A woman who proudly calls herself “Fat Trophy Wife” claims she was harassed by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant over her choice to wear a crop top before being thrown off the flight, even after she covered up her midriff.
“Fat Trophy Wife” Thrown Off Alaska Airlines Flight For Wearing Crop Top
She was traveling to Fairbanks and chose to wear what appeared to be bicycling shorts and a crop top on the flight. Her “private parts” were fully covered. She claims that flight attendants approached her multiple times and berated her for her choice of wardrobe. Furthermore, she claims that when asked to cover up her exposed midriff, she pulled down her shirt immediately.
Nevertheless, she was removed from the flight by police, so I have to imagine that things got tense onboard.
In a video posted on TikTok, she is seen being escorted off the flight and later sitting down with police officers to discuss what happened.
Watch on TikTok
Watch on TikTok
She whines that she is being detained, despite very clearly being told by the officer that she is there on a voluntary basis and they just trying to help mediate.
“I was harassed about my outfit…They asked me to put my shirt on, I put my shirt back on, and then they approached me again, saying that I can’t wear this, my stomach is showing and it’s inappropriate. And I said ‘I’m covered up, I’m fine.'”
Before we say that Alaska Airlines targets passengers of size, it’s worth noting that a skinny girl was also shamed by a flight attendant on Alaska Airlines over a crop top just one month ago. While she complied and wasn’t thrown off, the two incidents unfolded in a very similar fashion.
Personally, I don’t want to see anyone’s stomach when I’m on an airplane. In this case, the very name “Fat Trophy Wife” and the way she chooses to dress is all about bringing attention to her. I don’t find that empowering, but pathetic. At the same time, I respect her self-confidence and I don’t find her wardrobe choice offensive enough to remove her.
Alaska Airlines apologized to the skinny girl a month ago…we’ll see if they apologize here.
Sometimes I wonder if people like this want to be thrown off a flight for the attention it will bring. In any case, I’m not convinced she was fat-shamed as much as Alaska Airlines seems uncomfortable with crop tops no matter the passenger size.
(H/T: Paddle Your Own Kanoo)

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I don’t care that her shirt doesn’t cover her stomach, but I do care that her mask doesn’t cover her nose.
Attention-seeking social media “insert appropriate term”.
I hope you get a duck.
Truly sad cry for attention! Unfortunately the world .. well, the US, is full of people in the same quest for validation. If it isn’t a crop top, it’s foul language and crass behaviour! And you’re cancelled if you don’t like it and “respect” it. Where will we be 10-20 years from now?! Truly, truly frightening.
She says she knows the dress code and complied. Actually I’ve seen pax like her on board and at airports dressed similar or worse for 30 yrs …..retired now as flight attendant, airlines do have dress codes for crew and pax. There’s expected etiquette by everyone who chooses to fly since day one. The rules are in place to create a safe and pleasant experience. She’s obviously creating her own ego driven distraction because she’s got a captive on board audience who she feels must be entertained. Sorry “Karen”, you’re act is canceled. 1) read the rules and know the meaning of them. 2) when in doubt, see #1.
She clearly wins the fat trophy.
Its sad. Doesn’t she have a friend tontell her she is a fat skank with those god-awful tattoos amd piercing through her snot locker. The poor woman is pathetic and looking for attention. Needs psychiatric help. Poor airline personnel. No one wants to call out these losers, but they insist upon self-immolation. SAD!!!
That’s an understatement, Nothing Trophy about her. She can’t even fit in the seat.
Disgusting ass men you probably are nasty AF yourself judging someone for being fat
I didn’t know they have tattoo parlors inside a Dollar Store.
I thought Devine died about 15 years ago.
Duck this publicity seeking fat duck.
Duck you
Attention seeking woman knew exactly what she was pulling. I personally don’t want to see all your fat hanging over not to even mention your tattoos.
In the spirit of Flyertalk likely to de facto revamp its “Carbon Conscious Travel” forum material into the Environmentally-Friendly Travel” forum — perhaps in the hopes of growing the forum’s audience and participation — perhaps there should be a “Fat-friendly travel” forum too?
Being a fat traveler comes with its own challenges, including the substantial discomfort that hits due to the tight seating arrangements.
Fat loser seeks attention: news at 11.
I don’t understand the summary of this story though- at first it seems she was wearing a crop top and showing her stomach a little but later her comment is “they asked me to put my shirt back on and I did”. So did she actually take the crop top off and just wear a sports bra or something like that?
In any event, there are some awful comments above showing a disconcerting trend toward intolerance and lack of kindness that I find disturbing. Is it so hard to just be nice or not say something?
Wow, you guys ripping her up, I don’t think she should of been kicked off the plane especially after she put her shirt back on, I mean not everybody can be rhin
Wow, you guys ripping her up, I don’t think she should of been kicked off the plane especially after she put her shirt back on, I mean not everybody can be thin
You people are cruel ,You have no idea why she is heavy set . Her tats are her business ,not yours YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOOK AT THEM. They should not have put her off the plane after she paid for her fare .And she is on a flight that is from a company (a good company too ) that has a monopoly on flights to certain cities in Alaska .Some of us have no other choice but to fly Alaska Air as there are no other airlines that fly to our locations , I wonder if this is one of those flights .Another do as I say or else .
She’s a trophy wife in the sense of 1990s “everyone gets a trophy.” What a disgusting slob.
Well put, Andy K! She is a walking, talking dumpster fire.
Slob? Because she’s fat. You all deserve to burn in a dumpster fire with your anti fat comments. Disgusting.
Anti fat language hurts us all, stop hating yourself and maybe you wouldn’t give a sh*t seeing someone fat or thin next to you.
Participation Trophy Wife
Here’s the thing people don’t respect or follow policies and then when everything goes sideways they claim some kind of discrimination issue. Absolutely ridiculous travel appropriately. She’s lucky that it didn’t want it being worse. And her eyebrows look horrid
Yes, you are.
Classic. A man is claiming no size discrimination for a fat woman getting kicked off when thin women parade airports in crop tops.
Gtfo thin women can wear whatever they want but when a person of size does, people don’t want to see it. You literally victim blamed saying she wanted clout. Us fat people want to exist like the rest of you