Doors in business class suites? An unnecessary gimmick as far as I am concerned, based upon my travels and experiences onboard. Business Class Doors – Who Needs Them? American Airlines and United Airlines have hinted they may introduce new...
Lufthansa Easter Duck 2022, A First Class Terminal Souvenir

I flew home via Frankfurt in Lufthansa First Class for Easter, which allowed me to add another special edition duck to my collection. Lufthansa Easter Duck 2022 Lufthansa offers rubber ducks to passengers utilizing its first class lounge facilities....
My Speedy Recovery: Food Poisoning Abroad Is Still A Thing

Just an update to my personal health trials. Earlier in the week, I wrote to you from my bed at the Four Seasons in Istanbul, sick as a dog. I’m happy to report I recovered very quickly and have...
United Airlines Captain Goes On Moonlight Mission To Ukraine

A United Airlines Boeing 767 captain used his long layover in Amsterdam to perform a moonlight mission in Poland and Ukraine, providing help to a people and nation in great need of support. A Special Ukraine Mission For Off-Duty...
Five Ways American Airlines Can Offer A Leading First Class Product

Just a thought piece today on the future of international first class on American Airlines. Not Too Late: How American Airlines Could Offer A Leading First Class Product View From The Wing wonders whether American’s Flagship First Class product...
New Virgin Atlantic “See The World Differently” Ad

Virgin Atlantic is out with a new advertising campaign called “See The World Differently” which includes a 60-second TV ad embracing the individuality of its employees and customers. I like elements of the ad, but still question placing such...
Maudlin Maiden Who Caused Transatlantic American Airlines Diversion Offers Every Excuse In The Book…

Recent police body cam footage offers more insight on an American Airlines diversion in January that forced a London-bound flight to return to Miami due to a disruptive passenger onboard. The passenger’s apology is really a bit much, though....
Delta’s Alternate Reality: CEO Claims Airline Did Not Receive Bailout

Delta Air Lines’ CEO Ed Bastian argued with a straight face that Delta did not receive a taxpayer bailout during the pandemic. Does his claim have any merit? CEO Ed Bastian Claims Delta Air Lines Did Not Actually Receive...
Delta Air Lines Forecasts Profit, Even With Higher Fuel Costs

Delta Air Lines expects to report a profit this quarter, even with climbing fuel costs, thanks to strong demand and higher fares. March 2022 marked the strongest-ever month in company history for new bookings. Delta Forecasts Return To Quarterly...
My (Mis)Adventures On The Dallas Dart…

Someone could have warned me that I probably should have avoided the Dallas DART (light rail) when traveling from DFW Airport to central Dallas. Then again, then I would not have been able to witness a panoply of debauchery,...
My Four Seasons Convalescence Hospital…

A live update from the trip I’m on…it really stinks to be sick, but at least I’m sick in a comfortable place. You may have noticed that posting has been delayed and more limited this week. That was not...
Why I Think The Mask Mandate On Airplanes Will Be Extended Again

Sadly, I now predict the mask mandate will be extended on airplanes at least once more…and I have public polling, recent statements from government officials, and the city of Philadelphia to demonstrate why I’ve arrived at this point. Mask...
First Impressions: American Airlines 787-9 Business Class

I recently flew from Los Angeles to Dallas on an American Airlines 787-9 in business class and wish to provide my first impressions of the flight, a mini-review that touches on the highlights. American Airlines 787-9 Business Class –...
$15,000 Flight Credit To Take Later JetBlue Flight To Cancun. Yes Please!

A video from a young traveler went viral on TikTok for refusing to accept a $10,000 flight credit on JetBlue to take a later flight to Cancun. Eventually, JetBlue found a passenger willing to accept a $15,000 credit for...
Turkish Airlines Will Add 1.5 Million Seats To Russian Routes

Turkey will create a new charter airline with a $300 million backing from the Turkish government specifically aimed offering flights between Russia and Turkey. Furthermore, Turkish Airlines and Pegasus plan to offer millions of more seats between Russia and...
Clueless Couple Winds Up In Spain Instead Of England After Boarding Wrong Flight In France

Madrid is a beautiful city, but perhaps not so beautiful when you think you are flying from Marseille to London on Ryanair and wind up in the Spanish capital instead. Couple Board Wrong Ryanair Flight, Find Themselves In Spain...
United Airlines Raises Baggage Fees To India – Will We See This On Other Routes?

Facing the double whammy of restricted routings over Russian airspace and higher fuel prices, United has substantially raised checked bag fees on its India flights. United says the move is only temporary. But will we see higher baggage fees...
Review: Tunisair A330-200 Business Class

Tunisair has great potential, but the flag carrier of Tunisia failed to deliver in key areas and left me with an overall unfavorable impression on my 8-hour A330-200 business class flight from Tunis to Montreal. Tunisair A330-200 Review Booking...
American Airlines Brings Back Espresso Onboard!

American Airlines has made the small but important step of restoring espresso provisioning to its premium-cabin product on longhaul and transcontinental aircraft. It’s the little things that matter and this move puts the premium back into premium cabin. Espresso...
Why I Don’t Like The Frontier-Spirit Merger

In a post earlier today, I laid out the factual reasons why the JetBlue acquisition is better than the Frontier-Spirit merger. Here are a few reasons off the cuff. If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new...