A United Airlines passenger was very unhappy about a flight attendant wearing a Keffiyeh, which she called terrorist attire in a scathing post on Facebook. But that passenger now faces trouble of her own after it has emerged that she was likely a United retiree traveling on her flight pass.
United Airlines Non-Rev Decries Flight Attendant For Wearing “Terrorist” Keffiyeh
A United passenger took to Facebook to complain about a flight attendant wearing what appears to be a Keffiyeh, a cloth head covering that can also be draped over the shoulder and has come to be a symbol of Palestine, on a flight from New York to Chicago.
“How is it ok to be dressed as part of a terrorist group and be in uniform working? [UA flight] from LGA to Chicago on January 15, 2025.”
She posted this on a Facebook Group for United employees and when called out for her post, purportedly dug in and refused to back down.
Per JonNYC, United Airlines may be investigating this non-rev passenger, who could lose flight privileges (or if sponsored, the employee may lose them). It appears this was a retiree. These sorts of public grievances are frowned upon when pass riding.
The poster's name matches a 2006 retiree… I’m guessing she’s gonna lose nonrev privilegeshttps://t.co/iOZPdgfz4E
— JonNYC (@xJonNYC) January 26, 2025
Some thoughts:
- Even if the Keffiyeh is meant as a visible sign of solidarity for the Palestinian people in the war against Israel, it is a stretch to call it a terrorist symbol…
- While United’s uniform policy is looser than others and permits accouterments like a Palestinian flag pin, I don’t believe such headgear is permitted
- As I’ve long argued when these sorts of issues arise, I don’t think any sort of political or religious symbol is appropriate on airline uniforms, full stop
- That includes items Keffiyeh, rainbow flag pins, Christian crosses, and “Blue Lives Matter” badges
- The only items that should be visible are wings, nametags, and flags designating language spoken (which could include the flag of Palestine if the flight attendant speaks Arabic or Israel if the flight attendant speaks Hebrew)
Again, expressing support for divisive causes does not support the “we’re primarily here for your safety” narrative. Wearing divisive uniform items is not appropriate in a confined metal tube, especially by someone in a position of authority over passengers onboard.
No, I don’t want flight attendants to express individuality. I want flight attendants to look uniform and focus on safety and delivering great service.
Taking this issue public was a mistake for the United retiree and I think she greatly exaggerates the link between the Keffiyeh and terrorism. But she is right that this is not an appropriate uniform item.
The only items that should be visible are wings, nametags, and flags designating language spoken (which could include the flag of Palestine if the flight attendant speaks Arabic or Israel if the flight attendant speaks Hebrew)
+100 except for the Pali pin. There is no country officially called Palestine.
Not true. There is a country called Palestine. It is recognized by 146 UN member states.
You are given a UNIFORM to wear while at work! That’s why it is called a “uniform”. Wear what you want elsewhere!
I don’t see any religious accommodation reason why this should be worn. Scarf or other modesty covering, yes, which the F/A appears to be wearing. Airline where I worked shortly after 9/11 had a couple of flight attendants who were Muslim and wore scarfs. I remember the memo that went out to everyone saying that this was 1.) allowed, 2.) a religious right just like those others who wore hair in a certain way or wore a wig for religious reasons. The F/A group as a whole reacted very positively and in a supportive manner.
But this… I agree isn’t part of the uniform, isn’t part of an accommodation for religion or a disability. Has no place.
By the same token if anyone used United’s computer system to look up and publicly identify/out the person who posted, that person broke the terms of their employment and should be fired too.
Dganis had posted publicly about past employment.
ALL religious garb is stupid and any company should have the right to ban it. To think some sky wizard wants you to wear a particular piece of clothing is a form of mental disorder.
Passenger was plain stupid. Being able to fly anywhere for free is a huge perk so she should have kept that under the radar and enjoy it. No, she needed to rant on social media and I hope she loses her non-rev perk and enjoy paying for a middle seat on Spirit Airlines. Seriously, enter the plane quietly, take your seat, enjoy the free ride. Some people are just too stupid to realize how lucky they are and destroy everything.
At least there is one traveler that doesn’t insist on calling it a “red fabric,” and wonder what possible connection that could have with certain countries. I’m pretty sure that same travel writer was quick to decry the use of “white fabric” hats on a cruise ship.
*travel writer
Ah, got it. Makes sense now (and thanks).
She was obviously on duty – one doesn’t close bins when just flying – that’s the active flight crew only. I agree – proper flight attire only. You can say what you want about the Keffiyeh but it’s a dangerous article of clothing on a plane, particularly for a flight attendant in an emergency. When her scarf gets tangled up, I’ll be pushing the door out of the way. Besides, why must they continue to ‘shove it in your face’ – I don’t know of any other religion that has to do that.
You should see how people in Florida react when someone wishes them Happy Holidays.
If the F/A speaks another language, it should NOT be represented by a flag. Just a simple tag the says the language,.ie;Espanol. Ther is no place for the divivise politics on bi=oard any liner today.
The United F/A wasout of uniform. However, a modest head covering , for religious reasons is a person right, as is a Kippur.
The tone ;lately on this site, with regards to so many oplitical issues, has become a distraction from it’s role as a blog about airlines , safety, perks, credit cards. I would like to see all political comments moved to another section or off site altogether.
