This whole story need not necessarily be framed in a black versus white lens, but this is exactly how a black woman has told her story so we will explore it from that angle. A 60-year-old black woman claims...
Delta Air Lines Passenger Cooks Shrimp In Lavatory Sink…

A man showcases how he cooked garlic shrimp in a Delta Air Lines lavatory…whether real or not, this is not something we should emulate, as humorous as it may be. Man Cooks Shrimp In Delta Air Lines Lavatory A...
How Flight Attendants Shamefully Protect Their Own

Yesterday I wrote about an incident on Delta Air Lines in which an off-duty flight attendant become so “bombed” onboard (after consuming five cans of wine) that she kissed and grabbed the butt of her seatmate without consent and...
Intoxicated Delta Flight Attendant Kissed And Groped Female Passenger, Vaped Onboard

An explosive lawsuit alleges negligence by Delta Air Lines and collusion between an intoxicated Delta off-duty flight attendant and the flight attendants who continued to serve her alcohol. The allegations here are wild including sexual assault and vaping. Lawsuit...
Delta Flight Attendant Cooly Confronts Narcissistic Gospel Singer

There are many elements to this story, but my key takeaways are that a Delta flight attendant should be praised for demonstrating remarkable restraint and that gospel singer Bobbi Storm does not praise her Lord by acting like a...
Delta CEO Dismisses United’s New Boarding Process, Then Says He May Copy It…

Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian was asked about United Airlines’ new boarding process and after seemingly dismissing it, said he would actually adopt it if ends up working. Delta Air Lines Open To WILMA Boarding On October 26,...
Delta Corporate Layoffs: Key Question Unanswered

Delta Air Lines has revealed it is laying off a number of corporate jobs, but not revealed how many: answering that key question seems necessary to me to extrapolate any true meaning from these layoffs. Delta Lays Off Unspecified...
Crazy: Delta Pilot Pulls Out Gun In Cockpit, Threatens To Shoot Captain

Former Delta Air Lines First Officer Jonathan J. Dunn faces up to 20 years in prison after allegedly pulling out a gun in the cockpit and threatening to shoot the captain if he diverted the flight due to a...
Will You Reward Delta Air Lines For Being Honest?

Now that the dust has settled, I am trying to get a feel for how Delta Medallion elites will approach loyalty on Delta going forward. Will Delta Air Lines’ candor about its ultimate intentions deter loyalty now? When it...
As A United Flyer, I Love The Changes To Delta’s Million Miler Program

I have no hope of ever obtaining Million Mile status with Delta Air Lines, but as a Million Miler at United Airlines with sights on eventually hitting the two and three million miler tiers, I find Delta’s revamped program...
Loyalty Still Not Worthwhile At Delta Air Lines After SkyMiles Rollback

Delta has impressively listened to customer outrage and rolled back some of the most stinging aspects of its changes to the SkyMiles program and the to Sky Club access, but make mo mistake: the program remains uncompetitive in terms...
757-200 Business Class: Delta Vs. United

Now that I have recently flown both Delta Air Lines and United Airlines in business class on the 757-200, I thought it would be helpful to compare the two products. Comparing 757-200 Business Class On Delta Air Lines Versus...
Is Delta’s Greatest Cheerleader Correct About “Vulnerable” United Airlines?

This will be an odd piece, for the focus will not be primarily on the subject matter of the story…a story about the vulnerability of United Airlines compared to Delta Air Lines…but about the author who seems to be...
What Airline Status Matches Say About Delta’s Skypocalypse

The fallout from the changes to Delta’s SkyMiles Medallion qualifications has been swift and strong. But here’s what all of those status matches tell us from the other airlines. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new...
Delta Air Lines Reduces Earnings On Partner Tickets

In a move that has largely gone under the radar, Delta Air Lines is also cutting earnings on partner-issued tickets, effectively closing a backdoor that made it relatively easier to earn elite status on Delta. Delta Air Lines Reduces...
What SkyMiles Changes Will Delta Air Lines Roll Back?

Delta CEO Ed Bastian has promised Delta Air Lines will make “modifications” to the SkyMiles program, but what will those changes be? My Predictions For Latest “Modifications” To SkyMiles Program Earlier, I wrote about an appearance Bastian made yesterday...
Delta CEO Admits Carrier Went Too Far, Too Fast With SkyMiles Changes

Delta CEO Ed Bastian admitted that his carrier went too far, too fast with its recently announced changes to the SkyMiles program and Sky Club lounge access, but stopped far short of saying that these changes were unreasonable or...
Pathetic: Another No-Notice Delta SkyMiles Devaluation On Redemption Side

As if the new high bar to qualify for Medallion status was not anti-loyalty enough, Delta continues to whittle away at what little value is left in the SkyMiles program, this time with a devaluation on trips originating or...
Delta Adds More Transpacific Service From LAX

Delta Air Lines is ramping up transpacific service from its Los Angeles (LAX) hub with more service to the South Pacific and a return to Mainland China. Delta Adding More LAX Transpacific Flights The fight for supremacy in Los...
Silence Is Not Golden: Delta Air Lines Made Critical Communication Error

Jonathan Jacobs offers an interesting take on the recently announced changes to the Delta Sky Miles program, focusing not so much on the changes themselves as on the way in which Delta communicated them. The idea that Delta showed...