While I do not derive any sort of pleasure from blogging about Transportation Security Administration officers constantly being busted for breaking the law, there is a reason I choose to cover these sorts of stories. After blogging about the...
TSA Officer Indicted for Stealing $23,000 Worth of Watches at LAX
While the official Transportation Security Administration motto might be “not on my watch,” the more apt phrase is “that’s my watch” after another TSA Officer was indicted for stealing last week. Paul Yashou, a now disgraced ex-TSO at LAX,...
Follow Live and Let’s Fly on Twitter
Social media tools have never really appealed to me. It took an impostor to get me to sign up for Facebook and I deliberately avoided other tools like Twitter and Four Square because I figured they would be to...
Disaster Avoided at German Airports
Disaster has been avoided, as German Air Traffic Controllers just moments ago called off a strike planned for tomorrow after a court ruled they could not strike earlier in the day. The move comes too late for some carriers,...
That’s One Way to Get to Cuba!
A United Airlines flight from Washington Dulles to Cancun was diverted to Havana on Sunday when crew members reported a “strong odor” in the cabin. Some later reported that a burning smell (Cuban cigars perhaps?) was emanating from the...
Update: Continental Airlines Saves the Day
I was pretty bummed last night upon discovering that a Continental agent inadvertently misspelled the names of 3/4 of the passengers on a complex award reservation, then being told that there was no solution to the problem. But the...
Free Gogo Wi-Fi Internet on Alaska Airlines
Alaska Airlines is offering free Gogo Wi-Fi on smart phones and iPod Touches during the months of August and Spetember. Sponsored by Visa, the promotion does not apply to laptops and tablet devices. Rates for those machines start at...
Fixing an Award Booking that Continental Destroyed
I cannot think of anything more aggravating than spending hours upon hours constructing and booking an award reservation only to find the tickets were issued incorrectly and the prospects for correction are slim. I have been working all week...
Exploring Berlin Tempelhof Airport
One of the most storied airports of all time, Berlin Tempelhof Airport is brimming with history. The airport site was once Knights Templar land in medieval Berlin, and from this beginning came the Tempelhof name. The airport officially opened...
TSA Hints at New Behavior Detection Plan
Could the Transportation Security Administration be moving toward the Israelification of airport passenger screening? Currently, the TSA stations Behavior Detection Officers (BDOs) at 161 airports across the country that look for psychological or physiological signs that a passenger may be...
Alaska Airlines Migrates to Electronic Upgrades, Adds Restrictions
Upgrading on Alaska Airlines is always a pleasure–and often free. You see, the airline issues paper upgrade certificates to elites that can be transferred to anyone and applied over the phone to any fare class, as long as there...
Changes Coming to Hyatt Gold Passport Program
Diamond status in the Hyatt Gold Passport program just got a little sweeter. Staring tomorrow, guaranteed late checkout, twice daily maid service, and more welcome amenity choices are coming. Directly from Hyatt: Effective July 28th, Diamond members can experience...
How to Check for Upgrade Space on Continental Airlines Flights
Gauging upgrade space is not always easy. With the way U.S. carriers have monetized upgrading on international flights, I would think that airlines would make availability easy accessible and actively hawk upgrades when available. Instead, it often takes many...
United Pilot Refuses to Fly until His Crew Meal is Loaded
Was it right for a United pilot to delay a three-hour domestic flight for more than 45 minutes because he did not get the crew meal he was expecting? Flyertalker CaliC shares the following story: So last week on...
United Systemwide Upgrades Can Now Be Used on Continental Flights!
Ben reports that United systemwide upgrades (SWUs) can now be applied on Continental flights. For now, you have to call to request the upgrade, but within the coming days this should be available to request online. I gave Continental...
Could Congressional Compromise Lead to Increased Airfare?
Just two days after blogging about how Congressional gridlock led to reduced taxes on airfare, it seems we may be getting our comeuppance: Congress is working on a deal that could more than double security fees on airlines tickets....
Analysis: TSA Diffuses Full Body Scanner Privacy Concerns
While I am no fan of the TSA, I will give them credit when credit is due. The announcement this week that the TSA will introduce new software on full body scanners that generates an image of a human...
Lufthansa’s Fiercely Protected First Class Terminal
A couple of friends were flying Lufthansa First Class to Denver Thursday afternoon and invited me to join them for a few hours in the First Class Terminal. I was flying to Brussels later in the evening, so I...
Congressional Gridlock = Reduced Taxes on Airline Tickets
For travelers, perhaps there is one bright spot in the ongoing fight in Washington over deficit reduction and the debt celling: reduced taxes on airfares. After failing to pass legislation to keep the Federal Aviation Administration operating yesterday, a...
The Lufthansa First Class Terminal Experience
For the all times it has been mentioned on Live and Let’s Fly and on the UPGRD Network, I realized that I have never written a post describing the First Class Terminal experience in Frankfurt. After a rather amusing...