A black man has filed a lawsuit against American Airlines alleging racism and discriminatory treatment after he was removed from first class to accommodate an emotional support dog.
Dana Holcomb was booked in first class from Las Vegas to Austin via Phoenix. When he sat down on AA691 from Phoenix to Austin, he noticed his seatmate had a dog in her lap.
I sat on the seat and there was a young lady sitting next to me who had a pet with her, a medium-sized dog in her lap. As I sat there for a few minutes my eyes, my face everything began to fluster so she looked over at me and she asked me if I was allergic to dogs. She began to ask everyone in the first-class section if they would be willing to exchange seats with her and no one was willing to do that.
Flight attendants and the captain became involved. In a video shared with local Austin ABC affiliate KXXV, the captain can be seen pointing his finger in the face of Holcomb. It is not clear what led to that escalation nor was audio of the encounter provided.
Holcomb claims that the captain ordered him into the economy class cabin, but he refused. Over 30 minutes later (it is not clear what went on in the meantime), another first class passenger finally agreed to switch seats with the lady and her dog.
But another first class passenger, Jay Youngdahl, claimed that the captain was not satisfied. Instead, the captain said, “I think this man is going to be a danger at 35,000 feet,” and ordered him removed from the flight.
Holcomb says the flight took off with his bags onboard, including his medication. He also claims American refused to rebook him and he was forced to buy a new ticket for $1700 on Delta.
You can watch his take on the matter here:
American Airlines Tells A Different Story
American first issued a more general statement affirming its commitment to all passengers while noting its mandated by law to transport emotional support animals:
If a lawsuit is filed, American will review it and respond in court when appropriate. We are proud to serve customers of all backgrounds and are committed to providing a positive, safe travel experience for everyone who flies with us.
Regulations require American Airlines to transport service and support animals. American makes every effort to accommodate all passengers, including those traveling with and seated near service or support animals. In the case of an allergy, we work to re-seat a passenger further away from the service or support animal.
Mr. Holcomb’s seat was next to a customer with an emotional support animal. In an effort to accommodate Mr. Holcomb, the customer with the emotional support animal offered to switch seats with another customer so Mr. Holcomb could remain in his seat. Mr. Holcomb wasn’t satisfied with that solution, so he was given the option of a seat further away from the service animal in the main cabin with a refund in the difference in fare, which he also declined.
After all the attempts to accommodate Mr. Holcomb were declined and he refused to comply with crew member instruction, he was removed from the plane. Our team offered to rebook Mr. Holcomb and refunded his first-class ticket. American has not received [a] lawsuit but once we do we will review it and respond in court when appropriate.
Reginald McKamie, Sr., Holcomb’s lawyer, calls this characterization defamatory.
Youngdahl, the witness onboard who backs Holcomb’s account, allegedly told the Captain, “That was a racist thing, sir.” Yet he still got back on the plane. I’d hope that if the events occurred as Holcomb described, I would also step off the plane. I also wonder why Youngdahl did not agree to exchange seats with the dog lady?
In any case, we have two very different accounts to consider. Although somewhat tertiary to this story, this whole incident would not have occurred if airlines were allowed to ban emotional support dogs. As far as I am concerned, it’s time for the law to be changed. No passenger should be forced out of first class to accommodate a dog.
image: Good Morning Texas (Fair Use Exception)

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The truth is always somewhere in the middle …
That was what lazy people said when they try to sound smart. Hahaha
Black dude is looking for freebies… They always do.
Support animals are bullshit and should be banned… Period.. Such a scam
Fellow (whatever race) purchased a 1st class ticket. The he paid for a ticket on delta. Scammers rarely follow this protocol. I do agree with person who said truth is likely between 2 narratives.
As for emotional support animals. Small pers only in case which fit under seat in front. If passenger/s are allergic, let airline personnel handle logistics and they shd know at least 1 hr prior to flight.
