Michael Scott, a bumbling regional manager of Dunder Mifilin paper company in the hit NBC series The Office, would be proud of United Airlines. Why? Because United Airlines is mailing out copies of Hemispheres Magazine to its most loyal flyers.
United Airlines Will Mail Hemispheres Magazines To Top Tier Elites
United Airlines hopes to “rekindle the urge to travel and for exploration” by mailing physical copies of its Hemispheres in-flight magazine to MileagePlus members with Platinum, 1K, or Global Services status. Starting this month, copies will be mailed…United claims to be the first airline to mail its in-flight magazine to its customers.
If you don’t qualify, you can still read the magazine online here.
United is quite proud of its magazine:
“Hemi at home” as we are calling it will continue to be the preeminent travel magazine—inflight or otherwise, that United flyers know and love. Think of it as a coffee-table magazine, something top-tier MileagePlus members will be proud to display.
I laughed out loud. Not just because it won’t be on my coffee table (it will become bathroom reading material), but because it just reminded me of Michael Scott from The Office.
Michael Scott Would Be Proud Of United Airlines
Fans of The Office will know immediately where I am going with this. I’m not so much a fan as a frequent flyer, and who can forget those days 10 years ago when the only “in-flight-entertainment” onboard was overhead monitors screening sitcoms like The Office?
Anyway, there’s a classic scene in Season 1 in which Michael shares that he receives an at-home subscription to American Way, the in-flight magazine of American Airlines. Take the 24 seconds to watch this:
This is priceless television!
I’m sure Micheal would be so proud of United for sending this coffee-table magazine to display for others.
All joking aside, bringing back the in-flight magazine is a good sign. Part of me strongly doubts that airline magazines will survive the pandemic, but if they are ad-supported, then I guess they’ll find a way to continue.
Have you missed your favorite in-flight magazine?

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@ Matthew — As a Lifetime MM/*G elite, I am very disappointed to not gain this propaganda perk. Maybe Trump will send me a MAGAzine.
This is Great!
Maybe only mailing to US citizens and Green card holders mileage plus members..
As United Airlines will terminate all foreign passport holders flight attendants..
I look forward to this and will actually read it. Great move by United. That said, is this what they are using their stimulus on?
Thanks, Matthew!
You took the words directly off my keyboard prior to me typing them – to wit, SKY Magazine is always in our half bath. Kinda sad they’ve shut that down, though as you suggest, I too hope they’ll resume publication/publishing when things turn around.
Good clip, very funny scene.
I don’t write a blog many people read. I don’t have an impressive job, a lot of money, nor am I really all that attractive. HOWEVER…
One time I tweeted something complimentary at Air Asia and they published my tweet in their in flight magazine. For one shining moment, my thoughts were shared with millions of budget conscious travelers across Asia.
You write a great blog Jerry. I certainly enjoy it!
Right back at ya!
Another nasty United -bashing article. This is getting old Matthew. Good on United for paring proactive and giving people somethyto look forward to when Covid is over.
Are you serious? This isn’t a “United-bashing” article. This is just a little humor.
Lighten up Dave.. several thousand Flight Attendants who will soon be laid off at United while management pats themselves on the back and pay themselves huge bonuses will be camping out in your neighborhood . I hope you like campfire limericks at all hours of the day you T#€T!!
Lmao!! This is such a joke with all the furloughs the company has and his doing the keep the idiot with this idea. Meanwhile Southwest and Delta are doing televised commercials on cabin cleaning and special offers. That is whats going to make amaerican feel safe and wanna slowly start traveling again.