Flying from Burbank to Seattle via San Francisco yesterday evening left me feeling, well…sad. Independence Day has been one of my favorite U.S. holidays since I was kid. One of my fondest childhood memories was the year that I...
Life Lessons From The Death Of A Smelly Passenger?

Earlier this month, I covered the story of a Transavia flight which diverted to Faro, Portugal due to complaints about the ghastly stench emanating from one passenger. The odor seemed to get worse as the flight progressed, causing some...
On Anthony Bourdain, Travel, and Suicide…

When news broke last week that CNN star Anthony Bourdain had taken his own life, I was saddened but not shocked. Not because I personally knew Bourdain was struggling, but because I know how hopeless life can feel sometimes. I’m...
I’m Taking a Break in Hawaii

After nearly two weeks of being away from my family, it is good to be back home. I was hoping my son would still recognize me when I walked through the door and he did…in fact, he came running...
An Update on the Way I Post Trip Reports

I’m listening to you, my daily readers. While most of my traffic comes via Google searches, a big part of why I write is for those of you who come back every day to read what I have to...
The Encouraging Tenure Of United’s CEO, Oscar Munoz

My friend Ben at One Mile at a Time wrote a thoughtful but critical piece on the tenure of United Airlines’ CEO Oscar Munoz. While normally spot-on in his analysis, I view the matter differently. I’m not going to...
The Flight Attendant Bubble

The internet, social media, and technology in general has allowed us to more easily live within our own bubble, a world of confirmation bias and groupthink. My conversations lately with flight attendants have been quite revealing in that respect....
Why I Cancelled My Trip to the East Coast Last Night…

Not that it’s a big deal, but since this is my long-term travel blog I think it’s somewhat interesting to gauge how my travel patterns have changed over the years. I need to meet with a key partner in...
Sobering: “My” Helicopter Crashed into East River in NYC

A sobering reminder of the fragility of human life: the helicopter that crashed in the East River in New York City yesterday was one that I flew on last year. I heard about the crash on Saturday via several...
In Eliminating NRA Discount, United and Delta are Taking a Stand

United Airlines and Delta joined rental car companies in eliminating discounts for National Rifle Association (NRA) members over the weekend. This, folks, is taking a stand. It is not a neutral position. Whether you want to celebrate this move...
I’m Disgusted by First Class Travel for Government Officials

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, Alt Right or Communist, ask yourself this: do you really want your government leaders traveling lavishly on the taxpayer’s dime? U.S. President Donald Trump made “draining the swamp” a central...
Charlatan Kenneth Copeland Flaunts His New Private Jet

Charlatan televangelist Kenneth Copeland has purchased a new private jet with the financial gifts of desperate and confused dupes. How’s that for an unbiased opener? Why not live and let live? Why not just let this go? If people...
Was SWISS First Class Worth It?

It has been nearly two weeks since my trip from Zürich to Los Angeles in first class. Many have asked me, now that I’ve had time to reflect, was it worth it? Let’s put aside the lawsuit for a...
The Tranquility of Snow and Resolutions for 2018

Running though the woods is a gentle reminder of how fast time flies by. My wife and I have a favorite activity whenever in Germany: running in the forest. There are beautiful trails near her parent’s house and the...
Reflections on a Christmas Eve Hug

A very Happy Christmas to you from Germany. Sometimes we find life in the least expected places. Last night I attended a late-night candlelight church service, a cherished tradition. But what struck me was not the familiar lessons and...
How Valuable is Your Time? Airline Bump Economics

Earlier today, I wrote about my oversold United redeye flight, where passengers were offered $2000 to take a flight the following morning. I’m still not understanding why there were not more takers. First, I do acknowledge we are talking about...
Introspection: I’m Now a Real Road Warrior

With the new start-up I’ve co-founded now spreading its wings, I’m being re-acquainted with more traditional business trips. Let me tell you about my trip to New York this week. First, some background. For the past several years I’ve...
Disgusting: FAs Indifferent to Sexual Harassment on Alaska Airlines

The recent wave of sexual harassment allegations is transforming the U.S. landscape and emboldening more every day to come forward with their stories. But such treatment, generally against women, persists…and some practices die hard. Like on Alaska Airlines… I...
A Thanksgiving Resolution

Once upon a time there was a boy who loved to fly around the world using his miles and points. Around the globe he flew, visiting the far corners of the world; meeting new people and surveying new lands....
Armistice Day 2017 Reflections

99 years ago, World War I ended on the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month. We live in a world far removed from the Great War, the war that was to end all wars, but...