As part of my personal evolution as a travel blogger, this is an early post from where I joined Matthew and other talented writers (including my husband) which would then merge with Travel Codex, another Boarding Area blog. Finally, we found our home here at Live and Let’s Fly with Matthew. As this is an early post, references have not been updated and may no longer remain accurate. Please enjoy this time capsule blog post.
“What is the best way to tote along baby during your travels?”
“What about the stroller? Should we check it at the counter, gate check it or leave it behind?”
- Baby wrap – A baby wrap is a long piece of material you wrap around your body in different ways so that it will hold your baby close to your body. Wraps are popular because they are lightweight and comfortable, provide a “hands-free” way of carrying your baby, and provide a closeness with your little one.
- Baby strap – A baby strap, or carrier, looks a lot like a backpack worn on the front or back of your body and made to fit a baby. Like wraps, carriers also provide a closeness with your baby, and give you the freedom of being “hands free”, but the quality of a carrier is imperative as some have been known to cause neck and back pain.
- Stroller– A stroller (for our purposes) is a wheeled device that you place your baby into, secure with a safety strap and then have the ability to push around. There are many types of strollers with different features and functionalities (also called a pram).
Stroller Choice

Baby Wearing

That looks like a great stroller for infant travel. It is amazing how much gear has improved in the 9 years since our son was born.
I learned the same lesson with the bucket seat bases!
We were a baby-wearing family. Our son loved his bird’s eye view of the world. I used to joke I needed a stick to beat off the women (especially the grandmother-aged ones) who would thing nothing of rushing up to them, wanting to touch our son and oohh and ahh over both of them. (Both are blonde and blue-eyed and son was a perfect miniature of his father.)
If you are in the market for a stroller for a toddler, we absolutely loved our Valco and put many travel miles on it. We also got a lot of use out of our framed backpack carrier, which was especially great for city walking.
@Heather- That is so true, babies are an open invitation for strangers to come up and overstep any personal boundaries one might have! 😉 When we were in Asia over Christmas multiple people were coming up and taking pictures of Lucy, or just jumping in a quick photo with her while their friends snapped away! It was so funny and odd at the same time!
We will probably be in the market for a new stroller sooner than we’d like, I will definitely check out the Valco. We have never used a framed carrier before, I will look into that too!
Thanks for the comments and for reading the blog!
The framed backpack carriers are nice because most have pockets to store everything you need, eliminating the need for a separate diaper bag. I can’t remember the name of the one we had but I know it wasn’t terribly expensive. I passed it along to a friend and she used it for all of her kids as well. Kelty is a popular brand.
We were at a roadside stand in Turks and Caicos when our son was about 2.5 yo and the owner picked him right up of the chair and started to carry him away. I jumped up, alarmed, and sort of scared the man. Turns out, he wanted to take him down to the beach to select a conch shell from a basket they kept especially for the kids.
When Lucy gets older, Peapod makes a great travel bed/tent for little kids.
if you travelling far from home, Baby strap is my choice for my baby. It is very convenient for adults and comfortable for baby. especially, Baby strap is suitable for moving in any way.
I have a five and a half year old son and a three year old daughter and the both of them are at times inseparable.So, I had been thinking of a Best Stroller that can fit them both comfortably and one that would make them happy equally.then i bought a double stroller from and it was really good stroller. Now 2nd time i have seen some excellent stroller from your site. Some stroller models have seats which can’t sit fully upright for older babies and toddlers – but these simple straps make it possible. Now i my new baby come into the world. now i want to buy a travelling stroller for my newborn so, please suggest me which is the best for newborn baby?
I am a travel loving mom and always like to make travel on my vacation. I’ve a 9 month old baby and I like to make a travel on my vacation with my baby. Your writing and tips is very helpful for the travel loving mom as like me. Can you let me know, which stroller or carrier will be good for my child to enjoy my travel, please?
When i use to travel i always carry BABYBJORN Travel Crib. I read a good review from and bought one. But i never think of a stroller. Next time i will buy one.
On the off chance that you going a long way from home, Baby strap is my decision for my infant. It is exceptionally advantageous for grown-ups and agreeable for infant. particularly, Baby strap is appropriate for moving in any capacity.
A good stroller is a vital piece of equipment for parents to have. Glad you shared Baby Jogger with us.