Typical of them people. Why do you think most vote Democrat? Its all about the FREE stuff bro.
Bruh, you’re mad at black people and dogs?! Are you even human?
You mean dogs like pit bulls and a group of people known to be aggressive and commit a disproportionately high amount of unprovoked violence?
This type of reasoning is known as “argumentum ad temperantiam.” It’s also a classical logical fallacy.
I was wondering when allergies to dogs or cats would come up against emotional support animals, and who would prevail. And what if the dog owner was allergic to peanuts, and the person allergic to dogs opened up a pack of peanuts?
Actually, I once boarded to find my first row seat occupied by an emotional support dog. The person the dog belonged to moved him, but the dog also tried to run off the plane once while boarding was still going on. The dog was otherwise pretty well behaved, so I thought it was more humorous than anything else. But yeah, let’s be truthful and admit that this is just a way to travel with a pet, not some emotional support, at least in 99.99% of the cases.
Service dogs are trained to perform a specific task for the handler, emotional support dogs have grown to be a scam on the general public. Should a person be so dysfunctional to not be able to cope get a stuffed animal to hug and wean yourself off to a pillow.
My wife has anxiety if you rode with her on an airplane you wouldn’t want to sit next to her without her emotional support dog. I hope someday you have to carry a stuffed toy for an emotional support. Instead of the real thing a dog that can actually comfort you. Or better yet I hope they actually not allow you to get on the plane because you can’t cope with flying in a tight tube. I think if you have a large support dog you should have to purchase another seat. I hope he sues the airline I would do the same. Even though my wife has an emotional support dog that she is around in tight areas or crowds.
Unless you or any member of your wife’s family able to accompany her, she should NOT fly in the first place dude…
She’s the one who got anxiety issue. Why would you force anyone to comply to her needs? What a selfish prick you are….
The truth is definitely always somewhere in the middle. The airlines has to choose between being racist or discrimination against emotionally fragile folks. It’s a lose lose.
“Argumentum ad temperantiam.” It’s absolutely possible that one party or the other is telling the absolute truth and the other party is misrepresenting facts for their own benefit. Whichever party that is is for the courts to decide.
That said, if corporations are people, they are inherently sociopaths and probably shouldn’t be trusted.
Adding a foreign language surely make it looks credible, high class and wise.
The truth is definitely always somewhere in the middle. The airlines has to choose between being racist or discrimination against emotionally fragile folks. It’s a lose lose.
An animal is not some piece of luggage to be stored ( we saw the disaster of that when the poor little French Bulldog was killed on United). If the law doesn’t require the animal to have its own space, it should be changed to require the purchase of a seat ( ie, something similar to that involving musical instruments). Cramming them into the limited space is not going to work well.
So, a little common sense, eh?
Not gonna happen.
Enough is enough. The entire concept of an “emotional support” animal is complete nonsense. Stop the bullshit, stop enabling spoiled children (they may be in an adult body, bit there is something wrong with anyone who claims they “need” an animal with them). You want to fly? Fine. Get in your seat and STF up. Your dog can go in the hold along with the other baggage.
Hey, at least it wasn’t a horse!
Wow. You just showed the world how truly unintelligent you are! Well done sir. How about before you go on spewing a bunch of nonsense you actually do some research and expand that tiny brain of yours. Yes many emotional support animal these days are not truly ESAs, however to say that all of them are basically BS is incredibly naive. I do not condone the fakes as I have a trained medical alert dog myself and it drives me nuts to see those that pose as service dogs, but your lack of understanding at how ESA animals can be extremely beneficial to those with emotional aliments such as PTSD is astounding.
A medical / service dog is different from an emotional support animal. It’s easy to fake an ESA not so easy to fake a medical animal.
Sir amazing reply by you..loved it
After reading this story, I have an issue with everyone involved. First off, the “support animal” BS has to stop. Buck up and fly like everyone else or take a damn bus. For my recent trip to Central America, I had to place my dog in a kennel – because I’m not an entitled snowflake who insists on burdening my fellow passengers with my dog (nor would I allow him in the cargo deck). Make arrangements!
