Charlatan televangelist Kenneth Copeland has purchased a new private jet with the financial gifts of desperate and confused dupes. How’s that for an unbiased opener?
Why not live and let live? Why not just let this go? If people are happy to follow him, why rob them of their joy? Because gullible people are being preyed upon. What has this got to do with a miles and points blog? Well, let’s not forget Copeland recently explained why he cannot fly commercial.
Yes, I must be one of the demons on the plane…
> Read More: “You can’t get in a long tube with a bunch of demons…it’s deadly!”
I had a far wittier post planned on this topic, but want to save it for a better time. Instead, I just want to say here that discerning people of all stripes, including most Christians, see this man for exactly what he is: a wolf in wolf’s clothing.
Folks, watch the video above. The man does not even attempt to put on a pretense of modesty. And while every cult leader can find some sort of holy text to twist out of context, Copeland bedevils the Christian faith through his association with it.
I get the ontological problem of my argument when millions of self-identified Christian support him and he proudly bears that banner. I also continued to be amazed by his wild success. Copeland is a self-identified billionaire thanks to “love gifts” and “seed money” from the gullible and has been raising money for years to upgrade not only his private jet to a Gulfstream V but every material comfort he finds refuge in. He’s built a lucrative business for himself with the tax avoidance strategies accountant dreams are made of.
But can we please agree that this cancerous strain of pseudo-Christianity will not contaminate the whole pool if reasonable people of faith…and those without faith…recognize and call out hypocrites and charlatans when they see them? Let’s avoid lumping everyone into one group…and that certainly goes for those outside the Christian faith as well.
We’ll get back to our regularly scheduled travel blogging shortly, but I could not resist. The man makes me so sick. And since the topic is airplanes, the discussion is fair game.

He makes me sick.
I have no idea how this is real life
And yet it is.
I’m one of the partners who helped by it for Jesus and His servant. Started with the Citation X. A tool to preach the Jesus to n around world. Of course you don’t mind if sinners have all the money n jets.
tell em Mitch! God’s men need tools to spread the Love and Gospel.
This has little to do with religion. There are thousands of equally greedy crooks across all industries. They are the reason the estate tax should be 90%.
Best title I’ve read in weeks. Thank you.
I find I watch these things like we can’t help but looking at a wreck when we drive. The bizarre nature is beyond comprehension for many of us, but blind faith and magical thinking guide all our lives. It seems people want to have someone they believe cannot do wrong, and there is this curious lure that I have heard from people who contribute to these “televangelists,” and it is amazing to me that they do it with such comfort and pleasure. But, how do you explain all these “religious” leaders who call themselves “Reverend” and wear $10 000 suits with no visible source of income to explain such expense?
Might we admit charlatans come in all shapes and colors?
Where exactly is he going wrong in scripture? He reads and teaches the Bible straight out of the Bible. I went to 2 denominational churches for 17 years b4 finding out that the Holy Spirit is real and He is all thru the New Testament. I have a yearning for God now that I couldn’t find sitting in 2 denominational churches. I HIGHLY recommend anyone bashing him to go and look in the Bible everywhere Christ speaks of prosperity and riches. ……..prosper even as your soul prospers. Is that soul and soul??? Nope. It’s physical. Why would Christ be so vague as to cause a person to believe a lie when reading it straight out of the bible???
Charlatans come in all shapes , sizes , ethnicities , levels of intelligence and religious denominations . Agreed !
Charlatans do indeed come in all shapes and sizes but using God, Jesus and salvation to deceive people is particularly egregious.
This guy is an asshole. Period.
The Bible also yells us to never speak down about brother in Christ. That’s exactly what people are doing with the name calling. God forgive you and u pray He opens your eyes to the truth of His word.
It’s funny how you possibly may be the worse crook, pretending to be righteous in the eyes of your readers who know little about you. I know nothing about the man but selfrighteous attention seekers like yourself make me sick.
I think the Word charlatan is the best description of what you are.
Thank you Mrs. Copeland.
And yet so many people keep supporting these buffoons. There is a special place in H___ for these men who pretend to be Christian.
As someone married to a minister, I could not agree with you more. The whole twisted notion of a “prosperity gospel,” to which Mr. Copeland and his ilk subscribe, is such a patently obvious charade that I can scarcely believe millions fall for it. It twists the words of Jesus into something unrecognizable.
And yet here we are, at a time when evangelicals also brush away improprieties from their own President that, were he any other man, would have had them marching in the streets.
Hypocrisy is among the human race’s worst traits.
100% agree Eric.
They have very sophisticated brainwashing techniques. They kniw how to make people feel guilty for not donating. Scrutinize his sermons
The world rewards charlatans everywhere. How about the charlatans that become multimillionaires while in power while selling the guff about “helping the poor?”
Charlatanism is inherently egregious, but especially so in religion, medicine, law, charity and government.
Be careful when pointing fingers… “You can keep your Doctor…”
Just pointing out how we conveniently choose to overlook the misrepresentations and lies of our preferred charlatans, or saying that our preferred charlatans lies are less bad than those with whom we are not affiliated.
Kenneth Copeland is a man of God and has been for many many years. He does nothing but share the gospel with millions around the world. What are you doing for the kingdom???
His “gospel” is of the devil.
1st Tim. chapter 6 shows where he is going wrong. The love of money is the root of all evil. Where a man´s treasure is his heart is also. In Acts chapter 4 the apostles distributed the money that was laid at their feet to the poor. They did not buy their own boats with it so they could ¨preach in more places¨. Kenneth Copeland fits the description of the false teachers mentioned in 2nd Peter chapter 2.
First preacher in history to believe God for a debt free jet. And pilot it. And use it to preach Gospel on the ground in most free nations on earth! Started with the Citation X and now the V. Glory to God. I helped buy it!
They have very sophisticated brainwashing techniques. They kniw how to make people feel guilty for not donating. Scrutinize his sermons
Its really a very simple matter. Do NOT get involved with these [redacted by admin] [redacted by admin] frauds(K. Copeland, Creflo $$, J. [redacted by admin] Duplantis, Benny Bum [redacted by admin] Hinn etc. etc & you’ll have no issues with your Bible camp; church. Nothing to it.
Kenneth Copeland can go [redacted by admin] himself, along with Bnny Hinn & Creflo Dollar. They abuse the church for their own financial gains.
@Bumiputera Jones – I redacted the profanity in your post as we are penalized by search engines for such words even if they appear solely in the comments. Feel free to express yourself and your opinion with the (nearly) full thrust of the English language with the exception of the words for which are listed as profane.
We have 550,000 homeless in the United States, many more unemployed & more in dire straits. Kenneth Copeland has $760 million/- under his belt, owns property almost everywhere & TALKS about Jesus. Mother Teresa had nothing and yet she was a true apostle of Jesus in every sense of the word. Mother Teresa put herself last. Kenneth Copeland puts himself first. Mother Teresa did everything she could for the destitute. K. Copeland does not want to know about those in poverty. If Kenneth Copeland had a spine, he would not get his church to buy those planes. As for demons, K.Copeland cannot miss seeing a real one in the mirror ! Kenneth Copeland is made up of lame excuses to cover up his pitfalls brought about by himself. He is a complete fraud with NO morals at all. A cunt, to be honest. Copeland is infinitely far from Jesus in spirit.
Wow, Matthew, you really got the crazies coming out the woodwork with this post.
Still, I suppose that being an airline blog one should expect many of the people who believe in the Magic Sky Fairy would be on your readership list.
Copeland, ugh.