A “service dog” got lost in Washington Dulles Airport and I love the way that the United Airlines gate agent paged for the owner…
“Service Dog” Goes Missing At Washington Dulles, As Gate Agent Hilariously Pages For Owner
Video shows a very cute dog running through the C Concourse at IAD, with a United Airlines gate agent paging for the owner:
If you’re missing your white service animal, please make your way to the C25 – C27 gate area to retrieve your service animal.
I love the way she emphasizes service animal! United, give her a raise!
I’ve long been against the rampant abuse of service dogs and believe that airlines should have the right to ban these dogs altogether or at least impose strict fines on folks like this, who clearly and unequivocally abuse the system.
A real service animal would not run away from its human…period.
This is a little trophy dog with a fake vest purchased on Amazon. The owner should be ashamed…and banned from United (or at least sent a bill, retroactive if necessary, for every flight the “service dog” was onboard).
No folks, there are too many abusers out there…and I don’t care that you’d “rather sit with a cute dog than a loud baby.” Dogs are not human. Babies are human and babies are necessary for the propagation of the human race and the survival of the nation. Dogs most certainly are not.
If there’s one ounce of good that can come from the new administration, maybe it is finally allowing airlines to crack down on service animals by requiring detailed paperwork and imposing strict penalties for anyone who pulls a stunt like the video above. Just because your dog makes you feel better should not give you the license to take it onboard as if you are disabled without it.
Service animals should be required to be signed off on by a veterinarian, with the vet putting their license on the line by certifying the animal as a service animal. That would cut down on the vast majority of abuse.
Why a veterinarian? They deal with animal health, not animal behavioral training or human health.
Because they’re licensed by the state, know the limitations of animals, and could watch the animals perform tests and then sign off that the animal is not just a pet.
Who would you suggest as a group that would be unlikely to abuse their position in determining a real service animal?
The dog escaped the owner after realizing it had no boarding pass with Polaris seat assignment to access the lounge.
Beyond the lie this is a service dog, at least a responsible owner should assure the safety of the animal. The little dog appears stressed they have been abandoned in an unusual environment. Shame
No dogs on planes, please. As an asthmatic, I think my right to live the duration of the flight overrides the need for emotional support of another human. Put the pet in the hold, or don’t fly.
Actual service dogs save lives and are necessary medical equipment . Bring your inhaler if it’s that bad.
I suggest you are the one who doesn’t fly. How misinformed and ignorant can a person be.
As a severe asthmatic I empathize. However my husband requires an ADA certified service dog for a life saving health condition. I feel all service animals should be ADA certified and all other animals should be banned……unless properly created and traveling from destination to destination.
I am always amazed that, whenever this issue is raised, *no one* mentions the safety implications of untrained gods in the cabin in an emergency. How does anyone know how their dog would react to the chaos of an emergency evacuation (look at those videos of the Toronto evacuation for example). No, no one knows and to have a reasonably sized dog panicking and possibly biting and attacking while human beings are trying to escape from ta burning plane is too late to find out.
JRG DItto for cats!!!!
Not that you care about my perspective, Matthew, but for me the big problem with flying your dog as a pet is that an FA or gate agent can just decide your dog doesn’t fit in its carrier. My dog is trained in her carrier, but several times I’ve been told she is “too big” (which she isn’t). They relent when I point out she’s a service animal. So when I can pay my pet fee and guarantee my well-behaved dog on board, I’ll stop flying her as a service dog.
All of this would solved if they only allowed real service dogs and put all other animals in the hold.
People. Take a xanax! I honestly would rather sit next to a dog than some snotty nose, loud crying child. And most parents should not be able to propagate. Let’s not give them a pass for doing the nasty. 🙂
I’d rather be shot in the arm than shot in the chest, too. But, all in all, I’d prefer neither.
I would like to see more dogs on airplanes and airports, and even more so now, just to spite this blog.
You get to see one on Putin’s leash every day. His bark is worse than his bite.
lol… good one…Putin’s b+tch !
Service animal deserves extra scraps from the Polaris Lounge for such exemplary behavior…. Didn’t puke, piss, crap or hump a stranger (or mistress in public) … More than we can say for a lot of the human (deleted) flying these days !
Bravo Matthew!
Stron in you is the TDS !
“Babies are human and babies are necessary for the propagation of the human race and the survival of the nation”. Really? Are you kidding? I just want to get to my destination without people getting stressed out.
Planes need to be more accommodating. Well behaved dogs (and kids) should be accommodated on flights in a a way that does not inconvenience other travelers and airlines can design policies to do this without people having to claim they are service dogs. We can find a way to let people travel with their pets.
@Dave-who is going to decide if a dog is well behaved? I love dogs, but enough! Planes do not need to be more accommodating for non service dogs.
So apparently Jetway Jesus has a pet?
My Wife is a 100% Permanently and Totally Disabled American Veteran with 25 years of Service to our Country. She has a Service Animal that was provided by K9 Partners for Patriots. After 23 weeks of Professional Side by Side Training the Service Animal still has to go through Yearly Recertification to maintain her status as a Service Animal.
We have spent 6 years dealing with Fake, untrained “Service’ Dogs in Malls, Airports, Cruise Ships and other public venues. Both this Fine Animal and my Wife have been attacked by these untrained Dogs several times.
Our Government needs to intervene and implement a training, licensing and certification system to end this existence of these Fake “Amazon.com” Dogs.
@Stuart: I am 100% in agreement and thank your wife for her service to our nation.
Anyone who brings a fake “service animal” on board should experience what the Romans did with “service animals” in amphitheater. Anyone who brings a child under 10 aboard a plane should have their ability to produce more children surgically removed on the spot. Implementation of those two measures would improve all flights 100%.