A prominent Lufthansa board member has predicted that U.S. borders will not reopen to Europeans until Christmas. Is he being far too pessimistic or perhaps even too optimistic? Lufthansa Board Member: U.S. Will Remain Closed To Europeans Till Christmas...
Review: United Club Houston (IAH – Terminal B)

Although only offering pre-packaged food items, the Terminal B United Club was the least crowded of the four I visited at Houston Bush Intercontinental (IAH) and very much an old-school Continental lounge in terms of appearance. United Club Houston...
When Hannibal Lecter Flies On American Airlines…

I recently watched Silence of the Lambs for the first time, a 1991 psychological thriller centering on a cannibal named Dr. Hannibal Lecter. A recent incident on American Airlines in which a man growled as he chewed on his mask...
Mission Accomplished: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The First Class Terminal

Success! The trip was not in vain. I secured my Lufthansa COVID-19 duck! I arrived early at the First Class Terminal, 5:40am to be exact. Thankfully, the woman from the previous day was not there and I was instead...
The Privilege And Blessing Of Work

As we look back on the Labor Day holiday in the United States and look ahead to the busy fall season, I stop and reflect upon the profound blessing it is to work and what a privilege I have...
“Fat Trophy Wife” Claims She Was Kicked Off Alaska Airlines For Wearing Crop Top…

A woman who proudly calls herself “Fat Trophy Wife” claims she was harassed by an Alaska Airlines flight attendant over her choice to wear a crop top before being thrown off the flight, even after she covered up her...
American Airlines Thanks U.S. Taxpayers By Gutting Consumer Protections

How did American Airlines thank U.S. taxpayers for generous payroll support that saved the jobs of every domestic employee during the pandemic? By further eroding consumer protections for delays and cancellations in its latest revision to the contract of...
Update: A Rough Start To My Lufthansa Duck Trip

An update to my Lufthansa duck story. I arrived in Frankfurt and headed over to the First Class Terminal. It’s a short walk from Terminal 1. This was not to access the Terminal, which is only available to same-day...
United Airlines Adds Lounge Access For Premium Passengers At JFK

United Airlines has (finally) added lounge access for business class passengers traveling from New York JFK. United Airlines Will Use Alaska Airlines Lounge For JFK Business Class Passengers Recently, both British Airways and Alaska Airlines lounges re-opened. The Alaska...
Why I Love The New Virgin Atlantic Seating Concept On A350

I recently reviewed the new Virgin Atlantic A350-1000 in Upper Class and remarked that the lounge area was wasted space. But Virgin’s creative use of this space onboard its leisure-configured A350s, dubbed “The Booth,” is pure genius if marketed...
I’m Flying To Germany For A Lufthansa Rubber Duck…

I know I’m crazy, but hear me out…I’ve decided to fly from Los Angeles to Frankfurt only to turn around and fly right home. Why? All for a rubber duck from the Lufthansa First Class Terminal. It’s truly a...
Courage Or Cowardice? Alaska Airlines Takes Middle Road On Employee Vaccinations

Alaska Airlines will not require its existing employees to be vaccinated or fine them for choosing to forgo the jab. However, those employees will be subject to “regular” testing and other restrictions. In leaving it up to employee, is...
My Flight Attendant Was A Total Karen…And I Loved Her

I’m going to stop using the term Karen as a pejorative. It simply is not fair to the many wonderful Karens. Some additions to our popular lexicon simply do not belong and instead of fueling the cliche, today I want...
Flight Attendant: “We Don’t Go With Federal Law – We Follow United”

We’ve had a lot of discussion on Live and Let’s Fly about passengers unjustifiably disobeying flight attendants, but sometimes it is necessary to stand up for yourself rather than roll over when the flight attendant is clearly in the...
Warning: Rental Car Pricing Is Obscene In Europe Too

If you thought the problem of depleted inventory and high pricing was constrained to the U.S. car rental market, think again. Europe isn’t much better. Be prepared for extreme sticker shock. High Rental Car Pricing In Europe A reader...
Retired United Airlines Flight Attendant Pushing Beverage Cart From Boston Logan Airport To Ground Zero

Paul Veneto is in the midst of a long journey. The retired United Airlines flight attendant is traveling from Boston Logan Airport to Ground Zero in New York City…by foot…while pushing a beverage cart. Flight Attendant Paul Veneto Pushes...
United Airlines Adds New Routes To Latin America + Caribbean

United Airlines will add two new Latin America flights and a new Caribbean route this winter, as capacity and demand in that region exceeds even 2019 levels. Cleveland to Nassau, Bahamas On United Airlines Expanding on United’s growing network...
How A Passenger Defended Knocking Two Teeth Off Southwest Flight Attendant

Vyvianna Quinonez brutally attacked a Southwest Airlines flight attendant in May in a story that made headlines around the world. Not only did she punch a flight in the attendant in the face and grab her by the hair,...
Who Was This VIP On My Paris Flight?

I was looking though some pictures last night in preparation for my next trip report and was reminded of a small incident that occurred prior to a recent domestic Air France flight. It’s a bit late now, but I’m...
Cheeseburger Returns On United Airlines! (Plus Other Fresh Food For Sale In Economy Class)

After more than a year and a half, United Airlines is bringing back fresh food for purchase in economy class, including its beloved cheeseburger. United Airlines Restores Fresh Food For Purchase In Economy Class, Including Cheeseburger Starting on September...