I think a language flag on a name tag is a fairly common and understood method of the wearer being a speaker of that country’s language. If it’s company designed and issued, then it’s part of the uniform, similar to how Disney parks name tags have where the crewmember is from. For example, search for ‘British Airways uniform name tags language’ – BA have also used a symbol for British sign language in the same format.
Given the limited space available on a name tag, I suppose an ISO symbol could be used instead, ES, AR, etc, but that may not be as understood as well as a tiny flag.
Matt claims that the scarf is divisive – why ? Isn’t it better to simply call out the pass rider’s prejudice and arrogance for what it is in the article ? Instead, he’s giving her some latitude.
Matt also claims that the non rev flyer was ‘exaggerating’ the connection of the kuffiyeh to terrorism. What is the supposed connection, then ? Could we get an article on that ?
Also, so many of the commenters seem to think the that kuffiyeh is a religious Muslim garment. It’s not. Nor are Arabs (inccl. Palestinians) universally Muslim. There are many Christian communities in Palestine as well. I’m very proud of United for not changing their flag pin policy and hope this FA is not admonished. Hard to be a global airline about ‘connecting people’ if you’re hiding from the differences and variety that make travel and exploration worthwhile. IMO.
For something as nebulous as a scarf, I’d think long and hard before making the sort of accusations the passenger did – there’s a strong chance they are off-base and the scarf is worn in mourning or solidarity for the civilians lost in the war.
It’s divisive because many of the people who slaughtered Israelis on 10/7/23 wore those same scarves…
That doesn’t make the scarves wrong or evil…just like a white hood has a different and benign meaning in Spain than in the woods of Arkansas or a swastika has a very different meaning in India than in Germany.
But the misappropriation of that scarf by terrorists does make it the sort of thing that a flight attendant should not wear. I have a keffiyeh myself. I’ve worn it before…to keep my neck shaded. I have Arab Christian friends in Nazareth who wear them. But I won’t wear it now because it is code not only for support for Palestinian poeple, but opposition to Israel. And I don’t want to confuse people.
This scarf is a uniform violation pure and simple. I don’t think the FA should be fired or even necessarily disciplined, but she should be told to leave the scarf at home.
We’ve interacted for quite some time and I recognize your position is very different than mine on this conflict. I’m trying to engage you in the spirit of civility and want to also make clear that Israeli settlers should be expelled from the West Bank and that Trump’s plan to “empty out” Gaza is a call for ethnic cleansing…there is no other word. That’s not to show you I am reasonable but to demonstrate to all reading that I cannot be reduced to a shill for Israel.
Matt…while i welcome your comments and honestly I wouldn’t have pegged you for being anti settler (or if you prefer anti illegal land grab), the part that is a bit frustrating to me and why I, in large part, now skip over these articles, is that your coverage is heavily skewed to the Israeli/Jewish viewpoint IMO. I, for example, have never seen or read you write an article saying settlers should vacate the west bank. If i recall correctly you did travel to the west bank (or at least to israel) not too long ago, so certainly the opportunity was there.
its your blog, do as you wish, that is just my two cents. I’m also of the general opinion that most of us would have far more civil conversations in person over a meal or drink then on a message board. so if you find your self passing through phoenix again and want to discuss this topic over a meal and learn from each other, feel free to reach out.
Matt I respect your opinion. You can write anything you want as this is your blog. You openly linked the Keffiyeh to terrorists but why not criticize the illegal settlers in the West Bank. You are pro Israel but you have forgotten they are the illegal occupier and are practicing apartheid. I condemn the killing of Israelis on the 7th October, 2023 but you must also not forget the 75 years of apartheid and land grab, the 16 years of siege on Gaza that led to the events of 7th October, 2023. They intentionally allowed the events of 7th October, 2023 to happen. Ask yourself why Israel can kill anyone they wish in a foreign country but they could not safeguard their illegal borders from Hamas. Even the Israeli newspaper Haaretz itself called Gaza an open space prison. Did you criticize Israel’s discriminatory killing of around 50,000 Palestinian including 20,000 children, the bombing of Gaza from north to south, bombing of schools, hospitals, residential house, mosques and churches and then fooling the world that those were Hamas hiding places? We saw that genocide sponsored by the US and the EU live on TV in 2023-2025. Hind Rajab a 6 year old girl was shot 355 times by the IDF. Imagine what they did to Palestinians when there was no social media starting back in the 1940s.
Finally who rightfully deserves to be called the terrorists? The illegal occupier practicing apartheid or the occupied?
What if we link those tiny hats to terrorism?
It’s not uniform. Why do US cabin crews consistently dress like either slobs, rednecks, or moronic college activists? The chewing gum, the tacky jewellery, plastic hair ornaments, hoop earrings… Their sloppy asses would not even survive five minutes at BA or Qantas, let alone Singapore or Qatar. Trash.
You sum up the US pretty well and just think, they elected Criminal Trump as president.
Forgetting Palestinians for a moment,your reiterations of support for a nazi like genocidal Israeli regime,that murdered hundreds of UN Aid workers,Doctors without borders,bombed peaceful Lebanese Christian villages killing thousands more…is relevant to a travel blog ,because??