Greetings from Santa Barbara, California, where I am enjoying some family time this weekend and escaping the harsh summer heat of Los Angeles.
Change Of Venue, Change of Climate – Escaping The Los Angeles Summer Heat In Santa Barbara
When we left our house yesterday, it was 98ºF. By the time we reached Santa Barbara, it was 66ºF. Los Angeles has beautiful weather much of the year, but the months of August and September are generally quite harsh. I’m so thankful that we can escape the heat with just as short drive north (or south).
The Highlands Inn in Carmel may still be our family favorite, but Santa Barbara is quickly becoming our go-to option when we need a quick break from LA. I must say that I appreciate the Mar Monte Hotel, part of the Hyatt Unbound Collection, more every visit.
No upgrade at all this weekend – just a small room facing the street:
But still comfortable and a lovely chance to go swimming, walk along the beach in the fog of the morning, and enjoy a wonderful breakfast.

The time together is precious…my kids, as you can see in the pictures, are growing up so quickly and I will exercise every moment I have to spend with them and Heidi. Soon, they’ll be grown and out of the house. I’ll blink and they will be adults and I will be an old man (and I know just about any parent will concur…).
But there’s a hitch. Little Claire Marie is big enough now to climb out of her crib (at hotels…at home she has a tall one) but too young to sleep in a “big” bed unless Heidi or I are next other. So guess who slept between us last night while Augustine got a whole bed to himself?
I’m going to get back to my family, but the cooler weather invigorates me and I am deeply thankful for the chance to escape the summer heat.
We remember those sleeping between us years while traveling with our son. Don’t wish them away :).
Glad you get some time away with family.
Spent quite a few night with a kid wedged into the walk in closet or bathroom in the pack and play lolll.
I know you don’t like the sun but beach time is the best imo when the kid are under 10. We’ve been in Italy for a month or two and beach towns are a great place to learn the language, eat locally etc. Roma was fun but when it’s over 100 each day there’s only so much sightseeing kids can take
Fantastic memories. Weather looks very cloudy there. Did it open up to sunshine later on? I don’t like when we leave home and find bad weather at our destination. It makes me prefer to stay home.
I LOVE the clouds! 😉
But they burned off by 11am.
LA is in the 80s all week what’s so harsh?
I mean nice to go to the beach for the kids but also enjoy what you have at home – most of the works envies your LA August
Next week will be nicer, but this last week has been in the 90s.
I completely agree. I live in Escondido and escape to Ventura with family every chance I get. Always nice to find some sea glass and as they decommission the oil derricks the tar balls on the beach are less and less frequent.
Last time I was at this hotel (maybe 2019 or 2020) they were renovating the whole place and a mediocre breakfast was being served in a makeshift setup in a conference room – the restaurant and lobby were completely closed. I never would’ve recognized the new restaurant, looks like a beautiful spot and nice food.
I remember that. That was frankly just for a short time. The hotel has come a long way.
There’s a wonderful playground called Shipwreck Playground about a mile up the beach from your hotel. It’s got lots of fantastic play structures that your little one and big(ger) ones will love. We stop there on our drives from San Francisco to San Diego when we go visit our in-laws. Our son gets so worn out that he naps the entire rest of the drive from SB to San Diego. Glad you had a great trip and were able to beat the heat.
Santa Barbara only wants nice respectful people from LA. No trash please.
Then please stay away, Tom.