I have an issue with American for enabling this absolute nonsense. It’s totally out of control at this point and instead of reigning it in, they’re standing by as the abuse of this system snowballs.
Lastly, I have an issue with the “victim” here: sir, every bad thing that happens to you is NOT racism! While racist things to occur once in a great while, there is nothing in the story to indicate that this was the case here. No, you simply got the shaft like all of the rest of us do now and then. Quite often.
This is NOT American’s fault for letting an emotional support animal fly… You do realize they have no choice but to allow it… it’s the LAW…
So complain and have the laws changed… The American’s with disabilities act.
It is absurd and is abused like crazy. Really, the only support animal that should be allowed on an aircraft like this is a “seeing eye” dog.
So-called emotional support animals seem to be mainly people’s pets and now every flight features at least one. Do we really have this many unstable people among us? Or is it just that we have that many BS artists among us (which i believe)?
I would say YES… We do have that many unstable people among us…
It is american fault. They kicked a paying passenger over an animal.
A little bit use of brain can moved the bestiality lover in economy. But the captain probably a bestiality lovers too, like much of the supporters of ESA here. So he kicked the nigger….
Matthew: please remove the comment this is a reply to. Read the whole thing to the last word.
Why didn’t American move the pax with the ESA to Main cabin? And why did the Captain insist that this particular passenger be deboarded just because he refused to trade his seat?
You obviously are an entitled, elitist, rich, *other polite derogatory comments*. Please enjoy life as a non-disabled individual. I hope you don’t have any progeny as people like you shouldn’t be allowed to propagate.
ESAs, if used appropriately, is not a scam. It has turned into a scam by sketchy medical professionals who most likely just got out of the opiod pill mill game.
I am disabled. I need my dog. I cannot afford $20k to get my dog service dog trained. Having an ESA used to be a legit way for me to fly with her.
So I guess I should not be able to fly again because too many moh-rons took advantage of the ESA program, and too many moh-rons like you exist.
Hahaha…. Look at you… A disabled who wants everyone around you to suffer because you are being disabled. What a snowflake….
The state / law trued its best to provide any disabilities with proper and equal chance in everything. Then again, will everything be the same? *Hint: that’s why its called disabilities.
What next? A person who didn’t have legs want to climb mount everest so the government must provide a travelator for his/her wheelchair?
Where is the racism? BS!!!!! As for emotional support animals I keep saying: if you cannot fly alone DO NOT FLY!! Someone that is not emotionally ready to be on a plane should not be there.
It is absurd and is abused like crazy. Really, the only support animal that should be allowed on an aircraft like this is a “seeing eye” dog.
So-called emotional support animals seem to be mainly people’s pets and now every flight features at least one. Do we really have this many unstable people among us? Or is it just that we have that many BS artists among us (which i believe)?
“No passenger should be forced out of first class to accommodate a dog.” you say. I take it them that passengers could be forced out of economy to accommodate a dog. Sounds a little elitist to me.
Nope, same for economy class. I think emotional support pets should be totally banned from all cabins.
Are you disabled or a medical professional? Then your limited knowledge is exactly that: limited.
What about taking away medical licenses from the doctors who are writing bad ESA letters? That’s a real solution, not your “ban all ESAs”.
I hope you have a great day and collect as much status/points.
If you are so unstable as to be unable to fly without an esa, then you should NOT be in a cramped aluminum tube 7 miles off the ground going 500 mph. You are a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
Spot on except perhaps for Emotional Support Bikers.
With very little to go on, beyond a few disparate versions, it’s hard to see any clear right or wrong on the part of the two incompatible flying partners or the airline staff (assuming their version is true). What’s really annoying is the smug selfishness of an entire cabin of first class passengers, who couldn’t summon an ounce of common sense and offer to switch seats and prevent the entire confrontation.
