A father with a small baby was forced to move from his aisle seat to a middle seat two rows up on a Delta Air Lines flight when a woman with a large “service dog” settled into the middle seat next to him and her dog occupied not only her floor space, but his.
A “Service” Dog On Delta Air Lines Has More Rights Than A Baby?
As shared on reddit, the incident occurred on Delta Air Lines 934 on Saturday, June 22, 2024, from Los Angeles (LAX) to New York (JFK):
Woman with extremely large untrained “pet in vest” had the last row middle comfort+ seat, and the dog is so big whoever sat in row C had no floor space.
A man shows up with a 6 month old – he’s a big guy, tall and fit, and there was no way he could hold that baby in his lap with Rover here.
Lots of flight attendant chaos ensues where they finally find a woman to switch from the front bulkhead C+ middle to his aisle, but she didn’t know the dog head situation…until she tried to sit down. wild. She wasn’t happy – but what could she do at that point??
I know there’s nothing that can be done due to federal law but couldn’t they have a dog-sizer that the dog has to curl up into to prove they’ll fit? It’s technically a safety issue as there’s a large object blocking safe exit from the row.
We can quibble about the “untrained” aspect of this story. I see so many poorly trained dogs wearing service animal vests, but that’s not the point here.
Here, the point is who had to move when someone needs extra space because they choose to bring a large dog onboard.
The woman should have been kicked off the flight…not only is it the height of absurdity that a service dog should have priority over a parent traveling with a child, but the law does not require it if the dog is too big. While airlines are required to transport service dogs for free on flights that touch the USA, this is not a limitless right.
Per the US Department of Transporation, airlines are permitted to deny transport to a service dog if it:
- Violates safety requirements – e.g., too large or heavy to be accommodated in the cabin
- Poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others
- Causes a significant disruption in the cabin or at airport gate areas
Is there any doubt it was too large here?
Furthermore, airlines have four ways to determine whether an animal is a service animal or pet:
- Asking an individual with a disability if the animal is required to accompany the passenger because of a disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform
- Looking for physical indicators such as the presence of a harness or vests
- Looking to see if the animal is harnessed, leashed, or otherwise tethered
- Observing the behavior of the animal
A dog who barks or jumps or sniffs other people…can (and should) legally be denied passage onboard. It’s time for airlines to stop being afraid to ask questions about so-called service dogs or being too timid to observe them for obvious signs of being fake service dogs.
At the very least, the woman should have moved to the middle seat in the bulkhead…swap a middle for a middle seat, not forcing a passenger with an infant who had reserved an aisle seat to have to move to a middle seat.
I’ll continue to highlight these instances in hopes that one airline will finally start cracking down on this within the law and then others will follow.
image: @charles_snarkly / reddit
Come on. American perhaps, but Delta? Tighten up the rules and the enforcement, please. No big pets posing as service animals.
@Donald … Pilot ought to cancel owner’s permission before the hound came aboard .
Yeah, get those dogs off of the planes or put them below. As an asthmatic, it can really be problematic. Who has priority = the anxious person who apparently needs the dog, or the asthmatic, who could die of a result of an asthma attack.
Don’t see many dogs on domestic flights at overseas locations, why does the US allow this BS?
Asthmatic patient has priority . Flight anxiety is more of an emotional support excuse , than a medical disability .
Icarus didn’t have flight anxiety , and did not bring a dog with him .
Why dont we out u below theres no breed restriction for a service dog, idiot
No way I would have a 6yo baby next to that dog.
@Santastico … +1 . What if the dog carries a tropical disease flea or tick , or a saliva TB germ ?
Agreed. Common sense should prevail here. NEVER place a dog in a shared aisle with a child or infant. PERIOD.
Never place a dog in an airplane cabin with a human .
I find these stories utterly amazing and wonder where the fiction ends and the truth starts. My best friend and his spouse have a service dog. She is a beautiful Corgi – who amazingly are considered great support dogs. The spouse has serious anxiety issues (not to be disclosed) and the dog keeps her/him from spiraling off the rails especially during stressful times LIKE FLYING. They spent tons of money on months of training with somebody who certifies ADA compliant dogs. She passed her certification, has all the necessary documents that allow her to fly in the cabin at her owners’ feet – ON THE FLOOR. They will only fly First Class with the dog for their own comfort, the dog’s comfort and the comfort of the people in the cabin. She is amazing … walks on the plane, sits down and stays put for the remainder of the flight, and is finally getting used to the roar of the takeoff. She is a model for ADA compliant service dogs. So, that’s the full truth. The airlines put my friends through hell with paperwork, and usually screw something up until they physically check in. My point here is simple. Every airline can, and needs to put a passenger through a comprehensive vetting process before any dog boards a plane, and gate agents need to make sure the dog will fit comfortably in the space surrounding its master without infringing on fellow passengers. This story sounds like so many other support dog stories coming out of Reddit these days. So I ask … what is the truth … or … click bait ??
Sorry , but I thought emotional support animals are not definitive service dogs . Service dogs are seeing eye dogs for the blind , for example . Or , St. Bernard snow-rescue dogs with a keg of brandy on the collar .
Psychiatric service animal is a dog that is trained to assist individuals with mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Are specifically called out in the law and A LOT of veterans suffering PTSD with no visible wounds utiles such a service animals.
There are also seizure alert dogs, hearing alert dogs and blood sugar dogs. They can all be small
The dog is too big and the woman should buy 2 seats. This disability business is Communism…each according to his needs, each according to his ability.
I want your private jet so let me seize it in the name of the people.
If I have too much stuff because psychiatric wants cause me to buy a lot of souvenirs or bring lots of clothes, I must pay.
No , disability is not communism .
