Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Tyrone Crawford deserved to be thrown off his American Airlines flight on Thursday.
Rule #1 when you fly: obey reasonable FA instructions. When you do not or give the perception you will not, you’ll find yourself making the walk of shame off the aircraft faster than Alitalia is losing money.
Speaking on local Dallas radio program–
Crawford said that he was sitting in an exit row when he was asked by a flight attendant to check his bag because it was over an inch too big.
Crawford said his carry-on bag is expensive and didn’t want to check it, so he decided to wait for a manager to determine if he didn’t have to check the bag. When a manager never appeared, Crawford said he had the bag checked because he didn’t want to delay everyone on the plane.
The defensive tackle said he called the employee a “bum” for not letting him keep the bag on the plane and refused to move out of the flight attendant’s way for what he called “a minute.”
Crawford was then asked to come to the front of the plane, where he was removed.
So let’s replay. Crawford thinks the carry-on rules do not apply to him because he has fancy hand baggage. A FA tells him that his carry-on bag, wedged under the seat in front of him, cannot stick out — especially in the emergency exit row. He demands to speak to a manager. A manager never shows up so Crawford eventually agrees to check the bag, but not before calling the FA a “bum” and “refusing to move out of the flight attendant’s way” for “a minute”?
What does that even mean? Did 6’4″ Crawford stand up and block a FA? I’d file assault and false imprisonment charges if I was the FA.
Reacting negatively to FA overreach is one thing. But when your bag sticks out in the emergency exit row and is an inch over regulation size, you have no leg to stand on. And calling a FA or gate agent a “bum” is one thing, but blocking someone is a totally different matter.
Oh, but don’t worry about Crawford: he jumped on the next flight and seems to have a bromance going on with AA.

Assault? Your are reaching cupcake
Many people confuse assault with battery. Assault does not mean physical contact.
Only in tort law, not criminal. It still means the threat of bodily harm in tort law, which doesn’t appear to be the case here either.
Maybe a situation where the FA could have noticed the bag was a problem earlier and found a place in the overhead bin? Likely he/she was too busy in the galley checking email while folks boarded. FA’s are like too many other workers these days that think they are entitled to use 25% of their time at work to enjoy social media on their phone.
DT and you use some stock photo of offensive players from 10 years ago when Crawford wasn’t even on the team
fake news
lol yea you consistently post mean spirited articles here that tend to not side with the black guy. Just saying.