Also, try reviewing the entire account, but replace the ESA with a seeing eye dog and Mr. Holcomb with a white man, and think:
Would the resultant scenario be any different?
If so, then maybe there’s a case for racism. If not, let’s all go home and count our blessings.
And by the way, Mr. Youngdahl’s comment seems more reactive than constructive or factual. As others have already said, if it really mattered to him so much, why wasn’t he the first to offer his seat.
Come on. What is wrong with people? Even if that was a pet, the guy should have gotten off the plane (voluntarily or not). As the captain said, allergic pax can be a problem at 30k feet. Think of the liability if he went into anaphylaxis up there. This is no different than sick passengers (vomiting, rash, sweating) being denied boarding.
As to whether he or fluffy should’ve been bumped, the dog was just minding its business. He’s the one with the sensitivity. I would also balk at being d/g to coach but I would accept a rebooking in first.
Why would a paying passenger be waived its right over an ANIMAL? Wait…. Only those who loved making out with an animal would ever have that line of thought. Allergies is nothing without trigger. The cabin were made for humans, thus seats are attached to it. Dog would not need any seats.
Sir,I have been reading all.yoir comments and Wow.. I mean every single.comment has a lot of sense unlike these ones by other people here:- “” what about the poor dog everyone should have got off the plane and let the dog sit….let’s spend thousand of dollars to get the dog travelled in different countries….Sir I belong to India I talk to Americans everyday ..what I am not able to understand is why they are giving preference to an animal over a person…..it’s like discrimination of hour own kind…….
Because an allergy is what we call a personal problem. We also shouldn’t be “banning” nuts (even brought from home) on flights etc. If you can’t safely fly, then don’t fly. But don’t come after my dogs/cats/nuts! Even if they had removed fluffy, who’s to say the pax wasn’t already exposed to a clinically significant amount of allergen? TBH, I think this joker should be thanking the airline for potentially saving his life!
The only racism in this story is the racism of the man who got booted from the flight. NUMEROUS pax have pulled the “I’m allergic to dogs” routine when sat next to an esa. Push come to shove it’s the ‘allergic’ passenger that gets the boot – 100% of the time even if it’s a while person.
That is totally wrong even if it is the law and since humans make laws and humans are not fallible therefore there are occasions when “wrong” laws are enacted.
Why should the guy get off the plane? If I needed my emotional support peanut butter to fly, does the person who paid for a seat but has a nut allergy have to leave the plane? It seems ridiculous to me that some random person completely unrelated to the pet would have to get off the plane to accommodate anything that didn’t pay for that seat. To me this is not necessarily racism (this word is hard for 3rd parties to judge so I’ll refrain from comment as others here have taken such strong opinions of…too much unknown to really conclude one way or another IMO), but a situation where the Captain picked his winners and losers. Seems to me that the airline also failed in handling a situation that could have been resolved if compensation was proactively offered to non-allergic passengers in first.
The lady with the dog also paid for her seat you know…
I get that too, but this just creates a scenario where passengers with ESAs are prioritized over passengers with allergies. How do you determine that without upsetting someone. Like I said before, the captain essentially picked who would lose and the airline could have prevented it all if they used compensation to re-seat passengers.
Since the airlines are legally required to accommodate service animals they don’t want to be accused of discrimination against the handicapped, so they boot the allergic person. It has happened many times before.
Different discussion. This issue had to do with an emotional support animal, not a service animal.
For the purpose of this discussion it’s the same thing. The law requires the airline to accommodate both.
She paid for her seat, yes! Did she paid for the risk of her beloved ANIMAL? Your special needs should never discomfort moreover bring damage or loss to others. What a dimwit you are…..
The LAW says she has a RIGHT to that animal, not me.
She has a right to that animal didn’t translate to uncomforting others. If you are not a lawyer, then don’t be a smartass stating the law as you please.
