I’m amused at the public relations angle of the Tiffany Gomas story. The woman who made headlines around the world for claiming to see a ghost on American Airlines has resurfaced at Los Angeles International Airport…claiming that she is “trying to lay low” and refusing to answer specific questions, yet hanging out at LAX in the exact same outfit (and earrings) as she wore during the incident and conveniently running into paparazzi.
Tiffany Gomas At LAX: I’m Just “Trying To Lay Low”
Frankly, I am to the point where I question whether even some of the incidents onboard airplanes are “staged” in order to maximize self-promotion. Take the case of Gomas. She sees a ghost or imaginary person onboard an American Airlines flight, freaks out, and makes headlines around the world. She then maximizes interest surrounding the incident by sending her lawyer out to threaten people who have written about it or posted the video and by also summarily deleting all her social media accounts.
Curiosity builds and finally, she breaks her silence in a dramatic video that garners millions of views.
Now she resurfaces at LAX wearing the identical outfit she wore onboard the American Airlines flight and happens to run into TMZ. In the interview, she claims:
“I’ve been trying, like, to lay low for the most part, but reporters wouldn’t let that happen.”
She also refuses to provide more details, but teases that she will share more at a future point.
I’ve seen TMZ at LAX before…I do think they have a crew there most of the time. But someone had to alert them that Gomas was coming…and Gomes appeared well-prepared for the interview.
Side note: it appears she is in Terminal 2, which indicates this time she is flying Delta Air Lines. I guess AA was too haunted?
Tiffany Gomas has resurfaced by strutting through LAX in the same outfit she wore when the incident occurred on American Airlines (making her instantly more visible). TMZ “happened” to find her. She still won’t share details about the incident, but teases that she will…eventually.
Yes, I’m giving her the attention she wants because this whole incident just fascinates me. Was this whole thing staged from the very start? I’m beginning to wonder…
> Read More: Crazy American Airlines Lady Offers Apology
image: TMZ (fair use exception) // H/T: View From The Wing
I mean, she’s a marketing executive so she knows how to advertise. I know a person who worked pretty high up in Hyundai’s advertising department and she would always say that the saying “any attention is good attention” really does sell in today’s society and I don’t doubt that.
Please pay attention to me!! While respecting my privacy.
She embodies all that is wrong with our popular culture. Where arrogance, hubris and mental illness are celebrated.
She just wanted her 15 minutes of fame to put her face out there. Maybe she’s an actress wannabe and this was her way to get “noticed”,
I wonder if she was on her way to guest star on an episode of “Ghost Hunters”?
I get the impression that TMZ hangs around LAX looking for celebrities. Her “fame” will fade with time. I wish her well.
I notice she’s in T2 – Delta’s terminal. Banned from American?
To wear the same outfit in an airport…..I guess she forgot to take her meds again!!
Fer Chrissakes, it’s “LIE low” not “LAY low.”
lie, lay, lain
lay, laid, laid
Can nobody conjugate simple verbs in English anymore?
I’m just quoting her!
Of course the paparazzi didn’t just show up. What a nutjob. Enjoy your 15 minutes. You’d have to be a fool it develope a personal or professional relationship with her.
So now she’ll be writing a ‘Best Seller’ book.
LAX, huh? She probably was on her way to visit Harry and Meghan’s house where the three of them can hunker down and beg for privacy.
It must be her favorite “freak out” outfit for airline travel, ha ha
After following this rather dubious incident, I do make a few comments…..here in Dallas that’s always her favorite choice of clothing…a Tanktop. So don’t be saying she only wore the same Tanktop to get recognized. Also TMZ journalists are all around the LAX airport going on different flights….with their phones….no cameras allowed past Security check points..must be checked equipment.