A 34-year-old British man has been arrested and sent to jail for giving "the finger" to an airport worker at Dubai International Airport. He got into a row with a female airport employee when she refused to let him use...
Why don’t passengers follow crew member instructions on regional jets?
I suppose a more apt question may be why don’t passengers follow crew members instructions on most flights, but I really felt sorry for the SkyWest FA working my SFO-BUR flight yesterday. After the aircraft door closed, she asked passengers...
United Airlines’ Unscheduled Stop in Iceland
When Delta announced they would begin serving Iceland from New York Kennedy, I secretly hoped that United or Continental might jump into the fray. Iceland’s economy may still be in doldrums, but why not have one flight to London...
SFO’s Best Gate Agent
Sometimes, a gate agent can just make your day. Due to favorable wind conditions and UA’s generous schedule padding (gotta retain that #1 in on-time arrivals status), I arrived in San Francisco one hour early this morning, leaving me...
United Integrates Check-In at O’Hare…Sort of
Starting Tuesday, if you’re flying Continental out of Chicago O’Hare, you will check in with United at Terminal 1 rather than at CO’s traditional check-in and ticketing desks in Terminal 2. But there’s one small problem: Continental customers will...
Air Canada, WestJet to Levy Second Checked Bag Fee
Frankly, I was surprised to hear that Air Canada and WestJet held out so long. Fees have been such a cash cow for the airline industry the last few years that it comes as a shock, albeit a pleasant...
UA’s Smisek: Cleveland must "earn its hub status every day"
With a mega-hub in nearby Chicago, word on the street is that Continental’s Cleveland hub will be a casualty of the merger with United. CLE is only 314 miles from ORD. While San Francisco and Los Angeles (UA’s West...
United, Continental Pilots Butting Heads Over Seniority
The dust of the merger hasn’t even settled yet and already Continental and United pilots are quarreling. Let’s hope this sibling rivalry is ironed out faster than America West and US Airways pilots have worked out their differences (we’re still waiting on that)… On...
My Thoughts on Avianca-TACA and Copa Joining Star Alliance
As Fozz reported, in a ceremony in Miami earlier today, Star Alliance announced that Avianca-TACA and Copa will join Star Alliance by mid-2012. Avianca and TACA merged last year, though the two airlines still operate separately and are not formally...
$25 Gift from American Express for Supporting Small Business
From Lucky: American Express is offering the first 100,000 people who register here a $25 statement credit if they spend at least $25 at a small business the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 27th. Here’s how AMEX defines a small business: Eligible merchants...
More Backlash Over TSA’s Body Scanners
More pilots and now a group of university scientists are protesting a TSA security directive that will soon make full body scanners the primary method of passenger screening at airports across the United States. If my constant haranguing about civil liberties...
Four AA Baggage Handlers Charged with Theft at Philadelphia International
Ah, the City of Brotherly Love. My home away from home. And apparently "brotherly love" includes sharing the contents of your checked baggage with AA’s finest employees at Philadelphia International Airport. There are many reasons I don’t check bags...
1,000 United Miles for Mobile Check-In
Earn 1,000 United miles for checking in for your flight on your mobile phone! Available on qualifying flights. Mobile check-in is currently available for any United- or United Express-operated flight within the U.S., Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin...
Should the TSA Ban Wi-Fi and Cell Phones Onboard Airplanes?
Obviously, my answer is NO. But it’s not like the TSA takes my opinions to heart… Here’s the latest buzz: mobile phones and Wi-Fi may be used to blow up an airplane, so the TSA is considering banning them....
Best. Redeye. Ever. (in United Economy!)
Although my upgrade clearance record has been pretty bad lately on morning transcons, it has been perfect on Sunday night redeyes from either Los Angeles or San Francisco to Philadelphia. Last Sunday, however, my luck ran out and I...
Free Inflight Wi-Fi on AirTran, Delta and Virgin America During Holiday Season
Google is partnering with AirTran, Delta, and Virgin America to offer free Wi-Fi on domestic flights during the holiday season this year. From November 20th through January 2nd, inflight internet will be complimentary on these carriers, all of which...
Earn 1,000 Bonus Miles from United Airlines
Earn a quick 1,000 miles from United just for updating your united.com profile. Dear Matthew, As a valued Mileage Plus® member, you should be the first to know about opportunities to earn award miles, partner offers, fare sales and...
TSA to Ban Toner Cartridges Tomorrow
Security Directive 1554-10-05 is out: starting tomorrow, November 8, the TSA is expected to announce that airline passengers will be prohibited from flying with printer ink and toner cartridges, sized at 16oz (by volume) or larger. This ban will cover...
A Surprisingly Stellar Flight on United Express
I always avoid United Express when I can for many reasons. First, I find that mainline crews are usually more professional and warmer than the rookies making $7/hr on Express. Second, although UA’s larger regional aircraft now feature Economy...
New BOB Snack Box Choices on United
Once again, United Airlines has altered their snack box choices this month, available for purchase on most afternoon and evening flights longer than two hours. UA donates a portion of the snack box proceeds (though we don’t know how...