So in other words, you made an ASSumption, proved the addage and now are trying to save face. Gotcha.
In the words of the late Marvin Gaye: Whats going on?
I do a lot of flying, domestic and international.
I remember when seeing an ESA on a plane was rare. Lately there is at least one on almost every domestic flight I take!
It’s either a scam or a very serious epidemic that the CDC needs to look into.
As a legitimate Service Dog Handler I agree that the “Emotional Support Animal” craze has become ridiculous! Many years ago people who were terrified of flying had two options.. deal with it or not fly!! If you’re that unstable inside a plane for a few hours how “safe/secure” are the rest of crew/passengers? Flying overseas wasn’t too easy and took more hours then than now but people coped!! Time to stop blaming others and get help for yourself!
Not speaking to the merits of this case but very often blacks and other groups are quick to bring up race when they don’t get what they want yet there is no mention that blacks and non white latinos commit a disproportionately high amount of violent crime and destroy neighborhoods whether in Rio, in Chicago or Paris. They are more offended someone maybe didn’t smile enough at them than they are about murdering left and right and destroying cities.
I know this man and I know his family. They are very reputable people with great integrity. I’ve known them for years. I have never known this man nor his family have any scandals and definitely never pulled the race card. His father was the founder of one of the largest nondenominational/interracial churches in Central Texas which has often been used for ceremonies for Fort Hood soldiers. So using the race card is definitely not something that Mr. Holcomb would pull. I am really bothered by the use of this word and I am sadly offended on his behalf.
Jackson, you’d be better off speaking to the merits of the case instead of giving your prejudice thoughts on other races. Your comments are opinion-based, hateful, and not constructive to the conversation. In other words, you sound like a fool.
The airlines need to ask the question before you pay for a flight “will you fly with animals or do you mind sitting next to a animal? ” There should be a class action suit. So a person has to suffer because they are allergic to animals? It’s the same as a person being allergic to peanuts but they still sell peanuts on the plane…Jackson you need to stop watching TV, and whatever information you think you know about black people. You probably don’t know any nor invited any yo your home…yes you are a fool
US Department of Transportation has turned our airlines into unsafe dog pounds with their dangerous policies!
Only Service Dogs should be allowed in airplane cabins. Service Dogs should have to pass a test that they are safe around people and other pets. You are in close quarters with others on an airplane. No Emotional Support Dogs should be allowed in the airplane cabins. ESD can ride underneath in the cargo area.
I don’t have an emotional support animal but I was wondering if I could register an emotional support human. After all, they’re better than animals – they can actually speak to me in English to calm my nerves while flying, can intuitively assuage any anxiety I might be feeling. Now, frankly, I don’t have a specific person I would nominate for this role but if a hot blonde twenty-something year old were to come by it would be AWESOME if I could get her to fly free with me, even (or better yet) if she had to sit on my lap and not occupy another seat. This is getting so fricking silly…
Now that’s funny
Your emotional support human shouldn’t let you near an electronic device, as your limited intelligence (which it’s what necessitates your emotional support human) is causing PEBCAK issues. Please rectify this situation.
We all know that dogs are better than people. You moh-ron.
Only those loved having sex with dog(s) will ever stated that dogs are better than human.
Ironically I’m getting ads on your page for places to register a pet as an emotional support dog…happy to send you screenshots…
That’s Google, not something that can be selected or unselected.
Wah wah they did the right thing to remove him from the plane
Leave pets off of planes. Period. Most of the animals I see in airports are just that: pets. The “service animal” moniker is a fraud in most cases. We all know that. If someone is so close to the emotional edge that they need a dog in the seat next to them, maybe it is best for them to take a bus or drive. It’s a matter of time until some emotional frail passenger goes nuts in a crowded plane because Fido didn’t get his steak in first class.
Things like this have gone to far where or when will it stop.
