I grew up in the 90s during the Beanie Babies craze. It was real. Looking back, it was pathetic how much money I spent on these little stuffed things that are now probably in a box gathering dust somewhere at my parent’s house. But a beanie for a baby on United Airlines has captivated the world and is a beautiful story.
Beanie For A Baby On A United Airlines Flight To Newark
Romey was five months old. It was her first trip. The flight down to Cabo San Lucas was uneventful, but babies all around her were crying on the flight back to Newark. However, Romey was fascinated by the woman sitting next to her, who was crocheting. Meegan Rubin was touched and used the flight (five hours) to crochet a beanie for baby Romey.
She finished just as the flight was landing:
Watch on TikTok
What a beautiful baby!
And what a great story. The world is full of bad news (I’ve got another bad news story on deck about a problematic passenger), but I love covering stories like this. Few things are more beautiful than when humans are kind to one another: when a stranger shows love, especially in an environment like an airplane in which the very presence of a baby often induces hostility.
I fished out a beanie baby once for my daughter and she responded by immediately ripping off the “ty” heart-shaped tag on it. If there ever was any value in it, there is not anymore. But one of our favorite earthly items is a blanket knit by our neighbor Kim. There’s nothing like something handmade with love.
I cannot claim credit for the title…I read the story on View From The Wing and the witty (or perhaps corny, but I liked it) title was suggested by reader Ken A. But I do love this story.
image: kellyryan49 / TikTok

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I wonder how many other people will click on this thinking they are going to read a story about a baby being born on a United flight…
Also the BBs in your parents home could get a good value on sites like eBay…
I thought the exact same thing. Beyond scary.
You’re joining the human race. Thats a good sign.
Beautiful baby and beautiful work on the cap. What a kind gesture.
Separate from the story why are so many NYers flying 5 hours to get to a warm beach. I mean Cabo is nice, but not that much vs other Mexican or Caribbean locations. And I don’t think much cheaper or luxurious. It’s Cancun for West Coast people because it’s close for them.
Not like it’s Hawaii and that genuinely different.
In german that headline would not work, right? lol
The Beanie Buddle is a fascinating documentary on Apple TV https://time.com/6299371/the-beanie-bubble-true-story-apple-tv/
That baby is adorable. The knitter was probably very happy to have a speed project during the flight. A win-win.
Bubble, not buddle, darn autocorrect
I flew next to a Polish woman with a small boy from LAX-WAW and it was one of the best flights I took. The child was well behaved and she was an interesting person. We chatted about Polish gossip.
To prep my 4 year old for her first flight, I took her to Reagan a week early and showed her the planes, security check-in, and got a donut and she could hardly wait to fly. She boarded and quickly sat down like a pro, put on her belt. and connected to the IFE. Flying with her is a pleasure for the past 3 years. Ok, not always. One time she was being bratty and I took her for a timeout on Lufthansa to the lavs a level down, sat with her for 2 minutes, and took her up and the Germans approved. She calmly went to sleep next to mommy and all was well.
Kids can do well on flights if they’re acclimated and prepared.