. Then start deleting garbage like this.
That looks like a safety hazard in the event of an emergency. Both pilot and crew should know better.
The pilot ought to have schlepped his own trash when he departed … the FA could have told him that . The FA also could have stopped him from bringing it onboard from the get-go .
If he had devoured the pizza in the gate area before the flight , he also ought Not ask the gate agent to take the box , and he also ought Not throw it on the floor of the gate area . Duh .
“Almost as bad as Spirit….”
Yes, Spirit where on Saturday I was thanked for my status as I boarded, the F/A had the overhead bins over rows 1 and 2 closed and forbid people from using them unless they were in those seats, F/A introduced himself and took inflight beverage orders for Big Front Seat before the door close, served from a tray and addressed by name, and a different F/A came by and thanked me for my status and loyalty.
Yeah, not sure when I’ve had AA service better than that in recent memory….
“We don’t throw away your personal garbage!” – yeah you do, you glorified waiter.
His FB post showed a picture that wasn’t even an AA cabin. The guy repeatedly posts negative stuff about AA. It was fake news.
Isn’t fake news back in fashion in the US as of today? Criminal Trump, Musk and toXic, Zuckerberg and Farcebook all ‘allowing free speech’ especially lies. The pilot is only following a trend!
He was implying he was gay. The gay FA’s are the worst. Worse than women. They are the worst mistake any airline can make. Over the top inappropriateness comes from their mouth frequently. Yes, the gay flight attendants are the problem.
Not really, prejudiced idiots like you are the problem.
I agree, not every Tonsil Jockey is horrible. Vito on The Sopranos still did his job when needed. And Tom Hanks seemed decent on Bosom Buddies, but not so much in Philadelphia.
The gay FA’s being more drama to trips than anyone else. That’s not being prejudice. That’s stating fact. And we have to put up with their disgusting comments. But now that Trump is in office hopefully we can get rid of this DEI. Stop their ability to sue all the time. Start Terminating them when they act inappropriately.
Hmmmmm….everyone knows the only men who truly despise gay males are those so insecure with their own masculinity that somehow we are a threat to you. Am curious….do you tell gay flight attendants how you feel–or are you a coward and only ‘let it out’ behind the security of an anonymous keyboard?
Gay male FAs are far better MEN, than an obviously insecure coward like yourself.
That argument has been disproven many times sissy boy. It’s not being a coward not saying anything; it’s self preservation. Keeping my high paying job means more than arguing with fairies. I’m far from a coward. Make yourself useful and serve some drinks.
The issue here id that he left on the floor amd expected someone to pick up for him if he had handle ro thwy hands wouls have been a diferent story.
BTW–Klint, you have been a total gossip monger–it’s ridiculous you post crap like this. It truly shows a complete lack of seriousness and professionalism. So much for be a respected travel-industry expert… You’re more like an online Jerry Springer for airline and airline crew gossip, rumors, innuendo and drama….
These posts allow me to provide other material you may find more serious, or worthy, or engaging and allow me to maintain my independence. As I said above, it’s easy enough to avoid clickbait like this…
Well you’re honest. You post clickbait for $$$ despite the fact that it completely destroys your integrity. Further, you allow hateful, bigoted, offensive replies to your clickbait with no issues. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. And all of these arm-chair homophobes would be fired immediately if they were brave enough to sign their real names..
You say it “completely destroys” my credibility but I don’t believe that is true at all (or else I would not post it). Others are free to judge me as they see fit, but these sorts of stories are interesting, often funny, and a break from the very serious world we live in. And I think my transparent admission that these stories pay the bill and therefore help to make the more substantive content possible is a display of integrity.