Imagine you’re on a late-night flight, the plane cabin lights have been dimmed, you’re trying to sleep, but there’s a blinking light disturbing your peace…from a kid wearing bunny ears. Blinking Bunny Ears On A Plane Are Just As...
Help Me Get Home From Europe!
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I have a rare opportunity to spend some extra time in Europe (or beyond) and am thinking about both where to go and then how to get home. I would welcome your advice. Summer Europe Travel: Where Should I...
Father’s Day Is Different This Year
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For the last 4-5 years I have been posting every Sunday here on Live And Let’s Fly, but this Father’s Day is different. A little more perspective, a little more wisdom, and a lot more love. If you are...
Bratty Kid Draws All Over Airplane With Her Marker. This Is Not Okay.
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As the father of two, I have a great deal of experience with markers on walls, floors, clothes, and just about everything else. Even in an act of desperation on a longhaul flight, it is not okay to let...
Marco Rubio Attacks Flight Attendants Who Want To Ban Lap Infants
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Senator Marco Rubio (R – FL) has penned an op-ed in The Hill condemning flight attendants who wish to ban lap infants, calling into question their values and motives. Rubio: Misguided Push To Ban Lap Infants On Airplanes “Signals...
Push To Ban Lap Infants Is Misguided
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: actions have consequences, often unintended, and if the goal is to preserve life, then you cannot think about a single policy without weighing its foreseeable ramifications. Sara Nelson, known as...
Wife Is Livid She Flew In Economy Class With Toddler On 14-Hour Flight While Husband Flew In Business Class, But She Should Be Grateful She Got To Go On Trip…
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The internet is outraged over a man that left his wife and son in economy class while he flew business class. I’m not quite so outraged. Let me explain why. Wife Upset That She Is Stuck In Economy Class...
Catfight Over Window Seat Leads To Massive Brawl, With 15 People Thrown Off Flight
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A refusal to give up a window seat for a special-needs child led to a catfight between two women and ultimately a massive fight between two families in which 15 passengers were eventually removed from the flight. Catfight Over...
Pre-Boarding With Children: How Old Until They Are Too Old?
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I ran into something frustrating on my recent Air France flight and want to discuss how old is too old when it comes to pre-boarding for families with “young” children. Pre-Boarding With Children – What Should The Age Cutoff...
Family Flaunts Toddler In First Class
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A young toddler in Singapore is making headlines for exclusively flying in the comfort of first class. His parents defend their travel decision on the grounds of comfort, service, and health. What does this viral story, if anything, teach...
Leaving Kids In A Hotel Room Unattended…
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A Washington Post producer was arrested for leaving her two kids, aged five months and two years, in a New York City hotel room unattended in a freakish story with an unexpected twist. Is it always unreasonable to leave...
“I Pay Too Much Money For First Class To Be Surrounded By Children!”
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Here’s a story that really got under my skin…a passenger was not at all happy that a couple brought their two-year-old toddler into first class and tried at least three times to get them sent back to economy class...
Toddler Runs Wild On Eight Hour Flight, Jumping On Tray Table
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A video has been posted on Reddit which shows a toddler running wild on a widebody airplane and even jumping on a tray table. What were the parents thinking?! Parents Let Toddler Run Wild On Flight, Even Jumping On...
Want To Sit Next To Your Child On Airplane? Pay For It…
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I’m all for holding airlines accountable, but I do not appreciate hatchet jobs by cheap parents who either should pay up to ensure they are sitting with their young children or not fly in the first place. Mother Angry...
Man Finds Himself Stuck In Middle Seat Between Mom, Dad, And Baby….
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I don’t fault anyone for pre-reserving an aisle and window seat in hopes that the middle seat will stay empty, but I do wonder whether it is appropriate to keep that arrangement when a stranger is later assigned to...
Selfish Jerk Refuses To Switch Seats With Boy In Airplane Ticketing Snafu That Left Him In Tears
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We’ve debated the ethics of seat swapping and the protocol for making requests, but an airplane seating story out of England that left a six-year-old boy crying really makes me shake my head. Jerk Refuses To Switch Seats With...
Passenger Praised For Refusing To Change Seats On 10-Hour Flight So Family Could Sit Together
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A passenger has been praised for refusing to give up his seat on a 10-hour flight so that a family could sit together. In this case, I’m totally on the side of the passenger. Passenger Praised (And I Praise...
Man Rants That His Airplane Bulkhead Seat Was Given Away To A Mother And Her Baby
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A man is angry that his pre-assigned bulkhead seat was moved on SAS in order to accommodate a mother and her baby. It’s an important reminder that seat assignments are not guaranteed and you run some risk by selecting...
Cute: Mom Distributes “Crying Baby Care Kits” On Transpacific Flight
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This is an old story, but it was shared with me for the first time today and I was touched by it and wanted to share it with you. A mother put together a cute care kit for other...
Traveling In Lufthansa First Class With My Family, A 747-8 Flight Review
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I checked off a bucket list item in treating my family to Lufthansa First Class when we flew together from San Francisco to Frankfurt for Christmas. The flight was nearly flawless and today I want to share with you...