Obviously, my answer is NO. But it’s not like the TSA takes my opinions to heart… Here’s the latest buzz: mobile phones and Wi-Fi may be used to blow up an airplane, so the TSA is considering banning them....
Best. Redeye. Ever. (in United Economy!)
Although my upgrade clearance record has been pretty bad lately on morning transcons, it has been perfect on Sunday night redeyes from either Los Angeles or San Francisco to Philadelphia. Last Sunday, however, my luck ran out and I...
Free Inflight Wi-Fi on AirTran, Delta and Virgin America During Holiday Season
Google is partnering with AirTran, Delta, and Virgin America to offer free Wi-Fi on domestic flights during the holiday season this year. From November 20th through January 2nd, inflight internet will be complimentary on these carriers, all of which...
Earn 1,000 Bonus Miles from United Airlines
Earn a quick 1,000 miles from United just for updating your united.com profile. Dear Matthew, As a valued Mileage Plus® member, you should be the first to know about opportunities to earn award miles, partner offers, fare sales and...
TSA to Ban Toner Cartridges Tomorrow
Security Directive 1554-10-05 is out: starting tomorrow, November 8, the TSA is expected to announce that airline passengers will be prohibited from flying with printer ink and toner cartridges, sized at 16oz (by volume) or larger. This ban will cover...
A Surprisingly Stellar Flight on United Express
I always avoid United Express when I can for many reasons. First, I find that mainline crews are usually more professional and warmer than the rookies making $7/hr on Express. Second, although UA’s larger regional aircraft now feature Economy...
New BOB Snack Box Choices on United
Once again, United Airlines has altered their snack box choices this month, available for purchase on most afternoon and evening flights longer than two hours. UA donates a portion of the snack box proceeds (though we don’t know how...
My Thoughts on the 2010 Frequent Traveler Awards
I had the privilege of attending the first annual Frequent Flyer Awards Ceremony in Houston last night and had a great time. Not only was it great to see many friends and familiar faces, it was great to see...
Benjamin Button Busted on an Air Canada Flight
For those who have not seen or read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, I realize my title may be confusing. Button was a fictitious character who was born elderly and grew younger in appearance as...
Great News! New Bathrooms Coming Soon to Philadelphia Red Carpet Club
Anyone who has been to United’s Philadelphia Red Carpet Club knows that the bathrooms are in an utter state of disrepair. Although the club was refurbished in 2009 and closed temporarily by the Health Department earlier this year, the...
AA Pilots Revolt Against the TSA
Check out this letter from Captain Ed Bates, president of the Allied Pilots Association (APA), which represents 11,000 American Airlines pilots: Fellow Pilots, In response to increased threats to civil aviation around the world, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has...
A Visit to Singapore Airlines’ Remodeled SilverKris Lounge in San Francisco
Earlier this week I had a chance to stop by the newly remodeled Singapore Airlines’ SilverKris Lounge at SFO. It reopened last week after being closed for refurbishments the last few months. The new lounge is sleeker and better...
United’s Dulles Dilemma
With the Continental/United merger now a reality, the future of Washington Dulles as United’s main East Coast hub bears discussion. The current UA facilities at IAD, though functional, are unseemly when compared to leading airport concourses across the U.S. and around the world (and even...
"Would you mind moving from business to economy so my wife can sit next to me?"
I will occasionally run into passengers, almost always families traveling together, who will ask me to move seats so they can be seated next to each other. I think it’s rude to ask, but will generally comply as long...
Brussels to Newark in Continental Airlines Economy Class
Here’ a brief rundown of my return trip on Continental from Brussels to Newark. CO61 BRU-EWR 0950 Dep 1225 Arr Upon boarding, I was greeted by no less than five FA’s who remembered me from the flight over Friday...
New London to Baghdad Service on Al-Naser Airlines
State-run Iraqi Airways ran into more than it bargained for when it attempted to restart service between Baghdad and London earlier this year. Iraq’s flag carrier had been banned in Europe since 1990 and either forgot or didn’t give...
Newark to Brussels in Continental Airlines Economy Class
I’ve been particularly harsh on Continental over a spattering of posts spanning the last week and a half and offer this review of my in-flight experience from Newark to Brussels and back to demonstrate that Continental certainly does many...
TSA’s Mysterious New Pat-Down Policy
Even before news came about the plot to blow up US-bound cargo jets on Friday, the TSA had announced another security enhancement: a "new hand-sliding technique" when it comes to pat-down searches. The TSA is smart enough to know that Americans...
Sandals on Airplanes
After a long day of flying yesterday, I just wanted to get home. I had one flight left: San Francisco to Burbank on United Express. The flight wasn’t full, in fact it was less than half full, and I...
The Return of Pan Am?
I wouldn’t get excited just yet, but another Pan Am reincarnation is in the works. Pan American Airways will announce its return to the skies on Friday, November 12 at noon in front of the historic Pan American Airways Building...