In a brazen display of propaganda, Russian President Vladimir Putin was photographed earlier today surrounded by glamorous Aeroflot flight attendants in a bid to bolster solidarity for his war in Ukraine. Do these ladies not realize the pain and suffering they will soon experience?
Putin Flanked By Aeroflot Flight Attendants In Rare Public Appearance
Putin visited the Aeroflot Aviation School outside Moscow on Saturday, warning the West that imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine will be viewed as an act of war and transform the “special military operation” (as Russia insists on calling the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine) to a broader war.
Citing a high risk of foreign-leased aircraft being impounded, Russian’s federal aviation agency, Rosaviatsiya, recommended that most international services from Russian carriers be suspended. Western sanctions now ban the leasing of aircraft or selling of spare parts to Russia, leading some lessors to demand their aircraft be returned. Russian carriers have responded by stopping payment and refusing to surrender the aircraft. There is now justifiable fear that leased aircraft face a high risk of repossession if flying outside the Russian Federation.
Aeroflot has announced that it will halt all international service, except to Belarus, starting next week. All round-trip tickets departing Russia after March 6th will be cancelled while all one-way tickets departing or returning to Russia after March 8th will be cancelled. Aeroflot blames the cancellations on “circumstances that hinder operating flights.” The service halt also applies to Rossiya and Avrora Airlines. Privately-owned S7 Airlines has already announced the suspension of international flights.
Thus, Putin’s appearance with Aeroflot flight attendants becomes all the more curious. Analysts have called the Russian strongman a recluse and he been pictured going to great lengths to keep his distance from advisors and even visiting foreign leaders, reportedly due to fear of COVID-19. But at the Aeroflot Aviation School, Putin made remarks flanked by a quintet of female flight attendants and joined an even larger group of all-female flight attendants for a light-hearted lunch.
Putin in the mood for jokes again during his meeting with female staff of state airline Aeroflot. “Masha showed me how the controls work. I moved some joysticks, it was really great,” he said.
— Matthew Luxmoore (@mjluxmoore) March 5, 2022
Do those flight attendants know that the days of flights to Paris and New York are gone? Are they excited because they are either about to get laid off or work winter flights to Vladivostok?
Meanwhile, conflicting reports in Russian media suggest that Aeroflot CEO Mikhail Poluboyarinov has resigned from his post. Pravda, formerly the official newspaper of the communist party in Russia, and TASS reported the news while cities a statement from Aeroflot denying the resignation.
President Putin made a rare public appearance flanked by grinning Aeroflot flight attendants, warning the West not to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. But behind those grins must be sadness, as their livelihoods and careers are now very much in jeopardy.
image: Sputnik

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I thought the cartoon tables he uses for meetings was weird. This just adds to the list of bizarre behavior he is displaying. What in the world?
Let’s see how much they are smiling when the western aircraft they have grown used to are getting grounded for lack of parts, passengers are using old handwritten paper tickets, and they are serving 14 people on a resurrected Tupelov to Siberia.
Putin is like the evil leader in a James Bond movie (or an Austin Powers one). What a clown.
Putin is not long for this world. He has already lost this war, no matter how many Ukrainians he kills, he will never occupy and hold that country. His military has been exposed as inept and ineffective, only good at lobbing explosives from a distance and turning beautiful cities to rubble. The coming days will be difficult for Russia, but things will get better for everyone once Putin is buried and everyone is dancing on his grave. I suspect that won’t be long.
That would require someone actually doing something. And as these images present, who is willing to step up? This is not some crazed idiotic leader with little understanding of holding power, this is a KGB trained and paranoid leader who is well versed in protecting himself and his agenda. Perhaps in time the sanctions will work and the people will rise up, but in the meantime how many millions will die?
There is an english translation of the full 45 minutes and the questions they asked illustrated the Aeroflot employees know full well what the ramifications of extended sanctions could be, including difficulty procuring parts, lack of intl travel, and domestic aircraft production. Pilots were among the attendees.
Putin even made reference to the supposedly superior legroom on a new Russian manufactured jet
“Do those flight attendants know that the days of flights to Paris and New York are gone? Are they excited because they are either about to get laid off or work winter flights to Vladivostok?”
I’m sure they know that the days of flights to Paris and New York are gone, and I’m sure they also aren’t excited about operating winter flights to Siberia. But I’m going to venture the threat of 8 years in the gulag is all the incentive they need to cooperate.
Here is the full video with translation
Also note the flowers were not ‘showered’ on Putin – it’s for International Womens Day – Aeroflot / Putin showered the flowers on the Aeroflot crews
I say this not out of support or condoning his decisions to invade and lead to the harm of innocent civilians but to encourage spending extra time to glean facts from primary sources before making statements
People supported two years of lockdown and tyranny.
Millions dying with forced vaccine injections…
But, putin invading ukraine is a big deal to everyone.
This country is so strange
Websters dictionary: Idiot. 1. A stupid person. 2. A person of low intelligence. 3. Don on this article.
Yes “forced” vaccines; they put a gun to your head and threatened you with years in the gulag to ensure your compliance did they?
The world desperately trying to protect the weak and elderly from a public health nightmare is so very similar to an unprovoked Russian invasion of a neighboring sovereign country, I can’t believe I didn’t see the analogy sooner.
Thank you Don for reminding me exactly why I continue to be so very disappointed in this country. We tend to show our true colors when it matters most, don’t we?
It isn’t educated or informed to pretend there were not vaccine mandates, and for vaccines with profoundly shorter duration testing than normal. One can argue it was prudent to have vaccine mandates, or that potential harms from short testing periods were less than risk of death from covid. But claiming there were not mandates that forced vaccinations under threats of losing jobs etc is just idiotic.