I’m sure you”support our troops” too but forget them when they have a disability and utilize a service animal.
That’s why most of us combat vets see through America’s phoney patriotism.
That’s right, charge these handicapped people more money. You have no idea the private hell many people live daily. You are an idiot to think being Handicapped is Communisom. It’s called compassion.
This is the inevitable result of federal laws created with good intentions. They need to revise this legislation so that there is some kind of licensing system that service dog owners must go through.
I’m allergic to dog and cat dander and had to sit in the same row as a woman with a dog on a full flight.
I understand the allergy issue as I have some and some of them trigger asthma or violent vomiting. However, I am not able to kick people off the flight who wear fragrances or eat foods that trigger my allergies. I make certain to bring my medications as I recognize I do not have the right to control another individual’s choices. My two cents is airlines should have people log allergies when booking. They should also have them log intention to bring animals. Generalities about these should be visible when booking. If someone has indicated an allergy, a person with a pet or service animal would not be able to book in that row or a buffer zone. This would require passengers booking assigned seats. This would also require documentation to prevent abuse on both sides: people falsely claiming allergies and people falsely indicating intent to travel with pets. Also at a certain size service animals (and pets if larger pets are allowed by the airline) would be required to have their own seat. I acknowledge this would make rebooking more difficult. This is not perfect but better than the status quo and acknowledges the competing health rights of those with allergies and those who need service animals and those who have rights to travel with the fur members of their family.
I’m with you on this…and SAFETY should be the number one priority. How will this dog react if there is an emergency evacuation? Will evacuating the dog mean a human passenger loses out?
In Australia service dogs who are permitted in the cabin have a seat blocked so the dog occupies the floor space in front of the empty seat.
Do you see abuse in Australia of “fake” service dogs or does the licencing mechanism practially prevent it?
I have a large trained service dog. She spent over 2 years in training which cost me thousands of dollars. She IS a medical necessity for me and I WILL travel with her. I pray that these people who complain never have the need for a service animal.
Might I ask why a large dog was selected for your service animal? Many large breeds have a much shorter life span and as you have responsibility spent so much in training I am curious. Said with full respect.
Reading this story made me sick to my stomach and mad all at the same time. If a dog be it large or small were to constantly bark the entire trip THAT would get on my nervers, but if a baby cries the entire time on a flight were just supposed to accept it and live with it. That dog has as much right to fly as that baby, and what about the kids that kick the seat in front of them with a parent that does nothing about it. Or a child that is trying to get into the lady passenger seated next to themselves purse, or trying to crawl all over that other passenger. If a dog were to do that OMG! we would never hear the end of it. Most people don’t choose their support dog, the dog chooses their person!! And unlike most kids parents who seem to be afraid they might hurt their child’s feelings by MAKING THEM MIND most service dogs are well trained. I have a ESA, Chihuahua, and I can assure everyone that she does not want to be touched especially by kids, and to make her sit in the floor like some manji mutt is just cruel. She would sit in my lap the entire trip and never want to move. Here’s an idea, let’s put everyone with kids in one section all to themselves, if the kids can’t or won’t mind, make them sit on the floor between a parents feet, and let’s put all these parents with kids at the very back of the plane so that if you happen to have a screaming child it’s at least not right into someone’s ear. Don’t like my ideas do you? Well those if us with dogs don’t like your ideas either. And one more thing, I judge people by the way my dog responds to them. She will never just run up and be friendly to anyone,but if she won’t ever come close to that person, it tells me all I will ever need to know about that person, and my dog now as well as dogs in the past have never EVER been wrong!! Neither has my judgment of bad kids, if their a brat growing up they aren’t any better as adults.
No Sherry, the dog does NOT have just as much right as the baby. The baby is a HUMAN BEING, which is NOT A DOG.
Are you trolling?
Because if not, you are a sick person.
Let me guess, your ESA is now your “service dog.”
I look forward to the day when your dog is banned from every flight.
I don’t want to sound like I’m speculating, but my experience suggests that owners of large dogs are often well-dressed women, possibly white, and sometimes entitled. Once, while I was biking on a trail, a woman with a huge, huge dog blocked the gate entry because her dog wanted to stay there. We bikers almost fell on the gravel road as we had no place to pass and our speed. It seems that people with large dogs often have a common characteristic: they consider themselves very important, while the rest of us are insignificant.
Always dangerous to generalize, but I too wonder why I mostly see service dogs from 1.) women 2.) in first class 3.) wearing athleisure wear.
I was married to someone who was truly handicapped, Most are clueless what it’s like to be disabled. In their own little world it’s like a private hell. If it’s partially or full disability, try taking a shower with just your arms or perhaps just with you’re legs OR none at all. These people usually take 1 1/2 – 2 hrs (with help) to take showers and dress. They usually feel like a loser. People look at you differently because of you’re issues. The handicapped feel different, embarrassed and wish their life was normal. They usually face a lot of failures,depression, they hurt. Handicapped people don’t get out because it’s so HARD on them and the people who help. STOP the bitching and be glad you don’t have their problems. I see people complaining that children are too loud and need their own spaces on the plane. I SEE NOTHING BUT SELFISHNESS IN THE COMMENTS WRITTEN. Certainly sounds like a “ME” world. It’s SAD
I would rather sit next to a service animal of any size on a plane than a 6 month old human baby.
And I’d rather eat your dog than sit next to it.
Back off Matthew, Jennifer is not human and she, too, is looking for a more tasty snack.
My Service Dog is far better behaved on airplane flights than any of your children; ask the the flight attendants! She either lies at my feet or sits on my laps as she is small and alerts me to dangers I cannot hear. She may be cute, but she is NOT A PET!