Your service animal issues should be done not when you get on board why should I be inconvieneced when I paid for a ticket you are wrong
As with everything in life, many jerk faces have ruined something that is actually needed by others.
I am disabled and on disability. I have an ESA dog. It is not a scam for those of us who need this tool and use it accordingly. I can not afford to pay $20k to have my dog service dog trained.
However, too many people have taken advantage of ESAs and now the DoT will likely ban them all. And I won’t be able to fly if this change happens. I travel from Phoenix, AZ to Ottawa, Canada every month, so driving isn’t an option.
ESAs should not be fully banned. They should be more stringently regulated and certified. And the owners and doctors the falsify documents or disability needs, or that abuse the ESA flight laws should be fined massively for it.
The author says the laws should be changed, but does not mention how. The tone of the article sounds like an outright ban of ESAs from someone who is not disabled, and that merely wants to collect flight status/points.
Instead of a blanket ESA ban, why not go after the doctors who are abusing their medical license to write ESA letters for people who do not need them. Taking away a medical license for falsified documents sounds like a good step in the right direction, without fully banning ESAs.
Then don’t fly! Use train, cars, bus, etc. Don’t be a selfish prick!
Last night I flew on SW in a row behind bulkhead where a young man held a medium sized dog on his lap the entire flight. The carrier had been placed in the overhead bin.
Why did this happen?
It is a tragedy that so many people today have primary relationships with animals. While human beings used to be our support – now its the animal world
We have gone way too far in allowing people to bring ES animals into the cabin. The worse part is that airlines seem to allow it simply because they can.
No one should be bumped from their seat because of an animal
“Although somewhat tertiary to this story, this whole incident would not have occurred if airlines were allowed to ban emotional support dogs. As far as I am concerned, it’s time for the law to be changed. No passenger should be forced out of first class to accommodate a dog.”
This whole incident could and probably will still occur, as it could have been a true trained and necessary service dog and may be in the future. So this statement is not very useful to the story other than to just express your personal opinion on ESAs.
The incident would still need a resolution in the case of a service dog and therefore should still be something the airline prepares for with a good plan of action.
The real issue at hand here is the continued trend of airlines being put into a position of defending themselves against claims of unfair treatment, racism, discrimination, etc in a variety of situations, and the resulting public relations and image issues related to your incidents.
I’m not commenting on, or supporting/disapproving of ESAs on flights. I definitely agree that many abuse the policies on them, however, a little less personal bias / emotional response in your conclusion, and a little more objective analysis would have improved your article for me.
Remember that to the White Man, once a slave, always a slave.
I think that all animals should be transported in the hold. And the airlines should be required to furnish HUMAN assistance as needed in lieu of whatever service that a Service Animal or Emotional Support Animal would otherwise provide.
Just FYI, KXXV is not an Austin station — it’s based farther north in Waco which covers Killeen where the passenger is from.
First of all, let’s be clear that this man paid for his seat (as it appears his seatmate with the ESA did as well). Given the proliferation of the ESA situation, airlines need to have a protocol in place to deal with this situation. Most importantly, that in a situation when a paying F customer needs to switch seats due to allergies, those who were upgrade to F either need to switch with them or the FA needs to be allowed to start invalidating their upgrades based on priority, either by putting them back in coach, if there is space, or upgrading the next person on the list with the understanding that they will take the paying customer’s seat next to the ESA. In this case, I can’t imagine that there wouldn’t be AA elites on a PHX-DFW flight.
That said, this whole incident does suggest that some amount of racism was involved. Holcomb had every right to request another seat and it’s frankly ridiculous that a paying F customer was ordered to go back to economy on a flight where its almost certain there were upgraded people in F. The fact that after the situation was resolved, a pilot determined that Holcomb was a danger is absurd. From both AA and Holcomb’s description, Holcomb’s behavior was not out of line. He suffered because he was a black man demanding to be treated as the paying F customer he was.