So many lies here. Nothing but lies.
“Millions dying with forced vaccine injections…” = #fakenews
There are reports that Putin wasn’t actually there and instead filmed this in front of a green screen. Zooming into the video, a lot of the reflections in teapots don’t line up, plus at times his hand seemingly goes ‘through’ microphones.
Given the COVID fears it would make sense
I heard/read this as well. It’s an interesting theory. Who would debunk any of these crazy ideas nowadays? It’s all so surreal.
Goodness a 45 minute deep fake – pease point to other 30 minute plus deep fakes of Putin that reference events of the prior 24 hours and feature 10+ people interacting with him asking varied and detailed questions
Occam’s razor – yes he wants to show he’s not always distancing, and he’s distanced elsewhere to reduce risk of his leaders pulling off funny business on him
No deep fake needed
Putin is a paranoid mad man, but Russia is closer to the US than not. They have a few extremely rich oligarchs that all happen to be white, who are in power mostly through agency/govt. benevolence. And the rest are middle class or barely surviving. Sounds like the US.
Putin is a dictator but the US has loved working with dictators before turning a blind eye to their violence especially if they have oil. So what’s up with the US government’s reaction to Putin invading ukraine. Is this a genuine change of heart in america or there is some deeper angle? Can’t believe Ukraine suddenly has become DC glitterati’s favorite country out of principles. So what’s going on?
NPR told me most career foreign service diplomats come from just 2 or 3 high schools in DC. American foreign policy is incredibly incestuous. Is there a group think, or maybe even conflicts interests? Trump was the first person who brought a different view to some foreign policy. Was he forward thinking or just corrupt?
Anyway, yeah, fight attendants. Really cute. But all the European women seem to have a hard edge. Wish they softened down and became more feminine.
What’s going on is Ukraine is the playground where western globalists can steal and launder billions of dollars and utilize Ukraine’s vast natural resources and control it with their globalist installed government. The whole western globalist apparatus is aligned against Russia because Putin is the only anti globalist superpower and one which stands up for itself.
These Western globalist governments don’t really care about Ukrainian borders or Ukrainian people. They care about pushing their globalist agenda and Putin is the only one standing in their way. The entire western media is in complete alignment from CNN to Fox News to BBC. That should show us how deep globalists have infiltrated every institution and organization in the West. Putin made clear that Ukraine joining NATO would not be tolerated as it jeopardizes national security in the way Russia putting missiles in Mexico would to the U.S. The globalist western powers backed a coup in 2014 and put in people who have been attacking ethnic Russians for 8 years in two regions that have declared independence bordering Russia.
It is ridiculous how people will complain about Putin but ignore that speech is criminalized in Europe and people have been arrested for reading the Bible aloud in Finland and the U.K. Christians were arrested for going to church and christians were bankrupted for not wanting to bake a cake. The PM of Canada seized bank accounts and assets of people protesting government tyranny or who donated $50 to a political cause. Where are the sanctions? Where are the calls for a no fly zone over Canada? Where are the sanctions and asset seizures of anyone aligned with invading Iraq on fake evidence, Libya, or Syria?
The breadth of these sanctions and persecution of Russians means that Russia will have to re-industrialize. They have the oil, the natural gas, the food supply, the natural resources (mines), the 4000 nukes, a government run space program that can actually put people in space, experience building aircraft from commercial planes to the Tu-160 it is building 50 new planes of, and nuclear powered icebreakers. If Putin shuts off gas and oil to Europe, it will be the European flight attendants who will be out of their jobs.
I don’t think these flight attendants blame Putin for saying Europe should be Christian, foreign migrants are harmful for Europe, and lgbtqa propaganda should not be allowed in schools. Every globalist western power disagrees and that’s why they care about Ukraine and using it to undermine Putin.
This kind of crazy drivel is why the internet is so dangerous. People believe all sorts of crap.
Yeah, it’s hard to say whether Jackson actually believes the stuff he types or is being paid to recycle certain talking point from certain other sources.
Pestilence- covid
War- ukraine
Famine- food prices shooting up
Foods – ?
If christians really believed in the crap they are led to believe they would be building arks right now. But they are not. They do not truly believe what they tell us to accept. They are religious only to be clanish. The human need for ‘us’ Vs ‘them’ is strong.
Just scanning through Blinken’s November Charter with Ukraine makes it obvious that no Russian Leader will sit idle and watch this charter take effect – .
This Ukraine invasion could have been the easiest prediction ever.
Being a FSO was my dream. All I ever wanted was to work at a US Embassy abroad. I was a great student, speak multiple languages, made good grades, got multiple degrees, even had great work experience. I would have made a fantastic diplomat. Unfortunately I never went anywhere in the interview process. I think I scored high on the test, but fizzled out when they interviewed people who knew me. You’re not wrong in describing it as as incestuous. Because of who I am, I never had a shot.
Putin is very powerful. He has hackers that can find out where I live when I post. Therefore, I declare that Putin is great. He is a man of peace just trying to de-nazify Ukraine and bring the people together. Long live Putin! Long live Aeroflot!
There will be an epic recession in Russia this year. Putin been so played. There is no way out except ending the war as early as possible.
Win the war only means sanctions or embargo as I would call it, will stay in place.
Everything will stand still even the oil pumps will start standing still as they start to lack replacement parts.
Until Ukraine will be release from the puppet regime which Russia will set up and by then Putin haven’t won anything except dislike from his people and the rest of the world.
I feel sorry for the flight attendants just like I feel sorry for the Russian soldiers (as well as the Ukrainian people and soldiers of course.) The Russian people are not free. Most of the individuals probably have no desire to be in this war. Many Russians have family ties to people in Ukraine. This is a forced war between brothers. So sad. Putin is evil.